-- AMTypes.Mesa -- last modified on December 17, 1982 8:52 am by Paul Rovner DIRECTORY Rope USING[ROPE], RTBasic USING[Type, TypedVariable, TV, Index, nullType], WorldVM USING[World, LocalWorld]; AMTypes: CEDAR DEFINITIONS IMPORTS WorldVM = BEGIN OPEN Rope; -- T Y P E S Type: TYPE = RTBasic.Type; TypedVariable: TYPE = RTBasic.TypedVariable; TV: TYPE = RTBasic.TV; Status: TYPE = {mutable, readOnly, const}; Index: TYPE = RTBasic.Index; --index range for records, enumerations, etc is [1..n] Class: TYPE = { definition, -- e.g. TypeClass[CODE[T]] where T: TYPE = ...-- cardinal, longCardinal, integer, longInteger, real, character, --basic-- atom, rope, list, ref, pointer, longPointer, descriptor, longDescriptor, basePointer, relativePointer, --address-- procedure, signal, error, program, port, --transfer-- enumerated, subrange, union, sequence, record, structure, array, countedZone, uncountedZone, nil, -- e.g. TypeClass[TVType[NIL]] unspecified, process, type, opaque, any, -- e.g. TypeClass[Range[CODE[REF ANY]]] globalFrame, localFrame --frame-- }; -- E R R O R S Error: ERROR[ reason: ErrorReason, msg: ROPE _ NIL, type: Type _ RTBasic.nullType, -- used with TypeFault, IncompatibleTypes otherType: Type _ RTBasic.nullType -- used with IncompatibleTypes ]; ErrorReason: TYPE = {noSymbols, -- msg has moduleName notImplemented, -- mostly DefaultInitialValue cases incompatibleTypes, -- raised by Assign rangeFault, -- e.g. empty subrange, Apply bounds check notMutable, -- raised by (e.g.) Assign internalTV, -- raised by (e.g.) RefFromTV badName, -- raised by NameToIndex badIndex, -- raised by (e.g.) IndexToType typeFault -- general applicability violation }; -- P R O C E D U R E S -- (1.) Access to general Type characteristics. Size: PROC[type: Type, length: CARDINAL--sequence only: number of elements--_0] RETURNS[words: CARDINAL--max for unions--]; DefaultInitialValue: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; IndexToDefaultInitialValue: PROC[type: Type--record, structure--, index: Index] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; TypeClass: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[Class]; UnderClass: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[Class] = INLINE {RETURN[TypeClass[UnderType[type]]]}; IsPainted: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; -- Enumerated types and records declared in interfaces are painted. -- (2.) Access to general TV characteristics. TVType: PROC[tv: TypedVariable] RETURNS[Type]; TVStatus: PROC[tv: TypedVariable] RETURNS[Status]; TVSize: PROC[tv: TypedVariable] RETURNS[words: INT]; -- These procedures are applicable to all but the frame types, opaque and any. New: PROC[type: Type, status: Status _ mutable, world: WorldVM.World _ WorldVM.LocalWorld[], tag: TV _ NIL] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- New creates and returns a cleared object. -- tag has meaning only for union or sequence-containing record types. -- See DefaultInitialValue. Copy: PROC[tv: TypedVariable] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; Assign: PROC[lhs, rhs: TypedVariable]; -- Two TypedVariables are Eq if assignment to one is equivalent to assignment -- to the other; i.e, they address the same bits. -- Two TypedVariables are Equal if the values have the same size and same bits. -- NOTE no type checking is done. TVEq: PROC[tv1, tv2: TypedVariable] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; TVEqual: PROC[tv1, tv2: TypedVariable] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; -- (3.) These procedures have applicability restrictions, noted as comments NComponents: PROC[type: Type--record, structure--] RETURNS[Index]; VariableType: PROC[type: Type--record, structure--] RETURNS[v: Type, c: Class--union, sequence, or nil--]; IndexToTV: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--record, structure--, index: Index] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- index range is [1..NComponents[TVType[tv]]] IndexToType: PROC[type: Type--record, structure, union--, index: Index] RETURNS[Type]; -- Returns the specified component of the type. SPECIAL CASE for -- union types: index = 0 gets you the tag type -- (redundant: Tag does this too). NameToIndex: PROC[type: Type--record, structure, union, enumerated--, name: ROPE] RETURNS[CARDINAL]; IndexToName: PROC[type: Type--record, structure, union, enumerated--, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[ROPE]; -- SPECIAL CASE for union types: index = 0 gets you the tag name TVToType: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--type--] RETURNS[Type]; --applicable to enumerated, transfer, program, globalFrame, atom, rope-- TVToName: PROC[tv: TypedVariable] RETURNS[ans: ROPE]; Tag: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--union--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--enumerated--]; Variant: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--union--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--record--]; IsOverlaid: PROC[type: Type--union--] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; IsMachineDependent: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; --record, structure, union, enumerated, sequence-- Domain: PROC[type: Type--array, sequence, transfer, union--] RETURNS[Type]; -- applicable to array, sequence, procedure, signal, process, address -- (not atom, rope) Range: PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[Type]; IsPacked: PROC[type: Type--array, sequence--] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; IsComputed: PROC[type: Type--union, sequence--] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; Apply: PROC[mapper: TypedVariable--array, sequence--, arg: TypedVariable] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- For a rope, Length returns an INT for the number of characters in the given rope. -- For a sequence, Length returns an INT specifying the (max) number of elements -- in the sequence. Use Tag[tv] to obtain the actual sequence tag field. Their -- values may differ if the tag type has a non-zero lower bound. Length: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--sequence, rope--] RETURNS[INT]; Fetch: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--rope--, index: INT] RETURNS[CHAR]; Referent: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--ref, list, pointer, longPointer, relativePointer--, base: TypedVariable _ NIL--non-nil only if ref is a relativePointer. UNSAFE ] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; ConcreteRef: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--ref any--] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- ConcreteRef returns a TV for the REF . NIL -> NIL. -- ConcreteRef is implemented only for REFANY's that are really ATOM, LIST or ROPE guys -- (Error[reason: notImplemented] is raised otherwise) ReferentStatus: PROC[type: Type--address (not basePointer, atom)--] RETURNS[Status]; IsRefAny: PROC[type: Type--ref--] RETURNS[BOOL]; IsAtom: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--ref any--] RETURNS[BOOL]; IsRope: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--ref any--] RETURNS[BOOL]; IsNil: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--address--] RETURNS[BOOL]; IsOrdered: PROC[type: Type--basePointer, relativePointer--] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; PropertyList: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--atom--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--list, nil--]; Coerce: PROC[tv: TypedVariable, targetType: Type] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- use to Narrow or Widen TypeToName: PROC[type: Type--definition--, moduleName: REF ROPE _ NIL, fileName: REF ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS[ROPE]; -- IF name exists and REFs to moduleName and/or fileName -- ROPEs are provided, TypeToName provides that info too. Ground: PROC[type: Type--definition, subrange--] RETURNS[Type]; -- peels off one layer GroundStar: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type--definition, subrange--] RETURNS[Type]; -- peels 'em all off UnderType: PUBLIC PROC[type: Type--definition--] RETURNS[Type]; -- returns first non-definition type InRange: PROC[type: Type--subrange--, groundTV: TypedVariable] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; First: PROC[type: Type--enumerated, subrange, basic--] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; Last: PROC[type: Type--enumerated, subrange, basic--] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; Next: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--enumerated, subrange, basic--] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- returns NIL if no next NValues: PROC[type: Type--enumerated--] RETURNS[INT]; Value: PROC[type: Type--enumerated--, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; -- index range is [1..NValues[type]] StaticParent: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--procedure--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--procedure--]; -- may return NIL GlobalParent: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--transfer or local frame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--globalFrame--]; Globals: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--globalFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--record--]; Procedure: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--localFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--procedure--]; Signal: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--localFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--signal descriptor--]; Argument: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--local or catch frame--, index: Index] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; Result: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--local or catch frame--, index: Index] RETURNS[TypedVariable]; EnclosingBody: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--localFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--localFrame--]; -- may return NIL Locals: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--localFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--record--]; -- may return NIL DynamicParent: PROC[tv: TypedVariable--localFrame--] RETURNS[TypedVariable--localFrame--]; END.