-- file Pass3M.mesa
-- last modified by Satterthwaite, September 7, 1982 1:41 pm
-- last modified by Donahue,  9-Dec-81 14:45:35

  Alloc: TYPE USING [Notifier, Top],
  ComData: TYPE USING [
    bodyIndex, idUNWIND, ownSymbols, seAnon, stopping, table, textIndex,
    typeCONDITION, typeListANY, typeLOCK],
  Log: TYPE USING [Error, ErrorSei, ErrorTree],
  Pass3: TYPE USING [lockNode],
    Attr, FullAttr, NPUse, Safety, TextForm,
    pathNP, phraseNP, BoundNP, MergeNP, SequenceNP, SetNP,
    And, Apply, BindTree, BumpArgRefs, Bundling, CanonicalType, CheckLocals,
    CheckScope, ClearRefStack, CopyTree, DefaultInit, EnterType, EnterComposite,
    Exp, FirstId, InitialExp, LongPath, MakeLongType, MakeRefType, MatchFields,
    NewableType, OperandInternal, OperandLhs, OperandType, PopCtx, PushCtx,
    RAttr, Rhs, RPop, RPush, RType, SafetyAttr, SetSafety, SealRefStack, SearchCtxList,
    Stmt, TypeAppl, TypeForTree, Unbundle, UnsealRefStack, UpdateTreeAttr,
    Voidable, VoidExp],
  P3S: TYPE USING [BodyData, continued, currentBody, markCatch, safety],
  Strings: TYPE USING [String, SubStringDescriptor],
  Symbols: TYPE USING [
    Base, HTIndex, SERecord, SEIndex, ISEIndex, CSEIndex, RecordSEIndex, RefSEIndex,
    CTXIndex, BodyRecord, BTIndex, CBTIndex,
    HTNull, SENull, ISENull, CSENull, RecordSENull, CTXNull, CBTNull,
    lG, lZ, RootBti, typeANY, seType, ctxType, mdType, bodyType],
  SymbolOps: TYPE USING [
    ArgCtx, ArgRecord, EnterString, FindString, FirstCtxSe, MakeNonCtxSe,
    NextSe, NormalType, ReferentType, TransferTypes, TypeRoot, UnderType],
  Tree: TYPE USING [Base, Index, Link, Map, NodeName, Null, NullIndex, Scan, treeType],
  TreeOps: TYPE USING [
    FreeNode, FreeTree, GetNode, ListLength, MakeList, MakeNode,
    NthSon, PopTree, PushList, PushTree, PushSe, PushNode, OpName,
    ReverseUpdateList, ScanList, SetAttr, SetInfo, UpdateList],
  Types: TYPE USING [Assignable, Equivalent];

      Alloc, Log, P3, P3S, SymbolOps, TreeOps, Types,
      dataPtr: ComData, passPtr: Pass3
    EXPORTS P3 = {
  OPEN SymbolOps, Symbols, P3, TreeOps;

  InsertCatchLabel: PUBLIC SIGNAL [catchSeen, exit: BOOLEAN] = CODE;

  tb: Tree.Base;	-- tree base address (local copy)
  seb: Symbols.Base;	-- se table base address (local copy)
  ctxb: Symbols.Base;	-- context table base (local copy)
  mdb: Symbols.Base;	-- module table base (local copy)
  bb: Symbols.Base;	-- body table base (local copy)

  MiscNotify: PUBLIC Alloc.Notifier = {
    -- called by allocator whenever table area is repacked
    tb ← base[Tree.treeType];
    seb ← base[seType];  ctxb ← base[ctxType];  mdb ← base[mdType];
    bb ← base[bodyType]};

  current: POINTER TO P3S.BodyData = @P3S.currentBody;

 -- statements

  MiscStmt: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    val ← [subtree[index: node]];	-- the default
    SELECT tb[node].name FROM

      signal, error, start, join, wait => {
	PushTree[SELECT tb[node].name FROM
	      start => Start[node],
	      join => Join[node],
	      wait => Wait[node],
	      ENDCASE => Signal[node]];
	  CSENull, typeANY => NULL;
	  ENDCASE => Log.Error[nonVoidStmt];
	SetInfo[dataPtr.textIndex];  val ← PopTree[];  RPop[];
	pathNP ← SequenceNP[pathNP][phraseNP];
	IF OpName[val] = error THEN current.reachable ← FALSE};

