-- lsdimpl.mesa -- Implementation of the Local System Directory component of the -- Interim Cedar File System. -- Mike Schroeder September 23, 1982 3:19 pm DIRECTORY ConvertUnsafe: TYPE USING [AppendRope], DCSFileTypes: TYPE USING [tLeaderPage], Directory: TYPE USING [LookupUnlimited, Error, CreateFile], File: TYPE USING [Capability], Environment: TYPE USING [wordsPerPage], Rope: TYPE USING [ROPE, Size, Fetch], RopeInline: TYPE USING [Lower], Inline: TYPE USING [LowHalf, BITXOR, BITOR, BITSHIFT], LSD, Space: TYPE USING [Create, Handle, ForceOut, Map, LongPointer, virtualMemory, WindowOrigin, CreateUniformSwapUnits], System: TYPE USING [GetGreenwichMeanTime]; LSDImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS ConvertUnsafe, Directory, Inline, Space, System, Rope, RopeInline EXPORTS LSD = { -- base of the LSD in memory (it is always mapped) base: LSD.Base ← NIL; -- data type for internal link mainipulation LinkP: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO LSD.Link; -- Global data strucutres (volatile) -- DEATH TO THE MDS!! global: REF Global ← NIL; maxLocks: CARDINAL = 1000; Global: TYPE = RECORD [ lsdSize: LONG CARDINAL, fc: File.Capability, sh: Space.Handle, used: CARDINAL ← 0, lockTable: SEQUENCE max: CARDINAL OF LockEntry ]; LockEntry: TYPE = RECORD [ entry: LSD.Entry, -- lock is -1 for exclusive, 0 for free entry, n for n readers lock: INTEGER ]; ClearDirty: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Marks an entry as clean. -- If the entry was not dirty ClearDirty is a nop. IF entry.dirtyF THEN { Unlink[@entry.dirty]; entry.dirtyF ← FALSE; }; WriteOutLSD[]; }; Create: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[name: Rope.ROPE, fc: File.Capability, create: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Creates an entry in the LSD, links it into the hash chain, -- and makes it MRU. The new entry is locked in exclusive mode. -- If an entry already existed under name, it will be updated -- with the new information length: CARDINAL; entry ← LookupInternal[name]; IF entry=NIL THEN { -- not in the LSD. Let's add it. length ← Inline.LowHalf[Rope.Size[name]]; entry ← AllocateEntry[SIZE[LSD.EntryObject]+(length+1)/2]; -- if LSD is full, return an error indication IF entry=NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; -- set maxLength of name LOOPHOLE[@entry.name+1, LONG POINTER TO CARDINAL]↑ ← length; entry.name.length ← 0; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: @entry.name, from: name]; Link[to: @base.hash[ComputeHash[name]], node: @entry.hash]; [] ← LockInternal[entry, TRUE]; entry.dirtyF ← entry.free ← FALSE; } ELSE { -- if already in LSD, see if we can lock it. [] ← LockInternal[entry, TRUE]; -- unlink from mru list (so we can make it MRU) Unlink[@entry.mru]; }; entry.create ← create; entry.checked ← System.GetGreenwichMeanTime[]; entry.fc ← fc; Link[to: @base.mruChain, node: @entry.mru]; WriteOutLSD[]; RETURN[entry]; }; Delete: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Deletes an entry in the LSD. Any locks are released. relp: LSD.LPtr; coalesce: BOOLEAN; -- if we already deleted the entry, then return IF entry.free THEN RETURN; -- Unlink entry and mark it free Unlink[node: @entry.mru]; Unlink[node: @entry.hash]; IF entry.dirtyF THEN Unlink[node: @entry.dirty]; UnlockInternal[entry]; entry.free ← TRUE; Link[to: @base.freeChain, node: @entry.hash]; -- now coalesce free entries at the end of the LSD -- if the entry we deleted was at the end of the LSD coalesce ← ((entry-LOOPHOLE[base, LSD.Entry])+entry.size)=base.freePointer; WHILE coalesce DO coalesce ← FALSE; -- unlink from free chain Unlink[node: @entry.hash]; -- move back free pointer base.freePointer ← base.freePointer - entry.size; -- now see if the last entry in the LSD is on the free chain -- if so, then move free space pointer back FOR relp ← base.freeChain.next, base[relp].next UNTIL relp = LSD.freeHeadOffset DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.hashOffset, LSD.Entry]; IF ((entry-LOOPHOLE[base, LSD.Entry])+entry.size)=base.freePointer THEN { -- coalesce entry coalesce ← TRUE; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; -- coalesce loop -- -- write out new LSD WriteOutLSD[]; }; Enumerate: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[p: LSD.EProc] = { -- Enumerates entries in MRU order. relp: LSD.LPtr; entry: LSD.Entry; FOR relp ← base.mruChain.next, base[relp].next UNTIL relp=LSD.mruHeadOffset DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.mruOffset, LSD.Entry]; IF p[entry ! UNWIND => NULL] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; EnumerateLocked: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[p: LSD.EProc] = { -- Enumerates all locked LSD entries ln: CARDINAL; FOR ln IN [1..global.used] DO -- for each used lock, call p IF global[ln].lock#0 THEN { IF p[global[ln].entry] THEN EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; }; GetDirty: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC RETURNS [dirty: LSD.Entry] = { -- Returns a dirty entry. -- The returned entry is locked in exclusive mode. -- If no dirty entry is found, NIL is returned. relp: LSD.LPtr; entry: LSD.Entry; FOR relp ← base.dirtyChain.next, base[relp].next UNTIL relp=LSD.dirtyHeadOffset DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.dirtyOffset, LSD.Entry]; IF LockInternal[entry, TRUE] THEN RETURN [entry]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; GetVictim: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC RETURNS [victim: LSD.Entry] = { -- Returns the LRU entry that is eligible for replacement. -- The returned entry is locked in exclusive mode. -- If no victim is found, NIL is returned. relp: LSD.LPtr; entry: LSD.Entry; FOR relp ← base.mruChain.last, base[relp].last UNTIL relp=LSD.mruHeadOffset DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.mruOffset, LSD.Entry]; IF NOT entry.dirtyF THEN { IF LockInternal[entry, TRUE] THEN RETURN [entry]; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; Lock: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[entry: LSD.Entry, exclusive: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN] = { -- Locks an LSD entry in share or exclusive mode. -- Returns T if it was able to set the requested lock. RETURN[LockInternal[entry, exclusive]]; }; Lookup: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Looks up an entry in the LSD by name. No lock is set. -- Returns NIL if there is no entry with the specified name. -- If entry is found, it is made MRU entry ← LookupInternal[name]; IF entry#NIL THEN -- make this emtry mru -- BEGIN Unlink[@entry.mru]; Link[to:@base.mruChain, node:@entry.mru]; WriteOutLSD[] END; }; SetDirty: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Marks an entry dirty. IF NOT entry.dirtyF THEN { Link[to: @base.dirtyChain, node: @entry.dirty]; entry.dirtyF ← TRUE; }; WriteOutLSD[]; }; Unlock: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- Clears the lock set on an entry. -- If entry is not locked, Unlock is a nop. UnlockInternal[entry]; }; UnlockAll: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = { -- Sledge hammer to unlock everything global.used ← 0; }; -- Internal procedures AllocateEntry: INTERNAL PROC [size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- allocate a new entry -- first, see if we can find one on the free chain relp: LSD.LPtr; FOR relp ← base.freeChain.next, base[relp].next UNTIL relp = LSD.freeHeadOffset DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.hashOffset, LSD.Entry]; IF size <= entry.size THEN { Unlink[node: @entry.hash]; RETURN[entry]; }; ENDLOOP; -- nothing on the free list for us -- if we would overflow, return NIL IF base.freePointer + size > global.lsdSize THEN RETURN[NIL]; entry ← LOOPHOLE[base.freePointer+base]; entry.size ← size; base.freePointer ← base.freePointer + size; RETURN[entry]; }; CompareName: PROC [e: LSD.Entry, name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [m: BOOLEAN] = { i: LONG INTEGER; sname: LONG STRING = @e.name; length: LONG INTEGER = Rope.Size[name]; IF Inline.LowHalf[length]#sname.length THEN RETURN[FALSE]; FOR i IN [0..length) DO IF RopeInline.Lower[sname[i]] #RopeInline.Lower[Rope.Fetch[name, i]] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; }; ComputeHash: PROC [s: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [hash: CARDINAL] = { -- compute a hash function of s i: LONG INTEGER; length: LONG INTEGER = Rope.Size[s]; hash ← 0; FOR i ← 0, i + 2 UNTIL i >= length DO -- Leo suggests doing a rotate first hash ← Inline.BITOR[Inline.BITSHIFT[hash, 1], Inline.BITSHIFT[hash, -15]]; hash ← Inline.BITXOR[Inline.BITSHIFT[RopeInline.Lower[Rope.Fetch[s, i]], 8], hash]; IF i+1 < length THEN hash ← Inline.BITXOR[RopeInline.Lower[Rope.Fetch[s, i+1]], hash]; ENDLOOP; -- now have 16 bit hash. reduce to number of buckets hash ← hash MOD LSD.buckets; RETURN[hash]; }; Link: INTERNAL PROC [to: LinkP, node: LinkP] = { -- link a node into the list specified by to -- first, generate relative pointers rto: LSD.LPtr = LOOPHOLE[ LOOPHOLE[to, LONG ORDERED POINTER] - LOOPHOLE[base, LONG ORDERED POINTER]]; rnode: LSD.LPtr = LOOPHOLE[ LOOPHOLE[node, LONG ORDERED POINTER] - LOOPHOLE[ base, LONG ORDERED POINTER]]; -- now link in node.next ← to.next; node.last ← rto; base[to.next].last ← rnode; to.next ← rnode; }; Unlink: INTERNAL PROC [node: LinkP] = { -- unlink a node base[node.next].last ← node.last; base[node.last].next ← node.next; }; LockInternal: INTERNAL PROC [entry: LSD.Entry, exclusive: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN] = { ln: CARDINAL ← LookupLock[entry]; IF ln=0 THEN { -- lock not found. create new lock entry FOR ln IN [1..global.used] DO -- see if there is a free entry IF global.lockTable[ln].lock = 0 THEN { global.lockTable[ln].entry ← entry; global.lockTable[ln].lock ← IF exclusive THEN -1 ELSE 1; RETURN[TRUE]; }; ENDLOOP; -- no free entry. create a new one -- if out of lock space, deny lock IF (global.used + 1) >= maxLocks THEN RETURN[FALSE]; global.used ← global.used + 1; global.lockTable[global.used].entry ← entry; global.lockTable[global.used].lock ← IF exclusive THEN -1 ELSE 1; RETURN[TRUE]; }; -- lock found. -- if we want exclusive access, we can't set the lock. IF exclusive THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- if already exclusive, we can't set the lock IF global.lockTable[ln].lock < 0 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- increment number of share locks global.lockTable[ln].lock ← global.lockTable[ln].lock + 1; RETURN[TRUE]; }; LookupLock: INTERNAL PROC [entry: LSD.Entry] RETURNS [ln: CARDINAL] = { -- lookup a lock. if not found, return 0 i: CARDINAL; FOR i IN [1..global.used] DO IF global.lockTable[i].entry=entry THEN RETURN[i]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[0]; }; LookupInternal: INTERNAL PROC [name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- lookup an entry in the lsd class: CARDINAL ← ComputeHash[name]; relp: LSD.LPtr; finish: LSD.LPtr = LOOPHOLE[ LOOPHOLE[@base.hash[class], LONG ORDERED POINTER] - LOOPHOLE[base, LONG ORDERED POINTER]]; FOR relp ← base.hash[class].next, base[relp].next UNTIL relp = finish DO entry ← LOOPHOLE[@base[relp] - LSD.hashOffset]; IF CompareName[entry, name] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; entry ← NIL; }; UnlockInternal: INTERNAL PROC [entry: LSD.Entry] = { -- unlock a lock ln: CARDINAL ← LookupLock[entry]; IF ln = 0 THEN RETURN; IF global.lockTable[ln].lock > 0 THEN {global.lockTable[ln].lock ← global.lockTable[ln].lock - 1} ELSE {global.lockTable[ln].lock ← 0}; -- if no lock left, clear entry IF global.lockTable[ln].lock = 0 THEN global.lockTable[ln].entry ← NIL; }; WriteOutLSD: PROC = { -- write out the LSD Space.ForceOut[global.sh]; }; -- Initialization Init: PROC = { InitLink: PROC [lp: LinkP] = { -- procedure to intialize a link field to be empty self: LSD.LPtr = LOOPHOLE[ LOOPHOLE[lp, LONG ORDERED POINTER] - LOOPHOLE[base, LONG ORDERED POINTER]]; lp.next ← lp.last ← self; }; found: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; i: CARDINAL; -- allocate storage global ← NEW[Global[maxLocks]]; -- lookup the lsd. eventually it will be the volume root file global.fc ← Directory.LookupUnlimited[fileName: "lsd.dir"L ! Directory.Error => {found ← FALSE; CONTINUE}]; -- if not found, create a file IF NOT found THEN global.fc ← Directory.CreateFile[ fileName: "lsd.dir"L, fileType: DCSFileTypes.tLeaderPage, size: LSD.maxSize]; -- create a space to hold the lsd -- this must be large enough to hold the largest lsd global.sh ← Space.Create[size: LSD.maxSize, parent: Space.virtualMemory]; Space.Map[space: global.sh, window: Space.WindowOrigin[file: global.fc, base: 1]]; -- swap in lsd one page at a time Space.CreateUniformSwapUnits[parent: global.sh]; base ← Space.LongPointer[global.sh]; global.lsdSize ← LONG[LSD.maxSize] * LONG[Environment.wordsPerPage]; -- if necessary, initialize the LSD IF (NOT found) OR (base.version # LSD.headerVersion) THEN { -- intialize LSD base.version ← LSD.headerVersion; InitLink[@base.mruChain]; InitLink[@base.freeChain]; InitLink[@base.dirtyChain]; -- pointer to free space past header base.freePointer ← SIZE[LSD.LSDHeader]; FOR i IN [0..LSD.buckets) DO InitLink[@base.hash[i]] ENDLOOP; WriteOutLSD[]; }; }; -- Start trap does the trick Init[]; }..