-- file Pass3I.mesa
-- last modified by Satterthwaite, September 10, 1982 11:32 am
-- last modified by Donahue,  8-Dec-81 15:29:30

  Alloc: TYPE USING [Notifier, AddNotify, DropNotify],
  ComData: TYPE USING [
    definitionsOnly, moduleCtx, seAnon, switches, table, textIndex, typeAtomRecord],
  Copier: TYPE USING [CompleteContext, Delink, SearchFileCtx],
  Log: TYPE USING [Error, ErrorHti, ErrorSei, ErrorTree, WarningSei],
    Attr, FullAttr, VoidAttr, Mark, MergeNP, phraseNP,
    And, Exp, FirstId, InterfaceCtx, LongPath, MakeRefType, MarkedType,
    OperandType, ResolveType, ResolveValue, RPop, RPush, RType, SetDefaultImport,
    TypeForTree, VariantUnionType, VoidExp],
  P3S: TYPE USING [currentBody, currentScope, safety],
  Symbols: TYPE USING [
    seType, ctxType, mdType,
    Base, CTXRecord, ExtensionType,
    MDIndex, HTIndex, SEIndex, ISEIndex, CSEIndex, ArraySEIndex, RecordSEIndex,
    CTXIndex, IncludedCTXIndex, Closure,
    HTNull, SENull, ISENull, RecordSENull, CTXNull, IncludedCTXNull,
    lG, lZ, StandardContext, typeTYPE, typeANY],
  SymbolOps: TYPE USING [
    ArgCtx, ConstantId, EnterExtension, FindExtension, FirstCtxSe, LinkMode,
    NextSe, NormalType, RCType, RecordRoot, ReferentType, SearchContext, SetSeLink,
    TypeLink, TypeRoot, UnderType],
  SymLiteralOps: TYPE USING [EnterAtom, EnterType],
  Tree: TYPE USING [Base, Index, Link, Map, Scan, Test, Null, NullIndex, treeType],
  TreeOps: TYPE USING [
    CopyTree, FreeTree, GetHash, GetNode, GetSe, ListLength, NthSon, OpName,
    PopTree, PushTree, PushNode, ScanList, ScanSons, SearchList,
    SetAttr, SetInfo, SetShared, UpdateList, UpdateLeaves];

      Alloc, Copier, Log, P3, P3S, SymLiteralOps, SymbolOps, TreeOps, 
      dataPtr: ComData
    EXPORTS P3 = { 
  OPEN SymbolOps, P3, Symbols, TreeOps;

-- uninitialized variable processing

  RefItem: TYPE = RECORD [kind: {seal, rhs, lhs}, sei: ISEIndex];
  RefSeal: RefItem = [kind:seal, sei:ISENull];

  RefSequence: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF RefItem];
  RefStack: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO RefSequence;
  refStack: RefStack;
  refIndex: CARDINAL;

  AdjustRefStack: PROC [n: CARDINAL] = {
    oldStack: RefStack ← refStack;
    refStack ← zone.NEW[RefSequence[n]];
    FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..refIndex) DO refStack[i] ← oldStack[i] ENDLOOP;

  RecordMention: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    IF dataPtr.switches['u] AND (seb[sei].idInfo = 0 AND ~seb[sei].mark4) THEN {
      IF refIndex >= refStack.length THEN AdjustRefStack[refStack.length + 8];
      refStack[refIndex] ← [kind:rhs, sei:sei];
      refIndex ← refIndex + 1}
    ELSE BumpCount[sei]};

  RecordLhs: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    key: RefItem;
    IF dataPtr.switches['u] AND (seb[sei].idInfo = 0 AND ~seb[sei].mark4) THEN {
      key ← [kind:rhs, sei:sei];
      FOR i: CARDINAL DECREASING IN [0..refIndex) DO
	SELECT refStack[i] FROM
	  key => {refStack[i].kind ← lhs; EXIT};
	  RefSeal => EXIT;

  SealRefStack: PUBLIC PROC = {
    IF refIndex >= refStack.length THEN AdjustRefStack[refStack.length + 8];
    refStack[refIndex] ← RefSeal;  refIndex ← refIndex + 1};

  UnsealRefStack: PUBLIC PROC = {
    ClearRefStack[];    refIndex ← refIndex - 1;
    IF refStack[refIndex] # RefSeal THEN ERROR};

  ClearRefStack: PUBLIC PROC = {
    sei: ISEIndex;
    FOR i: CARDINAL DECREASING IN [0..refIndex) UNTIL refStack[i] = RefSeal DO
      sei ← refStack[i].sei;
      IF refStack[i].kind = rhs
       AND ~ConstantInit[sei]
       AND (~dataPtr.definitionsOnly OR ctxb[seb[sei].idCtx].level # lG) THEN
	Log.WarningSei[uninitialized, sei];
      refIndex ← refIndex - 1;
    IF refStack.length > 16 AND refIndex <= 16 THEN AdjustRefStack[16]};

  ConstantInit: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {
    node: Tree.Index;
    IF seb[sei].constant THEN RETURN [TRUE];
    node ← seb[sei].idValue;
    RETURN [seb[sei].immutable
	AND node # Tree.NullIndex AND OpName[tb[node].son[3]] = body]};

