-- AlpPrivate.mesa -- Last edited by -- Kolling on April 25, 1983 1:25 pm DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment USING[FileStore], AlpInstance USING[Handle], RPC USING[VersionRange]; AlpPrivate: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN RegisterInterfaceCreator: PROCEDURE[proc: InterfaceCreatorProc]; -- non system-fatal errors: -- none. InterfaceCreatorProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE[fileStore: AlpineEnvironment.FileStore, version: RPC.VersionRange] RETURNS[REF ANY]; NoticeUnboundInstance: PROCEDURE[handle: AlpInstance.Handle]; -- non system-fatal errors: -- none. -- Should be called when RPC.CallFailed[unbound] is seen. If a object in our cache has an InterfaceRecord matching an InterfaceRecord in this handle, throw out the object. END. Edit Log Initial: Kolling: February 25, 1983 5:01 pm: private interface for the Alp package.