Carl Waldspurger, August 18, 1986 2:23:24 pm PDT
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
MathDisplayExpr USING [DisplayExpr];
Type Abbreviations From Imported Interfacs
Viewer: TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Viewer;
DisplayExpr: TYPE ~ MathDisplayExpr.DisplayExpr;
Paint "Queue" Operations
PaintEnqueue: PROC[v: Viewer];
modifies: paintQueue
effects: If v is not already enqueued, adds v to paintQueue
PaintDequeue: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer];
modifies: paintQueue
effects: Removes v from paintQueue.
FlushPaintQueue: PROC[];
modifies: paintQueue
effects: Paints each viewer in paintQueue and resets paintQueue (NIL).
Selection Operations
noSelection: ERROR;
GetSelection: PROC[flavor: ATOM] RETURNS[Viewer, DisplayExpr];
effects: Returns the viewer and display expression associated with
currently active selection of type flavor.
SIGNALS noSelection if no such selection exists.
Active: PROC[flavor: ATOM] RETURNS[BOOL];
effects: Returns TRUE if selection of type flavor is currently active.
Otherwise returns FALSE.
Select: PROC[flavor: ATOM, viewer: Viewer, expr: DisplayExpr];
effects: Sets selection flavor to expr in viewer and repaints viewer.
If a previous selection existed, its associated viewer is repainted.
If expr is unselectable, primary selection is cleared (and viewer repainted).
UnSelect: PROC[flavor: ATOM];
effects: UnSelects current selection of type flavor.
Repaints associated viewer if selection was active.
UnSelectViewer: PROC[v: Viewer];
effects: UnSelects all selections associated with viewer v.