-- tables defining the current symbol table

  tb: Tree.Base;		-- tree base
  seb: Symbols.Base;		-- se table
  ctxb: Symbols.Base;		-- context table
  mdb: Symbols.Base;		-- module directory base

  IdNotify: Alloc.Notifier = {
    -- called whenever the main symbol table is repacked
    tb ← base[Tree.treeType];
    seb ← base[seType];  ctxb ← base[ctxType];  mdb ← base[mdType]};

-- type table management

  EnterType: PUBLIC PROC [type: SEIndex, canonical: BOOLEAN←TRUE] = {
    SymLiteralOps.EnterType[type, canonical];

  CompleteRCType: PROC [type: SEIndex] = {
    subType: CSEIndex = UnderType[TypeRoot[type]];
    IF RCType[subType] # none THEN {
      WITH t: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
        record => CompleteRecord[LOOPHOLE[subType], rc];
        array => CompleteRCType[t.componentType];
	union, sequence => Log.Error[unimplemented];

  EnterComposite: PUBLIC PROC [type: CSEIndex, t: Tree.Link, init: BOOLEAN] = {
    SELECT OpName[t] FROM
      loophole, cast, safen, pad => {
	t1: Tree.Link = NthSon[t, 1];
	EnterComposite[OperandType[t1], t1, init];
	IF RCType[type] = composite THEN EnterType[type, TRUE]};
      construct =>
	IF RCType[type] = composite THEN {
	  node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	  EnterFieldTypes[RecordRoot[tb[node].info], tb[node].son[2], init];
	  IF ~init THEN EnterType[type, TRUE]};	-- in case constant-folded
      union => {
	node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	EnterFieldTypes[LOOPHOLE[UnderType[GetSe[tb[node].son[1]]]], tb[node].son[2], init]};
      rowcons => {
	node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	aSei: ArraySEIndex = tb[node].info;
	cSei: CSEIndex = UnderType[seb[aSei].componentType];

	EnterElement: Tree.Scan = {EnterComposite[cSei, t, init]};

	IF RCType[cSei] # none THEN {
	  ScanList[tb[node].son[2], EnterElement];
	  IF ~init THEN EnterType[type, TRUE]}};
      all => {
	node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	aSei: ArraySEIndex = tb[node].info;
	cSei: CSEIndex = UnderType[seb[aSei].componentType];
	IF RCType[cSei] # none THEN {
	  EnterComposite[cSei, NthSon[t, 1], FALSE];
	  IF ~init THEN EnterType[type, TRUE]}};
      ENDCASE =>
	SELECT seb[type].typeTag FROM
	  union => Log.ErrorTree[unimplemented, t];
	  sequence => IF t # Tree.Null THEN Log.ErrorTree[unimplemented, t];
	  ENDCASE => IF RCType[type] = composite THEN EnterType[type, TRUE]};

  EnterFieldTypes: PROC [rSei: RecordSEIndex, t: Tree.Link, init: BOOLEAN] = {
    sei: ISEIndex ← FirstCtxSe[seb[rSei].fieldCtx];

    EnterField: Tree.Scan = {
      IF sei # ISENull THEN EnterComposite[UnderType[seb[sei].idType], t, init];
      sei ← NextSe[sei]};

    ScanList[t, EnterField]};

  EnterMarkedType: PROC [type: SEIndex] = INLINE {

  EnterDiscriminator: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = INLINE {	-- guarantee that union is copied
    [] ← VariantUnionType[OpenedType[OperandType[t]]]};

  EnterTags: PROC [type: SEIndex] = INLINE {
    subType: CSEIndex ← OpenedType[UnderType[type]];
      next: CSEIndex ← UnderType[TypeLink[subType]];
      IF next = SENull THEN EXIT;
      [] ← VariantUnionType[next];	-- guarantee that union is copied
      subType ← next;

