Include [ SaffronBaseDecls, SaffronTreeDecls, SaffronAG, SaffronProgramGraphDecls ]; SaffronBlockCompile: Module = Begin for Block: AbstractProduction [Scope, ExitList] let CompileFrameBlock[tree, transferType, parentTree, pg, cs] _ where newTree _ AddSubContextTree[parentTree, childTree] where _ InternalCompileBlock[tree, lc1, fl, pg, cs] where fl _ CreateEmptyFieldList[] -- add transfer bindings to field list!! where lc1 _ CreateEmptyContext[Rib[parentTree], True[]] let Compile[tree, parentTree, pg, cs] _ where newTree _ AddSubContextTree[parentTree, childTree] where _ InternalCompileBlock[tree, lc1, fl, pg, cs] where fl _ CreateEmptyFieldList[] where lc1 _ CreateEmptyContext[Rib[parentTree], False[]] let InternalCompileBlock[tree, localContext, fl, pg, cs] _ CompileScope[Scope, lc1, fl, pg, cs] where lc1 _ FakeDamageContext[localContext] -- add exit list to lc!! ; for Scope: AbstractProduction [BindList, Catch, OptDecList, StatementList] let CompileScope[tree, localContext, fl, pg, cs] _ where pf3 _ ConcatProgramFragments[pf1, pf2] where _ Compile[StatementList, contextTree2, pg1, cs] where _ Compile[OptDecList, contextTree1, pg, cs] where contextTree1 _ EmptyContextTree[rib] where rib _ FreezeLocalContext[localContext3, blockTGN] where _ CreateBlockTGN[localContext2, FreezeFieldList[fieldList4]] where _ AnalyzeDependencies[dependencyGraph, fieldList3, localContext1, cs] where dependencyGraph _ BuildDependencyGraph[fieldList3, localContext1] where fieldList3 _ DiscernSpecianatedTGNs[fieldList2, localContext1] where fieldList2 _ LookupIdentifierTGNs[fieldList1, localContext1] where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[OptDecList, fl, localContext, cs] ; for DefBody: AbstractProduction [ BindList, DecList ] let MakeContextTree[tree, contextRib, paintRecords, cs] _ contextTree2 where _ Compile[DecList, contextTree1, pg, cs] where pg _ CreateEmptyProgramGraph[] where contextTree1 _ EmptyContextTree[rib] where rib _ FreezeLocalContext[localContext3, interfaceTGN] where _ CreateInterfaceContentsTGN[localContext2, FreezeFieldList[fieldList4]] where _ AnalyzeDependencies[dependencyGraph, fieldList3, localContext1, cs] where dependencyGraph _ BuildDependencyGraph[fieldList3, localContext1] where fieldList3 _ DiscernSpecianatedTGNs[fieldList2, localContext1] where fieldList2 _ LookupIdentifierTGNs[fieldList1, localContext1] where _ AddDeclarationsToFieldList[DecList, CreateEmptyFieldList[], localContext, cs] where localContext _ CreateEmptyContext[contextRib, True[]] ; End; SaffronDeclarationCompile: Module = Begin for OptDecList.absent: AbstractProduction [] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for OptDecList.present: AbstractProduction [DecList] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ Compile[DecList, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for AbstractProduction [Declaration] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ Compile[Declaration, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for DecList.many: AbstractProduction [DecList.head, DecList.tail] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where pf3 _ ConcatProgramFragments[pf1, pf2] where _ Compile[DecList.tail, contextTree1, pg1, cs] where _ Compile[DecList.head, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for Declaration.opaquetype: AbstractProduction [ IdentList, Access, OptSize ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for Declaration.type: AbstractProduction [ IdentList,, Access.type, TypeExp, Default ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for Declaration.value: AbstractProduction [ IdentList, Access, Entry, ReadOnly, TypeExp, Initialization ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where pf _ if IsTrash[initialValue] then MakePGNoOp[] else (ConcatProgramFragments[pushInitialValue, storeInitialValue] where pushInitialValue _ Code[initialValue] where storeInitialValue _ MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[IdentList, contextTree1] ) where _ CompileInitialization[Initialization, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] where targetType _ FieldType[anyCorrespondingField] where anyCorrespondingField _ FindAFieldCorrespondingToDeclaration[contextTree, DeclarationPTreeVal[tree]] ; for Initialization.empty: AbstractProduction [] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], CompileDefaultInitialization[targetType], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for Initialization.binding: AbstractProduction [InitialValue] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ CompileInitialization[InitialValue, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] ; for Initialization.assignment: AbstractProduction [InitialValue] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ CompileInitialization[InitialValue, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] ; for InitialValue.trash: AbstractProduction [] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakeTrash[targetType], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for InitialValue.code: AbstractProduction [] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakeTrash[targetType], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["CompileInitialization