-- PPPretty.mesa, module to output pretty text from a parse tree -- Russ Atkinson, August 17, 1982 5:17 pm -- CAUTION: all of this is OBSOLETE DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR], PPCommentTable USING [Explode, FindNextComment, GetEnding, Ref, TestBreakHint], PPComData USING [idLOCK], PPHelper USING [earlyTrigger, indent, position, lateTrigger, line, page, sizing, lastChar, Break, Excess, GetAttrs, GetInfo, Indent, Init, WriteChar, WriteId, WriteText], PPLeaves USING [HTIndex, ISEIndex, HTNull, LTIndex], PPP1 USING [IdOfLock], PPTree USING [Handle, Link, NodeName], PPTreeOps USING [NSons, NthSon, OpName], PPUtil USING [SetOutput], PrintTV USING [NullPutClosure, PutClosure], Rope USING [Equal, ROPE, Size, Text]; PPPretty: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS PPComData, PPHelper, PPP1, PPTreeOps, CT: PPCommentTable, PPUtil, Rope EXPORTS PPUtil SHARES Rope = BEGIN OPEN Ascii, PPHelper, PPLeaves, PPTreeOps, Tree: PPTree, PrintTV, Rope; InvalidIndex: INT = LAST[INT]; -- up-level saved link to mark bodies as we pass them markedBody: Tree.Link _ NIL; -- options tryBreak: BOOL _ TRUE; smallSons: CARDINAL _ 5; SemiSeparator: CHAR = ';; CommaSeparator: CHAR = ',; CommaBreakSeparator: CHAR = '.; -- sizing procedures WillExceed: PROC [t: Tree.Link, pattern: ROPE, level: INT, pos: NAT, lineExceed: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [exceed: BOOL] = { -- First, save the entire state oldMarkedBody: Tree.Link _ markedBody; oldLastChar: CHAR _ lastChar; oldLastIndex: INT _ lastIndex; oldNextIndex: INT _ nextIndex; oldIndent: INT _ indent; oldPosition: INT _ position; oldLine: INT _ line; oldPage: INT _ page; oldOuter: BOOL _ outer; oldPublic: BOOL _ defaultPublic; IF sizing THEN RETURN [FALSE]; -- now, try to determine the size of things sizing _ TRUE; exceed _ FALSE; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, pattern, level, pos ! Excess => {exceed _ TRUE; CONTINUE}]; IF lineExceed AND line > oldLine THEN exceed _ TRUE; -- last, restore the entire state lastChar _ oldLastChar; lastIndex _ oldLastIndex; nextIndex _ oldNextIndex; indent _ oldIndent; position _ oldPosition; line _ oldLine; page _ oldPage; outer _ oldOuter; defaultPublic _ oldPublic; markedBody _ oldMarkedBody; sizing _ FALSE}; -- this stuff is the state information lastIndex: INT _ InvalidIndex; nextIndex: INT _ 0; outer: BOOL _ TRUE; defaultPublic: BOOL _ TRUE; PrettyPrint: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [root: Tree.Link, put: PutClosure _ NullPutClosure] = { next: CT.Ref _ CT.FindNextComment[0]; IF root = NIL THEN RETURN; IF put # NullPutClosure THEN IF NOT PPUtil.SetOutput[put] THEN ERROR; nextIndex _ IF next = NIL THEN InvalidIndex ELSE CT.Explode[next].start; outer _ defaultPublic _ TRUE; PPHelper.Init[]; lastIndex _ InvalidIndex; lastChar _ ' ; PrettyLink[root]; FlushCommentsBefore[InvalidIndex]; IF put # NullPutClosure THEN IF NOT PPUtil.SetOutput[] THEN ERROR; }; FlushCommentsBefore: PROC [index: INT] = { comment: CT.Ref _ NIL; WHILE index >= nextIndex DO oldLine: INT _ line; oldPos: INT _ position; comment _ CT.FindNextComment[nextIndex]; IF comment = NIL THEN EXIT; {cIndex, lastToken, prefix: INT; text: ROPE; [cIndex, text, lastToken, prefix] _ CT.Explode[comment]; nextIndex _ cIndex; IF nextIndex > index THEN EXIT; nextIndex _ nextIndex + 1; IF NOT (sizing OR index = InvalidIndex) THEN IF prefix > 0 OR position + text.Size[] > lateTrigger THEN Break[]; IF text = NIL OR text.Size[] < 2 THEN WriteChar[CR] ELSE IF position > indent AND lastChar # ' THEN WriteChar[' ]; FOR i: INT IN [2..prefix] DO