Include [SaffronAG, SaffronTreeDecls, SaffronBaseDecls]; SaffronMakeFieldList: Module = Begin for RecList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs ] _ < FakeDamageContext[localContext], CreateEmptyFieldList []> ; for RecList.pairlist: AbstractProduction [ PairList ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ where _ AddPairsToFieldList [PairList, localContext, newFieldList, paintRecords, cs] where newFieldList _ CreateEmptyFieldList [] ; for RecList.typelist: AbstractProduction [ TypeList ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ where _ AddToFieldList [TypeList, localContext, newFieldList, paintRecords, cs] where newFieldList _ CreateEmptyFieldList [] ; for ParameterList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs ] _ ; for ParameterList.any: AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ ; for ParameterList.pairlist: AbstractProduction [ PairList ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ where _ AddPairsToFieldList [PairList, localContext, newFieldList, paintRecords, cs] where newFieldList _ CreateEmptyFieldList [] ; for ParameterList.typelist: AbstractProduction [ TypeList ] let MakeFieldList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ where _ AddToFieldList [TypeList, localContext, newFieldList, paintRecords, cs] where newFieldList _ CreateEmptyFieldList [] ; for AbstractProduction [ VariantItem ] let MakeUnionList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantItem, localContext, newUnionList, paintRecords, cs] where newUnionList _ CreateEmptyUnionList [] let AddVariantsToUnionList [tree, localContext, unionList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantItem, localContext, unionList, paintRecords, cs] let MakeStarTagType [tree, localContext] _ where localContext2 _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantItem, localContext1, tgn] where _ CreateEmptyEnumTypeTGN [localContext, False []] let AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [tree, localContext, tgn] _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantItem, localContext, tgn] ; for VariantList.more: AbstractProduction [ VariantList, VariantItem ] let MakeUnionList [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantItem, localContext1, unionList, paintRecords, cs] where _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantList, localContext, newUnionList, paintRecords, cs] where newUnionList _ CreateEmptyUnionList [] let AddVariantsToUnionList [tree, localContext, unionList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantItem, localContext1, unionList1, paintRecords, cs] where _ AddVariantsToUnionList [VariantList, localContext, unionList, paintRecords, cs] let MakeStarTagType [tree, localContext] _ where localContext3 _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantItem, localContext2, tgn] where localContext2 _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantList, localContext1, tgn] where _ CreateEmptyEnumTypeTGN [localContext, False []] let AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [tree, localContext, tgn] _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantItem, localContext1, tgn] where localContext1 _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [VariantList, localContext, tgn] ; for VariantItem: AbstractProduction [ IdList, RecList ] let AddVariantsToUnionList [tree, localContext, unionList, paintRecords, cs] _ < localContext1, AddNamesToUnionList [IdList, ffl, unionList]> where ffl _ FreezeFieldList [fieldList] where _ MakeFieldList [RecList, localContext, paintRecords, cs ] let AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [tree, localContext, tgn] _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [IdList, localContext, tgn] ; for AbstractProduction [ Id ] let AddNamesToUnionList [tree, ffl, unionList] _ AppendToUnionList [unionList, Id, ffl] let AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [tree, localContext, tgn] _ AppendElementToEnumTypeTGN [localContext, tgn, Id, MakeUnparsedNullValue[]] let AddIdsToRestrictionList[tree, namedTGN] _ AddIdToRestrictionList[Id, namedTGN] ; for IdList.more: AbstractProduction [ Id, IdList ] let AddNamesToUnionList [tree, ffl, unionList] _ AddNamesToUnionList [IdList, ffl, unionList1] where unionList1 _ AppendToUnionList [unionList, Id, ffl] let AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [tree, localContext, tgn] _ AddVariantNamesToEnumTypeTGN [IdList, localContext1, tgn] where localContext1 _ AppendElementToEnumTypeTGN [localContext, tgn, Id, MakeUnparsedNullValue[]] let AddIdsToRestrictionList[tree, tgn] _ tgn2 where tgn2 _ AddIdsToRestrictionList[IdList, tgn1] where tgn1 _ AddIdToRestrictionList[Id, tgn] ; for Tag.ident: AbstractProduction [ Ident, Access, TagType ] let MakeVariantFlavor [tree, cs] _ VanillaVariantFlavorVal [ GetIdentInfo [Ident], GetAccessVal [Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]]] let MakeTagType [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeTagType [TagType, localContext, paintRecords, cs] let GetSequenceTagInfo [tree, cs] _ ; for Tag.computed: AbstractProduction [ TagType ] let MakeVariantFlavor [tree, cs] _ ComputedVariantFlavorConst [] let MakeTagType [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeTagType [TagType, localContext, paintRecords, cs] let GetSequenceTagInfo [tree, cs] _ ; for Tag.overlaid: AbstractProduction [ TagType ] let MakeVariantFlavor [tree, cs] _ OverlaidVariantFlavorConst [] let MakeTagType [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeTagType [TagType, localContext, paintRecords, cs] let GetSequenceTagInfo [tree, cs] _ where x _ Error ["Sequences can't be overlaid"] ; for AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeTagType [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ where localContext1 _ FakeDamageContext [localContext] ; for TagType.typeexp: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let MakeTagType [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ ; End; SaffronAddToFieldList: Module = Begin for TypeList.many: AbstractProduction [ TypeList.head, TypeList.tail ] let AddToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddToFieldList [ TypeList.tail, localContext1, fieldList1, paintRecords, cs] where _ AddToFieldList [ TypeList.head, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] ; for AbstractProduction [ TypeItem ] let AddToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddToFieldList [ TypeItem, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] ; for TypeItem: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Default ] let AddToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ where fieldList1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList [ fieldList, field] where field _ CreateUnnamedField [tgn, defaultExp] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where defaultExp _ GetDefaultExpVal [Default] End; SaffronAddPairsToFieldList: Module = Begin for PairList.many: AbstractProduction [ PairList.head, PairList.tail ] let AddPairsToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddPairsToFieldList [ PairList.tail, localContext1, fieldList1, paintRecords, cs] where _ AddPairsToFieldList [PairList.head, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] ; for AbstractProduction [ PairItem ] let AddPairsToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ AddPairsToFieldList [PairItem, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] ; for PairItem: AbstractProduction [ IdentList, Access, TypeExp, Default ] let AddPairsToFieldList [tree, localContext, fieldList, paintRecords, cs] _ < localContext1, AddNamesToFieldList [IdentList, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] > where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where accessVal _ GetAccessVal [Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where defaultExp _ GetDefaultExpVal [Default] ; for Access.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let GetAccessVal [tree, default] _ FakeCopyAccessVal[default]; for Access.public: AbstractProduction [ ] let GetAccessVal [tree, default] _ AccessValConst ["public"]; for Access.private: AbstractProduction [ ] let GetAccessVal [tree, default] _ AccessValConst ["private"]; End; SaffronAddNamesToFieldList: Module = Begin for IdentList.many: AbstractProduction [ IdentList.head, IdentList.tail ] let AddNamesToFieldList [tree, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] _ AddNamesToFieldList [IdentList.tail, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList1] where fieldList1 _ AddNamesToFieldList [IdentList.head, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] let MakeNameSequence [tree] _ AddNamesToSequence [IdentList.head, nameSequence1] where nameSequence1 _ AddNamesToSequence [IdentList.tail, nameSequence] where nameSequence _ EmptyNameSequence [] let AddNamesToSequence [tree, nameSequence] _ AddNamesToSequence [IdentList.head, nameSequence1] where nameSequence1 _ AddNamesToSequence [IdentList.tail, nameSequence] ; for AbstractProduction [ Ident ] let AddNamesToFieldList [tree, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] _ AddNamesToFieldList [Ident, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] let MakeNameSequence [tree] _ AddNamesToSequence [Ident, nameSequence] where nameSequence _ EmptyNameSequence [] let AddNamesToSequence [tree, nameSequence] _ AddNamesToSequence [Ident, nameSequence] ; for AbstractProduction [ Id ] let AddNamesToFieldList [tree, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] _ AppendFieldToFieldList [fieldList, field] where field _ CreateNamedField [Id, NullPosition [], accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] let GetIdentInfo [tree] _ let AddNamesToSequence [tree, nameSequence] _ InsertNameOnNameSequence [Id, nameSequence] ; for Ident.idposition: AbstractProduction [ Id, Position ] let AddNamesToFieldList [tree, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp, fieldList] _ AppendFieldToFieldList [fieldList, field] where field _ CreateNamedField [Id, GetPositionVal [Position], accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] let GetIdentInfo [tree] _ let AddNamesToSequence [tree, nameSequence] _ InsertNameOnNameSequence [Id, nameSequence] where x _ Error ["Is Position field valid in a ModuleName list"] ; for Position: AbstractProduction [ Exp, OptBits ] let GetPositionVal [tree] _ PositionValFun [MakeUnparsedValue [Exp], boundsVal] where boundsVal _ GetBoundsVal [OptBits] ; for OptBits.absent: AbstractProduction [ ] let GetBoundsVal [tree] _ NullBounds [] ; for OptBits.present: AbstractProduction [ Bounds ] let GetBoundsVal [tree] _ BoundsValFun ["[", GetLowerAndUpper [Bounds], "]"] ; End; SaffronMakeElementList: Module = Begin for ElementList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeElementList [tree, localContext, machineDependent] _ CreateEmptyEnumTypeTGN [localContext, machineDependent] ; for ElementList.more: AbstractProduction [ ElementList, Element ] let MakeElementList [tree, localContext, machineDependent] _ where localContext1 _ AppendElementToEnumTypeTGN [localContext2, tgn, elementName, rep] where _ MakeElementList [ElementList, localContext, machineDependent] where _ ElementInfo [Element] End; SaffronElementName: Module = Begin for AbstractProduction [ Id ] let ElementInfo [tree] _ ; for Element.idwithrep: AbstractProduction [ Id, Exp ] let ElementInfo [tree] _ ; for Element.anonymousrep: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let ElementInfo [tree] _ ; for AbstractProduction [ Id ] let IdVal [tree] _ Id ; for Exp.sum: AbstractProduction [ Exp.left, AddOp, Exp.right ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.unarysum: AbstractProduction [ AddOp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.product: AbstractProduction [ Exp.left, MultOp, Exp.right ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.or: AbstractProduction [ Exp.left, Exp.right ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.and: AbstractProduction [ Exp.left, Exp.right ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.not: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.relation: AbstractProduction [ Exp, Relation ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.ifthenelse: AbstractProduction [ Exp.cond, Exp.thenpart, Exp.elsepart ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for AbstractProduction [ SelectHead, SelectExpList, Exp.default ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.assign: AbstractProduction [ Exp.lhs, Exp.rhs ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.multiassign: AbstractProduction [ ExpList, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.num: AbstractProduction [ Num ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.string: AbstractProduction [ String ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.flnum: AbstractProduction [ Flnum ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.char: AbstractProduction [ Char ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.atom: AbstractProduction [ Atom ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.narrow: AbstractProduction [ Exp, OptType, Catch ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.loophole: AbstractProduction [ Exp, OptType ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.apply: AbstractProduction [ Exp.rator, Exp.rand, Catch ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.qualifier: AbstractProduction [ Exp, Qualifier ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.explist: AbstractProduction [ ExpList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.prefixop: AbstractProduction [ PrefixOp, OrderList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.val: AbstractProduction [ OrderList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.all: AbstractProduction [ OrderList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for AbstractProduction [ New, TypeExp, Initialization, Catch ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.cons: AbstractProduction [ Cons, ExpList, Catch ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.listcons: AbstractProduction [ ListCons, ExpList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.nil: AbstractProduction [ ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.typeop: AbstractProduction [ TypeOp, TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.size: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.size2: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.bits: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.bits2: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.bytes: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.bytes2: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.units: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.units2: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.words: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.words2: AbstractProduction [ TypeExp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.istype: AbstractProduction [ Exp, TypeExp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.address: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.descriptor: AbstractProduction [ DescList ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.error: AbstractProduction [ ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; for Exp.transfer: AbstractProduction [ TransferOp, Exp ] let IdVal [tree] _ NullId [] where x _ Error ["Expected an Id"]; End; SaffronScope: Module = Begin for OptDecList.absent: AbstractProduction [ ] let AddDeclarationsToFieldList[tree, fieldList, localContext, cs] _ < FakeDamageFieldList[fieldList], FakeDamageContext[localContext] > let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContext [localContext] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree]; for OptDecList.present: AbstractProduction [ DecList ] let AddDeclarationsToFieldList[tree, fieldList, localContext, cs] _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[DecList, fieldList, localContext, cs] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ UpdateLocalContext [DecList, localContext, paintRecords, cs] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [DecList, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for DecList.many: AbstractProduction [ DecList.head, DecList.tail ] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ lc1 where lc1 _ FakeDamageContext[localContext] let AddDeclarationsToFieldList [tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[DecList.tail, fl1, lc1, cs] where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[DecList.head, fl, localContext, cs] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [DecList.tail, contextTree1, rib, paintRecords, cs] where contextTree1 _ HangContextsFromContextTree [DecList.head, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for AbstractProduction [ Declaration ] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ lc1 where lc1 _ FakeDamageContext[localContext] let AddDeclarationsToFieldList [tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where _ AddDeclarationToFieldList[Declaration, fl, localContext, cs] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Declaration, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for Declaration.opaquetype: AbstractProduction [ IdentList, Access, OptSize ] let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList, fl, lc2, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] where idAccess _ GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where typeAccess _ NullAccessVal[] where typeExp _ BogusTypeExpPTree[] -- this is okay; there is no such thing as an anonymous opaque type constructor, so this will never be used. Trust me. where default _ NullDefaultVal[] where _ CreateOpaqueTGN [lc1, paint, sizeExp] where _ GetUniquePaint [localContext] where sizeExp _ GetExpVal [OptSize] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Declaration.type: AbstractProduction [ IdentList,, Access.type, TypeExp, Default ] let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList, fl, lc2, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] where idAccess _ GetAccessVal[, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where typeAccess _ GetAccessVal[Access.type, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where typeExp _ TypeExpPTreeVal[TypeExp] where default _ GetDefaultExpVal [Default] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, lc1, paintRecords, cs] where paintRecords _ True[] -- this is a crock! where _ GetUniquePaint [localContext] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Declaration.value: AbstractProduction [ IdentList, Access, Entry, ReadOnly, TypeExp, Initialization ] let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where fl1 _ AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList, fl, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] where parseTree _ DeclarationPTreeVal[tree] where init _ InitializationPTreeVal[Initialization] where access _ GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where paintRecords _ True[] -- this is a crock! let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for IdentList.many: AbstractProduction [IdentList.head, IdentList.tail] let AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] _ fl2 where fl2 _ AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList.tail, fl1, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] where fl1 _ AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList.head, fl, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] let AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] _ where _ AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList.tail, fl1, lc1, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] where _ AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[IdentList.head, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] ; for AbstractProduction [Ident] let AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, cs, access, parseTree, tgn, init] _ AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[Ident, fl, cs, access, parseTree, tgn, init] let AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] _ AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[Ident, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] ; for AbstractProduction [Id] let AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] _ fl1 where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fl, field] where field _ if InitializationIsBinding[InitializationVal[init]] then CreateConstantField[Id, position, parseTree, access, tgn, init] else CreateVariableField[Id, position, parseTree, access, tgn, init] where position _ NullPosition[] let AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] _ where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fl, field] where