-- AMBridge.Mesa -- last modified on December 17, 1982 8:34 am by Paul Rovner DIRECTORY AMTypes USING[Status], PrincOps USING[FrameHandle, GlobalFrameHandle, BytePC, StateVector], Rope USING[ROPE], RTBasic USING[TV, Type], WorldVM USING[World, Address, ShortAddress]; AMBridge: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN AMTypes, PrincOps, Rope, RTBasic, WorldVM; -- T Y P E S, C O N S T A N T S RemoteRef: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, ref: WorldVM.Address]; nilRemoteRef: RemoteRef = [world: NIL, ref: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; RemotePointer: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, ptr: WorldVM.Address]; nilRemotePointer: RemotePointer = [world: NIL, ptr: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; RemoteFrameHandle: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, fh: WorldVM.ShortAddress]; nilRemoteFrameHandle: RemoteFrameHandle = [world: NIL, fh: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; RemoteGlobalFrameHandle: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, gfh: WorldVM.ShortAddress]; nilRemoteGlobalFrameHandle: RemoteGlobalFrameHandle = [world: NIL, gfh: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; RemotePD: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, pd: UNSPECIFIED]; nilRemotePD: RemotePD = [world: NIL, pd: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; RemoteSED: TYPE = RECORD [world: World _ , worldIncarnation: LONG CARDINAL, sed: UNSPECIFIED]; nilRemoteSED: RemoteSED = [world: NIL, sed: 0, worldIncarnation: 0]; -- P R O C E D U R E S -- (1) Access to World information for a TV. IsRemote: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; GetWorld: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[World]; GetWorldIncarnation: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[LONG CARDINAL]; -- (2) Mappings between TVs, REFs and RemoteRefs. TVForReferent: PROC[ref: REF ANY, status: Status _ mutable] RETURNS[TV]; TVForRemoteReferent: PROC[remoteRef: RemoteRef, status: Status _ mutable] RETURNS[TV]; RefFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[REF ANY]; -- If possible, this returns the REF which points to the value represented by the specified -- TV. Raises InternalTV if tv is embedded, NotVar if TVStatus[tv] # mutable. RemoteRefFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemoteRef]; -- If possible, this returns the REF which points to the value represented -- by the specified TV. Raises InternalTV if tv is embedded, -- NotVar if TVStatus[tv] # mutable. SomeRefFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[REF ANY]; -- Like RefFromTV, but copies instead of raising an error. TVForReadOnlyReferent: PROC[ref: REF READONLY ANY] RETURNS[TV]; ReadOnlyRefFromTV: PROC[tv: TV -- status: readOnly--] RETURNS[REF READONLY ANY]; -- (3) Mappings between TVs and pointers. TVForPointerReferent: PROC[ptr: LONG POINTER, type: Type, status: Status _ mutable] RETURNS[TV]; TVForRemotePointerReferent: PROC[remotePointer: RemotePointer, type: Type, status: Status _ mutable] RETURNS[TV]; PointerFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[LONG POINTER]; -- If possible, this returns the LONG POINTER which points to -- the value represented by the specified TV. -- Raises InternalTV if tv is embedded and not word aligned -- Raises NotVar if TVStatus[tv] # mutable. RemotePointerFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemotePointer]; -- If possible, this returns the LONG POINTER which points to the value -- represented by the specified TV. -- Raises MalformedTV if tv is a REF or a REF's component -- Raises InternalTV if tv is embedded and not word aligned -- Raises NotVar if TVStatus[tv] # mutable. -- (4) Mappings between TVs and transfer descriptors. TVForProc: PROC[proc: PROC ANY RETURNS ANY] RETURNS[TV--procedure--]; TVForRemoteProc: PROC[remotePD: RemotePD] RETURNS[TV--procedure--]; TVToProc: PROC[tv: TV--procedure, program--] RETURNS[PROC ANY RETURNS ANY]; TVToRemoteProc: PROC[tv: TV--procedure, program--] RETURNS[RemotePD]; TVForSignal: PROC[signal: ERROR ANY RETURNS ANY] RETURNS[TV--signal, error--]; TVForRemoteSignal: PROC[remoteSED: RemoteSED] RETURNS[TV--signal, error--]; TVToSignal: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[ERROR ANY RETURNS ANY]; TVToRemoteSignal: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemoteSED]; -- (5) Mappings between TVs and frame goodies. -- "return" is TRUE iff the next instruction would be RET -- ContextPC will subtract one from the fh.pc if NOT contextPC -- ContinuationPC will ignore contextPC and always return fh.pc TVForFrame: PROC[fh: FrameHandle, evalStack: POINTER TO PrincOps.StateVector _ NIL, return: BOOL _ FALSE, contextPC: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS[TV]; -- all such tvs have the same (distinguished) type: fhType TVForRemoteFrame: PROC[remoteFrameHandle: RemoteFrameHandle, evalStack: WordSequence _ NIL, return: BOOL _ FALSE, contextPC: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS[TV]; -- all such tvs have the same (distinguished) type: fhType FHFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[FrameHandle]; RemoteFHFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemoteFrameHandle]; ContextPC: PROC[tv: TV--localFrame--] RETURNS[PrincOps.BytePC]; TVForGFHReferent: PROC[gfh: GlobalFrameHandle] RETURNS[TV]; -- all such tvs have the same (distinguished) type: gfhType TVForRemoteGFHReferent: PROC[remoteGlobalFrameHandle: RemoteGlobalFrameHandle] RETURNS[TV]; -- all such tvs have the same (distinguished) type: gfhType GFHFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[GlobalFrameHandle]; RemoteGFHFromTV: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemoteGlobalFrameHandle]; IsStarted: PROC[tv: TV--globalFrame--] RETURNS[BOOL]; IsCopied: PROC[tv: TV--globalFrame--] RETURNS[BOOL]; -- (6) Mappings between TVs and ATOMs, ROPEs. TVForATOM: PROC[atom: ATOM] RETURNS[TV--atom--]; TVToATOM: PROC[tv: TV--atom--] RETURNS[ATOM]; TVForROPE: PROC[rope: ROPE] RETURNS[TV--rope--]; -- use TVToName to get the ROPE back -- (7) ENGINE ROOM PROPER procs. See me (Paul Rovner) if you use this stuff. TVToLC: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[LONG CARDINAL]; -- Raises TypeFault if the field is bigger than 32 bits, else PUNs its value -- (right justified, zero filled) into a LONG CARDINAL. TVToInteger: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[INTEGER]; -- raises RangeFault TVToLI: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[LONG INTEGER]; TVToCardinal: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[CARDINAL]; -- raises RangeFault TVToCharacter: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[CHARACTER]; -- raises RangeFault TVToReal: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[REAL]; TVToRef: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[REF ANY]; TVToRemoteRef: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[RemoteRef]; -- For use by Wizards. BEWARE. SetTVFromLC: PROC[tv: TV, lc: LONG CARDINAL]; -- Raises TypeFault if the tv type is not basic, enumeration or subrange -- else PUNs lc into TVType[tv] and assigns it to the field specified by tv. SetTVFromLI: PROC[tv: TV, li: LONG INTEGER]; Loophole: PROC[tv: TV, type: Type, tag: TV _ NIL] RETURNS[TV]; -- Shudder. OctalRead: PROC[tv: TV, offset: INT] RETURNS[CARDINAL]; -- escape hatch. If you need this, chances are good you're doing something wrong TVToWordSequence: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS [s: WordSequence]; -- TVToWordSequence copies the tv WordSequence: TYPE = REF WordSequenceRecord; WordSequenceRecord: TYPE = RECORD[s: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF WORD]; -- escape hatch. If you need this, chances are good you're doing something wrong TVHead: PROC[tv: TV] RETURNS[TVHeadType]; TVHeadType: TYPE = {constant, remoteConstant, reference, remoteReference, copiedRemoteObject, pointer, remotePointer, gfh, remoteGFH, fh, remoteFH, notTVRecord}; END.