WriteChar[CR] ENDLOOP; Indent[]; WriteText[text]}; IF line = oldLine THEN WriteChar[' ]; Indent[] ENDLOOP}; PrettyLink: PROC [t: Tree.Link, level: INT _ 0] = { IF t = NIL THEN RETURN; SELECT position FROM indent => {}; < indent => Indent[]; > lateTrigger => IF NOT sizing THEN Break[] ENDCASE; WITH t SELECT FROM hti: HTIndex => PrettyHti[hti]; sei: ISEIndex => PrettySei[sei]; lti: LTIndex => PrintLti[lti]; node: Tree.Handle => PrettyNode[node, level] ENDCASE => ERROR}; PrintLti: PROC [lti: LTIndex] = { lit: ROPE _ lti.literal; FlushCommentsBefore[lti.index]; IF lit = NIL THEN WriteText["\"\""] ELSE WriteText[lit]}; PrettyHti: PROC [hti: HTIndex] = { text: ROPE _ "(anon)"; IF hti # HTNull THEN {FlushCommentsBefore[hti.index]; text _ hti.name}; WriteId[text]}; LinkToName: PROC [link: Tree.Link] RETURNS [ROPE] = { WITH link SELECT FROM hti: HTIndex => RETURN [hti.name]; sei: ISEIndex => RETURN [sei]; ENDCASE; RETURN [NIL]; }; PrettySei: PROC [sei: ISEIndex] = { IF sei = NIL THEN WriteText["(anon)"] ELSE WriteText[sei]}; PrettyNode: PROC [t: Tree.Handle, level: INT _ 0] = { text: ROPE _ NIL; kind: OpKind _ special; newLevel: INT _ level; oldIndent: INT _ indent; info: INT _ GetInfo[t]; IF t = NIL THEN RETURN; IF info # 0 THEN FlushCommentsBefore[info]; [text, newLevel, kind] _ LookAtNode[t]; IF newLevel < level THEN {WriteChar['(]; indent _ position}; SELECT kind FROM special => PrettySpecial[t, text, newLevel]; applytext => {indent _ position + 2; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, text, newLevel]; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%^[%@%,1]"]; indent _ oldIndent}; binary => {left: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 1]; right: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 2]; IF left # NIL THEN {[] _ PrettyPattern[left, "%0 ", -- kludge for binary relations! IF newLevel = MidLevel THEN MidLevel + 1 ELSE newLevel]; WriteText[text]; [] _ PrettyPattern[right, "%+2%|%0", newLevel + 1]} ELSE {WriteText[text]; [] _ PrettyPattern[right, "%+2%|%0", newLevel + 1]}}; decl => PrettyDecl[t, text]; proc => {[] _ PrettyPattern[t, text]; IF NthSon[t, 1] = NIL THEN [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%?2%* RETURNS [%@%,2]"] ELSE [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%* %([%@%,1]%)%?2%^2 RETURNS [%@%,2]"]}; pattern => [] _ PrettyPattern[t, text, newLevel] ENDCASE => ERROR; IF newLevel < level THEN WriteChar[')]; indent _ oldIndent}; OpKind: TYPE = {applytext, binary, decl, proc, pattern, record, special}; MidLevel: INT = 4; -- level to use for binary relations MaxLevel: INT = 9; -- max level used in precedence LookAtNode: PROC [t: Tree.Handle] RETURNS [text: ROPE, level: INT, kind: OpKind] = { {opName: Tree.NodeName _ t.name; nSons: CARDINAL = t.sonLimit - 1; level _ 0; text _ NIL; kind _ pattern; SELECT opName FROM list => {SELECT TRUE FROM nSons = 2 AND OpName[t[2]] = void => text _ "%1 | NULL"; nSons > 0 => text _ "{%*%;0}"; nSons = 0 => {} ENDCASE}; item => kind _ special; -- declarations decl => kind _ decl; typedecl => text _ "%,1: %+2%PTYPE%?2 = %|%2%?3 %*_ %3"; enumeratedTC => text _ "%M{%@%,1}"; recordTC => {text _ "%MRECORD "; GO TO textApply}; monitoredTC => {text _ "MONITORED RECORD "; GO TO textApply}; variantTC => text _ "%$0[%@%,1]"; refTC => text _ IF OpName[NthSon[t, 1]] = anyTC AND NOT GetAttrs[t].a3 THEN "REF" ELSE "%$0REF %R%1"; pointerTC => {son: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 1]; text _ "%$0%(%AORDERED %)POINTER%?1 TO %$0%R%1"; IF LinkToName[son].Equal["UNSPECIFIED"] THEN text _ "POINTER"; }; listTC => -- the element type