-- identifier look-up

  Id: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    sei: ISEIndex;
    type: CSEIndex;
    ctx: CTXIndex;
    baseV: Tree.Link;
    attr: Attr ← VoidAttr;
    indirect: BOOLEAN;
    [sei, baseV, indirect] ← FindSe[hti];
    IF sei # ISENull THEN {
      IF baseV = Tree.Null THEN RecordMention[sei] ELSE BumpCount[sei];
      IF ~seb[sei].mark3 THEN ResolveIdType[sei];
      val ← [symbol[index: sei]];  type ← UnderType[seb[sei].idType];
      ctx ← seb[sei].idCtx;
      SELECT ctxb[ctx].ctxType FROM
	included => {
	  attr.const ← ConstantId[sei];
	  IF baseV = Tree.Null AND (~attr.const OR ~InterfaceConst[sei]) THEN
	    Log.ErrorSei[notImported, sei]};
	imported => {
	  IF seb[type].typeTag = ref THEN [val, type] ← DeRef[val, type];
	  attr.const ← FALSE};
	  IF ~ConstResolved[sei] THEN ResolveIdValue[sei];
	  attr.const ← seb[sei].constant};
	baseV = Tree.Null => {
	  IF ctx = P3S.currentBody.argCtx THEN phraseNP ← ref;
	  IF ctxb[ctx].level = lZ AND ~attr.const THEN
	    SELECT ctx FROM
	      IN StandardContext, dataPtr.moduleCtx => NULL;
	      ENDCASE => Log.ErrorSei[missingBase, sei]};
	(~attr.const AND ctxb[ctx].ctxType # imported) => {
	  attr ← And[UpdateTreeAttr[baseV], attr];
	  PushTree[CopyTree[baseV]];  PushTree[val];
	  IF indirect THEN {PushNode[dot, 2]; SetAttr[2, seb[OperandType[baseV]].typeTag = long]}
	  ELSE {PushNode[dollar, 2]; SetAttr[2, LongPath[baseV]]};
	  SetInfo[type];  val ← PopTree[]};
      IF VarType[type] THEN [val, type] ← DeRef[val, type, TRUE]}
    ELSE {
      attr ← And[UpdateTreeAttr[baseV], attr];  type ← OperandType[baseV];
      IF indirect THEN [val, type] ← DeRef[CopyTree[baseV], type]
      ELSE val ← CopyTree[baseV]};
    RPush[type, attr];

  DeRef: PROC [t: Tree.Link, type: CSEIndex, var: BOOLEAN ← FALSE]
      RETURNS [Tree.Link, CSEIndex] = {
    rType: CSEIndex = ReferentType[type];
    PushNode[uparrow, 1];
    SetInfo[rType];  SetAttr[2, seb[type].typeTag = long]; SetAttr[3, var];
    RETURN [PopTree[], rType]};

  FieldId: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, type: RecordSEIndex] RETURNS [n: CARDINAL, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    [n, sei] ← SearchRecord[hti, type];
    IF n # 0 THEN {
      IF ~seb[sei].mark3 THEN ResolveIdType[sei];
      IF ~ConstResolved[sei] THEN ResolveIdValue[sei];

  InterfaceId: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex]
      RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, ctx];
    IF found  THEN {
      SELECT ctxb[seb[sei].idCtx].ctxType FROM
	imported => NULL;
	included =>
	  IF ~ConstantId[sei] OR ~InterfaceConst[sei] THEN Log.ErrorSei[notImported, sei];
	 ENDCASE => {
	   IF ~seb[sei].mark3 THEN ResolveIdType[sei];
	   IF ~ConstResolved[sei] THEN ResolveIdValue[sei]};

  ClusterId: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex] 
      RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    WITH c: ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM
      simple => [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, ctx];
      included => {
        mdi: MDIndex = c.module;
	IF mdb[mdi].defaultImport = CTXNull THEN {  -- avoid creating spurious principal imports
	  IF SearchCtxList[hti, ctx].found THEN
	    [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, DefaultImport[LOOPHOLE[ctx], FALSE]]
	  ELSE {found ← FALSE; sei ← ISENull}}
	ELSE [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, mdb[mdi].defaultImport]};
      ENDCASE => {found ← FALSE; sei ← ISENull};
    IF found THEN {
      IF ~seb[sei].mark3 THEN ResolveIdType[sei];
-- service routines for above

  InterfaceConst: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {
    RETURN [SELECT LinkMode[sei] FROM val, ref => FALSE, ENDCASE => TRUE]};

  ConstResolved: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {
    RETURN [(seb[sei].mark4 OR seb[sei].idValue = Tree.Null) OR ~seb[sei].immutable
      OR (seb[sei].constant AND ~RootType[sei])]};

  VarType: PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {
    subType: CSEIndex = NormalType[type];
    RETURN [WITH t: seb[subType] SELECT FROM
      ref => t.var,
      ENDCASE => FALSE]};
  RootType: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {
    RETURN [seb[sei].idType = typeTYPE AND TypeLink[sei] = SENull]};

  ResolveIdType: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    declNode: Tree.Index ← seb[sei].idValue;
    IF tb[declNode].attr3 # P3.Mark THEN ResolveType[sei]};

  ResolveIdValue: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    declNode: Tree.Index ← seb[sei].idValue;
    IF seb[sei].mark3 AND tb[declNode].attr2 # P3.Mark THEN ResolveValue[sei]};

  BumpCount: PUBLIC PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    OPEN seb[sei];
    IF idType # typeTYPE AND (~mark4 OR (ctxb[idCtx].ctxType = imported AND ~constant)) THEN
      idInfo ← idInfo + 1};

-- keyed-list matching

  CompleteRecord: PUBLIC PROC [rSei: RecordSEIndex, depth: Closure ← unit] = {
    ctx: CTXIndex = seb[rSei].fieldCtx;
    WITH ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM
      simple => NULL;
      included => IF level = lZ THEN Copier.CompleteContext[LOOPHOLE[ctx], depth];

  ArrangeKeys: PUBLIC PROC [
	expList: Tree.Link,
	nextKey: PROC RETURNS [HTIndex],
	omittedValue: PROC RETURNS [Tree.Link]]
      RETURNS [nItems: CARDINAL] = {
    Pair: TYPE = RECORD[key: HTIndex, val: Tree.Link];
    PairList: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF Pair];
    a: LONG POINTER TO PairList;
    n: CARDINAL;
    duplicate: BOOLEAN;