field _ CreateNamedTypeField[Id, position, idAccess, namedTGN, typeExp] where _ CreateNamedTGN[lc, Id, position, typeAccess, tgn, default] where position _ NullPosition[] ; for Ident.idposition: AbstractProduction [Id, Position] let AddValueDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, cs, parseTree, access, tgn, init] _ fl1 where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fl, field] where field _ if InitializationIsBinding[InitializationVal[init]] then CreateConstantField[Id, position, parseTree, access, tgn, init] else CreateVariableField[Id, position, parseTree, access, tgn, init] where position _ GetPositionVal[Position] let AddTypeDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, lc, cs, idAccess, typeAccess, tgn, typeExp, default] _ where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fl, field] where field _ CreateNamedTypeField[Id, position, idAccess, namedTGN, typeExp] where _ CreateNamedTGN[lc, Id, position, typeAccess, tgn, default] where position _ GetPositionVal[Position] ; for OptSize.absent: AbstractProduction [ ] let GetExpVal [tree] _ MakeUnparsedNullValue [] ; for OptSize.present: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let GetExpVal [tree] _ MakeUnparsedValue [Exp] ; for StatementList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for StatementList.more: AbstractProduction [ StatementList, Statement ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Statement, contextTree1, rib, paintRecords, cs] where contextTree1 _ HangContextsFromContextTree [StatementList, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for Statement.ifthen: AbstractProduction [ Exp, Statement ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Statement, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for Statement.ifthenelse: AbstractProduction [ Exp, Statement.thenpart, Statement.elsepart ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Statement.elsepart, contextTree1, rib, paintRecords, cs] where contextTree1 _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Statement.thenpart, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for AbstractProduction [ SelectHead, SelectStmtList, OptStatement ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.exp: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.assign: AbstractProduction [ Exp.lhs, Exp.rhs ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.multiassign: AbstractProduction [ ExpList, Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.block: AbstractProduction [ Checked, Block ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [Block, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; for Statement.loopcontrol: AbstractProduction [ ForClause, DoTest, Scope, DoExit ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.exit: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.loop: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.goto: AbstractProduction [ Id ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.return: AbstractProduction [ OptArgs ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.transfer: AbstractProduction [ Transfer, Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for AbstractProduction [ Free, Exp, Catch ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.wait: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.error: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.stop: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.null: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.resume: AbstractProduction [ OptArgs ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.reject: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.continue: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.retry: AbstractProduction [ ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.getstate: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Statement.setstate: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree [contextTree] ; for Block: AbstractProduction [ Scope, ExitList ] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree] where err _ Error["should not be here"] let MakeContextTree[tree, parentRib, paintRecords, cs] _ EmptyContextTree[parentRib] where err _ Error["should not be here"] ; for AbstractProduction [Id] let RopeFromIdOrString[tree] _ RopeFromId[Id]; for IdOrString.string: AbstractProduction [String] let RopeFromIdOrString[tree] _ RopeFromString[String]; End. <’SaffronMethods.ThreeC4 (July 16, 1987 4:02:51 pm PDT) Copyright Σ 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Lucy Hederman August 20, 1987 3:49:01 pm PDT Sturgis, July 21, 1987 3:16:17 pm PDT James Rauen, June 18, 1988 12:27:04 pm PDT replaced FreezeLocalContext[foo] with FreezeLocalContext[AnalyzeDependencies[foo]] Last edited by: James Rauen August 18, 1988 1:20:23 am PDT RecList ParameterList VariantList VariantItem IdList let AddIdsToInterfaceTGN [tree, localContext, interfaceTGN, interface] _ AddTGNToInterfaceTGN [localContext1, interfaceTGN, Id, accessVal, linkTgn] where _ CreateLinkTGN [localContext, entryTgn, interface, Id] entryTgn is NIL if the Id is for an entry point rather than a type. Until we know about entry points we can't handle this correctly where _ LookupInterfaceEntry [interface, Id] let AddIdsToInterfaceTGN [tree, localContext, interfaceTGN, interface] _ AddIdsToInterfaceTGN [IdList, localContext2, interfaceTGN, interface] where localContext2 _ AddTGNToInterfaceTGN [localContext1, interfaceTGN, Id, accessVal, linkTgn] where _ CreateLinkTGN [localContext, entryTgn, interface, Id] where _ LookupInterfaceEntry [interface, Id] verify that entryTgn is as intended Tag TagType TypeList TypeItem PairList PairItem Access IdentList let AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [tree, templateField, fieldList] _ fl2 where fl2 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [IdentList.tail, templateField, fl1] where fl1 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [IdentList.head, templateField, fieldList] let PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal]_ PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[IdentList.tail, localContext1, accessVal] where localContext1 _ PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[IdentList.head, localContext, accessVal] let PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal, constant]_ PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[IdentList.tail, localContext1, accessVal, constant] where localContext1 _ PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[IdentList.head, localContext, accessVal, constant] let RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[tree, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp]_ RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[IdentList.tail, localContext1, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] where localContext1 _ RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[IdentList.head, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] let RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[tree, localContext, accessVal, instance]_ RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[IdentList.tail, localContext1, accessVal, instance] where localContext1 _ RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[IdentList.head, localContext, accessVal, instance] let AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [tree, templateField, fieldList] _ fl1 where fl1 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [Ident, templateField, fieldList] let PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal] _ PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[Ident, localContext, accessVal] let PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal, constant] _ PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[Ident, localContext, accessVal, constant] let RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[tree, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] _ RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[Ident, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] let RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[tree, localContext, accessVal, instance] _ RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[Ident, localContext, accessVal, instance] Ident let AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [tree, templateField, fieldList] _ fl1 where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fieldList, field] where field _ RenameField[templateField, Id] let PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal] _ localContext1 where _ CreateLocallyVisibleTGN [localContext, Id, accessVal ] let PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal, constant] _ localContext1 where localContext1 _ AddVariableName[localContext, Id, accessVal, constant] let RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[tree, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] _ AddArcFromLVTGNToTGN [localContext, lvtgn, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] where lvtgn _ LookupTypeNameInLocalContext [localContext, Id] let RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[tree, localContext, accessVal, instance] _ AddArcFromLocalNameToInstance [localContext, Id, accessVal, instance] let AddNamedFieldsToFieldList [tree, templateField, fieldList] _ fl1 where fl1 _ AppendFieldToFieldList[fieldList, field] where field _ RenameField[templateField, Id] it would be nice to pass Position to RenameField.... let PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal] _ localContext1 where _ CreateLocallyVisibleTGN [localContext, Id, accessVal ] let PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, accessVal, constant] _ localContext1 where localContext1 _ AddVariableName[localContext, Id, accessVal, constant] let RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN[tree, localContext, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] _ AddArcFromLVTGNToTGN [localContext, lvtgn, accessVal, tgn, defaultExp] where lvtgn _ LookupTypeNameInLocalContext [localContext, Id] let RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[tree, localContext, accessVal, instance] _ AddArcFromLocalNameToInstance [localContext, Id, accessVal, instance] Position OptBits ElementList Element Exp Scope Look carefully at this. The syntax does not match the nesting semantics. for Scope: AbstractProduction [ BindList, Catch, OptDecList, StatementList ] let