      xerror => {
	subNode: Tree.Index;
	IF current.catchDepth # 0 THEN Log.Error[misplacedReturn];
	tb[node].name ← error;
	val ← MiscStmt[node];  subNode ← GetNode[val];
	IF tb[subNode].attr1 THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, val];
	SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
	  error, errorx => tb[subNode].name ← xerror;
	tb[subNode].attr1 ← current.entry;  tb[subNode].attr3 ← FALSE;
	IF current.entry THEN tb[subNode].attr2 ← CheckLocals[tb[subNode].son[2]];
	IF tb[subNode].nSons > 2 THEN Log.Error[misplacedCatch];
	current.reachable ← FALSE};

      resume => Resume[node];

      reject => {  
	IF current.catchDepth = 0 THEN Log.Error[misplacedResume];
	current.reachable ← FALSE};

      continue, retry => {
	SIGNAL InsertCatchLabel[catchSeen:FALSE, exit:tb[node].name=continue];
	current.reachable ← FALSE};

      restart => {val ← Restart[node]; pathNP ← SequenceNP[pathNP][phraseNP]};

      stop => {
	IF dataPtr.bodyIndex # RootBti OR current.catchDepth # 0
	 OR current.returnRecord # SENull THEN Log.Error[misplacedStop];
	dataPtr.stopping ← TRUE;  pathNP ← SetNP[pathNP]};

      notify, broadcast => {
	OPEN tb[node];
	type: CSEIndex;
	IF ~current.lockHeld THEN Log.Error[misplacedMonitorRef];
	son[1] ← Exp[son[1], typeANY];
	IF OperandLhs[son[1]] = none THEN Log.ErrorTree[nonLHS, son[1]];
	type ← RType[];  RPop[];  pathNP ← SequenceNP[pathNP][phraseNP];
	IF type # dataPtr.typeCONDITION THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[1]]};

      free => {
	OPEN tb[node];
	type, subType: CSEIndex;
	long, counted: BOOLEAN;
	[v:son[1], long:long, counted:counted] ← EvalZone[son[1]];  RPop[];
	son[2] ← Exp[son[2], typeANY];  type ← RType[];  RPop[];
	subType ← NormalType[type];
	WITH s: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
	  ref => {
	    IF s.readOnly THEN Log.ErrorTree[nonLHS, son[2]];
	    type ← UnderType[s.refType];
	    IF long # (seb[type].typeTag = long) THEN GO TO fail;
	    type ← NormalType[type];
	    WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM
	      ref => IF t.counted # counted THEN GO TO fail;
	      ENDCASE => GO TO fail;
	    IF P3S.safety = checked AND ~counted THEN
	      Log.ErrorTree[unsafeOperation, [subtree[node]]];
	      fail => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[2]]};
	  ENDCASE => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[2]];
	IF nSons > 3 THEN {
	  saveNP: NPUse = phraseNP;
	  [] ← CatchPhrase[son[4]];  phraseNP ← MergeNP[saveNP][phraseNP]};
	attr2 ← long;  attr3 ← counted;
	  ~counted  => attr1 ← FALSE;
	  (OpName[son[2]] # addr) => {Log.ErrorTree[other, son[2]]; attr1 ← FALSE};
	  ENDCASE => attr1 ← OperandLhs[NthSon[son[2], 1]] = counted};

      dst, lst, lstf => {
	OPEN tb[node];
	v: Tree.Link;
	v ← son[1] ← Exp[son[1], typeANY];  RPop[];
	  dst => IF OperandLhs[son[1]] = none THEN GO TO fail;
	  lst => current.noXfers ← FALSE;
	  lstf => current.reachable ← FALSE;
	IF name # dst THEN phraseNP ← SetNP[phraseNP];
	pathNP ← SequenceNP[pathNP][phraseNP];
	-- check for simple addressability
	    symbol => IF seb[index].constant THEN GO TO fail ELSE EXIT;
	    subtree => {
	      IF tb[index].name # dollar THEN GO TO fail; v ← tb[index].son[1]};
	    ENDCASE => GO TO fail;
	IF P3S.safety = checked THEN Log.ErrorTree[unsafeOperation, [subtree[node]]];
	  fail => Log.ErrorTree[nonLHS, tb[node].son[1]]};

      enable => {
	OPEN tb[node];
	saveEnabled: BOOLEAN = current.unwindEnabled;
	IF CatchPhrase[son[1]].unwindCaught THEN current.unwindEnabled ← TRUE;
	IF phraseNP # none THEN pathNP ← unsafe;
	son[2] ← UpdateList[son[2], Stmt];  attr3 ← FALSE;
	current.unwindEnabled ← saveEnabled};

      ENDCASE => Log.Error[unimplemented];