for InitialValue.code not yet implemented."] ; for InitialValue.exp: AbstractProduction [Exp] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ where _ CompileExpression[Exp, contextTree, cs, targetType] where pg1 _ FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] ; for InitialValue.block: AbstractProduction [Checked, Inline, Block] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ where pg2 _ AddSubroutineProcedureGraphToProgramGraph[procedureGraph, pg1] where value _ MakeTransferValue[targetType, procedureGraph] where procedureGraph _ MakeProcedureGraph[blockCode] where _ CompileFrameBlock[Block, targetType, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for InitialValue.machinecode: AbstractProduction [Checked, CodeList] let CompileInitialization[tree, contextTree, pg, cs, targetType] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakeTrash[targetType], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["CompileInitialization for InitialValue.machinecode not yet implemented."] ; for AbstractProduction [Ident] let MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[tree, contextTree] _ MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[Ident, contextTree] ; for IdentList.many: AbstractProduction [IdentList.head, IdentList.tail] let MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[tree, ct] _ pf4 where pf4 _ ConcatProgramFragments[ConcatProgramFragments[pf1, pf2], pf3] where pf3 _ MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[IdentList.tail, ct] where pf2 _ MakePGNoOp[] -- this should be MakePGDuplicate!!! where pf1 _ MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[IdentList.head, ct] ; for AbstractProduction [Id] let MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[tree, contextTree] _ pf where pf _ MakePGStoreLocal[pfd] where _ GetPathToName[contextTree, Id] ; for Ident.idposition: AbstractProduction [Id, Position] let MakeCodeToStoreTOSInVariousLocalFrameSlots[tree, contextTree] _ pf where pf _ MakePGStoreLocal[pfd] where _ GetPathToName[contextTree, Id] ; End; SaffronStatementCompile: Module = Begin for StatementList.empty: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for StatementList.more: AbstractProduction [ StatementList, Statement ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where pf3 _ ConcatProgramFragments[pf1, pf2] where _ Compile[Statement, contextTree1, pg1, cs] where _ Compile[StatementList, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for Statement.ifthen: AbstractProduction [ Exp, Statement ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where code _ MakePGTest[Code[testValue], ifTrueCode, ifFalseCode] where ifFalseCode _ MakePGNoOp[] where _ Compile[Statement, contextTree1, pg, cs] where _ CompileAndTypeCheckExpression[Exp, contextTree, cs, booleanType] where booleanType _ GetIntrinsicBooleanType[cs] ; for Statement.ifthenelse:AbstractProduction [ Exp, Statement.thenpart, Statement.elsepart ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where code _ MakePGTest[testCode, ifTrueCode, ifFalseCode] where _ Compile[Statement.elsepart, contextTree2, pg1, cs] where _ Compile[Statement.thenpart, contextTree1, pg, cs] where testCode _ Code[testValue] where _ CompileAndTypeCheckExpression[Exp, contextTree, cs, booleanType] where booleanType _ GetIntrinsicBooleanType[cs] ; for AbstractProduction [ SelectHead, SelectStmtList, OptStatement ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.exp: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.exp not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.assign: AbstractProduction [ Exp.lhs, Exp.rhs ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where code _ ConcatProgramFragments[Code[rhsValue], storeTOS] where storeTOS _ if PFDIsLocal[lvalue] then MakePGStoreLocal[lvalue] else MakePGStoreIndirect[lvalue] where _ CompileAndTypeCheckExpression[Exp.rhs, contextTree, cs, tgn] where _ CompileLValue[Exp.lhs, contextTree, cs] ; for Statement.multiassign: AbstractProduction [ ExpList, Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.multiassign not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.block: AbstractProduction [ Checked, Block ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ Compile[Block, contextTree, pg, cs] ; for Statement.loopcontrol: AbstractProduction [ ForClause, DoTest, Scope, DoExit ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.loopcontrol not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.exit: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.exit not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.loop: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.loop not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.goto: AbstractProduction [ Id ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.goto not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.return: AbstractProduction [ OptArgs ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.return not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.transfer: AbstractProduction [ Transfer, Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.transfer not implemented yet."] ; for AbstractProduction [ Free, Exp, Catch ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.wait: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.wait not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.error: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.error not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.stop: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.stop not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.null: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for Statement.resume: AbstractProduction [ OptArgs ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.resume not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.reject: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > ; for Statement.continue: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.continue not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.retry: AbstractProduction [ ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.retry not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.getstate: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.getstate not implemented yet."] ; for Statement.setstate: AbstractProduction [ Exp ] let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ < FakeDamageContextTree[contextTree], MakePGNoOp[], FakeDamageProgramGraph[pg] > where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.setstate not implemented yet."] ; End. ฎSaffronBlockCompileMethods.ThreeC4 James Rauen, August 10, 1988 7:02:59 am PDT Last edited by: James Rauen August 25, 1988 1:54:12 pm PDT maybe here we should gritch if there's any code. important note for documentation: CompileExpression never adds anything to the program graph!!! warning: we're doing nothing about Checked or Inline!! note: there's a lot of stuff going on here. Conditionals: IF...THEN and IF...THEN...ELSE For conditionals, if the test is a static value, do we want to actually compile both arms of the conditional? Right now I am, but it's trivial to change these methods to only compile an arm if it is needed. why doesn't this work??? let Compile[tree, contextTree, pg, cs] _ where code _ if Static[testValue] then if BooleanValue[testValue] then ifTrueCode else ifFalseCode else MakePGTest[testCode, ifTrueCode, ifFalseCode] where _ Compile[Statement.elsepart, contextTree2, cs] where _ Compile[Statement.thenpart, contextTree1, cs] where testCode _ Code[testValue] where _ CompileAndTypeCheckExpression[Exp, contextTree, cs, booleanType] where booleanType _ GetIntrinsicBooleanType[cs] Note: We have no notion of trusted/safe/unsafe program graphs yet. (I wonder what we're going to do with MACHINE CODE...) So the Checked argument is ignored. where err _ Error["Compile for Statement.reject not implemented yet."] ส˜™"J™+Icode™:J™—KšะizœM˜TK˜šฯnœœ˜#J˜šœžœœ˜/šœQ˜TJšœ3˜8JšœE˜JJšœ"ฯc(˜JJšœ2˜7—šœ9˜˜>—J˜J˜—šœžœœ!˜Gšœ;˜>JšœD˜IJšœE˜JJšœŸ$˜=JšœE˜J—J˜—J˜šœžœœ˜%šœC˜FJšœ˜!Jšœ,˜1—J˜J˜—šœžœœ˜7šœC˜FJšœ˜!Jšœ,˜1—˜J˜——J˜J˜Jšœ˜J˜—šžœœ˜'J˜šœžœœ˜/šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—J˜J˜—šœžœœ˜Hšœ?˜BJšœ'˜,JšœE˜JJšœG˜L—J˜J˜—Iheadš ฯzะkzกขกขกขกข™,K˜šœžœœ˜;šœ?˜BJšœ<˜AJšœ˜ JšœK˜Pšœ˜"Jšœ@˜@—Jšœ*˜/—J˜JšœHฯbœ€™ฯJ˜—šœžœœ0˜[šœ?˜BJšœ5˜:JšœV˜[JšœT˜YJšœ ˜ šœ˜"Jšœ@˜@—Jšœ*˜/—J™šœ:™=šœœ™!šœœ™Jšœ ™Jšœ ™—Jšœ.™2—JšœL™QJšœK™PJšœ ™ šœ™"Jšœ@™@—Jšœ*™/—J˜J˜—šœžœœ.˜Všœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœA˜FJ˜J˜—šœž œœ˜-šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ>˜CJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜>šœV˜YLšœ8˜=šœ œ˜&Lšœ˜Lšœ˜ —šœ˜!Lšœ<˜<—Lšœ8˜=—J˜J˜—šœžœœ˜>šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœF˜KJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜:JšœI˜LJšœjฯkœคœ)™ŸJ˜J˜—šœžœœ%˜Ršœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœF˜KJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜*šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜*šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜-šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ ˜4šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœA˜FJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜<šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœC˜HJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜;šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜.šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜+šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ@˜EJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜*šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ?˜DJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜*šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—J˜J˜—šœžœœ ˜4šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœA˜FJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜,šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœA™FJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜.šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœC˜HJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜+šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ@˜EJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜2šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœC˜HJ˜J˜—šœžœœ˜2šœ'˜*Jšœ$˜$Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜—JšœC˜HJ˜J˜—J˜Jšœ˜——…—:๖Nต