-- AMTypesBImpl.Mesa -- Paul Rovner, March 4, 1983 3:39 pm -- NOTE do Equal, AsGoodAs -- try to avoid acquisition of already acquired symbol tables -- status stuff is wrong. DIRECTORY AMTypes USING[UnderType, Error, Index, Class, NComponents, IndexToType], BrandXSymbolDefs USING[SymbolConstructorIndex, SymbolIdIndex, nullSymbolIndex, typeCodeForCHAR, StandardSymbolContextIndex, typeCodeForINT], BrandYSymbolDefs USING[SymbolConstructorIndex, SymbolIdIndex, nullSymbolIndex, typeCodeForCHAR, StandardSymbolContextIndex, typeCodeForINT], Environment USING[bitsPerWord], Rope USING [ROPE, Text], RTCommon USING [ShortenLongCardinal], RTSymbolDefs USING [SymbolTableBase, SymbolConstructorIndex, Brand, SymbolIdIndex, SymbolIndex], RTSymbolOps USING [EnumerateCtxIseis, SEUnderType, ISEConstant, IDCardinalValue, SETagIDP], RTSymbols USING [GetTypeSymbols, ReleaseSTB], RTTCache USING[RefEntry, LookupRef, FillRefEntry, IntEntry, LookupInt, FillIntEntry], RTTypesBasic USING[Type, nullType, fhType, gfhType, unspecType, GetCanonicalType], RTTypesPrivate USING[GetTVZones]; AMTypesBImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AMTypes, RTCommon, RTTCache, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbols, RTTypesBasic, RTTypesPrivate EXPORTS AMTypes, RTTypesPrivate = BEGIN OPEN AMTypes, bx: BrandXSymbolDefs, by: BrandYSymbolDefs, Environment, Rope, RTSymbolDefs, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbols, RTTypesBasic, RTTypesPrivate; -- T Y P E S BitsForTypeInfo: TYPE = RECORD [bft: LONG CARDINAL, argumentRecord, interfaceRecord: BOOLEAN]; -- must be the same as the return type of BitsForType -- C O N S T A N T S tvpZone: ZONE = GetTVZones[].pz; -- P U B L I C P R O C E D U R E S VariableType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS [v: Type, c: Class] = TRUSTED {type _ UnderType[type]; IF TypeClass[type] # record AND TypeClass[type] # structure THEN RETURN[v: nullType, c: nil]; {nc: Index = NComponents[type]; IF nc = 0 THEN RETURN[v: nullType, c: nil]; v _ UnderType[IndexToType[type, nc]]}; c _ TypeClass[v]; SELECT c FROM union, sequence => RETURN; ENDCASE => RETURN[v: nullType, c: nil]; }; -- max for unions -- Could overflow! Size: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type, length: CARDINAL _ 0--for sequence-containing records--] RETURNS[ans: CARDINAL _ 0 --number of words--] = TRUSTED {stb: SymbolTableBase; uType: Type = UnderType[type]; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry _ NIL; int: INT; IF type = nullType THEN RETURN[2]; SELECT type FROM fhType, gfhType => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE; IF length = 0 THEN {entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, Size]; int _ entry.int; IF int >= 0 THEN RETURN [int]}; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: bx.SymbolConstructorIndex = t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]; -- check for argument records and interface records WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => IF ser.argument THEN { FOR isei: bx.SymbolIdIndex _ t.e.FirstCtxSe[ser.fieldCtx], t.e.NextSe[isei] UNTIL isei = bx.nullSymbolIndex DO ans _ MAX[ans, t.e.FnField[isei].offset.wd*bitsPerWord + t.e.seb[isei].idInfo] ENDLOOP; ReleaseSTB[stb]; ans _ ans/bitsPerWord + (IF ans MOD bitsPerWord # 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0); IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; RETURN[ans]}; definition => {proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = {IF NARROW[stb, SymbolTableBase.x].e.LinkMode[NARROW[isei, SymbolIdIndex.x].e] # manifest THEN ans _ MAX[ans, IDCardinalValue[stb, isei]]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.defCtx]], proc]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; ans _ ans + 1; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; RETURN[ans]}; ENDCASE; -- not argument record or interface record SELECT TypeClass[uType] FROM union, sequence=> ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; record, structure => {sType: Type; sClass: Class; [v: sType, c: sClass] _ VariableType[uType]; SELECT sClass FROM sequence=> {sstb: SymbolTableBase; ssei: SymbolIndex; [sstb, ssei] _ GetTypeSymbols[sType]; {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[sstb]; scsei: bx.SymbolConstructorIndex = NARROW[SEUnderType[sstb, ssei], SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e; WITH ser: NARROW[sstb, SymbolTableBase.x].e.seb[scsei] SELECT FROM sequence => {bpe: LONG CARDINAL = NARROW[sstb, SymbolTableBase.x].e.BitsPerElement[type: ser.componentType, packed: ser.packed]; ans _ RTCommon.ShortenLongCardinal [(bpe*length+bitsPerWord-1)/bitsPerWord]}; ENDCASE=>ERROR; ReleaseSTB[sstb]}}; ENDCASE}; ENDCASE; ans _ ans + t.e.WordsForType[csei]; ReleaseSTB[stb]}; -- end ENABLE UNWIND t: SymbolTableBase.y => {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: by.SymbolConstructorIndex = t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]; -- check for argument records and interface records WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => IF ser.argument THEN { FOR isei: by.SymbolIdIndex _ t.e.FirstCtxSe[ser.fieldCtx], t.e.NextSe[isei] UNTIL isei = by.nullSymbolIndex DO ans _ MAX[ans, t.e.FnField[isei].offset.wd*bitsPerWord + t.e.seb[isei].idInfo] ENDLOOP; ReleaseSTB[stb]; ans _ ans/bitsPerWord + (IF ans MOD bitsPerWord # 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0); IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; RETURN[ans]}; definition => {proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = {IF NARROW[stb, SymbolTableBase.y].e.LinkMode[NARROW[isei, SymbolIdIndex.y].e] # manifest THEN ans _ MAX[ans, IDCardinalValue[stb, isei]]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.defCtx]], proc]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; ans _ ans + 1; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; RETURN[ans]}; ENDCASE; -- not argument record or interface record SELECT TypeClass[uType] FROM union, sequence=> ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; record, structure => {sType: Type; sClass: Class; [v: sType, c: sClass] _ VariableType[uType]; SELECT sClass FROM sequence=> {sstb: SymbolTableBase; ssei: SymbolIndex; [sstb, ssei] _ GetTypeSymbols[sType]; {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[sstb]; scsei: by.SymbolConstructorIndex = NARROW[SEUnderType[sstb, ssei], SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e; WITH ser: NARROW[sstb, SymbolTableBase.y].e.seb[scsei] SELECT FROM sequence => {bpe: LONG CARDINAL = NARROW[sstb, SymbolTableBase.y].e.BitsPerElement[type: ser.componentType, packed: ser.packed]; ans _ RTCommon.ShortenLongCardinal [(bpe*length+bitsPerWord-1)/bitsPerWord]}; ENDCASE=>ERROR; ReleaseSTB[sstb]}}; ENDCASE}; ENDCASE; ans _ ans + t.e.WordsForType[csei]; ReleaseSTB[stb]}; -- end ENABLE UNWIND ENDCASE => ERROR; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; }; -- end Size -- the Type itself is the color. Record and enumerated types are painted. IsPainted: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[ans: BOOLEAN] = TRUSTED { RETURN[SELECT TypeClass[UnderType[type]] FROM enumerated, record => TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE]}; -- MOVE TypeClass: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[ans: Class] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; SELECT type FROM fhType => RETURN[localFrame]; nullType => RETURN[nil]; gfhType => RETURN[globalFrame]; unspecType => RETURN[unspecified]; ENDCASE; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, TypeClass]; int _ entry.int; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF SETagIDP[stb, sei] THEN {ans _ definition; GO TO answer}; IF GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalType[CODE[ROPE]] OR GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalType[CODE[Text]] THEN {ans _ rope; GO TO answer}; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => ans _ (WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM basic => SelectBasicClass[x, ser.code], record => (IF ser.painted THEN record ELSE structure), definition => record, real => real, union => union, array => array, opaque => opaque, sequence => sequence, relative => relativePointer, ref => (IF ser.counted OR ser.basing THEN ERROR ELSE pointer), arraydesc => descriptor, long => (WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM ref => (IF rse.counted THEN (IF rse.list THEN list ELSE WITH z: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[rse.refType]] SELECT FROM opaque => IF t.e.seb[z.id].idCtx IN bx.StandardSymbolContextIndex THEN atom ELSE ref ENDCASE => ref) ELSE (IF rse.basing THEN basePointer ELSE longPointer)), basic => (IF rse.code = bx.typeCodeForINT THEN longInteger ELSE ERROR), arraydesc => longDescriptor, subrange => (WITH rrse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[rse.