is deeply hidden text _ "%$0LIST OF %$0%R%*%(1%(1%(1%2%)%)%)"; arrayTC => text _ "%$0%(%CPACKED %)ARRAY %*%(%?1%1 %)%|OF %2"; arraydescTC => text _ "%$0DESCRIPTOR FOR %R%1"; sequenceTC => text _ "%$0%(%CPACKED %)%MSEQUENCE %*%V1 OF %2"; procTC => {text _ "PROC"; GO TO procType}; processTC => {text _ "PROCESS"; GO TO procType}; portTC => {text _ "PORT"; GO TO procType}; signalTC => {text _ "SIGNAL"; GO TO procType}; errorTC => {text _ "ERROR"; GO TO procType}; programTC => {text _ "%(%~APROGRAM%)%(%AMONITOR%)"; GO TO procType}; anyTC => {text _ "ANY"; GO TO max}; definitionTC => text _ "DEFINITIONS"; unionTC => -- for variant records only, not a true union text _ "%@%(SELECT %+2%(%@%V1%) FROM %[,2%/%,1 => %2%(%?3 _ %3%)%]%/ENDCASE%)"; relativeTC => text _ "%1 RELATIVE %2"; subrangeTC => {son: Tree.Link _ t[1]; text _ "%$0%1 %2"; IF OpName[son] = pointerTC THEN -- unfortunately funny case text _ "%(1%(%AORDERED %)%BBASE %)%RPOINTER %2 %*TO %(1%1%)"; GO TO max}; intCC => {text _ "%$0[%@%1..%|%2]"; GO TO max}; intCO => {text _ "%$0[%@%1..%|%2)"; GO TO max}; intOC => {text _ "%$0(%@%1..%|%2]"; GO TO max}; intOO => {text _ "%$0(%@%1..%|%2)"; GO TO max}; longTC => {son: Tree.Link _ t[1]; sonny: Tree.NodeName _ OpName[son]; text _ "LONG %1"; SELECT sonny FROM refTC, listTC => text _ "%1"; none => IF LinkToName[son].Equal["INTEGER"] THEN text _ "INT"; ENDCASE}; opaqueTC => text _ "TYPE%?1[%1]"; zoneTC => text _ "%(%AUNCOUNTED %)ZONE"; linkTC => text _ "LinkTC??"; implicitTC => text _ "*"; frameTC => text _ "FRAME %+2%|[%@%1]"; discrimTC => text _ "%1%+2%|[%2]"; entry => text _ "ENTRY %1"; internal => text _ "INTERNAL %1"; unit => text _ "%(%?1DIRECTORY%+2%/1%.1;%)%/2%2"; diritem => text _ "%1%+2%(%?2: FROM %2%)%?3 USING %^3[%@%,3]"; module => kind _ special; body => {markedBody _ t; text _ "%@%(%?1OPEN %@%,1;%)%(%?2%/2%;2;%/%)%(%?3%/3%;3%)%?4;%/%;4"}; inline => kind _ special; lambda => text _ "%2 %?1USING %1"; block => text _ "{%@%(%?1%;1; %/2%)%;2}"; -- statements (and some expressions) assignx, assign => text _ "%1 _ %*%2"; extractx, extract => text _ "[%@%,1] _ %*%2"; if => SELECT TRUE FROM t[3] = NIL => text _ "IF %@%1 THEN %^2%@%&2"; DanglingElse[t[2]] => text _ "IF %@%1 %/2THEN %({%@%2%}%)%/3ELSE %@%3"; position > earlyTrigger => text _ "IF %@%1 %/2THEN %+2%^2%&2%/3ELSE %+2%^3%&3" ENDCASE => text _ "IF %@%1 %^2%(THEN %+2%^2%&2%) %^3%(ELSE %+2%^3%&3%)"; bindx => text _ "WITH %@%1 %(%|SELECT%(%?2 %2%) FROM %)%+2%[,3%/%,1%+2 => %*%2%]%/ENDCASE%?4 => %+4%|%4"; bind => text _ "WITH %@%1 %(%|SELECT%(%?2 %2%) FROM %)%+2%[;3%/%,1%+2 => %^2%&2%]%/ENDCASE%?4 => %+4%|%4"; casex => text _ "SELECT %1 FROM %+2%[,2%$1%/%,1%+2 => %$0%*%2%]%/ENDCASE%?3 => %+4%|%3"; case => text _ "SELECT %1 FROM %+2%[;2%$1%/%,1%+2 => %^2%&2%]%/ENDCASE%?3 => %+4%|%3"; do => kind _ special; forseq => text _ "FOR %1 _ %@%2%?3, %@%3"; upthru => text _ "%(%?1FOR %1 IN %2%!%)THROUGH %2"; downthru => text _ "%(%?1FOR %1 DECREASING IN %2%!%)THROUGH %2 DECREASING "; return => IF nSons = 0 OR t[1] = NIL THEN text _ "RETURN" ELSE {text _ "RETURN "; GO TO textApply}; result => IF nSons = 0 OR t[1] = NIL THEN text _ "RESULT" ELSE {text _ "RESULT "; GO TO textApply}; goto => text _ "GO TO %1"; exit => text _ "EXIT"; loop => text _ "LOOP"; free => -- son3 is always NIL, to agree with NEW, I guess {text _ "%$0%(%?1%1.