DIRECTORY Atom USING [GetPName], Commander USING [CommandProc, Handle, Lookup, Register], CommandExtras USING [MakeUninterpreted], CommandTool USING [DoCommand], Convert USING [RopeFromInt], EditedStream USING [UnAppendBufferChars], IO USING [BreakProc, Close, EndOf, EndOfStream, Error, GetRefAny, GetToken, IDProc, PeekChar, RIS, SkipWhitespace, STREAM, TokenProc], List USING [Assoc], MBQueue USING [CreateMenuEntry], Menus USING [AppendMenuEntry, ClickProc, FindEntry, MenuEntry, ReplaceMenuEntry], ReadEvalPrint USING [Handle], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromChar, FromRefText, Length, Replace, ROPE, SkipTo, Substr], RopeList USING [Reverse], TiogaOps USING [GetSelection, Location, LocOffset, Ref, Root], ViewerClasses USING [Viewer], ViewerIOExtras USING [GetBuffer, TypeChars], ViewerOps USING [PaintViewer], ViewerTools USING [GetSelectionContents, SetSelection]; CommandsCImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, Commander, CommandExtras, CommandTool, Convert, EditedStream, List, MBQueue, Menus, IO, Rope, RopeList, TiogaOps, ViewerIOExtras, ViewerOps, ViewerTools = BEGIN AliasCellObject: TYPE = RECORD [ args: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ NIL, def: Rope.ROPE ]; AliasCell: TYPE = REF AliasCellObject; Alias: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { commandLineStream: IO.STREAM = IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; name, def: Rope.ROPE; token: REF TEXT _ NEW[TEXT[30]]; args: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ NIL; aliasCell: AliasCell; { ENABLE { IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Die; IO.Error => GOTO Die; }; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[IO.TokenProc, token].token; name _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; [] _ commandLineStream.SkipWhitespace[FALSE]; IF NOT commandLineStream.EndOf[] AND commandLineStream.PeekChar[] = '( THEN { FOR l: LIST OF REF ANY _ NARROW[commandLineStream.GetRefAny[]], UNTIL l = NIL DO WITH l.first SELECT FROM r: Rope.ROPE => args _ CONS[r, args]; a: ATOM => args _ CONS[Atom.GetPName[a], args]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED {args _ RopeList.Reverse[args]; }; }; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[CRBreak, token].token; def _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; aliasCell _ NEW[AliasCellObject _ [args, def]]; Commander.Register[key: name, proc: AliasImplProc, doc: Rope.Concat["Alias ", cmd.commandLine], clientData: aliasCell]; commandLineStream.Close[]; EXITS Die => NULL; }; }; RopeSubst: PROC [old, new, base: Rope.ROPE, case: BOOL _ FALSE, allOccurrences: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = { lenOld: INT = old.Length[]; lenNew: INT = new.Length[]; i: INT _ 0; WHILE (i _ Rope.Find[s1: base, s2: old, case: case, pos1: i]) # -1 DO base _ Rope.Replace[base: base, start: i, len: lenOld, with: new]; IF ~allOccurrences THEN EXIT; i _ i + lenNew; ENDLOOP; RETURN[base]; }; RopeMemb: PROC [rope: Rope.ROPE, lst: LIST OF Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[BOOL] = { FOR l: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ lst, UNTIL l = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[rope, l.first, FALSE] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE] }; gennum: LONG CARDINAL _ 10000; UniqueRope: PROC [c: CHARACTER _ 'A] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = { gennum _ gennum + 1; RETURN[Rope.Concat[Rope.FromChar[c], Convert.RopeFromInt[gennum, 10, FALSE]]]; }; -- of Gensym AliasImplProc: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { aliasCell: AliasCell _ NARROW[cmd.procData.clientData]; newCommandLine: Rope.ROPE _ aliasCell.def; token: REF TEXT _ NEW[TEXT[30]]; new: Rope.ROPE; restOfStream: Rope.ROPE; commandLineStream: IO.STREAM = IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; synonyms: LIST OF REF SynonymRecord; SynonymRecord: TYPE = RECORD[key, val: Rope.ROPE]; FOR l: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ aliasCell.args, UNTIL l = NIL DO token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[IO.IDProc, token].token; new _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; IF