    ListItem: Tree.Map = {
      node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
      hti: HTIndex = GetHash[tb[node].son[1]];
      FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. n) DO
	IF hti = a[i].key THEN GO TO Duplicate;
	  Duplicate => {duplicate ← TRUE; v ← t};
	  FINISHED => {
	    a[n] ← [key:hti, val:tb[node].son[2]];  n ← n+1;
	    tb[node].son[2] ← Tree.Null;  v ← FreeTree[t]};

    DuplicateItem: Tree.Scan = {
      IF t # Tree.Null THEN {
	node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	Log.ErrorTree[duplicateKey, tb[node].son[1]];
	tb[node].son[2] ← P3.VoidExp[tb[node].son[2]]}};

    key: HTIndex;
    m: CARDINAL;
    n ← ListLength[expList];  nItems ← 0;
    a ← zone.NEW[PairList[n]];
    n ← 0;  duplicate ← FALSE;  expList ← UpdateList[expList, ListItem];  m ← n;
    UNTIL (key ← nextKey[]) = HTNull DO
      FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. n) DO
	IF key = a[i].key THEN GO TO Found;
	  Found => {PushTree[a[i].val]; a[i].key ← HTNull; m ← m-1};
	  FINISHED => PushTree[omittedValue[]];
      nItems ← nItems + 1;
    IF duplicate THEN ScanList[expList, DuplicateItem];
    IF m # 0 THEN
      FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. n) DO
	IF a[i].key # HTNull THEN {
	  Log.ErrorHti[unknownKey, a[i].key]; [] ← FreeTree[P3.VoidExp[a[i].val]]};
    [] ← FreeTree[expList];  zone.FREE[@a];

-- service routines for copying/mapping list structure

  BindTree: PUBLIC PROC [
        t: Tree.Link, binding: PROC [ISEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link]]
      RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    MapTree: Tree.Map = {
      IF t = Tree.Null THEN v ← Tree.Null
	symbol => v ← binding[index];
	subtree => {
	  node: Tree.Index = index;
	    tb[node].shared =>
	      SELECT tb[node].name FROM
		call, callx => MapThreadedTree[t],
		ENDCASE => t,
	    ENDCASE => TreeOps.CopyTree[[baseP:@tb, link:t], MapTree]};
	ENDCASE => v ← t;
    MapThread: Tree.Map = {
      IF OpName[t] = thread THEN {
	node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
	PushTree[MapTree[tb[node].son[1]]]; PushTree[Tree.Null];
	PushNode[thread, 2]; SetAttr[1, FALSE]; SetInfo[P3S.currentScope];
	v ← PopTree[]}
      ELSE v ← MapTree[t]};
    MapThreadedTree: Tree.Map = {
      sThread: Tree.Index = GetNode[NthSon[t, 1]];
      dThread: Tree.Index;
      v ← TreeOps.CopyTree[[baseP:@tb, link:t], MapThread];
      dThread ← GetNode[NthSon[v, 1]];
      tb[dThread].son[2] ← tb[sThread].son[2];
      tb[sThread].son[2] ← v;  SetShared[v, TRUE];
    RETURN [MapTree[t]]};
  IdentityBinding: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    RETURN [[symbol[index: sei]]]};
  CopyTree: PUBLIC Tree.Map = {
    RETURN [BindTree[t, IdentityBinding]]};
  UpdateTreeAttr: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [attr: Attr] = {
    -- traverses the tree, incrementing reference counts for ids

    UpdateAttr: Tree.Scan = {
	symbol => {
	  IF seb[index].idCtx = P3S.currentBody.argCtx THEN
	    phraseNP ← MergeNP[phraseNP][ref];
	subtree => {
	  node: Tree.Index = index;
	  ScanSons[t, UpdateAttr];
	  SELECT tb[node].name FROM
	    assign, assignx => {
	      attr.noAssign ← FALSE;  phraseNP ← MergeNP[phraseNP][set];
	      IF tb[node].attr2 AND tb[node].attr3 THEN
	        EnterComposite[OperandType[tb[node].son[1]], tb[node].son[2], tb[node].attr1]};
	    IN [call..join], IN [callx..joinx] => {	-- conservative
	      P3S.currentBody.noXfers ← attr.noXfer ← FALSE;
	      attr.noAssign ← FALSE;  phraseNP ← MergeNP[phraseNP][set]};
	    new => P3S.currentBody.noXfers ← attr.noXfer ← FALSE;
	    atom => SymLiteralOps.EnterAtom[GetHash[tb[node].son[1]]];
	    ENDCASE => NULL};

    attr ← FullAttr;  phraseNP ← none;  UpdateAttr[t];
    attr.const ← FALSE;  RETURN};