%)FREE%*[%@%2%(%?4%/! %@%4%)]"; GO TO max}; resume => IF nSons = 0 OR t[1] = NIL THEN text _ "RESUME" ELSE {text _ "RESUME "; GO TO textApply}; reject => text _ "REJECT"; continue => text _ "CONTINUE"; retry => text _ "RETRY"; restart => text _ "RESTART %1"; stop => text _ "STOP %1"; lock => text _ "LOCK %1"; wait => text _ "WAIT %1"; notify => text _ "NOTIFY %1"; broadcast => text _ "BROADCAST %1"; unlock => text _ "UNLOCK %1"; null => text _ "NULL"; label => kind _ special; open => text _ "{%*OPEN %(%@%,1;%)%/2%;2}"; enable => {son2: Tree.Link _ IF nSons < 2 THEN NIL ELSE NthSon[t, 2]; IF son2 # NIL AND OpName[son2] = block THEN text _ "{%@ENABLE %({%@%*%1}%);%/2%(2%(%?1%;1; %/2%)%;2%)}" ELSE text _ "{%@ENABLE %({%@%*%1}%)%?2;%/2%;2}"}; catch => text _ "%[;1%/0%,1 => %+2%^2%&2%]%?2%(%?1;%)%/2ANY => %*%&2"; dst => text _ "%1 _ STATE"; lst => text _ "TRANSFER WITH%?1 %1"; lstf => text _ "RETURN WITH%?1 %1"; signalx, signal => text _ "SIGNAL%?1 %1"; errorx, syserrorx, error, syserror => text _ "ERROR%?1 %1"; xerror => text _ "RETURN WITH ERROR%?1 %1"; startx, start => text _ "START%?1 %1"; joinx, join => text _ "JOIN%?1 %1"; -- expressions apply => {text _ "%1%*[%@%,2%(%?3%/! %@%;3%)]"; GO TO max}; fork => text _ "FORK %1"; index, dindex, seqindex, reloc => {text _ "%1[%+2%,2(%?3%/! %@%;3%)]"; GO TO max}; ifx => text _ "IF %@%1 %|%@THEN %(%@%2%) %|ELSE %@%3"; listcons => {text _ "%(%?1%1.%)LIST%*[%@%,2]"; GO TO max}; or => {text _ "OR "; level _ 2; GO TO bin}; and => {text _ "AND "; level _ 3; GO TO bin}; relE => {IF t[1] = NIL THEN level _ 0 ELSE {text _ "= "; level _ 4}; GO TO bin}; relN => {text _ "# "; level _ 4; GO TO bin}; relL => {text _ "< "; level _ 4; GO TO bin}; relGE => {text _ ">= "; level _ 4; GO TO bin}; relG => {text _ "> "; level _ 4; GO TO bin}; relLE => {text _ "<= "; level _ 4; GO TO bin}; in => {text _ "IN "; level _ 8; GO TO bin}; notin => {text _ "NOT IN "; level _ 8; GO TO bin}; plus => {text _ "+ "; level _ 6; GO TO bin}; minus => {text _ "- "; level _ 6; GO TO bin}; times => {text _ "* "; level _ 7; GO TO bin}; div => {text _ "/ "; level _ 7; GO TO bin}; mod => {text _ "MOD "; level _ 7; GO TO bin}; dot => {text _ "%1.%2"; GO TO max}; create => text _ "NEW %1"; not => {text _ "NOT %1"; level _ 8}; uminus => {text _ "-%1"; level _ 8}; addr => {text _ "@%1"; GO TO max}; uparrow => {text _ "%1^"; GO TO max}; min => {text _ "MIN"; GO TO textApply}; max => {text _ "MAX"; GO TO textApply}; lengthen => {text _ "LONG"; GO TO textApply}; abs => {text _ "ABS"; GO TO textApply}; all => {text _ "ALL"; GO TO textApply}; size => text _ "SIZE[%$0%@%1%(%?2, %2%)]"; first => {text _ "FIRST"; GO TO textApply}; last => {text _ "LAST"; GO TO textApply}; pred => {text _ "PRED"; GO TO textApply}; succ => {text _ "SUCC"; GO TO textApply}; arraydesc => -- son1 is a list of 1 or 3 elements -- DESCRIPTOR[exp] | DESCRIPTOR[exp, exp] | DESCRIPTOR[exp, exp, type] -- son3 of son1 is NIL if type is absent {text _ "DESCRIPTOR[%(1%@%(%~?2%0%!%)%1, %|%2%?3, %|%3%)]"; GO TO max}; length => {text _ "LENGTH"; GO TO textApply}; base => {text _ "BASE"; GO TO textApply}; loophole => {text _ "LOOPHOLE[%$0%@%1%(%?2, %|%2%)]"; GO TO max}; nil => {text _ "NIL"; GO TO max}; new => {text _ "%$0%(%?1%1.%)NEW%*[%@%2%(%?3%| _ %@%3%)%(%?4%/! %@%4%)]"; GO TO max}; float => {text _ "FLOAT"; GO TO textApply}; narrow => {text _ "NARROW[%$0%@%1%(%?2, %2%)%(%?3%/! %@%;3%)]"; GO TO max}; istype => {text _ "ISTYPE[%$0%@%1%(%?2, %2%)%(%?3%/! %@%;3%)]"; GO TO max}; cons => {text _ "%$0%(%?1%1.