 -- dynamic storage allocation

  New: PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    OPEN tb[node];
    pType: RefSEIndex;
    subType, rootType: SEIndex;
    attr: Attr;
    saveNP: NPUse;
    long, counted: BOOLEAN;
    [v:son[1], long:long, counted:counted] ← EvalZone[son[1]];
    attr ← RAttr[];  RPop[];  saveNP ← phraseNP;
    current.noXfers ← attr.noXfer ← FALSE;  attr.const ← FALSE;
    son[2] ← TypeAppl[son[2]];
    attr ← And[attr, RAttr[]];  saveNP ← MergeNP[saveNP][phraseNP];  RPop[];
    subType ← TypeForTree[son[2]];  rootType ← TypeRoot[subType];
    IF ~NewableType[subType] THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeLength, son[2]];
    IF counted THEN EnterType[rootType, FALSE];
    IF son[3] = Tree.Null THEN son[3] ← DefaultInit[subType]
    ELSE {
      StringInit: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {
        RETURN [SELECT OpName[t] FROM
	  stringinit => TRUE,
	  lengthen => (OpName[NthSon[t, 1]] = stringinit),
      extFlag: BOOLEAN;
      [son[3], extFlag] ← InitialExp[son[3], subType];
	extFlag => Log.ErrorTree[misusedInline, son[3]];
	StringInit[son[3]] => Log.ErrorTree[defaultForm, son[3]];
    attr ← And[attr, RAttr[]];  phraseNP ← SequenceNP[saveNP][phraseNP];  RPop[];
    pType ← MakeRefType[
	cType: subType, readOnly: tb[node].attr1, counted: counted,
	hint: NormalType[target]];
    IF counted THEN {
--    rType: RefSEIndex = MakeRefType[cType: rootType, counted: TRUE, hint: pType];
--    EnterType[IF long THEN MakeLongType[rType, target] ELSE rType, FALSE];
      IF son[3] # Tree.Null THEN EnterComposite[UnderType[subType], son[3], TRUE]};
    IF son[3] = Tree.Null AND ~Voidable[subType] THEN
      Log.ErrorTree[missingInit, [subtree[node]]];
    IF nSons > 3 THEN {
      saveNP: NPUse = phraseNP;
      [] ← CatchPhrase[son[4]];  phraseNP ← MergeNP[saveNP][phraseNP]};
    attr2 ← long;  attr3 ← counted;
    RPush[IF long THEN MakeLongType[pType, target] ELSE pType, attr];
    RETURN [[subtree[index: node]]]};

  EvalZone: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link, long, counted: BOOLEAN] = {
    type, nType: CSEIndex;
    nDerefs: CARDINAL;
    long ← counted ← TRUE;
    IF t = Tree.Null THEN {v ← Tree.Null;  RPush[typeANY, FullAttr]}
    ELSE {
      v ← Exp[t, typeANY];  type ← RType[];  nDerefs ← 0;
	nType ← NormalType[type];
	WITH s: seb[nType] SELECT FROM
	  zone => {long ← ~s.mds; counted ← s.counted; GO TO success};
	  ref => {
	    IF (nDerefs ← nDerefs + 1) > 63 THEN GO TO failure;
	    PushTree[v];  PushNode[uparrow, 1];  SetAttr[2, seb[type].typeTag = long];
	    type ← UnderType[s.refType];  SetInfo[type];  v ← PopTree[]};
	  record =>
	    IF Bundling[nType] # 0 THEN type ← Unbundle[LOOPHOLE[nType, RecordSEIndex]]
	    ELSE GO TO failure;
	  ENDCASE => GO TO failure;
	  success => NULL;
	  failure => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, v];

 -- list allocation

  Cons: PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    nType: CSEIndex = NodeType[target, [subtree[node]]];
    PushTree[tb[node].son[1]];  tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;
    PushNode[implicitTC, 0];  SetInfo[nType];
    PushTree[tb[node].son[2]];  tb[node].son[2] ← Tree.Null;
    PushTree[Tree.Null];  PushNode[apply, -2];  SetAttr[1, FALSE];
    IF tb[node].nSons > 2 THEN {
      PushTree[tb[node].son[3]]; tb[node].son[3] ← Tree.Null; PushNode[new, 4]}
    ELSE PushNode[new, 3];
    RETURN [Exp[PopTree[], target]]};

  ListCons: PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    nType: CSEIndex = NodeType[target, [subtree[node]]];
    n: CARDINAL = ListLength[tb[node].son[2]];
    k: CARDINAL ← n;
    list, zone: Tree.Link;