-- context stack management

  ContextEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
    base: Tree.Link,		-- the basing expr (empty if none)
    indirect: BOOLEAN,		-- true iff basing expr is pointer
    info: SELECT tag: * FROM
      list => [ctx: CTXIndex],		-- a single context
      record => [rSei: RecordSEIndex],	-- a group of contexts
      hash => [ctxHti: HTIndex],	-- a single identifier

  ContextSequence: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE length: NAT OF ContextEntry];
  ContextStack: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO ContextSequence;

  ctxStack: ContextStack;
  ctxIndex: INTEGER;
  ContextIncr: CARDINAL = 16;

  MakeStack: PROC [size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [ContextStack] = INLINE {
    RETURN [zone.NEW[ContextSequence[size]]]};

  ExpandStack: PROC = {
    oldstack: ContextStack ← ctxStack;
    ctxStack ← MakeStack[oldstack.length + ContextIncr];
    FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. oldstack.length) DO ctxStack[i] ← oldstack[i] ENDLOOP;

  PushCtx: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] = {
    IF (ctxIndex ← ctxIndex+1) >= ctxStack.length THEN ExpandStack[];
    ctxStack[ctxIndex] ← [base:Tree.Null, indirect:FALSE, info:list[ctx]]};

  SetCtxBase: PROC [base: Tree.Link, indirect: BOOLEAN] = {
    ctxStack[ctxIndex].base ← base; ctxStack[ctxIndex].indirect ← indirect};

  PushRecordCtx: PUBLIC PROC [rSei: RecordSEIndex, base: Tree.Link, indirect: BOOLEAN] = { 
    IF (ctxIndex ← ctxIndex+1) >= ctxStack.length THEN ExpandStack[];
    ctxStack[ctxIndex] ← [base:base, indirect:indirect, info:record[rSei]]};
  UpdateRecordCtx: PUBLIC PROC [type: RecordSEIndex] = {
    WITH ctxStack[ctxIndex] SELECT FROM
      record => rSei ← type;
      ENDCASE => ERROR};

  PushHtCtx: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, base: Tree.Link, indirect: BOOLEAN] = {
    IF (ctxIndex ← ctxIndex+1) >= ctxStack.length THEN ExpandStack[];
    ctxStack[ctxIndex] ← [base:base, indirect:indirect, info:hash[hti]]};

  PopCtx: PUBLIC PROC = {ctxIndex ← ctxIndex-1};

    RETURN [WITH ctxStack[ctxIndex] SELECT FROM list => ctx, ENDCASE => ERROR]};

-- primary lookup

  FindSe: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex, Tree.Link, BOOLEAN] = {
    found: BOOLEAN;
    nHits: CARDINAL;
    sei: ISEIndex;
    FOR i: INTEGER DECREASING IN [0 .. ctxIndex] DO
      WITH s: ctxStack[i] SELECT FROM
	list => {
	  [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, s.ctx];
	  IF found THEN GO TO Found};
	record => {
	  [nHits, sei] ← SearchRecord[hti, s.rSei];
	    = 1 => GO TO Found;
	    > 1 => GO TO Ambiguous;
	hash => IF hti = s.ctxHti THEN {sei ← ISENull; GO TO Found};
	Found => RETURN [sei, ctxStack[i].base, ctxStack[i].indirect];
	Ambiguous => {
	  Log.ErrorHti[ambiguousId, hti];
	  RETURN [dataPtr.seAnon, Tree.Null, FALSE]};
	  IF hti # HTNull THEN Log.ErrorHti[unknownId, hti];
	  RETURN [dataPtr.seAnon, Tree.Null, FALSE]};

  SearchCtxList: PUBLIC PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex]
      RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    IF ctx = CTXNull THEN RETURN [FALSE, ISENull];
    WITH c: ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM
      included => {
	IF c.restricted THEN {
	  sei ← SearchRestrictedCtx[hti, LOOPHOLE[ctx]]; found ← (sei # ISENull)}
	  sei ← SearchContext[hti, ctx];
	    (sei # ISENull) => found ← TRUE;
	    (~c.closed AND ~c.reset) => [found, sei] ← Copier.SearchFileCtx[hti, LOOPHOLE[ctx]];
	    ENDCASE => found ← FALSE};
	IF found AND ~seb[sei].public AND ~Shared[ctx]
	 AND sei # dataPtr.seAnon THEN Log.ErrorHti[noAccess, hti]};
      imported => {
	iCtx: IncludedCTXIndex = c.includeLink;
	sei ← SearchContext[hti, ctx];
	IF sei # ISENull THEN
	  found ← ~ctxb[iCtx].restricted OR CheckRestrictedCtx[hti, iCtx] # ISENull
	  [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, iCtx];
	  IF found AND  sei # dataPtr.seAnon THEN
	    SELECT LinkMode[sei] FROM
	      val => {MoveSe[sei, ctx]; ImportSe[sei, ctx]};
	      ref => {
		MoveSe[sei, ctx];
		IF ~dataPtr.definitionsOnly AND ~VarType[UnderType[seb[sei].idType]] THEN {
		  seb[sei].idType ← MakeRefType[
			cType: seb[sei].idType, readOnly: seb[sei].immutable,
			hint: typeANY];
		  seb[sei].immutable ← TRUE};
		ImportSe[sei, ctx]};
      ENDCASE => {sei ← SearchContext[hti, ctx]; found ← (sei # ISENull)};

