-- File: DBStoragePrintImpl.mesa -- Last edited by: -- MBrown on February 27, 1981 3:41 PM -- Cattell on 30-Dec-81 10:34:48 -- Willie-Sue on June 30, 1982 4:31 pm -- Last Edited by: Cattell, January 14, 1983 6:15 pm DIRECTORY Inline, IO, DBCommon, DBEnvironment , DBSegment, DBStats, DBStorageExtTuple, DBStorageGroup, DBStorageGroupScan, DBStoragePagetags, DBStoragePrint, DBStorageString, DBStorageTID, DBStorageTSDict, DBStorageTuple, DBStorageVec, DBStorageVectags; DBStoragePrintImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS DBCommon, DBEnvironment, DBSegment, DBStats, DBStorageGroup, DBStorageGroupScan, DBStorageTSDict, DBStorageTuple, DBStorageVec, I: Inline, IO EXPORTS DBStoragePrint = BEGIN OPEN IO, DBStorageTID; Assert: PROC[condition: BOOLEAN] = {IF ~condition THEN ERROR}; Print: PROC [] = { -- Maximum printing with minimum keystrokes DBSegment.CheckState[doPrinting: TRUE, printOnlyLockedPages: FALSE]; DBStorageTuple.CheckState[doPrinting: TRUE]; DBStorageGroupScan.CheckState[doPrinting: TRUE]; DBStats.Print[heading: "DBStorageDebugImpl.Print", out: DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]]; }; PrintPage: PUBLIC PROC[ dbPage: DBCommon.DBPage, p: LONG POINTER, fullPrint: BOOLEAN] = { SELECT DBStorageVec.TagOfPage[LOOPHOLE[p]] FROM DBStoragePagetags.Unused, DBStoragePagetags.Free, DBStoragePagetags.AMap, DBStoragePagetags.BTree => PrintPageType[dbPage, p, fullPrint]; DBStoragePagetags.Tuple, DBStoragePagetags.SystemTuple => PrintVecPage[dbPage, LOOPHOLE[p], fullPrint]; DBStoragePagetags.OverflowTuple => PrintOverflowPage[dbPage, LOOPHOLE[p], fullPrint]; ENDCASE => PrintPageUnknown[dbPage, p, fullPrint]; DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["*n"]; };--PrintPage PrintPageType: PROC[dbPage: DBCommon.DBPage, p: LONG POINTER, fullPrint: BOOLEAN] = { DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["%bB: a %g", card[dbPage], IO.rope[PagetagToRope[DBStorageVec.TagOfPage[LOOPHOLE[p]]]]]; };--PrintPageType PrintPageUnknown: PROC[dbPage: DBCommon.DBPage, p: LONG POINTER, fullPrint: BOOLEAN] = { DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["%bB: a page of type %g, an unrecognized type", card[dbPage], card[DBStorageVec.TagOfPage[LOOPHOLE[p]]]]; };--PrintPageUnknown PrintVecPage: PROC[dbPage: DBCommon.DBPage, p: LONG POINTER, fullPrint: BOOLEAN] = { debugS: IO.Handle← DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]; debugS.PutF["%bB: a %g with %g words in free vec space", card[dbPage], IO.rope[PagetagToRope[DBStorageVec.TagOfPage[p]]], card[DBStorageVec.WordsLeftOnPage[p]]]; IF ~fullPrint THEN RETURN; debugS.PutF["*n"]; FOR slotIndex: CARDINAL IN [1 .. DBStorageVec.HighSlotIndexOfPage[p]] DO debugS.PutF["%g: ", card[slotIndex]]; SELECT DBStorageVec.TypeOfSlot[p, slotIndex] FROM DBStorageVec.FreeType => PrintFreeSlot[]; DBStorageVec.UnFreeType => PrintUnFreeSlot[]; DBStorageVectags.TSDictType => PrintTSDict[p, slotIndex]; DBStorageVectags.LString => PrintLString[p, slotIndex]; IN [1..DBStorageVectags.MaxTuplesetPerPage] => PrintTupleVec[p, slotIndex]; ENDCASE => PrintUnimplemented[DBStorageVec.TypeOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; ENDLOOP; };--PrintVecPage PrintOverflowPage: PROC[dbPage: DBCommon.DBPage, p: LONG POINTER, fullPrint: BOOLEAN] = { debugStream: IO.Handle← DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]; debugStream.PutF["%bB: a string overflow page with %g words in free vec space", card[dbPage], card[DBStorageVec.WordsLeftOnPage[p]]]; IF ~fullPrint THEN RETURN; debugStream.PutF["*n"]; FOR slotIndex: CARDINAL IN [1 .. DBStorageVec.HighSlotIndexOfPage[p]] DO debugStream.PutF["%g: ", card[slotIndex]]; SELECT DBStorageVec.TypeOfSlot[p, slotIndex] FROM DBStorageVectags.EString => PrintEString[p, slotIndex]; ENDCASE => PrintUnimplemented[DBStorageVec.TypeOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; ENDLOOP; };--PrintOverflowPage PrintEString: PROC[p: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageVec.VecPage, slotIndex: CARDINAL] = { eString: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageString.EString ← LOOPHOLE[DBStorageVec.VecOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; eStringID: TID ← eString.eStringID; nWordsForText: CARDINAL ← eString.header.length - DBStorageString.SizeOfNullEString; debugStream: IO.Handle← DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]; debugStream.PutF["External string descriptor, eStringID: %bB, nBytes: %g*n", card[eStringID], card[2*nWordsForText]]; debugStream.PutF[" text: """]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..nWordsForText) DO