DIRECTORY AMBridge USING [Loophole, TVForReadOnlyReferent], AMBridgeExtras USING [AssignNew], AMModel USING [RootContext], AMTypes USING [Assign, Class, DefaultInitialValue, Domain, Error, GroundStar, IndexToDefaultInitialValue, IndexToTV, IndexToType, NameToIndex, NComponents, New, TVType, TypeClass, UnderClass, UnderType, Value], BBApply USING [CoerceTV], BBContext USING [Context, GetContents], BBEmptyReturn USING [TheEmptyReturn], BBEval USING [AbortProc, Eval, EvalHead, RopeOrTV, Tree], BBEvalUtil USING [EvalNoProps, NilTV], BBSafety USING [Mother], BBUrpEval USING [UrpDefault, UrpFatal, UrpId, UrpWrongType], BBZones USING [GetPrefixedZone], Convert USING [ValueToRope], List USING [AList, DotCons], PPLeaves USING [HTIndex, LTIndex], PPTree USING [Handle, Link, NodeName], ProcessProps USING [GetPropList, PushPropList], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, ROPE], RTBasic USING [nullType, TV, Type], WorldVM USING [LocalWorld, World]; BBEvalUtilImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, AMBridgeExtras, AMModel, AMTypes, BBApply, BBContext, BBEmptyReturn, BBEval, BBEvalUtil, BBSafety, BBUrpEval, BBZones, Convert, List, ProcessProps, Rope, WorldVM EXPORTS BBEmptyReturn, BBEval, BBEvalUtil SHARES BBEval = BEGIN OPEN PPLeaves, Rope, RTBasic, WorldVM; Class: TYPE = AMTypes.Class; EvalHead: TYPE = BBEval.EvalHead; Node: TYPE = PPTree.Handle; Tree: TYPE = BBEval.Tree; pz: ZONE _ BBZones.GetPrefixedZone[]; empty: TV _ BBEmptyReturn.TheEmptyReturn[]; theEmptyReturn: RTBasic.TV _ NIL; TheEmptyReturn: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [RTBasic.TV] = TRUSTED { IF theEmptyReturn = NIL THEN { ref: REF REF _ pz.NEW[REF _ NIL]; ref^ _ ref; theEmptyReturn _ AMBridge.TVForReadOnlyReferent[ref ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]; }; RETURN [theEmptyReturn]; }; Eval: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree, head: EvalHead, target: Type] RETURNS [tv: TV _ NIL] = TRUSTED { props: List.AList _ ProcessProps.GetPropList[]; new: List.AList _ NIL; context: TV _ NIL; inner: PROC = TRUSTED { tv _ BBEvalUtil.EvalNoProps[tree, head, target]; }; FOR list: List.AList _ props, UNTIL list = NIL DO IF list.first.key = $EvalHead THEN { IF list.first.val = head THEN RETURN [BBEvalUtil.EvalNoProps[tree, head, target]]; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; context _ BBContext.GetContents[head.context].lf; IF context = NIL THEN context _ BBContext.GetContents[head.context].gf; IF context = NIL THEN context _ BBContext.GetContents[head.globalContext].lf; IF context = NIL THEN context _ BBContext.GetContents[head.globalContext].gf; IF context = NIL THEN { world: WorldVM.World _ BBContext.GetContents[head.context].world; IF world = NIL THEN world _ WorldVM.LocalWorld[]; context _ AMModel.RootContext[world]; }; props _ CONS[List.DotCons[$EvalHead, head], props]; props _ CONS[List.DotCons[$Context, context], props]; ProcessProps.PushPropList[props, inner]; }; EvalRecord: PUBLIC PROC [ args: Tree, head: EvalHead, target: Type, parent: Tree, firstArg: TV _ NIL, targetWorld: World _ NIL] RETURNS [TV] = TRUSTED { under, original: Type _ target; class: Class; rec: TV _ NIL; nargs: NAT _ 0; implicitArg: BOOL _ firstArg # NIL; ngiven: NAT _ IF args = NIL THEN 0 ELSE 1; named: BOOL _ FALSE; listNode: Node _ NIL; commonLimit: NAT _ 0; variantPart: Tree _ NIL; listKind: PPTree.NodeName _ nil; validType: BOOL _ TRUE; unionType: Type _ nullType; tagName: ROPE _ NIL; tag: TV _ NIL; caution: BOOL _ FALSE; innerTargetType: PROC = TRUSTED { [under, class] _ UnderTypeAndClass[target]; SELECT class FROM record, structure => {nargs _ AMTypes.NComponents[under]; IF nargs > 0 THEN {lastType: Type _ AMTypes.IndexToType[under, nargs]; IF AMTypes.UnderClass[lastType] = union THEN unionType _ lastType; }; }; nil => {}; ENDCASE => validType _ FALSE; }; innerMake: PROC = TRUSTED { world: WorldVM.World _ IF targetWorld # NIL THEN targetWorld