Last edited by:
Kolling on June 3, 1983 2:43 pm
Taft, June 2, 1983 11:16 am
AlpineEnvironment USING [Conversation, FileStore, LockFailure, NeededAccess, OperationFailure, Principal, UnknownType],
AlpineFileRpcControl USING [InterfaceRecord],
AlpineOwnerRpcControl USING [InterfaceRecord],
AlpineTransactionRpcControl USING [InterfaceRecord],
AlpineVolumeRpcControl USING [InterfaceRecord],
RPC USING [EncryptionKey];
FileStore: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.FileStore;
Principal: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.Principal;
EncryptionKey: TYPE = RPC.EncryptionKey;
AccessFailed: READONLY ERROR [missingAccess: AlpineEnvironment.NeededAccess];
LockFailed: READONLY ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.LockFailure];
OperationFailed: READONLY ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.OperationFailure];
StaticallyInvalid: READONLY ERROR;
Unknown: READONLY ERROR [what: AlpineEnvironment.UnknownType];
PossiblyDamaged: READONLY SIGNAL;
Handle: TYPE = REF Object;
Object: TYPE = RECORD[
trans: AlpineTransactionRpcControl.InterfaceRecord,
file: AlpineFileRpcControl.InterfaceRecord,
owner: AlpineOwnerRpcControl.InterfaceRecord,
volume: AlpineVolumeRpcControl.InterfaceRecord,
otherInterfaces: LIST OF REF ANY,
conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
fileStore: FileStore];
Create: PROCEDURE[fileStore: FileStore, caller: Principal ← NIL, key: EncryptionKey ← ALL[0]] RETURNS [Handle];
! Failed{authenticateFailed, other, unbound}.
Establishes a new runtime binding to the Alpine instance specified by fileStore, and establishes an RPC Conversation with the server on which that instance is located. caller = NIL means caller is the logged-in user and derives the key from the password.
Note: if a call using a Handle fails via RPC.CallFailed[unbound], this generally means that the server has crashed and restarted since the handle was created; discard the handle (and any handles derived from it) and create a new handle.
Failed: ERROR [why: Failure];
Failure: TYPE = {authenticateFailed, other, unbound};
authenticateFailed means bad caller name or key, unbound means no exported version in the required range, other is everything else.
Edit Log
Initial: Kolling: February 14, 1983 2:45 pm: package to aid clients, in conjunction with AlpTransaction and AlpFile.