-- BBEval.mesa, BugBane evaluation routines -- Russ Atkinson, December 7, 1982 11:40 am DIRECTORY BBContext USING [Context], PPTree USING [Link], Rope USING [ROPE], RTBasic USING [nullType, TV, Type], SymTab USING [Ref]; BBEval: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN BBContext, Rope, RTBasic; Tree: TYPE = PPTree.Link; EvalHead: TYPE = REF EvalHeadRep; EvalHeadRep: TYPE = RECORD [context: Context, data: REF, helpFatal: HelpFatal, helpWrongType: HelpWrongType, helpId: HelpId, helpSelector: HelpSelector, helpDefault: HelpDefault, specials: SymTab.Ref, globalContext: Context, abortProc: AbortProc]; HelpWrongType: TYPE = PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, value: TV, target: Type, msg: ROPE] RETURNS [correct: RopeOrTV]; -- type of user proc called when the wrong type of TV is found -- the user should return the correct TV (which must be OK for the target) -- the user may also return a new error message -- if target = nullType, then the true target may not be known -- (this occurs for msg = "not applicable", for example) -- if target = CODE[PROC], then some procedure should be returned HelpId: TYPE = PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, id: ROPE, context: Type, target: Type, msg: ROPE] RETURNS [correct: RopeOrTV]; -- type of user proc called when the given id is not valid for the context -- if the user returns a rope, the lookup will begin again with the new rope -- if the user returns a TV, the lookup will return with that TV -- if the user returns a fail, that will be the new msg for HelpFatal -- if context = nullType, then the context is probably dynamic -- (this may occur for msg = "undefined", for example) -- if target = nullType, then the true target is not known HelpSelector: TYPE = PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, id: ROPE, context: TV, target: Type, msg: ROPE] RETURNS [correct: RopeOrTV]; -- type of user proc called when the given id is not valid for the context -- (note that the context is a TV) -- if the user returns a rope, the lookup will begin again with the new rope -- if the user returns a TV, the lookup will return with that TV -- if the user returns a fail, that will be the new msg for HelpFatal -- if target = nullType, then the true target is not known HelpDefault: TYPE = PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, type: Type, index: CARDINAL, msg: ROPE] RETURNS [correct: RopeOrTV]; -- type of user proc called when a default value is not present -- if index = 0, then the default is missing for type -- if index > 0, then the default is missing for that component of type -- the user should return a TV to be used as the default value -- the user may also return a new error message HelpFatal: TYPE = PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, msg: ROPE]; -- type of user proc called when a non-recoverable error is found -- parent is the offending tree, msg describes what went wrong AbortProc: TYPE = PROC [data: REF] RETURNS [abort: BOOL]; -- type of use procedure called to test for aborting during evaluation -- (data comes from the eval head) -- return TRUE to cause a call to helpFatal[head, tree, "aborted"] -- return FALSE to proceed as normal RopeOrTV: TYPE = RECORD [SELECT tag: * FROM rope => [rope: ROPE], tv => [tv: TV], both => [rope: ROPE, tv: TV], fail => [fail: ROPE], ENDCASE ] _ [fail[NIL]]; GetSymTab: PROC RETURNS [SymTab.Ref]; -- returns the global symbol table used for lookups NewEvalHead: PROC [context: Context, helpFatal: HelpFatal, helpWrongType: HelpWrongType _ NIL, helpId: HelpId _ NIL, helpSelector: HelpSelector _ NIL, helpDefault: HelpDefault _ NIL, data: REF _ NIL, specials: SymTab.Ref _ NIL, globalContext: Context _ NIL, abortProc: AbortProc _ NIL] RETURNS [EvalHead]; -- returns a new evaluator head -- note that most of the help routines are optional -- the user can supply special variables for lookup Eval: PROC [tree: Tree, head: EvalHead, target: Type _ nullType] RETURNS [TV]; -- evaluates the given tree using the given eval head -- the TV returned is the return record if multiple values are returned -- the TV is the null BBApply.TVSeq if no args are returned -- otherwise the appropriate single TV is returned END. Κ – "Mesa" style˜IprocšτΟcXœΟk œ žœžœžœžœ žœ žœžœžœž œžœžœ$žœžœžœžœžœ#žœμΟn œžœžœ+žœžœžœ?œKœ0œ?œ;œBœŸœžœžœ(žœ$žœžœKœMœAœFœ?œ9œ;œŸ œžœžœ(žœ žœžœžœKœ%œMœAœFœ;œŸ œžœžœ7žœžœžœ@œ6œHœ?œ0œŸ œžœžœ%žœBœ?œŸ œžœžœžœžœ žœnœCœ%œ žœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœžœŸ œžœžœ4œŸ œžœZžœžœ%žœ#žœžœžœžœ!žœžœžœ œ4œ7œŸœžœ=žœžœ6œHœ<œ3œžœ˜ξ"—…—p–