RopeMemb[new,] THEN { -- e.g. args are (x y) and substituting y gorp. dummy: Rope.ROPE = UniqueRope[]; synonyms _ CONS[NEW[SynonymRecord _ [new, dummy]], synonyms]; new _ dummy; }; newCommandLine _ RopeSubst[old: l.first, new: new, base: newCommandLine, case: FALSE]; ENDLOOP; FOR l: LIST OF REF SynonymRecord _ synonyms, UNTIL l = NIL DO newCommandLine _ RopeSubst[old: l.first.val, new: l.first.key, base: newCommandLine, case: FALSE]; ENDLOOP; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[CRBreak, token].token; restOfStream _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; newCommandLine _ Rope.Cat[newCommandLine, restOfStream, "\n"]; commandLineStream.Close[]; result _ CommandTool.DoCommand[commandLine: newCommandLine, parent: cmd]; }; CRBreak: IO.BreakProc = { IF char = '\n THEN RETURN[break]; RETURN[other]; }; CreateButton: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { commandLineStream: IO.STREAM = IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; name: Rope.ROPE; token: REF TEXT _ NEW[TEXT[30]]; br: ButtonImplRef _ NEW[ButtonImplObject]; cth: Commander.Handle _ cmd; { ENABLE { IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Die; IO.Error => GOTO Die; }; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[IO.TokenProc, token].token; name _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; [] _ commandLineStream.SkipWhitespace[FALSE]; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[CRBreak, token].token; br.def _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; IF br.def.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN[$Failure, "No definition rope"]; IF br.def.Fetch[br.def.Length[] - 1] # '\n THEN br.def _ Rope.Concat[br.def, "\n"]; WHILE br.rep = NIL DO br.rep _ NARROW[List.Assoc[key: $ReadEvalPrintHandle, aList: cth.propertyList]]; IF br.rep # NIL AND br.rep.viewer # NIL THEN EXIT ELSE br.rep _ NIL; cth _ NARROW[List.Assoc[key: $ParentCommander, aList: cth.propertyList]]; IF cth = NIL THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Can't find $ReadEvalPrintHandle"]; ENDLOOP; Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu:, line: 0, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry[q: br.rep.menuHitQueue, name: name, proc: ButtonImplButtonProc, clientData: br]]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: br.rep.viewer, hint: menu, clearClient: FALSE]; EXITS Die => NULL; }; commandLineStream.Close[]; }; DeleteButton: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { commandLineStream: IO.STREAM = IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; name: Rope.ROPE; token: REF TEXT _ NEW[TEXT[30]]; br: ButtonImplRef _ NEW[ButtonImplObject]; cth: Commander.Handle _ cmd; oldEntry: Menus.MenuEntry; { ENABLE { IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Die; IO.Error => GOTO Die; }; token.length _ 0; token _ commandLineStream.GetToken[IO.TokenProc, token].token; name _ Rope.FromRefText[token]; commandLineStream.Close[]; WHILE br.rep = NIL DO br.rep _ NARROW[List.Assoc[key: $ReadEvalPrintHandle, aList: cth.propertyList]]; IF br.rep # NIL AND br.rep.viewer # NIL THEN EXIT ELSE br.rep _ NIL; cth _ NARROW[List.Assoc[key: $ParentCommander, aList: cth.propertyList]]; IF cth = NIL THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Can't find $ReadEvalPrintHandle"]; ENDLOOP; oldEntry _ Menus.FindEntry[menu:, entryName: name]; IF oldEntry = NIL THEN RETURN[$Failure, "Can't find that button"]; Menus.ReplaceMenuEntry[menu:, oldEntry: oldEntry, newEntry: NIL]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: br.rep.viewer, hint: menu, clearClient: FALSE]; EXITS Die => NULL; }; }; ButtonImplButtonProc: Menus.ClickProc = { br: ButtonImplRef _ NARROW[clientData]; def: Rope.ROPE; curSel: Rope.ROPE; viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer _ NIL; start: TiogaOps.Location; viewerName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL; fileName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL; index: INT _ -1; pos: INT; controlRope: Rope.ROPE _ IF control THEN "control" ELSE "noControl"; shiftRope: Rope.ROPE _ IF shift THEN "shift" ELSE "noShift"; buttonRope: Rope.ROPE; SELECT