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM basic => (IF rrse.code = bx.typeCodeForINT AND rse.origin = 0 AND rse.range = LAST[CARDINAL] THEN longCardinal ELSE ERROR), ENDCASE => ERROR), ENDCASE => ERROR), enumerated => enumerated, subrange => (WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM basic => (IF rse.code = bx.typeCodeForINT AND ser.origin = 0 AND ser.range = LAST[CARDINAL] THEN cardinal ELSE subrange), ENDCASE => subrange), subrange => subrange, transfer => (SELECT ser.mode FROM proc => procedure, port => port, signal => signal, error => error, process => process, program => program, ENDCASE => ERROR), zone => (IF ser.counted THEN countedZone ELSE uncountedZone), mode => type, any => any, ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]); t: SymbolTableBase.y => ans _ (WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM basic => SelectBasicClass[y, ser.code], record => (IF ser.painted THEN record ELSE structure), definition => record, real => real, union => union, array => array, opaque => opaque, sequence => sequence, relative => relativePointer, ref => (IF ser.counted OR ser.basing THEN ERROR ELSE pointer), arraydesc => descriptor, long => (WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM ref => (IF rse.counted THEN (IF rse.list THEN list ELSE WITH z: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[rse.refType]] SELECT FROM opaque => IF t.e.seb[z.id].idCtx IN by.StandardSymbolContextIndex THEN atom ELSE ref ENDCASE => ref) ELSE (IF rse.basing THEN basePointer ELSE longPointer)), basic => (IF rse.code = by.typeCodeForINT THEN longInteger ELSE ERROR), arraydesc => longDescriptor, subrange => (WITH rrse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[rse.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM basic => (IF rrse.code = by.typeCodeForINT AND rse.origin = 0 AND rse.range = LAST[CARDINAL] THEN longCardinal ELSE ERROR), ENDCASE => ERROR), ENDCASE => ERROR), enumerated => enumerated, subrange => (WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType] ] SELECT FROM basic => (IF rse.code = by.typeCodeForINT AND ser.origin = 0 AND ser.range = LAST[CARDINAL] THEN cardinal ELSE subrange), ENDCASE => subrange), subrange => subrange, transfer => (SELECT ser.mode FROM proc => procedure, port => port, signal => signal, error => error, process => process, program => program, ENDCASE => ERROR), zone => (IF ser.counted THEN countedZone ELSE uncountedZone), mode => type, any => any, ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]); ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; EXITS answer => ReleaseSTB[stb]}; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[ans, CARDINAL]]; }; -- end TypeClass -- MOVE BitsForType: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type] RETURNS [bft: LONG CARDINAL, argumentRecord, interfaceRecord: BOOLEAN] = {stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.RefEntry; info: REF BitsForTypeInfo; IF type = nullType THEN RETURN[2*bitsPerWord, FALSE, FALSE]; -- NIL entry _ RTTCache.LookupRef[type, LOOPHOLE[BitsForType]]; info _ NARROW[entry.ref]; IF info # NIL THEN RETURN [info.bft, info.argumentRecord, info.interfaceRecord]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex = SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM record => {w: LONG CARDINAL = t.e.WordsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e]; argumentRecord _ ser.argument; interfaceRecord _ FALSE; IF w > 1 THEN bft _ w * bitsPerWord ELSE bft _ t.e.BitsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e]}; definition => {ans: CARDINAL _ 0; proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = {IF NOT ISEConstant[stb, isei] THEN ans _ MAX[ans, IDCardinalValue[stb, isei]]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.defCtx]], proc]; argumentRecord _ FALSE; interfaceRecord _ TRUE; bft _ (ans + 1)*bitsPerWord}; ENDCASE => {w: LONG CARDINAL = t.e.WordsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e]; argumentRecord _ FALSE; interfaceRecord _ FALSE; IF w > 1 THEN bft _ w * bitsPerWord ELSE bft _ t.e.BitsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e]; IF bft = 0 THEN ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]}; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM record => {w: LONG CARDINAL = t.e.WordsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e]; argumentRecord _ ser.argument; interfaceRecord _ FALSE; IF w > 1 THEN bft _ w * bitsPerWord ELSE bft _ t.e.BitsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e]}; definition => {ans: CARDINAL _ 0; proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = {IF NOT ISEConstant[stb, isei] THEN ans _ MAX[ans, IDCardinalValue[stb, isei]]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.defCtx]], proc]; argumentRecord _ FALSE; interfaceRecord _ TRUE; bft _ (ans + 1)*bitsPerWord}; ENDCASE => {w: LONG CARDINAL = t.e.WordsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e]; argumentRecord _ FALSE; interfaceRecord _ FALSE; IF w > 1 THEN bft _ w * bitsPerWord ELSE bft _ t.e.BitsForType[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e]; IF bft = 0 THEN ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]}; -- end ENABLE UNWIND info _ tvpZone.NEW[BitsForTypeInfo _ [bft, argumentRecord, interfaceRecord]]; [] _ RTTCache.FillRefEntry[entry, info]; }; -- end BitsForType IsOverlaid: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--union--] RETURNS [ans: BOOL _ FALSE] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; class: Class = TypeClass[UnderType[type]]; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry _ NIL; IF class = nil THEN RETURN; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, IsOverlaid]; IF entry.int # -1 THEN RETURN[entry.int = 1]; -- 1 => TRUE, 2 => FALSE IF class = record OR class = structure THEN type _ IndexToType[type, NComponents[type]]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ ser.overlaid; ENDCASE; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ ser.overlaid; ENDCASE; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, (IF ans THEN 1 ELSE 2)]; }; -- break up and MOVE IsComputed: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--union, sequence--] RETURNS [ans: BOOL _ FALSE] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; class: Class = TypeClass[UnderType[type]]; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry _ NIL; IF class = nil THEN RETURN; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, IsComputed]; IF entry.int # -1 THEN RETURN[entry.int = 1]; -- 1 => TRUE, 2 => FALSE IF class = record OR class = structure THEN type _ IndexToType[type, NComponents[type]]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ NOT ser.controlled; sequence => ans _ NOT ser.controlled; ENDCASE; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ NOT ser.controlled; sequence => ans _ NOT ser.controlled; ENDCASE; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, (IF ans THEN 1 ELSE 2)]; }; -- MOVE IsOrdered: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS [ans: BOOLEAN] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM long => ans _ WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => rse.ordered, enumerated => rse.ordered, basic => rse.ordered, ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => ans _ ser.ordered; enumerated => ans _ ser.ordered; basic => ans _ ser.ordered; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM long => ans _ WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => rse.ordered, enumerated => rse.ordered, basic => rse.ordered, ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => ans _ ser.ordered; enumerated => ans _ ser.ordered; basic => ans _ ser.ordered; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }}; -- MOVE IsMachineDependent: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--record, structure, union, enumerated, sequence--] RETURNS[ans: BOOLEAN] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ ser.machineDep; definition => ans _ FALSE; enumerated => ans _ ser.machineDep; record => ans _ ser.machineDep; sequence => ans _ ser.machineDep; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM union => ans _ ser.machineDep; definition => ans _ FALSE; enumerated => ans _ ser.machineDep; record => ans _ ser.machineDep; sequence => ans _ ser.machineDep; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }}; SelectBasicClass: PROC[brand: Brand, code: [0..16)] RETURNS[Class] = { SELECT brand FROM x => SELECT code FROM bx.typeCodeForINT => RETURN[integer]; bx.typeCodeForCHAR => RETURN[character]; ENDCASE => ERROR; y => SELECT code FROM by.typeCodeForINT => RETURN[integer]; by.typeCodeForCHAR => RETURN[character]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; END.