    ListItem: Tree.Map = {
      PushTree[IF (k←k-1) = 0 THEN zone ELSE P3.CopyTree[zone]];
      PushNode[implicitTC, 0];  SetInfo[nType];
      PushTree[t];  PushTree[list];  PushList[2];
      PushTree[Tree.Null];  PushNode[apply, -2];  SetAttr[1, FALSE];
      list ← MakeNode[new, 3];
      RETURN [Tree.Null]};

    PushTree[Tree.Null];  list ← MakeNode[nil, 1];
    IF n = 0 THEN [v: tb[node].son[1]] ← EvalZone[tb[node].son[1]]
    ELSE {
      zone ← tb[node].son[1];  tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;
      tb[node].son[2] ← ReverseUpdateList[tb[node].son[2], ListItem]};
    RETURN [Exp[list, target]]};

  NodeType: PROC [target: CSEIndex, t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [nType: CSEIndex] = {
    subType: CSEIndex = NormalType[target];
    WITH r: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
      ref => {
	rType: CSEIndex = UnderType[r.refType];
	IF ~r.list AND (seb[rType].typeTag = any OR rType = typeANY) THEN
	  nType ← ReferentType[dataPtr.typeListANY]
	  IF ~r.list THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, t];
	  nType ← rType}};
      ENDCASE =>
	IF subType = typeANY THEN nType ← ReferentType[dataPtr.typeListANY]
	ELSE {Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, t]; nType ← typeANY};

 -- control transfers

  MiscXfer: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    SELECT tb[node].name FROM
      new => val ← New[node, target];
      signalx, errorx => val ← Signal[node];
      create => val ← Create[node, target];
      startx => val ← Start[node];
      fork => val ← Fork[node, target];
      joinx => val ← Join[node];
      cons => val ← Cons[node, target];
      listcons => val ← ListCons[node, target];
      ENDCASE => {Log.Error[unimplemented]; val ← [subtree[node]]};

  MakeFrameRecord: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [rSei: CSEIndex] = {
    bti: CBTIndex = XferBody[t];
    IF bti # CBTNull THEN {
      argType: SEIndex = TransferTypes[bb[bti].ioType].typeIn;
      rSei ← IF bb[bti].type # RecordSENull AND argType = SENull
        THEN bb[bti].type
        ELSE AllocFrameRecord[bti, argType]}
    ELSE {Log.Error[nonTypeCons]; rSei ← typeANY};

  AllocFrameRecord: PROC [bti: CBTIndex, link: SEIndex] RETURNS [sei: RecordSEIndex] = {
    sei ← LOOPHOLE[MakeNonCtxSe[SIZE[linked record cons SERecord]]];
    seb[sei] ← SERecord[mark3: TRUE, mark4: FALSE,
	body: cons[record[
	    machineDep: FALSE,
	    painted: TRUE, argument: FALSE,
	    hints: [
		unifield: FALSE, variant: FALSE,
		assignable: FALSE, comparable: FALSE, privateFields: TRUE,
		refField: TRUE, default: FALSE, voidable: FALSE],
	    fieldCtx: bb[bti].localCtx,
	    length: IF bb[bti].type # RecordSENull THEN seb[bb[bti].type].length ELSE 0,
	    monitored: bb[bti].monitored,
	    linkPart: linked[link]]]];

  BodyForTree: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [CBTIndex] = {
    sei: ISEIndex;
    node, subNode: Tree.Index;
      symbol => {
	sei ← index;
	  seb[sei].mark4 =>
	    RETURN [IF seb[sei].constant THEN seb[sei].idInfo ELSE CBTNull]; 
	  seb[sei].immutable => {
	    node ← seb[sei].idValue;
	    WITH tb[node].son[3] SELECT FROM
	      subtree => {
		subNode ← index;
		IF tb[subNode].name = body THEN RETURN [tb[subNode].info]};
      subtree => {
	node ← index;
	SELECT tb[node].name FROM
	  cdot, dot, dollar => RETURN [BodyForTree[tb[node].son[2]]];
    RETURN [CBTNull]};

  XferBody: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [bti: CBTIndex] = {
    sei: ISEIndex;
    type: CSEIndex;
      symbol => {
	sei ← index;  type ← UnderType[seb[sei].idType];
	bti ← WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM
	  transfer =>
	    IF ~seb[sei].immutable
	      THEN CBTNull
		  program =>
		    IF seb[sei].mark4
		      THEN (IF seb[sei].constant THEN seb[sei].idInfo ELSE CBTNull)
		      ELSE RootBti,
		  proc =>
		    IF sei = bb[dataPtr.bodyIndex].id THEN dataPtr.bodyIndex ELSE CBTNull,
		  ENDCASE => CBTNull,
	  ENDCASE => CBTNull};
      ENDCASE => bti ← CBTNull;