  MoveSe: PROC [sei: ISEIndex, ctx: CTXIndex] = {
    Copier.Delink[sei];  seb[sei].idCtx ← ctx;
    SetSeLink[sei, ctxb[ctx].seList];  ctxb[ctx].seList ← sei};

-- import handling

  MainIncludedCtx: PUBLIC PROC [mdi: MDIndex] RETURNS [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex] = {
    FOR ctx ← mdb[mdi].ctx, ctxb[ctx].chain UNTIL ctx = CTXNull DO
      IF ctxb[ctx].level = lG THEN EXIT ENDLOOP;

  DefaultImport: PROC [iCtx: IncludedCTXIndex, new: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [CTXIndex] = {
    mdi: MDIndex = ctxb[iCtx].module;
    IF mdb[mdi].defaultImport = CTXNull THEN SetDefaultImport[iCtx, new];
    RETURN [mdb[mdi].defaultImport]};

  ImportTree: PROC [t: Tree.Link, importCtx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = {
    iCtx: IncludedCTXIndex = WITH c: ctxb[importCtx] SELECT FROM
      imported => c.includeLink,

    UpdateBinding: Tree.Map = {
	symbol => {
	  oldSei: ISEIndex = index;
	  oldCtx: CTXIndex = seb[oldSei].idCtx;
	  newSei: ISEIndex;
	  type: CSEIndex;
	  WITH c: ctxb[oldCtx] SELECT FROM
	    included =>
	      IF c.level # lG OR InterfaceConst[oldSei] THEN newSei ← oldSei
	      ELSE {
		mdi: MDIndex = c.module;
		saveRestricted: BOOLEAN = c.restricted;
		saveShared: BOOLEAN = mdb[mdi].shared;
		targetCtx: CTXIndex;
		c.restricted ← FALSE;  mdb[mdi].shared ← TRUE;
		targetCtx ← IF oldCtx = iCtx
				THEN importCtx
				ELSE DefaultImport[LOOPHOLE[oldCtx], TRUE];
		newSei ← SearchCtxList[seb[oldSei].hash, targetCtx].sei;
		mdb[mdi].shared ← saveShared; c.restricted ← saveRestricted};
	    ENDCASE => newSei ← oldSei;
	  v ← [symbol[index: newSei]];
	  IF ~dataPtr.definitionsOnly AND ctxb[seb[newSei].idCtx].ctxType = imported THEN {
	    type ← UnderType[seb[newSei].idType];
	    WITH s: seb[type] SELECT FROM
	      ref => IF ~s.var THEN [v, ] ← DeRef[v, type];
	subtree => {
	  node: Tree.Index = index;
	  IF t # Tree.Null THEN
	    SELECT tb[node].name FROM
	      assign, assignx =>
		IF tb[node].attr2 AND tb[node].attr3 THEN
		  EnterComposite[OperandType[tb[node].son[1]], tb[node].son[2], tb[node].attr1];
	      new =>
		IF tb[node].attr3 THEN {
		  subType: SEIndex = TypeForTree[tb[node].son[2]];
		  EnterType[TypeRoot[subType], FALSE];
		  IF tb[node].son[3] # Tree.Null THEN
		    EnterComposite[UnderType[subType], tb[node].son[3], TRUE]};
	      ditem => {
		sei: ISEIndex = FirstId[GetNode[tb[node].son[1]]];
	        UpdateNarrowing[seb[sei].idType, tb[node].attr2, tb[node].attr3]};
	      narrow => {
	        IF RCType[tb[node].info] = simple THEN {
	          nType: CSEIndex = NormalType[tb[node].info];
	          WITH t: seb[nType] SELECT FROM
		    ref => EnterType[t.refType, FALSE];
		    ENDCASE => NULL};
		UpdateNarrowing[tb[node].info, tb[node].attr2, tb[node].attr3]};
	      istype =>
	        UpdateNarrowing[TypeForTree[tb[node].son[2]], tb[node].attr2, tb[node].attr3];
	      atom => {
	        EnterType[dataPtr.typeAtomRecord, FALSE]};
	      bind, bindx => 
	        IF ~tb[node].attr3 THEN
		  EnterDiscriminator[NthSon[tb[node].son[1], 2]];
	  v ← UpdateLeaves[t, UpdateBinding]};
	ENDCASE => v ← t;

    RETURN [UpdateBinding[t]]};

  UpdateNarrowing: PROC [type: SEIndex, rtTest, tagTest: BOOLEAN] = {
    IF rtTest THEN EnterMarkedType[type];
    IF tagTest THEN EnterTags[type]};

  ImportCtx: PROC [ctx, importCtx: CTXIndex] = {
    FOR sei: ISEIndex ← FirstCtxSe[ctx], NextSe[sei] UNTIL sei = ISENull DO
        ImportSe[sei, importCtx] ENDLOOP};