%)CONS%*[%@%,2%(%?3%/! %@%3%)]"; GO TO max}; typecode => {text _ "CODE[%$0%@%1]"; GO TO max}; signalinit => {text _ "CODE"; GO TO max}; clit => {text _ "%1"; GO TO max}; llit => {text _ "%1L"; GO TO max}; mwconst => {text _ "%1"; GO TO max}; void => {text _ "NULL"; GO TO max} ENDCASE => kind _ special EXITS bin => kind _ binary; max => level _ MaxLevel; procType => kind _ proc; textApply => {kind _ applytext; level _ MaxLevel}}}; BreakHintFromNode: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOL] = { WITH t SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => SELECT node.name FROM -- declartions decl, typedecl => RETURN [BreakHintFromNode[node[2]]]; -- type constructors recordTC, monitoredTC, variantTC, unionTC, -- statements assign, extract, if, case, casetest, caseswitch, bind, do, forseq, upthru, downthru, return, result, goto, exit, loop, free, resume, reject, continue, retry, catchmark, restart, stop, lock, wait, notify, broadcast, unlock, null, label, open, enable, catch, dst, lst, lstf, syscall, subst, call, portcall, signal, error, syserror, xerror, start, join, -- expressions openx, casex, startx, joinx, fork => RETURN [TRUE] ENDCASE ENDCASE; RETURN [FALSE]}; DanglingElse: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOL] = { -- this routine returns TRUE if an optional ELSE is missing at the end of a statement DO WITH t SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => SELECT node.name FROM if => t _ node[3]; case => t _ node[3]; bind => t _ node[4] ENDCASE => EXIT ENDCASE => EXIT ENDLOOP; RETURN [t = NIL]}; PrettyList: PROC [t: Tree.Link, separator: CHAR _ ';] = { IF OpName[t] = list THEN PrettySons[t, separator] ELSE PrettyLink[t]}; PrettyItem: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = { WITH t SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => {left: Tree.Link = node[1]; right: Tree.Link = node[2]; PrettyLink[left]; IF left # right THEN {IF left # NIL THEN WriteText[": "]; PrettyLink[right]}} ENDCASE}; PrettyBrackets: PROC [t: Tree.Link, left: CHAR _ 0C, separator: CHAR _ ';] = { oldIndent: INT _ indent; IF left # 0C THEN WriteChar[left]; indent _ position; PrettyList[t, separator]; SELECT left FROM '{ => WriteChar['}]; '( => WriteChar[')]; '[ => WriteChar[']] ENDCASE; indent _ oldIndent}; saveInhibit: Tree.Handle _ NIL; PrettySons: PROC [tl: Tree.Link, separator: CHAR _ ';] = { WITH tl SELECT FROM t: Tree.Handle => {sons: NAT = t.sonLimit - 1; break: BOOL _ separator = '; AND sons > smallSons; IF separator = '. THEN {break _ TRUE; separator _ ',}; IF separator = ': THEN {break _ FALSE; separator _ ';}; IF sons = 0 THEN RETURN; {son1: Tree.Link _ t[1]; lastInfo: INT _ GetInfo[son1]; lastLine: INT _ line; inhibit1: BOOL _ IsUnnamedLock[son1]; IF inhibit1 THEN {lastInfo _ 0; saveInhibit _ t} ELSE {FlushCommentsBefore[lastInfo]; lastLine _ line; PrettyLink[son1]}; FOR nth: NAT IN [2..sons] DO link: Tree.Link _ t[nth]; thisInfo: INT _ GetInfo[link]; thisBreak: BOOL _ -- lots of ways to break here break OR line # lastLine OR position > earlyTrigger AND sons - nth > 1 OR separator = '; AND CT.TestBreakHint[lastInfo, thisInfo] OR position > indent AND WillExceed[link, ",%@ %0", 0, 0] OR separator = ', AND BreakHintFromNode[link]; IF nth = 2 AND NOT break AND thisInfo > lastInfo AND lastInfo > 0 AND CT.TestBreakHint[lastInfo, thisInfo] THEN -- HINT: first two items in list are on separate lines break _ thisBreak _ TRUE; IF link = NIL AND separator = '; THEN LOOP; IF NOT inhibit1 THEN { WriteChar[separator]; WriteChar[' ]}; FlushCommentsBefore[lastInfo _ thisInfo]; IF thisBreak THEN Break[]; lastLine _ line; PrettyLink[link] ENDLOOP}} ENDCASE}; LockId: HTIndex _ PPP1.IdOfLock[]; IsUnnamedLock: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF t = NIL THEN RETURN [FALSE]; WITH t SELECT FROM sei: ISEIndex => RETURN [sei = PPComData.idLOCK]; hti: HTIndex => RETURN [hti = LockId]; node: Tree.Handle => {IF NSons[node] > 0 THEN {SELECT node.name FROM