  XferForFrame: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [type: CSEIndex ← CSENull] = {
    bti: BTIndex ← FIRST[BTIndex];
    btLimit: BTIndex = (dataPtr.table).Top[bodyType];
    UNTIL bti = btLimit DO
      WITH entry: bb[bti] SELECT FROM
	Callable => {
	  IF entry.localCtx = ctx THEN RETURN [UnderType[entry.ioType]];
	  bti ← bti + (WITH  entry SELECT FROM
		    Inner => SIZE[Inner Callable BodyRecord],
		    ENDCASE => SIZE[Outer Callable BodyRecord])};
	ENDCASE => bti ← bti + SIZE[Other BodyRecord];
    RETURN [CSENull]};

  Create: PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    val ← ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    subNode ← GetNode[val];
      BEGIN  OPEN tb[subNode];
      type, mType, rType: CSEIndex;
      attr: Attr;

      CreateError: PROC = {Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[1]]; type ← typeANY};

      name ← create;  attr1 ← TRUE;
      son[1] ← Exp[son[1], typeANY];
      mType ← RType[];  attr ← RAttr[];  RPop[];  phraseNP ← SetNP[phraseNP];
      WITH seb[mType] SELECT FROM
	transfer =>
	  IF mode = program THEN
	    SELECT XferBody[son[1]] FROM
	      CBTNull => type ← mType;
	      RootBti => {
		type ← IF seb[target].typeTag = ref
		  THEN MakeRefType[MakeFrameRecord[son[1]], target]
		  ELSE mType;
		attr1 ← FALSE};
	      ENDCASE => CreateError[]
	  ELSE CreateError[];
	ref => {
	  type ← mType; rType ← UnderType[refType];
	  WITH seb[rType] SELECT FROM
	    record =>
		(ctxb[fieldCtx].level # lG) => CreateError[];
		(seb[target].typeTag = transfer) => {
		  type ← XferForFrame[fieldCtx];
		  IF type = CSENull THEN {Log.Error[unimplemented]; type ← typeANY}};
	    ENDCASE =>  IF refType # typeANY THEN CreateError[]};
	ENDCASE => IF mType = typeANY THEN type ← typeANY ELSE CreateError[];
      IF son[2] # Tree.Null THEN {
	Log.ErrorTree[noApplication, son[1]]; son[2] ← UpdateList[son[2], VoidExp]};
      IF nSons > 2 THEN [] ← CatchPhrase[son[3]];
      current.noXfers ← attr.noXfer ← FALSE;  attr.const ← FALSE;
      RPush[type, attr];

  Start: PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    subNode ← Apply[GetNode[ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]]], typeANY, TRUE];
    SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
      start, startx, apply => NULL;
      ENDCASE => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[subNode].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    RETURN [[subtree[subNode]]]};

  Restart: PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    type: CSEIndex;
    val ← ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]];
    subNode ← GetNode[val];
      BEGIN  OPEN tb[subNode];
      name ← tb[node].name;  info ← tb[node].info;
      son[1] ← Exp[son[1], typeANY];  type ← RType[];  RPop[];
      phraseNP ← SetNP[phraseNP];
      WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM
	ref => NULL;		-- a weak check for now
	transfer =>
	  IF mode # program OR XferBody[son[1]] # CBTNull THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[1]];
	ENDCASE => IF type # typeANY THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, son[1]];
      IF son[2] # Tree.Null THEN {
	Log.ErrorTree[noApplication, son[1]]; son[2] ← UpdateList[son[2], VoidExp]};
      IF nSons > 2 THEN [] ← CatchPhrase[son[3]];
    current.noXfers ← FALSE;
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];  RETURN};

