-- File: DBStorageGroupScan.mesa
-- Last edited by:
--   MBrown on December 11, 1980  2:03 PM
--   Cattell on  7-Jun-81 13:30:59

  -- This is the interface to the group scan manager.  Operations on individual scans
  --are located in DBStorage.

  Init: PROC [z: ZONE];
    -- Should be called from DBStorage.Initialize.  All volatile data will be allocated from
    --zone z.

  CheckState: PROC[doPrinting: BOOLEAN];
    -- Checks lists of active and free group scans for validity.  If doPrinting, also
    --prints these lists to IODefs.

  CallAfterFinishTransaction: PROC [];
    -- Invalidates all active scans on Segments that are no longer addressible (because
    --transaction went away).  Invalidation includes releasing tuples that are part of
    --the scan.



Created by MBrown on August 4, 1980  10:35 PM

Changed by MBrown on August 20, 1980  9:03 PM
-- Added CheckState.

Changed by MBrown on September 12, 1980  10:40 AM
-- Added Finalize, for use in storage-leak finding.

Changed by MBrown on December 11, 1980  2:03 PM
-- Clarified exceptions associated with NoticeCloseDatabase.

Changed by Cattell on  7-Jun-81 13:31:24
-- Removed "DIRECTORY;", won't compile.

Changed by MBrown on December 2, 1982 2:41 pm
-- Added CallAfterFinishTransaction; flushed NoticeCloseDatabase and Finalize.