decl, item, list => t _ node.son[1]; lambda => t _ node.son[2]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; RETURN [IsUnnamedLock[t]]; }}; ENDCASE; RETURN [FALSE]; }; PrettyDecl: PROC [t: Tree.Link, text: ROPE] = { init: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 3]; ids: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 1]; equate, public, readonly: BOOL; pat: ROPE _ "%+2%P%R%2%?3 _ %*%3"; [equate, public, readonly] _ GetAttrs[t]; IF equate THEN pat _ "%+2%P%R%2%?3 = %*%3"; SELECT OpName[init] FROM body => pat _ "%+2%P%Q%2%?3 = %(3%CINLINE %){%^3%|%3%_}"; inline => pat _ "%+2%P%Q%2%?3 = %|%3"; internal => pat _ "%+2%P%QINTERNAL %2%(3%?1 = %(1%CINLINE %){%^1%|%1%_}%)"; entry => pat _ "%+2%P%QENTRY %2%(3%?1 = %(1%CINLINE %){%^1%|%1%_}%)" ENDCASE; IF ids # NIL THEN {oldIndent: INT _ indent; base: Tree.Link _ t; nsons: NAT _ 1; IF OpName[ids] = list THEN {base _ ids; nsons _ NSons[ids]}; FOR i: NAT IN [1..nsons] DO id: Tree.Link _ NthSon[base, i]; IF i > 1 THEN WriteText[", "]; IF OpName[id] # item THEN {[] _ PrettyPattern[id, "%|%0"]; LOOP}; -- finally, this is of the form id(X: Y..Z) OR id(X) [] _ PrettyPattern[id, "%|%,1"]; IF (id _ NthSon[id, 2]) = NIL THEN LOOP; [] _ PrettyPattern[id, "%|(%,1%(%?1%?2: %)%(2%?0%1..%2%))"] ENDLOOP; WriteText[": "]; indent _ oldIndent}; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, pat]}; PrettyExits: PROC [exits: Tree.Link, key: ROPE, tail: Tree.Link _ NIL, tailKey: ROPE _ NIL] = { oldIndent: INT _ indent; IF exits = NIL AND tail = NIL THEN RETURN; IF key # NIL THEN [] _ PrettyPattern[exits, key]; indent _ oldIndent + 2; [] _ PrettyPattern[exits, "%[;0%/1%,1 => %+2%^2%&2%]"]; IF tail # NIL THEN {IF exits # NIL THEN WriteChar[';]; IF tailKey # NIL THEN [] _ PrettyPattern[tail, tailKey]; indent _ oldIndent + 4; [] _ PrettyPattern[tail, "%|%0;"]}; indent _ oldIndent}; PrettySpecial: PROC [t: Tree.Link, text: ROPE, level: INT] = { oldIndent: INT _ indent; opName: Tree.NodeName _ OpName[t]; nSons: NAT _ NSons[t]; son1: Tree.Link _ IF nSons >= 1 THEN NthSon[t, 1] ELSE NIL; son2: Tree.Link _ IF nSons >= 2 THEN NthSon[t, 2] ELSE NIL; son3: Tree.Link _ IF nSons >= 3 THEN NthSon[t, 3] ELSE NIL; SELECT opName FROM item => PrettyItem[t]; atom => {WriteChar['$]; WITH son1 SELECT FROM lti: LTIndex => WriteText[lti.literal] ENDCASE => PrettyLink[son1]}; inline => {WriteText["MACHINE CODE"]; Break[]; WriteChar['{]; indent _ position; FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[son1]] DO IF i > 1 THEN {WriteChar[';]; Break[]}; PrettyList[NthSon[son1, i], CommaSeparator] ENDLOOP; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%^}"]}; do => {forClause: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 1]; whileTest: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 2]; code: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 4]; codePat: ROPE _ "%;0"; IF forClause # NIL THEN {PrettyLink[forClause]; WriteChar[' ]; indent _ oldIndent + 4}; IF whileTest # NIL THEN {[] _ PrettyPattern[whileTest, "%+2%|WHILE %@%0 "]; IF indent = oldIndent THEN indent _ oldIndent + 2} ELSE IF forClause = NIL THEN indent _ oldIndent + 3; [] _ PrettyPattern[code, "DO %/"]; IF OpName[code] = block THEN codePat _ "%(%?1%;1;%/%)%;2"; [] _ PrettyPattern[code, codePat]; PrettyExits[NthSon[t, 5], "%/REPEAT%/", NthSon[t, 6], "%/FINISHED => "]; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%/ENDLOOP"]}; label => {code: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 1]; exits: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 2]; needBrackets: BOOL _ markedBody = NIL OR NSons[markedBody] <= 