  Fork: PROC [node: Tree.Index, target: CSEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    type: CSEIndex;
    attr: Attr;
    t: Tree.Link ← ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    subNode ← Apply[GetNode[t], typeANY, TRUE];  attr ← RAttr[];  RPop[];
    SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
      call, callx => {
	s: Tree.Link ← tb[subNode].son[1];
	subType: CSEIndex;
	IF OpName[s] = thread THEN {
	  s ← NthSon[s, 1]; Log.ErrorTree[misusedInline, s]};
	IF current.lockHeld AND OperandInternal[s] THEN
	  Log.ErrorTree[internalCall, s];
	subType ← OperandType[s];
	WITH procType: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
	  transfer => {
	    type ← MakeNonCtxSe[SIZE[transfer cons SERecord]];
	    seb[type] ← SERecord[mark3: TRUE, mark4: TRUE,
			  body: cons[transfer[
			      mode: process, safe: procType.safe,
			      typeIn: RecordSENull,
			      typeOut: procType.typeOut]]];
	    IF P3S.safety = checked THEN {
	      CheckArg: Tree.Map = {
	        argType: CSEIndex = OperandType[t];
		subType: CSEIndex = NormalType[argType];
		WITH s: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
		  ref => {IF s.var THEN Log.ErrorTree[unsafeOperation, t]; v ← t};
		  transfer => v ← CheckScope[t, argType];
		  ENDCASE => v ← t;
	      tb[subNode].son[1] ← CheckScope[s, subType];
	      tb[subNode].son[2] ← UpdateList[tb[subNode].son[2], CheckArg]}};
	tb[subNode].name ← fork};
      apply => type ← typeANY;
      ENDCASE => {Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[node].son[1]]; type ← typeANY};
    tb[subNode].info ← type;  RPush[type, attr];
    RETURN [[subtree[subNode]]]};

  Join: PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    subNode ← Apply[GetNode[ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]]], typeANY, TRUE];
    SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
      join, joinx => NULL;
      apply => NULL;
      ENDCASE => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[subNode].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    RETURN [[subtree[subNode]]]};

  Wait: PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    saveNP: NPUse;
    IF ~current.lockHeld THEN Log.Error[misplacedMonitorRef];
    subNode ← Apply[GetNode[ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]]], typeANY, TRUE];
    SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
      wait => NULL;
      apply => NULL;
      ENDCASE => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[subNode].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    IF OperandLhs[tb[subNode].son[1]] = none THEN Log.ErrorTree[nonLHS, tb[subNode].son[1]];
    [] ← FreeTree[tb[subNode].son[2]];
    saveNP ← phraseNP;
    tb[subNode].son[2] ← tb[subNode].son[1];  tb[subNode].son[1] ← CopyLock[];
    phraseNP ← MergeNP[saveNP][phraseNP];
    RETURN [[subtree[subNode]]]};

 -- monitors

  LockVar: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    type, nType: CSEIndex;
    desc: Strings.SubStringDescriptor;
    sei: ISEIndex;
    nDerefs: CARDINAL;
    long, b: BOOLEAN;

    Dereference: PROC [type: CSEIndex] = {
      PushTree[val];  PushNode[uparrow, 1];  SetInfo[type];  SetAttr[2, long];
      val ← PopTree[]};

    val ← Exp[t, typeANY];  long ← LongPath[val];
    type ← RType[];  RPop[];  nDerefs ← 0;
      IF type = dataPtr.typeLOCK THEN {IF nDerefs # 0 THEN Dereference[type]; GO TO success};
      type ← UnderType[TypeRoot[type]];  nType ← NormalType[type];
      WITH seb[nType] SELECT FROM
	record => {
	  IF monitored THEN {
	    desc ← ["LOCK"L, 0, ("LOCK"L).length];
	    [b, sei] ← SearchCtxList[EnterString[@desc], fieldCtx];
	    IF ~b THEN {Log.Error[noAccess]; sei ← dataPtr.seAnon};
	    PushTree[val];  PushSe[sei];
	    PushNode[IF nDerefs = 0 THEN dollar ELSE dot, 2];
	    SetInfo[dataPtr.typeLOCK];  SetAttr[2, long];  val ← PopTree[];
	    GO TO success};
	  GO TO failure};
	ref => {
	  IF (nDerefs ← nDerefs + 1) > 63 THEN GO TO failure;
	  long ← seb[type].typeTag = long;
	  IF nDerefs > 1 THEN Dereference[type];
	  type ← UnderType[refType]};
	ENDCASE => GO TO failure;
	success => NULL;
	failure => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, val];
    IF OperandLhs[val] = none THEN Log.ErrorTree[nonLHS, val];

  FindLockParams: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [formal, actual: ISEIndex] = {
    node: Tree.Index = GetNode[tb[passPtr.lockNode].son[1]];
    found: BOOLEAN;
    IF node = Tree.NullIndex THEN formal ← actual ← ISENull
    ELSE {
      formal ← FirstId[node];
      IF current.inputRecord = SENull THEN found ← FALSE
      ELSE [found, actual] ← SearchCtxList[
      IF ~found THEN actual ← ISENull};

