-- CedarInitOps.mesa -- last edited by Levin on November 1, 1982 1:06 pm DIRECTORY Process: TYPE USING [Ticks], UserTerminal: TYPE USING [CursorArray]; CedarInitOps: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- Boot-time parameters -- longDialogue: READONLY BOOL; -- TRUE iff the long dialogue was invoked at boot time. salvageLSD: READONLY BOOL; -- TRUE iff salvaging of the LSD was requested at boot time. -- Miscellaneous Procedures -- Install: PROC RETURNS [worked: BOOLEAN]; -- This procedure invokes the installation dialogue, just as though the system appeared not to be properly installed upon booting. Seconds: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; Sleep: PROC [cursor: LONG POINTER TO UserTerminal.CursorArray ← NIL, powerOff: Seconds ← 0]; -- This procedure places the machine in an inactive state and does not return until the user has awakened it and supplied his credentials. While the terminal is in the inactive state, the cursor supplied will be displayed. (If none is provided by the caller, Sleep will select its own.) If the "powerOff" parameter is non-zero, it represents the number of seconds that must elapse before Sleep powers off the machine. A zero value inhibits power off. EnsureUsableMicrocode: PROC; -- The currently-executing microcode is checked for validity. If all is well, EnsureUsableMicrocode returns normally; otherwise, a hard stop occurs. SetTimeSlice: PROC [ticks: Process.Ticks]; -- Establishes the time-slicing interval for the quick-and-dirty time-slicer. END.