  ImportSe: PROC [sei: ISEIndex, importCtx: CTXIndex] = {
    t: Tree.Link;
    tag: ExtensionType;
    type: CSEIndex = UnderType[seb[sei].idType];
    WITH t: seb[type] SELECT FROM
      transfer => {
	ImportCtx[ArgCtx[t.typeIn], importCtx];
	ImportCtx[ArgCtx[t.typeOut], importCtx]};
    IF seb[sei].extended THEN {
      [tag, t] ← FindExtension[sei];
      EnterExtension[sei, tag, ImportTree[t, importCtx]]}};

-- searching records

  SearchRecordSegment: PROC [hti: HTIndex, rSei: RecordSEIndex, suffixed: BOOLEAN]
      RETURNS [nHits: CARDINAL, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    tSei: CSEIndex;
    found: BOOLEAN;
    n: CARDINAL;
    match: ISEIndex;
    [found, sei] ← SearchCtxList[hti, seb[rSei].fieldCtx];
    nHits ← IF found THEN 1 ELSE 0;
    IF seb[rSei].hints.variant THEN {
      tSei ← VariantUnionType[rSei];
      WITH seb[tSei] SELECT FROM
	union => {
	  IF ~suffixed AND ~controlled AND overlaid THEN {
	    [n, match] ← SearchOverlays[hti, caseCtx];
	    IF ~found THEN sei ← match;
	    nHits ← nHits + n};
	  IF controlled AND seb[tagSei].hash = hti THEN {sei ← tagSei; nHits ← nHits + 1}};
	sequence => {
	  IF controlled AND seb[tagSei].hash = hti THEN {sei ← tagSei; nHits ← nHits + 1}};

  SearchOverlays: PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex]
      RETURNS [nHits: CARDINAL, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    vSei: ISEIndex;
    rSei: SEIndex;
    n: CARDINAL;
    match: ISEIndex;
    WITH ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM
      included => Copier.CompleteContext[LOOPHOLE[ctx]];
    nHits ← 0;  sei ← ISENull;
    FOR vSei ← FirstCtxSe[ctx], NextSe[vSei] UNTIL vSei = ISENull DO
      IF seb[vSei].public OR Shared[ctx] THEN {
	rSei ← seb[vSei].idInfo;
	WITH r: seb[rSei] SELECT FROM
	  id => NULL;
	  cons =>
	      record => {
		[n, match] ← SearchRecordSegment[hti, LOOPHOLE[rSei], FALSE];
		IF nHits = 0 THEN sei ← match;
		nHits ← nHits + n};
	      ENDCASE => ERROR;

  SearchRecord: PROC [hti: HTIndex, type: RecordSEIndex]
      RETURNS [nHits: CARDINAL, sei: ISEIndex] = {
    rSei: RecordSEIndex;
    suffixed: BOOLEAN;
    rSei ← type;  suffixed ← FALSE;
    UNTIL rSei = RecordSENull DO
      [nHits, sei] ← SearchRecordSegment[hti, rSei, suffixed];
      IF nHits # 0 THEN RETURN;
      rSei ← WITH seb[rSei] SELECT FROM
	linked => LOOPHOLE[UnderType[linkType]],
	ENDCASE => RecordSENull;
      suffixed ← TRUE;
    RETURN [0, ISENull]};

-- management of restricted contexts

  Shared: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {
    RETURN [WITH c: ctxb[ctx] SELECT FROM
      included => mdb[c.module].shared,
      imported => Shared[c.includeLink],
      ENDCASE => TRUE]};
  CtxRestriction: TYPE = RECORD [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, list: Tree.Link];
  CtxIdTable: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF CtxRestriction];
  ctxIdTable: LONG POINTER TO CtxIdTable;

  CtxHash: PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = INLINE {
    RETURN [(LOOPHOLE[ctx, CARDINAL]/SIZE[included CTXRecord]) MOD ctxIdTable.length]};

  MakeIdTable: PUBLIC PROC [nIdLists: CARDINAL] = {
    ctxIdTable ← zone.NEW[CtxIdTable[nIdLists]];
    FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..nIdLists) DO ctxIdTable[i] ← [IncludedCTXNull, Tree.Null] ENDLOOP};

  EnterIdList: PUBLIC PROC [ctx: IncludedCTXIndex, list: Tree.Link] = {
    i: CARDINAL ← CtxHash[ctx];
      IF ctxIdTable[i].ctx = IncludedCTXNull THEN {ctxIdTable[i] ← [ctx, list]; EXIT};
      IF (i ← i+1) = ctxIdTable.length THEN i ← 0;

  CheckRestrictedCtx: PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: IncludedCTXIndex]
      RETURNS [sei: ISEIndex] = {

    TestId: Tree.Test = {
	hash => IF index = hti THEN sei ← dataPtr.seAnon;
	symbol => IF seb[index].hash = hti THEN sei ← index;
      RETURN [sei # ISENull]};

    i: CARDINAL ← CtxHash[ctx];
      IF ctxIdTable[i].ctx = ctx THEN EXIT;
      IF (i ← i+1) = ctxIdTable.length THEN i ← 0;
    sei ← ISENull;  SearchList[ctxIdTable[i].list, TestId];
    IF sei # ISENull AND seb[sei].idCtx = CTXNull THEN seb[sei].idCtx ← ctx;

