-- file Pass3T.mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, June 28, 1982 1:38 pm DIRECTORY Alloc: TYPE USING [Notifier], ComData: TYPE USING [ownSymbols, typeAtomRecord], P3: TYPE USING [ Attr, DefaultForm, LhsMode, NarrowOp, NPUse, phraseNP, VoidAttr, CompleteRecord, CopyTree, Initialization, RPush, UpdateTreeAttr, VariantUnionType], Symbols: TYPE USING [ Base, SERecord, SEIndex, ISEIndex, CSEIndex, RecordSEIndex, RefSEIndex, CTXIndex, SENull, ISENull, lZ, typeANY, seType, ctxType, mdType], SymbolOps: TYPE USING [ CtxEntries, FindExtension, MakeNonCtxSe, NormalType, TypeForm, TypeLink, TypeRoot, UnderType, VisibleCtxEntries], Tree: TYPE USING [Base, Link, Null, Scan, treeType], TreeOps: TYPE USING [ PushSe, PopTree, PushNode, PushProperList, PushTree, OpName, ScanList], Types: TYPE USING [Equivalent]; Pass3T: PROGRAM IMPORTS P3, SymbolOps, TreeOps, Types, dataPtr: ComData EXPORTS P3 = { OPEN TreeOps, SymbolOps, Symbols, P3; tb: Tree.Base; -- tree base address (local copy) seb: Symbols.Base; -- se table base address (local copy) ctxb: Symbols.Base; -- context table base address (local copy) mdb: Symbols.Base; -- module table base address (local copy) TypeNotify: PUBLIC Alloc.Notifier = { -- called by allocator whenever table area is repacked tb ← base[Tree.treeType]; seb ← base[seType]; ctxb ← base[ctxType]; mdb ← base[mdType]}; -- type mappings CanonicalType: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex] = { RETURN [WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM subrange => CanonicalType[UnderType[t.rangeType]], record => IF Bundling[type] # 0 THEN CanonicalType[Unbundle[LOOPHOLE[type, RecordSEIndex]]] ELSE type, ENDCASE => type]}; TargetType: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [target: CSEIndex] = { RETURN [WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM subrange => TargetType[UnderType[t.rangeType]], ENDCASE => type]}; Unbundle: PUBLIC PROC [record: RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex] = { RETURN [UnderType[seb[ctxb[seb[record].fieldCtx].seList].idType]]}; -- type predicates AccessMode: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [LhsMode] = { nType: CSEIndex = NormalType[type]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[nType] SELECT FROM ref => SELECT TRUE FROM t.readOnly => none, t.counted => counted, ENDCASE => uncounted, arraydesc => IF t.readOnly THEN none ELSE uncounted, relative => AccessMode[UnderType[t.offsetType]], ENDCASE => none]}; AssignableType: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex, safe: BOOL] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM mode, definition, any, nil, sequence => FALSE, record => t.hints.assignable AND (~safe OR ~t.hints.variant), array => AssignableType[UnderType[t.componentType], safe], transfer => t.mode # port, opaque => t.lengthKnown, ENDCASE => TRUE]}; Bundling: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [nLevels: CARDINAL] = { next: CSEIndex; ctx: CTXIndex; nLevels ← 0; DO IF type = SENull THEN EXIT; WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM record => { IF ~t.hints.unifield THEN EXIT; ctx ← t.fieldCtx; WITH c: ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM included => { IF t.hints.privateFields AND ~mdb[c.module].shared THEN EXIT; IF ~c.complete THEN CompleteRecord[LOOPHOLE[type, RecordSEIndex]]; IF ~c.complete THEN EXIT}; ENDCASE; IF CtxEntries[ctx] # 1 OR t.hints.variant THEN EXIT; nLevels ← nLevels + 1; next ← Unbundle[LOOPHOLE[type, RecordSEIndex]]}; ENDCASE => EXIT; type ← next; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; IdentifiedType: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN [WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM mode, definition, any, nil, union, sequence => FALSE, record => IF t.hints.variant AND ~t.hints.comparable THEN SELECT seb[VariantUnionType[type]].typeTag FROM -- force copying now sequence => FALSE, ENDCASE => TRUE ELSE TRUE, opaque => t.lengthKnown, ENDCASE => TRUE]}; IndexType: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { sei: CSEIndex = UnderType[type]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[sei] SELECT FROM basic => t.ordered, enumerated => t.ordered, subrange => IndexType[t.rangeType], long => IndexType[t.rangeType], ENDCASE => FALSE]}; NewableType: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { sei: CSEIndex = UnderType[type]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[sei] SELECT FROM mode, any, nil => FALSE, opaque => t.lengthKnown, ENDCASE => TRUE]}; NullableType: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { sei: CSEIndex = NormalType[UnderType[type]]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[sei] SELECT FROM ref, transfer, arraydesc, zone => TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE]}; OrderedType: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { sei: CSEIndex = UnderType[type]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[sei] SELECT FROM basic => t.ordered, enumerated => t.ordered, ref => t.ordered, relative => OrderedType[t.offsetType], subrange => OrderedType[t.rangeType], long, real => OrderedType[t.rangeType], ENDCASE => FALSE]}; DiscrimId: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN [ctxb[seb[sei].idCtx].level = lZ AND TypeLink[sei] # SENull]}; -- defaults Default: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [form: DefaultForm] = { next: SEIndex; form ← none; FOR s: SEIndex ← type, next DO WITH se: seb[s] SELECT FROM id => { sei: ISEIndex = LOOPHOLE[s]; TestOption: Tree.Scan = { IF OpName[t] = void THEN {IF form = none THEN form ← void} ELSE form ← nonVoid}; IF seb[sei].extended THEN {ScanList[FindExtension[sei].tree, TestOption]; EXIT}; next ← seb[sei].idInfo}; cons => WITH t: se SELECT FROM ref => {IF t.counted THEN form ← nonVoid; EXIT}; array => next ← t.componentType; record => {IF t.hints.default THEN form ← nonVoid; EXIT}; transfer => {form ← nonVoid; EXIT}; long => next ← t.rangeType; zone => {IF t.counted THEN form ← nonVoid; EXIT}; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; DefaultInit: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link] = { next: SEIndex; subType: CSEIndex ← UnderType[type]; recordTail: Tree.Link ← Tree.Null; tagId: ISEIndex ← ISENull; v ← Tree.Null; FOR s: SEIndex ← type, next DO WITH se: seb[s] SELECT FROM id => { sei: ISEIndex = LOOPHOLE[s]; CopyNonVoid: Tree.Scan = { IF OpName[t] # void AND v = Tree.Null THEN v ← CopyTree[t]}; SELECT TRUE FROM (seb[sei].extended AND recordTail = Tree.Null) => { ScanList[FindExtension[sei].tree, CopyNonVoid]; GO TO copy}; (DiscrimId[sei] AND tagId = ISENull) => tagId ← sei; ENDCASE; next ← seb[sei].idInfo}; cons => WITH t: se SELECT FROM ref => IF t.counted THEN {PushTree[Tree.Null]; PushNode[nil, 1]; GO TO eval} ELSE GO TO none; array => IF Default[t.componentType] = nonVoid THEN { PushTree[Tree.Null]; PushNode[all, 1]; GO TO eval} ELSE GO TO none; record => IF t.hints.default OR recordTail # Tree.Null THEN { n: CARDINAL; CompleteRecord[LOOPHOLE[s]]; n ← VisibleCtxEntries[t.fieldCtx]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1..n] DO PushTree[IF i # n THEN Tree.Null ELSE recordTail] ENDLOOP; PushProperList[n]; recordTail ← Tree.Null; IF tagId = ISENull THEN {PushTree[Tree.Null]; PushNode[apply, -2]; GO TO eval} ELSE { PushSe[tagId]; tagId ← ISENull; PushNode[apply,-2]; recordTail ← PopTree[]; next ← TypeLink[s]; subType ← UnderType[next]}} ELSE GO TO none; transfer => { PushTree[Tree.Null]; PushNode[nil, 1]; GO TO eval}; zone => IF t.counted THEN {PushTree[Tree.Null]; PushNode[nil, 1]; GO TO eval} ELSE GO TO none; long => next ← t.rangeType; ENDCASE => GO TO none; ENDCASE => ERROR; REPEAT none => {v ← Tree.Null; phraseNP ← none; RPush[subType, VoidAttr]}; copy => RPush[subType, IF v=Tree.Null THEN VoidAttr ELSE UpdateTreeAttr[v]]; eval => v ← Initialization[TargetType[subType], PopTree[]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; Voidable: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { next: SEIndex; FOR s: SEIndex ← type, next DO WITH se: seb[s] SELECT FROM id => { sei: ISEIndex = LOOPHOLE[s]; IF seb[sei].extended THEN RETURN [VoidItem[FindExtension[sei].tree]]; next ← seb[sei].idInfo}; cons => WITH t: se SELECT FROM ref => RETURN [~t.counted]; array => next ← t.componentType; record => RETURN [t.hints.voidable]; union => RETURN [t.hints.voidable]; long => next ← t.rangeType; zone => RETURN [~t.counted]; ENDCASE => RETURN [TRUE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP}; VoidItem: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [void: BOOL] = { TestVoid: Tree.Scan = {IF OpName[t] = void