2 OR NthSon[markedBody, 2] # NIL OR NthSon[markedBody, 3] # t; IF needBrackets THEN [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%/{"]; indent _ position; SELECT OpName[code] FROM block => [] _ PrettyPattern[code, "%(%?1%;1; %/2%)%;2"]; list => [] _ PrettyPattern[code, "%;0"]; ENDCASE => [] _ PrettyLink[code]; PrettyExits[exits, "%/0EXITS"]; IF needBrackets THEN WriteChar['}]; }; module => {locks: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 4]; decl: Tree.Link _ NthSon[t, 5]; name: Tree.Link _ NthSon[decl, 1]; type: Tree.Link _ NthSon[decl, 2]; init: Tree.Link _ NthSon[decl, 3]; public: BOOL _ GetAttrs[init].a2; defs: BOOL = OpName[type] = definitionTC; [] _ PrettyPattern[decl, "%/1%,1: %*%2"]; indent _ oldIndent + 2; outer _ FALSE; IF locks # NIL AND NOT IsUnnamedLock[locks] THEN [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%Q%?4%/4LOCKS %@%,4"]; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%?1%/1IMPORTS %@%,1"]; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%?2%/2EXPORTS %@%,2"]; [] _ PrettyPattern[t, "%?3%/3SHARES %@%,3"]; -- get inner/outer distinction right for PUBLIC defaultPublic _ public; outer _ NOT defs; [] _ PrettyPattern[init, "%/= %PBEGIN"]; -- get inner/outer distinction right for PUBLIC defaultPublic _ defs OR public; outer _ TRUE; [] _ PrettyPattern[init, "%(%?1 OPEN %@%,1;%)%(%?2%/2%;2;%)%/3%;3%E"]} ENDCASE => ERROR; indent _ oldIndent}; PrettyPattern: PROC [t: Tree.Link, pattern: ROPE, level: INT _ 0, pos: NAT _ 0, enable: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [NAT] = { -- This procedure takes care of expanding formatting patterns -- The '%' character is used to denote the start of an expansion. -- The characters following the % character are decoded specially, as follows: -- (the following options are interpreted regardless of the enable flag) -- (n: start a new recursion level, saving context, using son n -- [n: start iteration over son n -- ): return from current level, should pair with '( -- ]: end of iteration, should pair with '[ -- (the following options are interpreted only when enable is true) -- 0..9: expand the Nth son (where NthSon[t, 0] = t) -- ,n: expand list using son n, ', separator, default no break -- ;n: expand list using son n, '; separator, default break -- .n: expand list using son n, ', separator, default break -- :n: expand list using son n, '; separator, default no break -- ?n: enable _ Nth son # NIL -- A..C: enable _ (A: attr1, B: attr2, C: attr3) -- ~?n: enable _ Nth son = NIL -- ~A..~C: enable _ NOT (A: attr1, B: attr2, C: attr3) -- |: break if remainder of pattern will exceed margin -- &n: IF Nth son = NIL THEN {} ELSE expand Nth son -- *: same as %+2%|%@ -- ^n: break if break hint between t and son n, or remainder exceeds margin -- +n: indent _ MIN[original indent + n, position] -- /n: flush comments before son n, then break -- @: indent _ position -- !: exit entire pattern -- E: handle END. case -- M: MACHINE DEPENDENT, based on attributes -- P: PUBLIC or PRIVATE, based on defaults and attributes -- Q: outer _ FALSE, useful in modules -- R: READONLY, based on attributes -- Vn: expand son n, OVERLAID, or COMPUTED, based on attributes -- all other characters following % are written literally text: Text = NARROW[pattern]; size: INT = IF text = NIL THEN 0 ELSE text.length; GetSon: PROC RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { i: NAT _ GetNum[]; IF i = 0 THEN RETURN [t]; IF i > nSons THEN RETURN [NIL]; RETURN [th[i]]}; GetChar: PROC RETURNS [c: CHAR] = INLINE { IF pos >= size THEN RETURN ['%]; c _ text[pos]; pos _ pos + 