  SearchRestrictedCtx: PROC [hti: HTIndex, ctx: IncludedCTXIndex]
      RETURNS [sei: ISEIndex] = {
    sei ← CheckRestrictedCtx[hti, ctx];
    IF sei # ISENull AND sei # dataPtr.seAnon AND seb[sei].idCtx # ctx THEN {
      [ , sei] ← Copier.SearchFileCtx[hti, ctx];
      seb[sei].public ← TRUE};	-- second copy, access already checked

  CheckDirectoryIds: Tree.Scan = {
    CheckId: Tree.Scan = {
	symbol => IF seb[index].idCtx = CTXNull THEN Log.WarningSei[unusedId, index];

    node: Tree.Index = GetNode[t];
    saveIndex: CARDINAL = dataPtr.textIndex;
    dataPtr.textIndex ← tb[node].info;
    ScanList[tb[node].son[3], CheckId];
    dataPtr.textIndex ← saveIndex};

  CheckDisjoint: PUBLIC PROC [ctx1, ctx2: CTXIndex] = {
    hti: HTIndex;
    saveIndex: CARDINAL = dataPtr.textIndex;
    IF ctx1 # CTXNull AND ctx2 # CTXNull THEN
      FOR sei: ISEIndex ← FirstCtxSe[ctx2], NextSe[sei] UNTIL sei = ISENull DO
	hti ← seb[sei].hash;
	IF hti # HTNull AND SearchContext[hti, ctx1] # ISENull THEN {
	  IF ~seb[sei].mark3 THEN
	    dataPtr.textIndex ← tb[LOOPHOLE[seb[sei].idValue, Tree.Index]].info;
	  Log.ErrorHti[duplicateId, hti]};
    dataPtr.textIndex ← saveIndex};

-- basing management

  OpenedType: PROC [type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex] = {
    subType: CSEIndex = NormalType[type];
      ref => UnderType[refType],
      ENDCASE => type]};

  OpenPointer: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link, type: CSEIndex]
     RETURNS [Tree.Link, CSEIndex] = {
    nType, rType: CSEIndex;
    nDerefs: CARDINAL ← 0;
      nType ← NormalType[type];
      WITH p: seb[nType] SELECT FROM
	ref => {
	  rType ← UnderType[p.refType];
	  IF P3S.safety = checked AND ~p.counted THEN 
	    Log.ErrorTree[unsafeOperation, t];
	  IF seb[NormalType[rType]].typeTag # ref THEN EXIT;
	  IF (nDerefs ← nDerefs+1) > 63 THEN EXIT};
      [t, type] ← DeRef[t, type];
    RETURN [t, rType]};

  BaseTree: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link, type: CSEIndex] RETURNS [val: Tree.Link] = {
    PushTree[t];  PushNode[openx, 1];  SetInfo[type];  SetAttr[1, FALSE];
    val ← PopTree[];  SetShared[val, TRUE];  RETURN};

  OpenBase: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link, hti: HTIndex] RETURNS [v: Tree.Link] = {
    type, vType, nType: CSEIndex;
    OpenRecord: PROC [indirect: BOOLEAN] = {
      WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM
	record => {
	  v ← BaseTree[v, vType];
	  IF hti # HTNull THEN PushHtCtx[hti, v, indirect]
	  ELSE PushRecordCtx[LOOPHOLE[type, RecordSEIndex], v, indirect]};
	ENDCASE => IF type # typeANY THEN Log.ErrorTree[typeClash, v]};

    v ← Exp[t, typeANY];
    type ← vType ← RType[];  nType ← NormalType[vType];  RPop[];
    WITH seb[nType] SELECT FROM
      definition, transfer => {
        ctx: CTXIndex = InterfaceCtx[nType, v];
	IF ctx = CTXNull THEN OpenRecord[FALSE]
	ELSE IF hti # HTNull THEN PushHtCtx[hti, v, FALSE]
	ELSE PushCtx[ctx]};
      ref => {
	[v, type] ← OpenPointer[v, vType];  vType ← OperandType[v];
      ENDCASE => OpenRecord[FALSE];

  CloseBase: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree.Link, hti: HTIndex] = {
    type: CSEIndex;
    CloseRecord: PROC = {WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM record => PopCtx[]; ENDCASE};

    type ← NormalType[OperandType[t]];
    WITH seb[type] SELECT FROM
      definition => PopCtx[];
      ref => {type ← UnderType[refType]; CloseRecord[]};
      ENDCASE => CloseRecord[]};

-- initialization/finalization

  IdInit: PUBLIC PROC [scratchZone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] = {
    zone ← scratchZone;
    refStack ← zone.NEW[RefSequence[16]];
    refIndex ← 0;
    ctxStack ← MakeStack[2*ContextIncr];  ctxIndex ← -1};

  IdReset: PUBLIC Tree.Scan = {
    ScanList[t, CheckDirectoryIds];
    zone.FREE[@ctxIdTable];  zone.FREE[@ctxStack];
    zone ← NIL;