debugStream.PutF["%g", char[I.HighByte[eString.text[i]]]]; debugStream.PutF["%g", char[I.LowByte[eString.text[i]]]]; ENDLOOP; debugStream.PutF["""*n"]; };--PrintEString PrintLString: PROC[p: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageVec.VecPage, slotIndex: CARDINAL] = { lString: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageString.LString ← LOOPHOLE[DBStorageVec.VecOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; eStringID: TID ← lString.eStringID; DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["Local string descriptor, bytesInRemString: %g, eStringID: %bB*n", card[lString.bytesInRemString], card[eStringID]]; };--PrintLString PrintTSDict: PROC[p: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageVec.VecPage, slotIndex: CARDINAL] = { pDict: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageTSDict.TSDict ← LOOPHOLE[DBStorageVec.VecOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; nEntries: CARDINAL ← DBStorageTSDict.NEntries[pDict]; entry: CARDINAL; debugStream: IO.Handle← DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]; Assert[slotIndex = DBStorageTSDict.TSDictSlotIndex]; debugStream.PutF["Tupleset dictionary containing %g entry(s):*n", card[nEntries]]; FOR entry IN [1..nEntries] DO debugStream.PutF[" %g:", card[entry]]; debugStream.PutF[" TuplesetID: %bB,", card[pDict.seq[entry].tuplesetID]]; debugStream.PutF[" NextPage: %bB,", card[pDict.seq[entry].next]]; debugStream.PutF[" PrevPage: %bB*n", card[pDict.seq[entry].prev]]; ENDLOOP; };--PrintTSDict PrintTupleVec: PROC[p: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageVec.VecPage, slotIndex: CARDINAL] = { pTuple: LONG POINTER TO DBStorageExtTuple.TupleBody ← LOOPHOLE[DBStorageVec.VecOfSlot[p, slotIndex]]; nDataWords: CARDINAL ← pTuple.groupOffset - DBStorageExtTuple.SizeOfNullTuple; groupList: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR DBStorageGroup.GroupList ← DBStorageGroup.GroupListFromTupleBase[pTuple]; dataword, entry: CARDINAL; debugStream: IO.Handle← DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]; debugStream.PutF["Tuplevec of local type %g containing %g words fixed data, %g group list entry(s)*n", card[DBStorageVec.TypeOfSlot[p, slotIndex]], card[nDataWords], card[LENGTH[groupList]]]; debugStream.PutF[" data:"]; FOR dataword IN [0..nDataWords) DO debugStream.PutF["%b,", card[pTuple.fields[dataword]]]; ENDLOOP; debugStream.PutF["*n"]; FOR entry IN [0..LENGTH[groupList]) DO debugStream.PutF[" %g:", card[entry]]; debugStream.PutF[" GroupID: %bB,", card[groupList[entry].groupID]]; debugStream.PutF[" FirstTuple: %bB,", card[groupList[entry].firstTID]]; debugStream.PutF[" LastTuple: %bB*n", card[groupList[entry].lastTID]]; ENDLOOP; };--PrintTupleVec PrintFreeSlot: PROC = { DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["Free slot*n"]; };--PrintFreeSlot PrintUnFreeSlot: PROC = { DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["UnFree slot (this is an debugStream)*n"]; };--PrintUnFreeSlot PrintUnimplemented: PROC[slotType: CARDINAL] = { DBCommon.GetDebugStream[].PutF["Slot type is %g, what does THAT mean?*n", card[slotType]]; };--PrintUnimplemented PagetagToRope: PROC [tag: CARDINAL] RETURNS [ROPE] = { RETURN [SELECT tag FROM DBStoragePagetags.Unused => "unused page", DBStoragePagetags.Free => "free page", DBStoragePagetags.AMap => "AMap page", DBStoragePagetags.Tuple => "user tuple page", DBStoragePagetags.SystemTuple => "system tuple page", DBStoragePagetags.BTree => "BTree page", ENDCASE => ERROR]; };--PagetagToString END.--StoragePrintImpl CHANGE LOG Created by MBrown on May 27, 1980 11:04 AM Changed by MBrown on May 28, 1980 9:59 AM -- Still working on it... Changed by MBrown on June 1, 1980 12:33 PM -- Changed for new definition of GroupListOfTuple. Changed by MBrown on June 18, 1980 8:19 PM -- Changed for rearrangements in storage level. Changed by MBrown on August 2, 1980 10:37 PM -- Changed for change of interface: this module now is to print any type of page, not just vec --pages. Right now it does no more than print a string name for the page tag if the page has --some other type (e.g. AMap, BTree). Changed by MBrown on August 23, 1980 10:39 AM -- Types that used to be in DBStoragePrivateB have now moved to separate defs. Changed by MBrown on August 23, 1980 12:18 PM -- Added printing of LStrings and EStrings. Changed by Cattell on 30-Dec-81 10:35:01 -- Changed PF format codes to IOStream format codes. Changed by Willie-Sue on June 24, 1982 12:07 pm -- IOStream => IO Changed by Willie-Sue on June 30, 1982 4:31 pm -- debugStream => DBCommon.GetDebugStream[]