MakeContextTree [tree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ Make the contextTree for the entire scope, nesting everything else inside the bindlist's context. MakeBindListContextTreeWithScope [BindList, scopePTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] where scopePTree _ ScopePTreeVal [tree] let MakeContextTree1 [tree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ Make the contextTree for the context nested within the BindList. HangContextsFromContextTree [StatementList, decListContextTree, newRib, paintRecords, cs] where decListContextTree _ HangContextsFromContextTree [OptDecList, thisScopeContextTree, newRib, paintRecords, cs] where thisScopeContextTree _ EmptyContextTree [newRib] (process statements here? this will probably require a nested context for newly constructed types, but they can never be circular) where newRib _ FreezeLocalContext[thisScopeLocalContext] (note: Freeze will "process" the type graph, looking for cycles etc.) where thisScopeLocalContext _ UpdateLocalContext [OptDecList, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where localContext _ CreateEmptyContext [rib, False[]] ; ignoring Catch in Scope BindList for BindList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let MakeBindListContextTreeWithDefBody [tree, defBodyPTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeContextTree1 [defBody, rib, paintRecords, cs] where defBody _ DefBodyVal [defBodyPTree] avoids making an unnecessary context tree node let MakeBindListContextTreeWithScope [tree, scopePTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeContextTree1 [scope, rib, paintRecords, cs] where scope _ ScopeVal [scopePTree] avoids making an unnecessary context tree node let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FakeDamageContext [localContext] ; for BindList.more: AbstractProduction [ BindList, BindItem ] Semantically the scope creates a subcontext (contextTree2) of the Bindlist. Rib2 is the rib corresponding to the context of Bindlist. let MakeBindListContextTreeWithDefBody [tree, defBodyPTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ AddSubContextTree [EmptyContextTree [rib2], contextTree2] where contextTree2 _ MakeContextTree1[defBody, rib2, paintRecords, cs] where defBody _ DefBodyVal [defBodyPTree] where rib2 _ FreezeLocalContext[bindListsLocalContext] where bindListsLocalContext _ UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where localContext _ CreateEmptyContext [rib, False[]] let MakeBindListContextTreeWithScope [tree, scopePTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ AddSubContextTree [EmptyContextTree [rib2], contextTree2] where contextTree2 _ MakeContextTree1[scope, rib2, paintRecords, cs] where scope _ ScopeVal [scopePTree] where rib2 _ FreezeLocalContext[bindListsLocalContext] where bindListsLocalContext _ UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where localContext _ CreateEmptyContext [rib, False[]] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ UpdateLocalContext [BindItem, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where localContext1 _ UpdateLocalContext [BindList, localContext, paintRecords, cs] ; BindItem for BindItem.named: AbstractProduction [ Id, Exp ] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ RenameInterface [localContext, Id, interfaceTgn] where interfaceTgn _ LookupTypeNameInLocalContext [localContext, IdVal [Exp]] ; for BindItem.unnamed: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ OpenInterface [localContext, interfaceTgn] where interfaceTgn _ LookupTypeNameInLocalContext [localContext, IdVal [Exp]] ; OptDecList let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ localContext2 where localContext2 _ stuff fl into wherever. where localContext2 _ localContext1 where _ MakeFieldListFromDecList[DecList, localContext, cs] for OptDecList.present: AbstractProduction [ DecList ] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FillInLocalContext [DecList, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where localContext1 _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext [DecList, localContext, cs] let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ HangContextsFromContextTree [DecList, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] ; DecList let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ lc3 where lc3 _ AddDeclarationsToLocalContext[fl2, lc2, cs] where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[tree, fl1, localContext, cs] where fl1 _ CreateEmptyFieldList[] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ lc1 where lc1 _ CompileDecList[tree, localContext, cs] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FillInLocalContext [tree, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where localContext1 _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext [tree, localContext, cs] let PutNewNamesInLocalContext [tree, localContext, cs] _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext [DecList.tail, localContext1, cs] where localContext1 _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext [DecList.head, localContext, cs] let FillInLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FillInLocalContext [DecList.tail, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where localContext1 _ FillInLocalContext [DecList.head, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where lc1 _ CompileDecList[tree, localContext, cs] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ lc3 where lc3 _ AddDeclarationsToLocalContext[fl2, lc2, cs] where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[tree, fl1, localContext, cs] where fl1 _ CreateEmptyFieldList[] let UpdateLocalContext [tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FillInLocalContext [tree, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where localContext1 _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext [tree, localContext, cs] let PutNewNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, cs] _ PutNewNamesInLocalContext[Declaration, localContext, cs] let FillInLocalContext[tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ FillInLocalContext[Declaration, localContext, paintRecords, cs] Declaration let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where fl1 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList[IdentList, templateField, fl] where templateField _ CreateNamedTypeField[name1, position1, access1, namedTGN] where name1 _ IdFromRope["(Fill me in)"] where position1 _ NullPosition[] where access1 _ GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where _ CreateNamedTGN[lc2, name, position, access, tgn, default] where name _ IdFromRope["(Named TGN)"] where position _ NullPosition[] where access _ NullAccessVal[] where default _ NullDefaultVal[] where _ CreateOpaqueTGN [localContext1, paint, sizeExp] where _ GetUniquePaint [localContext] where sizeExp _ GetExpVal [OptSize] let PutNewNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, cs] _ PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[IdentList, localContext, GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]]] let FillInLocalContext[tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN [IdentList, localContext2, NullAccessVal [], tgn, NullDefaultVal []] where _ CreateOpaqueTGN [localContext1, paint, sizeExp] where _ GetUniquePaint [localContext] where sizeExp _ GetExpVal [OptSize] ignoring optsize let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where fl1 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList[IdentList, templateField, fl] where templateField _ CreateNamedTypeField[name1, position1, access1, namedTGN] where name1 _ IdFromRope["(Fill me in)"] where position1 _ NullPosition[] where access1 _ GetAccessVal[, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where _ CreateNamedTGN[lc2, name, position, access, tgn, default] where name _ IdFromRope["(Named TGN)"] where position _ NullPosition[] where access _ GetAccessVal[Access.type, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where default _ GetDefaultExpVal [Default] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext1, paintRecords, cs] where paintRecords _ True[] -- this is a crock! where _ GetUniquePaint [localContext] let PutNewNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, cs] _ PutNewTypeNamesInLocalContext[IdentList, localContext, GetAccessVal[, GetDefaultAccess[cs]]] let FillInLocalContext[tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ RecAddArcsfromLVTGNtoTGN [IdentList, localContext1, GetAccessVal[Access.type, GetDefaultAccess[cs]], tgn, defaultExp] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where defaultExp _ GetDefaultExpVal [Default] let AddDeclarationToFieldList[tree, fl, localContext, cs] _ where fl1 _ AddNamedFieldsToFieldList[IdentList, templateField, fl] where templateField _ if InitializationIsBinding[Initialization] then CreateConstantField[name, position, access, tgn, value] else CreateVariableField[name, position, access, tgn, value] where name _ IdFromRope["(Fill me in)"] where position _ NullPosition[] where access _ GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]] where _ GetInitialValue[Initialization, tgn, lc1, cs] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] where paintRecords _ True[] -- this is a crock! let PutNewNamesInLocalContext[tree, localContext, cs] _ PutNewVariableNamesInLocalContext[IdentList, localContext, GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]], GetBooleanVal[ReadOnly]] so far, we're only evaluating the initialization expressions... let FillInLocalContext[tree, localContext, paintRecords, cs] _ RecAddArcsFromLocalNameToInstance[IdentList, localContext2, GetAccessVal[Access, GetDefaultAccess[cs]], initializationInstance] where _ GetInitialValue[Initialization, tgn, localContext1, cs] where _ MakeType [TypeExp, localContext, paintRecords, cs] ignoring value declarations OptSize StatementList Statement can exp change context tree ? can exp change context tree ? ignoring Checked on a block statement Block let HangContextsFromContextTree [tree, contextTree, rib, paintRecords, cs] _ AddSubContextTree[contextTree, subContextTree] where subContextTree _ MakeContextTree [Scope, rib, paintRecords, cs] let MakeContextTree[tree, parentRib, paintRecords, cs] _ MakeContextTree[Scope, parentRib, paintRecords, cs] ignoring ExitList eof... 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