  LambdaApply: PROC [t: Tree.Link, formal, actual: ISEIndex] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link] = {

    BindFormal: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
      RETURN [[symbol[index: IF sei = formal THEN actual ELSE sei]]]};

    v ← BindTree[t, BindFormal];
    [] ← UpdateTreeAttr[v];

  CopyLock: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    formal, actual: ISEIndex;
      passPtr.lockNode = Tree.NullIndex => val ← Tree.Null;
      tb[current.bodyNode].son[4] # Tree.Null =>
	val ← LambdaApply[tb[current.bodyNode].son[4], ISENull, ISENull];
      ENDCASE => {
	[formal:formal, actual:actual] ← FindLockParams[];
	IF formal # SENull THEN {
	  IF actual = SENull THEN {Log.ErrorSei[missingLock, formal]; actual ← dataPtr.seAnon};
	  IF ~Types.Assignable[
		    [dataPtr.ownSymbols, UnderType[seb[formal].idType]],
		    [dataPtr.ownSymbols, UnderType[seb[actual].idType]]] THEN
	    Log.ErrorSei[typeClash, actual]};
	val ← LambdaApply[tb[passPtr.lockNode].son[2], formal, actual]};

 -- signals

  Signal: PUBLIC PROC [node: Tree.Index] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    subNode: Tree.Index;
    nodeTag: Tree.NodeName = tb[node].name;
    subNode ← Apply[GetNode[ForceApplication[tb[node].son[1]]], typeANY, TRUE];
    SELECT tb[subNode].name FROM
      signal, signalx => tb[subNode].name ← nodeTag;
      error, errorx => {
	  signal, signalx => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[subNode].son[1]];
	tb[subNode].name ← nodeTag};
      apply => NULL;
      ENDCASE => Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, tb[subNode].son[1]];
    tb[node].son[1] ← Tree.Null;  FreeNode[node];
    RETURN [[subtree[subNode]]]};

  ForceApplication: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    IF OpName[t] = apply THEN  RETURN [t];
    PushTree[t];  PushTree[Tree.Null];
    RETURN [MakeNode[apply, 2]]};

 -- catch phrases

  CatchPhrase: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [unwindCaught: BOOLEAN] = {
    saveReachable: BOOLEAN = current.reachable;
    savePathNP: NPUse = pathNP;
    saveSafety: Safety = P3S.safety;
    enclosingSafe: BOOLEAN = (saveSafety = checked);
    entryNP, exitNP: NPUse;

    CatchItem: Tree.Scan = {
      node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
      type: CSEIndex ← typeANY;
      mixed, safe, error: BOOLEAN ← FALSE;
      saveIndex: CARDINAL = dataPtr.textIndex;

      CatchLabel: Tree.Map = {
	subType: CSEIndex;
	v ← Exp[t, typeANY];  subType ← CanonicalType[RType[]];  RPop[];
	entryNP ← SequenceNP[entryNP][phraseNP];
	WITH t: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
	  transfer =>
	    IF t.mode = signal OR t.mode = error THEN {
	      IF type = typeANY THEN type ← subType
	      ELSE IF ~Types.Equivalent[
		    [dataPtr.ownSymbols, type], [dataPtr.ownSymbols, subType]] THEN
	        mixed ← TRUE;
	      IF t.safe THEN safe ← TRUE;
	      IF t.mode = error THEN error ← TRUE}
	    ELSE Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, v];
	  ENDCASE => IF subType # typeANY THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, v];

      dataPtr.textIndex ← tb[node].info;
      tb[node].son[1] ← UpdateList[tb[node].son[1], CatchLabel];
      IF mixed THEN type ← typeANY;
      tb[node].son[2] ← CatchBody[
          tb[node].son[2], type, safe OR (error AND enclosingSafe)];
      IF tb[node].son[1] = Tree.Link[symbol[index: dataPtr.idUNWIND]] THEN {
	unwindCaught ← TRUE;
	IF current.entry AND ~current.unwindEnabled AND current.catchDepth = 0 THEN {
	  PushTree[tb[node].son[2]];  PushTree[CopyLock[]];
	  PushNode[unlock, 1];  SetInfo[dataPtr.textIndex];
	  tb[node].son[2] ← MakeList[2]}};
      tb[node].info ← IF type # typeANY THEN type ELSE SENull;
      dataPtr.textIndex ← saveIndex;  RETURN};