mouseButton FROM red => buttonRope _ "red"; yellow => buttonRope _ "middle"; blue => buttonRope _ "right"; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF br = NIL THEN RETURN; def _ br.def; [viewer: viewer, start: start] _ TiogaOps.GetSelection[primary]; curSel _ ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[]; IF viewer # NIL AND NOT viewer.destroyed AND NOT viewer.newFile THEN { root: TiogaOps.Ref _ TiogaOps.Root[start.node]; offset: INT _ TiogaOps.LocOffset[loc1: [root, 0], loc2: start, skipCommentNodes: TRUE]; index _ offset; viewerName _; }; pos _ curSel.Find["\n"]; IF pos # -1 THEN curSel _ Rope.Substr[base: curSel, start: 0, len: pos]; fileName _ IF (Rope.SkipTo[s: curSel, pos: 0, skip: " "] = curSel.Length[]) AND (curSel.Length[] > 1) THEN curSel ELSE viewerName; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$CurrentSelection$", new: curSel, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$FileNameSelection$", new: fileName, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$SelectedViewerName$", new: viewerName, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$ViewerPosition$", new: Convert.RopeFromInt[index, 10, FALSE], base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$MouseButton$", new: buttonRope, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$ControlKey$", new: controlRope, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; def _ RopeSubst[old: "$ShiftKey$", new: shiftRope, base: def, case: TRUE, allOccurrences: TRUE]; { bufferContents: REF TEXT _ ViewerIOExtras.GetBuffer[]; IF bufferContents # NIL AND bufferContents.length > 0 AND bufferContents[bufferContents.length - 1] # '\n THEN { FOR n: NAT DECREASING IN [0..bufferContents.length) DO IF bufferContents[n] = '\n THEN { EditedStream.UnAppendBufferChars[stream:, nChars: bufferContents.length - n - 1]; EXIT; } REPEAT FINISHED => EditedStream.UnAppendBufferChars[stream:, nChars: LAST[NAT]]; ENDLOOP; }; }; IF viewer = br.rep.viewer THEN ViewerTools.SetSelection[viewer: viewer, selection: NIL]; ViewerIOExtras.TypeChars[editedViewerStream:, chars: def]; }; ButtonImplRef: TYPE = REF ButtonImplObject; ButtonImplObject: TYPE = RECORD [ rep: ReadEvalPrint.Handle _ NIL, def: Rope.ROPE _ NIL ]; Init: PROC = { Commander.Register[key: "///Commands/Alias", proc: Alias, doc: "Create an alias for a command"]; Commander.Register[key: "///Commands/CreateButton", proc: CreateButton, doc: "Create a CommandTool herald button"]; CommandExtras.MakeUninterpreted[Commander.Lookup["///Commands/CreateButton"]]; Commander.Register[key: "///Commands/DeleteButton", proc: DeleteButton, doc: "Delete a CommandTool herald button"]; }; Init[]; END. ¬CommandsCImpl.mesa L. Stewart, December 20, 1983 1:29 pm Teitelman, earlier if old is not found in base, then value = base. if allOccurrences THEN substitute for each occurrence of old, otherwise only for first. The first token willl be the name of the button. The rest of the commandLine will be the thing to stuff. A special character sequence, $$, will stand for the current selection. Get the rest of it! Search up chain of parents to find a ReadEvalPrint.Handle and the associated commander The first token willl be the name of the button. Search up chain of parents to find a ReadEvalPrint.Handle and the associated commander There are specialized tokens: $CurrentSelection$ => replaced by the current selection up to but not including the first carriage return $FileNameSelection$ => replaced by the current selection if it appears to be a file name, otherwise replaced by the name of the selected viewer $SelectedViewerName$ => replaced by the name of the selected viewer $ViewerPosition$ => replaced by the position of the current selection in a viewer $MouseButton$ => "left", "middle", or "right" $ShiftKey$ => "shift", "noShift" $ControlKey$ "control", "noControl" Get prefix of current selection before the first CR The curSel is the fileName if curSel is longer than one character and contains no whitespace. If the selected viewer is the commandtoo, then set the caret to the end, or the ViewerIOExtras.TypeChars won't work. 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