ELSE WorldFromHead[head]; rec _ BBEvalUtil.NilTV; IF unionType # nullType THEN { unionIndex: CARDINAL _ AMTypes.NameToIndex [unionType, tagName ! AMTypes.Error => GO TO noTag]; domain: Type _ AMTypes.Domain[unionType]; domainIndex: CARDINAL _ AMTypes.NameToIndex [domain, tagName ! AMTypes.Error => GO TO noTag]; tag _ AMTypes.Value[domain, domainIndex]; rec _ AMTypes.New[type: target, tag: tag, world: world]; unionIndex _ AMTypes.NameToIndex[unionType, tagName]; target _ AMTypes.IndexToType[unionType, unionIndex]; rec _ AMBridge.Loophole[rec, target]; IF unionIndex # domainIndex THEN caution _ TRUE; commonLimit _ ngiven - 1; [under, class] _ UnderTypeAndClass[target]; WITH variantPart SELECT FROM node: Node => IF = list THEN ngiven _ commonLimit + node.sonLimit - 1; ENDCASE; nargs _ AMTypes.NComponents[under]; IF nargs + 1 = ngiven AND variantPart = NIL AND tagName # NIL THEN ngiven _ ngiven - 1; RETURN EXITS noTag => {}; }; IF under # nullType THEN rec _ AMTypes.New[type: target, world: world]; variantPart _ NIL; commonLimit _ ngiven; }; Momma[innerTargetType, head, parent, "constructor"]; IF NOT validType THEN BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, "not a record"]; {WITH args SELECT FROM node: Node => SELECT (listKind _ FROM list, item => { son: Tree _ NIL; ngiven _ IF listKind = item THEN 1 ELSE node.sonLimit - 1; listNode _ node; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1..ngiven] DO son _ IF listKind = item THEN listNode ELSE node[i]; IF son = NIL THEN IF named THEN GO TO mixed ELSE LOOP; WITH son SELECT FROM subnode: Node => { IF under = nullType THEN EXIT; SELECT FROM item => { name: ROPE _ ForceSelector[subnode[1], head, under, son].name; val: Tree _ subnode[2]; subnode[1] _ name; -- fix up name if corrected IF implicitArg THEN GO TO mixed; IF i > 1 AND NOT named THEN GO TO mixed; named _ TRUE; LOOP}; apply => { IF i # nargs OR unionType = nullType THEN LOOP; tagName _ TreeToRope[subnode[1]]; variantPart _ subnode[2]; LOOP} ENDCASE}; ENDCASE; IF named THEN GO TO mixed ENDLOOP}; apply => IF unionType # nullType THEN { tagName _ TreeToRope[node[1]]; variantPart _ node[2]}; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; EXITS mixed => BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, "mixed named and unnamed arguments"]}; IF implicitArg THEN ngiven _ ngiven + 1; Momma[innerMake, head, parent, "construtor"]; IF nargs < ngiven THEN {msg: ROPE _ NumberedMsg["too many arguments, ", nargs, " expected"]; BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, msg]}; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1..nargs] DO fetchArgTree: PROC [index: NAT] RETURNS [Tree] = TRUSTED { IF implicitArg THEN index _ index - 1; IF index > ngiven THEN RETURN [NIL]; IF index > commonLimit THEN { WITH variantPart SELECT FROM node: Node => { IF # list THEN RETURN [variantPart]; RETURN [node[index - commonLimit]]}; ENDCASE => RETURN [variantPart]}; IF listNode # NIL THEN RETURN [listNode[index]]; RETURN [args]; }; destType: Type; dest: TV; val: TV _ NIL; needDefault: BOOL _ TRUE; son: Tree _ NIL; msg: ROPE _ NIL; inner: PROC = TRUSTED { destType _ AMTypes.IndexToType[under, i]; dest _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[rec, i]; }; Momma[inner, head, args, "bad record"]; SELECT TRUE FROM named => -- try to find the named argument in the list FOR j: CARDINAL IN [1..ngiven] DO each: Node _ IF listKind = item THEN listNode ELSE NARROW[listNode[j]]; index: CARDINAL _ ForceSelector[each[1], head, under, parent].index; IF index = i THEN {son _ each[2]; needDefault _ FALSE; EXIT} ENDLOOP; i <= ngiven => { SELECT TRUE FROM implicitArg AND i = 1 => val _ firstArg; ENDCASE => son _ fetchArgTree[i]; needDefault _ FALSE; IF son # NIL THEN WITH son SELECT FROM node: Node => SELECT FROM null, void => needDefault _ TRUE ENDCASE ENDCASE} ENDCASE; SELECT TRUE FROM needDefault => val _ GetDefault[head, parent, under, i]; son = NIL => { }; ENDCASE => val _ BBEval.Eval[son, head, destType]; val _ LocalCoerce[head, parent, val, destType, i]; msg _ SafeAssignNew[dest, val, head, parent]; IF msg # NIL THEN { msg _ msg.Concat[NumberedMsg[" for argument ", i]]; BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, msg]} ENDLOOP; IF target # original THEN { rec _ AMBridge.Loophole[rec, original, tag]}; RETURN [rec] }; EnumeratedValueFromRope: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, type: Type] RETURNS [val: TV _ NIL] = TRUSTED { index: CARDINAL _ 0; under: Type _ AMTypes.GroundStar[type]; class: Class _ AMTypes.TypeClass[under]; IF class # enumerated OR name = NIL THEN RETURN; val _ AMTypes.Value [ under, AMTypes.NameToIndex [under, name ! AMTypes.Error => GO TO bye]]; EXITS bye => {}; }; ForceSelector: PUBLIC PROC [sel: Tree, head: EvalHead, type: Type, parent: Tree, target: Type _ nullType] RETURNS [name: ROPE, index: CARDINAL] = TRUSTED { typeTV: TV _ NIL; name _ TreeToRope[sel]; index _ 0; DO IF name # NIL THEN { index _ AMTypes.NameToIndex [type, name ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]; IF index > 0 THEN RETURN [name, index]}; IF typeTV = NIL THEN { correct: BBEval.RopeOrTV _ BBUrpEval.UrpId[head, sel, name, type, target, "invalid selector"]; WITH c: correct SELECT FROM both => name _ c.rope; rope => name _ c.rope; ENDCASE => EXIT} ENDLOOP; BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, "invalid selector"] }; SafeAssign: PUBLIC PROC [lhs, rhs: TV, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] RETURNS [msg: ROPE] = TRUSTED { inner: PROC = TRUSTED {AMTypes.Assign[lhs, rhs]}; msg _ BBSafety.Mother[inner]; }; SafeAssignNew: PROC [lhs, rhs: TV, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] RETURNS [msg: ROPE] = TRUSTED { inner: PROC = TRUSTED {AMBridgeExtras.AssignNew[lhs, rhs]}; msg _ BBSafety.Mother[inner]; }; NumberedMsg: PUBLIC PROC [r1: ROPE, num: INT, r2: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [ROPE] = { RETURN [r1.Concat[Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[num]]].Concat[r2]]] }; WorldFromHead: PUBLIC PROC [head: EvalHead] RETURNS [world: WorldVM.World _ NIL] = TRUSTED { world _ BBContext.GetContents[head.context].world; IF world = NIL THEN world _ WorldVM.LocalWorld[]; }; FirstComponent: PUBLIC PROC [tv: TV] RETURNS [TV] = TRUSTED { RETURN [AMTypes.IndexToTV[tv, 1]]; }; TreeToRope: PUBLIC PROC [t: Tree] RETURNS [name: ROPE] = { WITH t SELECT FROM hti: HTIndex => name _; lti: LTIndex => WITH lti.value SELECT FROM rr: ROPE => name _ rr; ENDCASE; r: ROPE => name _ r ENDCASE => name _ NIL }; TestAbort: PUBLIC PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] = { IF head.abortProc # NIL AND head.abortProc[] THEN BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, "aborted"]; }; LocalCoerce: PUBLIC PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, current: TV, target: Type, index: CARDINAL _ 0, msg: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [val: TV] = TRUSTED { oops: BOOL _ FALSE; inner: PROC = TRUSTED { val _ BBApply.CoerceTV[current, target ! AMTypes.Error => { IF reason # incompatibleTypes THEN REJECT; oops _ TRUE; CONTINUE}] }; IF msg = NIL THEN msg _ "wrong type"; val _ current; Momma[inner, head, parent, "coerce"]; IF oops THEN { IF index # 0 THEN msg _ msg.Concat[NumberedMsg[" for argument ", index]]; val _ BBUrpEval.UrpWrongType[head, parent, current, target, msg]} }; GetDefault: PUBLIC PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, type: Type, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS [defval: TV _ NIL] = TRUSTED { oops: NAT _ 0; err: ROPE _ "can't hack default for argument "; inner: PROC = TRUSTED { defval _ AMTypes.IndexToDefaultInitialValue [type, index ! AMTypes.Error => { IF reason # notImplemented THEN REJECT; oops _ index; GO TO noGood}]; IF defval = NIL THEN { defval _ AMTypes.DefaultInitialValue [AMTypes.IndexToType[type, index] ! AMTypes.Error => { IF reason # notImplemented THEN REJECT; oops _ index; GO TO noGood}]; IF defval = NIL THEN { oops _ index; err _ "no default value for argument "; }; }; EXITS noGood => {}; }; Momma[inner, head, parent, "default value"]; IF oops > 0 THEN { msg: ROPE _ NumberedMsg[err, index]; defval _ BBUrpEval.UrpDefault[head, parent, type, index, msg]} }; Momma: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, prefix: ROPE _ NIL] = { msg: ROPE _ NIL; IF head.abortProc # NIL AND head.abortProc[] THEN BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, "aborted"]; msg _ BBSafety.Mother[proc]; IF msg # NIL THEN { IF prefix # NIL THEN msg _ msg.Cat[" (in ", prefix, ")"]; BBUrpEval.UrpFatal[head, parent, msg]; }; }; UnderWear: PUBLIC PROC [tv: TV, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] RETURNS [type: Type, under: Type, class: Class] = { inner: PROC = TRUSTED { type _ AMTypes.TVType[tv]; [under, class] _ UnderTypeAndClass[type]; }; Momma[inner, head, parent, "UnderType"] }; LocalUnderTypeAndClass: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] RETURNS [under: Type, class: Class] = { inner: PROC = TRUSTED { [under, class] _ UnderTypeAndClass[type]; }; Momma[inner, head, parent, "UnderType"] }; UnderTypeAndClass: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type] RETURNS [under: Type, class: Class] = TRUSTED { under _ AMTypes.UnderType[type]; class _ AMTypes.TypeClass[under]; }; NewInt: PUBLIC PROC [int: INT] RETURNS [tv: TV] = TRUSTED { tv _ AMBridge.TVForReadOnlyReferent[pz.NEW[INT _ int]]; }; NewReal: PUBLIC PROC [real: REAL] RETURNS [TV] = TRUSTED { RETURN [AMBridge.TVForReadOnlyReferent[pz.NEW[REAL _ real]]] }; NewType: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type] RETURNS [TV] = TRUSTED { RETURN [AMBridge.TVForReadOnlyReferent[pz.NEW[Type _ type]]] }; [] _ TheEmptyReturn[]; END. .BBEvalUtilImpl.mesa Russ Atkinson, April 27, 1983 1:12 pm returns the special empty TV ... evaluates a record constructor. firstArg is the first TV in the constructor for object notation kludgery. IF targetWorld # NIL THEN the constructor should be made for the given world, even though the arguments get looked up according to the given head. this routine makes up the new record at this point we try to bind the variant Kludge for null variant part check for named arguments check for liklihood of variant record constructor it passes the main test, so save the tag name & extra args this is a single-component variant record constructor remember to count the implicit argument (if any) now try to create the record (we think that we may know the tag) check for over-specification of arguments now fill in the record, component by component get an argument from somewhere note that we either get the argument tree from the original arg list or (if a variant record), from the variantPart tree an argument was given positionally no action is necessary, val has the right value promote this sucker to the original record type (sigh) forces 'sel' to be a selector for the given type an error will occur if this cannot be done a relatively safe kind of assignment, protected against harm (I hope) ONLY for assignments to NEW TVs (and otherwise uninitialized components) returns the rope constant from the given tree NIL will be returned when this cannot be done LocalCoerce returns coercion of value to type, calls appropriate helper routine if we can't hack it for some reason. Ask the correction routines for a better value. GetDefault returns default value for the component of the type; calls appropriate helper routine if not available. Try to get a default value from the callback proc. A very protective procedure evaluator. Êc˜Jšœ™Jšœ%™%J˜šÏk ˜ Jšœ œ#˜1Jšœœ ˜!Jšœœ˜šœ˜ JšœÄ˜Ä—Jšœœ ˜Jšœ œ˜'Jšœœ˜%Jšœœ-˜9Jšœ œ˜&Jšœ œ ˜Jšœ œ-˜—J˜J˜—šžœœ˜Jšœœ(œœ˜BJšœ&™&Jšœœœ˜šœœœ˜:J˜,—J˜šœœœ˜Jšœ œœ%˜9Jšœ&˜&J˜—J˜J˜—šž œœ˜Jšœœœ,˜Zšœœœ˜J˜J˜)J˜—J˜'J˜J˜—šžœœ˜#Jšœ*œ ˜Ršœœœ˜J˜)J˜—J˜'J˜J˜—šžœœ˜Jšœ œœ˜