    CatchBody: PROC [body: Tree.Link, type: CSEIndex, safe: BOOLEAN]
        RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
      saveRecord:  RecordSEIndex = current.resumeRecord;
      saveFlag: BOOLEAN = current.resumeFlag;
      current.catchDepth ← current.catchDepth + 1;
      WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM
	transfer => {
	  current.resumeFlag ← t.mode = signal;
	  BumpArgRefs[ArgRecord[t.typeIn], TRUE];
	  PushArgCtx[current.resumeRecord ← ArgRecord[t.typeOut]];
	  current.resumeFlag ← FALSE; current.resumeRecord ← RecordSENull};
      current.reachable ← TRUE;  pathNP ← entryNP;
      SELECT OpName[body] FROM
	block, checked => SetSafety[SafetyAttr[GetNode[body]]]; 
      IF safe AND P3S.safety = none THEN Log.Error[unsafeBlock];
      val ← UpdateList[body, Stmt ! InsertCatchLabel => {IF catchSeen THEN RESUME}];
      exitNP ← BoundNP[exitNP][pathNP];
      WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM
	transfer => {PopArgCtx[t.typeOut]; PopArgCtx[t.typeIn]};
      current.catchDepth ← current.catchDepth - 1;
      current.resumeRecord ← saveRecord;  current.resumeFlag ← saveFlag;
      SetSafety[saveSafety];  RETURN};

    setLabel, continued: BOOLEAN;
    node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
    setLabel ← continued ← unwindCaught ← FALSE;  entryNP ← exitNP ← none;
      ENABLE InsertCatchLabel => {
	IF ~catchSeen THEN {
	  setLabel ← TRUE;  IF exit THEN continued ← TRUE;
	  SIGNAL InsertCatchLabel[catchSeen:TRUE, exit:exit]; RESUME}};
      ScanList[tb[node].son[1], CatchItem];
      IF tb[node].nSons > 1 THEN
        tb[node].son[2] ← CatchBody[tb[node].son[2], typeANY, enclosingSafe];
    IF setLabel THEN {P3S.markCatch ← TRUE; P3S.continued ← continued};
    UnsealRefStack[];  current.reachable ← saveReachable;
    phraseNP ← exitNP;  pathNP ← savePathNP;  RETURN};

  PushArgCtx: PROC [sei: CSEIndex] = {
    ctx: CTXIndex = ArgCtx[sei];
    IF ctx # CTXNull THEN {
      ctxb[ctx].level ← current.level + current.catchDepth; PushCtx[ctx]}};

  PopArgCtx: PROC [sei: CSEIndex] = {
    ctx: CTXIndex = ArgCtx[sei];
    IF ctx # CTXNull THEN {PopCtx[]; ctxb[ctx].level ← lZ}};

  Resume: PROC [node: Tree.Index] = {
    OPEN tb[node];
    rSei: RecordSEIndex = current.resumeRecord;
    IF ~current.resumeFlag THEN Log.Error[misplacedResume];
    IF rSei # SENull AND son[1] = Tree.Null THEN {
      n: CARDINAL ← 0;
      BumpArgRefs[rSei, FALSE];
      FOR sei: ISEIndex ← FirstCtxSe[seb[rSei].fieldCtx], NextSe[sei] UNTIL sei = SENull DO
	n ← n+1; 
	IF n=1 AND seb[sei].hash = HTNull THEN Log.Error[illDefinedReturn];
      son[1] ← MakeList[n]}
    ELSE {
      son[1] ← IF attr1 AND rSei # SENull
        THEN Rhs[son[1], rSei]
	ELSE MatchFields[rSei, son[1]];
      pathNP ← SequenceNP[pathNP][phraseNP]};
    current.reachable ← FALSE};

 -- Rope identification (temporary)
  CheckHash: PROC [hti: HTIndex, s: Strings.String] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {
    desc: Strings.SubStringDescriptor;
    desc ← [base: s, offset: 0, length: s.length];
    RETURN [FindString[@desc] = hti]};
  TextRep: PUBLIC PROC [rType: SEIndex] RETURNS [form: TextForm ← text] = {
    type: CSEIndex = UnderType[rType];
    rope: STRING = "Rope"L;
    ropeRep: STRING = "RopeRep"L;
    textRep: STRING = "TextRep"L;
    WITH se: seb[rType] SELECT FROM
      id =>
	IF CheckHash[se.hash, ropeRep] THEN form ← rope
	ELSE IF CheckHash[se.hash, textRep] THEN form ← ropeText;
    WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM
      record =>
        WITH c: ctxb[t.fieldCtx] SELECT FROM
	  included => IF ~CheckHash[mdb[c.module].moduleId, rope] THEN form ← text;
	  ENDCASE => form ← text;
      ENDCASE => form ← text;