dot => val ← Dot[node, target];
dollar => val ← Dollar[node];
cdot => {
val ← Exp[tb[node].son[2], target];
tb[node].son[2] ← Tree.Null; FreeNode[node]};
uparrow => {
OPEN tb[node];
attr: Attr;
nRegs: RegCount;
son[1] ← RValue[son[1], 0, unsigned];
attr ← [prop: VProp[], rep: RepForType[info]];
attr.prop.noSelect ← attr.prop.immutable ← FALSE;
nRegs ← MAX[RegsForType[info], VRegs[]]; VPop[];
VPush[BiasForType[info], attr, nRegs];
attr1 ← ~attr3 AND (checked OR dataPtr.switches['n]);
val ← expr};
callx, portcallx, signalx, errorx, startx, joinx => val ← Call[node];
substx => val ← Substx[node];
index, dindex => val ← Index[node];
seqindex => val ← SeqIndex[node];
reloc => val ← Reloc[node];
construct => val ← Construct[node];
union => val ← Union[node];
rowcons => val ← RowConstruct[node];
all => val ← All[node];
uminus => val ← UMinus[node];
abs => val ← Abs[node];
pred, succ => val ← EnumOp[node, target];
plus, minus => val ← AddOp[node, target];
times => val ← Mult[node, target];
div, mod => val ← DivMod[node, target];
relE, relN, relL, relGE, relG, relLE => val ← RelOp[node];
in, notin => val ← In[node];
not => {
tb[node].son[1] ← BoolValue[tb[node].son[1]];
IF ~TreeLiteral[tb[node].son[1]] THEN val ← expr
val ← IF BoolTest[tb[node].son[1]] THEN passPtr.tFALSE ELSE passPtr.tTRUE;
FreeNode[node]; vStack[vI].nRegs ← 1}};
or, and => val ← BoolOp[node];
ifx => val ← IfExp[node, target];
casex => val ← CaseExp[node, target, 0];
bindx => val ←
IF tb[node].attr3
THEN BindTypeExp[node, target]
ELSE BindCaseExp[node, target];
assignx => val ← Assignment[node];
extractx => val ← Extract[node];
min, max => val ← MinMax[node, target];
mwconst => {
VPush[0, FoldedAttr[expr, RepForType[tb[node].info]], RegsForType[tb[node].info]];
val ← expr};
clit => {val ← tb[node].son[1]; FreeNode[node]; VPush[0, LiteralAttr[both], 1]};
llit => {
IF currentLevel > Symbols.lG
WITH e: tb[node].son[1]
literal =>
WITH e.index
string => sti ← LiteralOps.FindLocalString[sti];
val ← Exp[tb[node].son[1], none];
vStack[vI].attr.prop.noFreeVar ← FALSE;
tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null; FreeNode[node]};
textlit => {
nRegs: RegCount = RegsForType[tb[node].info];
IF dataPtr.interface THEN val ← expr
val ← SymLiteralOps.TextRef[
LiteralOps.StringIndex[NARROW[tb[node].son[1], Tree.Link.literal].index]];
VPush[0, LiteralAttr[unsigned], nRegs]};
atom => {
IF dataPtr.interface THEN val ← expr
val ← SymLiteralOps.AtomRef[GetHash[tb[node].son[1]]];
VPush[0, LiteralAttr[unsigned], 2]};
new => val ← New[node];
nil => val ← Nil[node];
create, fork => val ← MiscXfer[node];
syserrorx => {
VPush[0, [prop: emptyProp, rep: RepForType[tb[node].info]], maxRegs];
val ← expr};
lengthen => val ← Lengthen[node, target];
shorten => val ← Shorten[node, target];
float => {
tb[node].son[1] ← RValue[tb[node].son[1], 0, signed];
IF StructuredLiteral[tb[node].son[1]]
AND vStack[vI].attr.rep # unsigned
val ← IntToReal[node]
ELSE {val ← expr; vStack[vI].nRegs ← maxRegs};
vStack[vI].attr.rep ← other};
safen, proccheck => {
tb[node].son[1] ← Exp[tb[node].son[1], target]; val ← expr};
loophole => val ← Loophole[node, target];
cast => val ← Cast[node];
ord => {
tb[node].son[1] ← Exp[tb[node].son[1], target];
val ← UnaryCast[node]};
val => {
OPEN tb[node];
rep: Repr = RepForType[info];
subType: CSEIndex = OperandType[son[1]];
son[1] ← CheckRange[
RValue[son[1], BiasForType[info], rep], Cardinality[info], subType];
IF P4.WordsForType[subType] # P4.WordsForType[info]
Log.ErrorTree[sizeClash, son[1]];
vStack[vI].attr.rep ← rep;
val ← UnaryCast[node]};
check => {
val ← Rhs[tb[node].son[1], tb[node].info];
vStack[vI].attr.rep ← RepForType[tb[node].info];
tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null; FreeNode[node]};
narrow => val ← Narrow[node];
istype => {
OPEN tb[node];
attr: Attr;
son[1] ← RValue[son[1], 0, RepForType[OperandType[son[1]]]];
attr ← [prop: VProp[], rep: both]; VPop[];
IF attr2 OR attr3 THEN {val ← expr; VPush[0, attr, maxRegs]}
ELSE {FreeNode[node]; val ← passPtr.tTRUE; VPush[0, attr, 1]}};
openx => {
OPEN tb[node];
type: CSEIndex = OperandType[son[1]];
prop: Prop ← voidProp;
IF attr1 THEN {prop.noFreeVar ← prop.immutable ← FALSE; val ← son[1]}
son[1] ← RValue[son[1], 0, none]; prop ← VProp[]; VPop[];
IF Shared[son[1]]
-- must generate an unshared node
son[1] ← ForceType[son[1], type];
MarkShared[son[1], TRUE]; attr1 ← TRUE;
val ← expr};
VPush[0, [prop: prop, rep: other], RegsForType[type]]};
stringinit => {
attr: Attr;
tb[node].son[2] ← P4.Rhs[tb[node].son[2], dataPtr.typeCARDINAL];
attr ← [prop: VProp[], rep: unsigned]; VPop[]; attr.prop.noFreeVar ← FALSE;
VPush[0, attr, maxRegs]; val ← expr};
size, first, last, typecode => val ← TypeOp[node];
apply => {VPush[0, voidAttr, 0]; val ← expr};
ENDCASE => val ← AddrOp[node]};