THEN void ← TRUE}; void ← FALSE; ScanList[t, TestVoid]; RETURN}; -- discrimination operations Narrowing: PUBLIC PROC [type, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [op: NarrowOp ← []] = { typeL: CSEIndex ← target; typeR: CSEIndex ← type; nextL, nextR: SEIndex; IF ~Types.Equivalent[[dataPtr.ownSymbols, type], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, target]] THEN DO WITH tR: seb[typeR] SELECT FROM any => WITH tL: seb[typeL] SELECT FROM any => EXIT; opaque => { op.rtTest ← TRUE; IF typeL # dataPtr.typeAtomRecord THEN op.unImpl ← TRUE; EXIT}; ENDCASE => { op.rtTest ← TRUE; IF ~Discriminated[typeL] THEN EXIT; nextL ← typeL; nextR ← TypeRoot[typeL]}; record => WITH tL: seb[typeL] SELECT FROM record => { IF Types.Equivalent[[dataPtr.ownSymbols, typeL], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, typeR]] THEN EXIT; WITH vL: tL SELECT FROM linked => { uType: CSEIndex = VariantUnionType[vL.linkType]; WITH u: seb[uType] SELECT FROM union => IF u.controlled THEN op.tagTest ← TRUE ELSE op.computed ← TRUE; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; nextL ← vL.linkType; nextR ← typeR}; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE}; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; ref => WITH tL: seb[typeL] SELECT FROM ref => { IF op.indirect OR (tL.counted # tR.counted) OR (tR.readOnly AND ~tL.readOnly) THEN op.error ← TRUE; op.indirect ← TRUE; nextL ← tL.refType; nextR ← tR.refType}; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; transfer => WITH tL: seb[typeL] SELECT FROM transfer => { IF op.indirect OR tL.mode # tR.mode OR tL.safe # tR.safe THEN op.error ← TRUE; SELECT tL.mode FROM proc, signal, error => NULL; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; IF TypeForm[tL.typeIn] = any OR TypeForm[tL.typeOut] = any THEN op.error ← TRUE; -- for now IF TypeForm[tR.typeIn] = any THEN op.rtTest ← TRUE ELSE IF ~Types.Equivalent[ [dataPtr.ownSymbols, tL.typeIn], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, tR.typeIn]] THEN op.error ← TRUE; IF TypeForm[tR.typeOut] = any THEN op.rtTest ← TRUE ELSE IF ~Types.Equivalent[ [dataPtr.ownSymbols, tL.typeOut], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, tR.typeOut]] THEN op.error ← TRUE; EXIT}; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; long => WITH tL: seb[typeL] SELECT FROM long => {nextL ← tL.rangeType; nextR ← tR.rangeType}; ENDCASE => op.error ← TRUE; ENDCASE => { IF Types.Equivalent[[dataPtr.ownSymbols, typeL], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, typeR]] THEN EXIT; op.error ← TRUE}; IF op.error THEN EXIT; typeL ← UnderType[nextL]; typeR ← UnderType[nextR]; ENDLOOP; RETURN}; Discriminated: PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN [TypeLink[type] # SENull]}; -- check that at tag exists? MarkedType: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex] = { subType: CSEIndex = NormalType[type]; RETURN [WITH t: seb[subType] SELECT FROM ref => UnderType[TypeRoot[t.refType]], transfer => subType, ENDCASE => typeANY]}; -- type construction MakeLongType: PUBLIC PROC [rType: SEIndex, hint: CSEIndex] RETURNS [type: CSEIndex] = { subType: CSEIndex = UnderType[rType]; WITH t: seb[hint] SELECT FROM long => IF TargetType[UnderType[t.rangeType]] = TargetType[subType] THEN RETURN [hint]; ENDCASE; WITH t: seb[subType] SELECT FROM relative => { oType: CSEIndex = MakeLongType[UnderType[t.offsetType], UnderType[t.resultType]]; type ← MakeNonCtxSe[SIZE[relative cons SERecord]]; seb[type] ← [mark3: TRUE, mark4: TRUE, body: cons[relative[ baseType: t.baseType, offsetType: oType, resultType: oType]]]}; ENDCASE => { type ← MakeNonCtxSe[SIZE[long cons SERecord]]; seb[type] ← [mark3: TRUE, mark4: TRUE, body: cons[long[rangeType: rType]]]}; RETURN}; MakeRefType: PUBLIC PROC [ cType: SEIndex, hint: CSEIndex, readOnly, counted, var: BOOL] RETURNS [type: RefSEIndex] = { WITH t: seb[hint] SELECT FROM ref => IF ~t.ordered AND t.readOnly = readOnly AND t.counted = counted AND t.var = var AND UnderType[t.refType] = UnderType[cType] THEN RETURN [LOOPHOLE[hint]]; ENDCASE; type ← LOOPHOLE[MakeNonCtxSe[SIZE[ref cons SERecord]]]; seb[type] ← [mark3: TRUE, mark4: TRUE, body: cons[ref[ counted: counted, var: var, readOnly: readOnly, ordered: FALSE, list: FALSE, basing: FALSE, refType: cType]]]; RETURN}; }.