1}; GetNum: PROC RETURNS [NAT] = INLINE { IF pos >= size THEN RETURN [0]; {nc: CHAR _ text[pos]; IF nc IN ['0..'9] THEN {pos _ pos + 1; RETURN [nc - '0]}; RETURN [0]}}; nSons: NAT _ 0; oldIndent: INT _ indent; oldLevel: INT _ level; oldPublic: BOOL _ defaultPublic; oldOuter: BOOL _ outer; oldLine: INT _ line; th: Tree.Handle _ NIL; WITH t SELECT FROM tt: Tree.Handle => {th _ tt; nSons _ th.sonLimit - 1} ENDCASE; outer _ oldOuter; WHILE pos < size DO c: CHAR _ GetChar[]; IF c # '% THEN {IF enable THEN WriteChar[c]; LOOP}; SELECT c _ GetChar[] FROM '), '] => EXIT; '( => {pos _ PrettyPattern[GetSon[], pattern, level, pos, enable]; LOOP}; '[ => {-- looping construct term: CHAR _ GetChar[]; link: Tree.Link _ GetSon[]; lpos: INT _ pos; lenb: BOOL _ enable AND link # NIL; IF lenb AND OpName[link] = list THEN {node: Tree.Handle = NARROW[link]; nls: NAT = node.sonLimit - 1; FOR i: NAT IN [1..nls - 1] DO lson: Tree.Link _ node[i]; [] _ PrettyPattern[lson, pattern, 0, pos]; WriteChar[term] ENDLOOP; link _ node[nls]}; pos _ PrettyPattern[link, pattern, 0, pos, lenb]; LOOP} ENDCASE; IF NOT enable THEN LOOP; IF c IN ['a..'z] THEN c _ LOOPHOLE[c - 40C]; SELECT c FROM '0, '1, '2, '3, '4, '5, '6, '7, '8, '9 => {pos _ pos - 1; PrettyLink[GetSon[], level]}; '?, '~, 'A, 'B, 'C => {IF c = '~ THEN {c _ GetChar[]; enable _ FALSE}; IF c IN ['a..'z] THEN c _ LOOPHOLE[c - 40C]; SELECT c FROM '? => IF GetSon[] = NIL THEN enable _ NOT enable; IN ['A..'C] => {IF th # NIL THEN SELECT c FROM 'A => IF th.attr[1] THEN LOOP; 'B => IF th.attr[2] THEN LOOP; 'C => IF th.attr[3] THEN LOOP ENDCASE; enable _ NOT enable} ENDCASE => enable _ FALSE}; ';, ',, '., ': => PrettyList[GetSon[], c]; '_ => IF tryBreak AND line > oldLine THEN Break[]; '| => IF position > indent AND WillExceed[t, pattern, level, pos, TRUE] THEN Break[]; '& => {link: Tree.Link _ GetSon[]; IF link = NIL THEN WriteText["{}"] ELSE PrettyLink[link]}; '* => {indent _ MIN[oldIndent + 2, position]; IF position > indent AND WillExceed[t, pattern, level, pos, TRUE] THEN Break[]; indent _ position}; '^ => IF position > indent THEN {link: Tree.Link _ GetSon[]; IF link # NIL THEN {start: INT _ GetInfo[t]; next: INT _ GetInfo[link]; IF position > earlyTrigger OR (start # 0 AND next > start AND CT.TestBreakHint[start, next]) OR WillExceed[t, pattern, level, pos, TRUE] THEN {FlushCommentsBefore[next]; Break[]}}}; '/, '= => {FlushCommentsBefore[GetInfo[GetSon[]]]; IF c = '/ THEN Break[]}; '$ => level _ GetNum[]; '! => {pos _ pos - 2; EXIT}; '@ => indent _ MAX[position, indent]; '+ => indent _ MIN[oldIndent + GetNum[], position]; 'E => {end: INT _ CT.GetEnding[]; FlushCommentsBefore[end]; Break[]; WriteText["END."]; indent _ 0}; 'Q => outer _ FALSE; 'P, 'M, 'V, 'R => {machineDep, public, other: BOOL; IF OpName[t] = enumeratedTC THEN [public, machineDep, other] _ GetAttrs[t] ELSE [machineDep, public, other] _ GetAttrs[t]; SELECT c FROM 'M => IF machineDep THEN WriteText["MACHINE DEPENDENT "]; 'P => {IF outer AND public # defaultPublic THEN WriteText[IF public THEN "PUBLIC " ELSE "PRIVATE "]; defaultPublic _ public}; 'V => {link: Tree.Link _ GetSon[]; son1: Tree.Link _ IF link = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NthSon[link, 1]; IF OpName[t] = unionTC THEN other _ public; IF son1 = NIL THEN WriteText[IF other THEN "OVERLAID " ELSE "COMPUTED "] ELSE [] _ PrettyPattern[son1, "%,0: "]; IF link # NIL THEN PrettyLink[NthSon[link, 2]]}; 'R => IF other THEN WriteText["READONLY "] ENDCASE} ENDCASE => WriteChar[c] ENDLOOP; indent _ oldIndent; level _ oldLevel; defaultPublic _ oldPublic; outer _ oldOuter; RETURN [pos]}; END.