-- File DBStats.mesa -- Last edited by: -- MBrown on November 29, 1982 2:04 pm -- Cattell on March 14, 1983 2:08 pm -- Willie-Sue on June 24, 1982 12:00 pm DIRECTORY IO, Rope; DBStats: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- This is the interface to the Cedar database statistics gathering facility. -- There are two kinds of "events": counter and timer. -- Counter events are for logging the freqency with which a specific action or set of --actions is performed. If e is a counter event, then Inc[e] causes e's counter to be --incremented by 1. Inc[e] is very inexpensive to perform. -- Timer events are for logging the time required for a specific action or set of --actions. If e is a timer event, then Starting[e] records the current time in a --variable associated with e. Then when Stopping[e] is performed at some later time, --it notes the difference between the current time and the time recorded by the --previous Starting[e]. At a minimum, the average value of this time interval is --maintained; a more elaborate implementation may also be supplied (max value, --standard deviation, histogram, ...). Starting[e] and Stopping[e] involve one --procedure call each and hence are more expensive than Inc[e] (but note that events --are statically typed so only one set of operations applies to an event in any case). -- When two calls to Starting[e] occur in succession with no intervening Stopping[e], --the first Starting[e] is ignored; when two calls to Stopping[e] occur consecutively, --the last is ignored. Each of these situations counts as a "glitch", and the number --of glitches is reported for debugging purposes during Print, described below. --Glitches may occur due to a failure to call Stopping[e] during the UNWIND of a --procedure activation that called Starting[e]; a glitch is not a fatal error because --we consider it cumbersome to provide a catch for UNWIND simply to avoid glitches. -- Any program using this package must initialize the stats implementation module by --calling DBStats.Initialize[] before calling Inc[e] or Starting[e]. The current --state of all active counters and timers is appended to the file "DBStats.log" by --DBStats.Print[]; this does not change the state of counters or timers, but resets --the count of glitches to 0. ERROR is raised if Print is called before Initialize. --Initialize should be called to reinitialize the stats module after printing if --independent statistics are desired. -- Inc[e], Starting[e], and Stopping[e] are all INLINE procedures, and calls to them --with compile-time constant parameters produce no code when the procedure bodies --below are made empty. Hence calls to these procedures may be imbedded freely in a --system for testing, and then this defs module can be stubbed (all procs INLINE with --empty bodies) for the efficient "production" version. Initialize: PROC[]; -- Initializes stats module. CounterEvent: TYPE = { -- DBCache-- CacheReadOrWrite, CacheHTLookup, CacheHTConflictInLookup, CacheMiss, CacheWritePageBack, -- DBSegment-- SegmentAllocPage, SegmentFreePage, -- DBStorage (Tuples)-- StorageCreateTuple, StorageCreateSystemTuple, StorageDestroyTuple, StorageReadTupleset, StorageReadField, StorageWriteField, StorageInitVecPage, StorageCheckVecPage, StorageAllocVec, StorageFreeVec, StorageModifyVec, StorageModifyDifficultVec, StorageCompactPage, CloseDBGroupScansActive, CloseDBTuplesetScansActive, -- DBStorage (BTree)-- DBIndexInsert, DBIndexDelete, DBIndexOpenScan, DBIndexNextScan, DBIndexBiggerKey, DBIndexEqualKey, BTreeSearchPage, BTreeSwapInPage, BTreeSwapOutPage, -- DBView-- CreateEntity, CreateRelship, ReleaseRelshipSet, ReleaseEntitySet, SurrogateCreateRelship, SurrogateDestroyRelship, DomainOf, RelationOf, SystemGetF, DictionaryGetF, DictionarySetF, GetTupleInfo, GetTupleInfoMiss, GetRelationInfo, GetRelationInfoMiss, GetAttributeInfo, GetAttributeInfoMiss, GetDomainInfo, GetDomainInfoMiss, SystemGetAttributeInfo }; Inc: PROC[event: CounterEvent] = INLINE { CounterArray[event] ← CounterArray[event] + 1 }; -- Increments the counter associated with event. TimerEvent: TYPE = { -- DBFile-- PilotFileCreateTransaction, PilotFileFinishTransaction, PilotFileOpen, PilotFileReadPage, PilotFileWritePage, PilotFileGetSize, PilotFileSetSize, AlpineFileCreateTransaction, AlpineFileFinishTransaction, AlpineFileOpen, AlpineFileReadPage, AlpineFileWritePage, AlpineFileGetSize, AlpineFileSetSize, -- DBModel-- GetP, SetP, GetF, SetF, SurrogateGetF, SurrogateSetF, NameOf, ChangeName, DeclareEntity, DeclareRelship, DestroyEntity, DestroyRelship, RelationSubset, DomainSubset, NextRelship, PrevRelship, NextEntity, PrevEntity, GetDomainRefAttributes, OpenToClose }; FileTimerEvent: TYPE = TimerEvent [PilotFileCreateTransaction .. AlpineFileSetSize]; Starting: PROC[event: TimerEvent] = INLINE { StartTimer[event] }; -- Glitch if an unmatched Starting[event]; older Starting[event] is superceded by --this one. Stopping: PROC[event: TimerEvent] = INLINE { StopTimer[event] }; -- Logs time since previous Starting[event]. -- Glitch if no unmatched Starting[event]; this Stopping call is ignored. Aborting: PROC[event: TimerEvent] = INLINE { AbortTimer[event] }; -- Cancel count of event (same as Stopping, but doesn't count the time). Print: PROC[heading: Rope.ROPE ← NIL, out: IO.Handle← NIL, verbose: BOOLEAN ← FALSE]; -- Prints current state of stats module to outStream, then resets glitch count. -- If verbose then print all events, otherwise just print nonzero ones. -- Private implementation details CounterArray: PRIVATE ARRAY CounterEvent OF LONG CARDINAL; StartTimer: PRIVATE PROC[event: TimerEvent]; StopTimer: PRIVATE PROC[event: TimerEvent]; AbortTimer: PRIVATE PROC[event: TimerEvent]; END.--DBStats CHANGE LOG Created by MBrown on September 18, 1980 11:12 PM Changed by MBrown on September 21, 1980 2:50 PM -- Document the fact that Print prints to file DBStats.log, not IODefs.WriteChar. Changed by MBrown on September 21, 1980 9:59 PM -- Introduce glitches (instead of raising ERROR), based on use of timer events in --DBFileImpl. Changed by Cattell on September 22, 1980 3:13 PM -- Added some timer events. Changed by MBrown on October 31, 1980 10:03 AM -- Added header parm to Print; added new DBTuples timer events. Changed by MBrown on November 10, 1980 3:35 PM -- Flushed all DBTuples timer events. Changed by MBrown on November 14, 1980 3:37 PM -- Added BTree counter events. Changed by MBrown on November 14, 1980 5:32 PM -- Added Attribute cache counter events. Changed by MBrown on December 8, 1980 5:41 PM -- Added OpenToClose timer event, defined FileTimerEvent subrange. Changed by MBrown on December 16, 1980 10:33 AM -- Added FileAbortTransaction timer event. Changed by MBrown on February 26, 1981 10:08 AM -- Added putChar, cleanup, and verbose parms to Print. Changed by MBrown on 17-Jun-81 12:05:42 -- Added CloseDBGroupScansActive, CloseDBTuplesetScansActive counters. Changed by Cattell on 15-Dec-81 10:16:23 -- Modified to use IOStream. Changed by Cattell on April 29, 1982 8:23 pm -- Added DBView events. Changed by Willie-Sue on June 24, 1982 12:00 pm -- IOStream => IO Changed by Cattell on October 11, 1982 3:25 pm -- Added more DBView events, removed old DBTuples events. Added Aborting. Changed by MBrown on November 29, 1982 2:04 pm -- New DBFile events