~ BEGIN OPEN AC: AlgebraClasses, BR: BigRats, RI: RatIntervals, VARS: Variables, AN: AlgebraicNumbers, PTS: Points, POL: Polynomials, QFF: Formulas;
QEProblem: TYPE = RECORD [
inputFormula: QFF.Formula,
localizationFormula: QFF.Formula,
equivalentQFFormula: QFF.Formula ← NIL,
freeSpaceSignatureTable: SignatureTable ← NIL,
cad: Cad ← NIL -- constructed up through k-space, projection data to r-space
statistics: QEStatisticsRec, -- to be added later
Cad: TYPE = REF CadRec;
dimension: CARDINAL, -- Define r = dimension
inputVariables: VARS.VariableSeq, -- of length r
minPolyVariable, fieldElementVariable: VARS.VariableSeq, -- single variables
localizationFormula: QFF.Formula ← NIL, -- r-variate rational polynomials in inputVariables
inputPolynomials: POL.PolynomialSeq, -- r-variate rational polynomials in inputVariables
basis: POL.PolynomialSeq, -- irreducible r-variate rational polynomials
primaryPolynomials: POL.PolynomialSeq ← NIL, -- irreducible (<= r)-variate rational polynomials, all of which occur in the bases of some (possibly 0th) induced cad (and hence are invariant on all cells of the r-space cad), whose signs on each cell constitute its primarySignature
In other words, the polynomials in primaryPolynomials may be in different numbers of vars. Poly eval routines are assumed to be able to cope with this, i.e. if asked to eval a poly in i variables at a point with i+j coordinates, will use first i coordinates.
secondaryPolynomials: POL.PolynomialSeq ← NIL, -- same specs as primaryPolynomials, signs on each cell constitute its secondarySignature. Typically a superset of primaryPolynomials.
contents: POL.PolynomialSeq, -- (r-1)-variate rational polynomials; dimension = 1 => NIL
basisProjection: POL.PolynomialSeq, -- (r-1)-variate rational polynomials; dimension = 1 => NIL
projectionType: ProjectionType, -- dimension = 1 => projectionType = none
abstractGraph: Graphs.Graph ← NIL,
cells: CellSeq ← NIL, -- in lexicographic order (for binary searching)
clusters: SignedRegionSeq ← NIL,
statistics: CadStatisticsRec, -- to be added later
inducedCad: Cad ← NIL -- dimension = 1 => NIL
ProjectionType: TYPE = { standard, augmented, mccallum, none };
Cell: TYPE = REF CellRec;
cad: Cad ← NIL, -- access to the cad to which this cell belongs
dimension: CARDINAL0, -- = sum of parities of index components
index: CellIndex, -- length of index (= cad.dimension) is dimension r of ambient space
abstractVertex: Graphs.Vertex ← NIL,
adjacentCells: CellSeq ← NIL, -- in lexicographic order (for binary searching).
adjacentCells: CellIndexSeq ← NIL, -- in lexicographic order (for binary searching).
inputSignature: Signature ← NIL, -- signature with respect to cad.inputPolynomials
basisSignature: Signature ← NIL, -- signature with respect to cad.basis
primarySignature: Signature ← NIL, -- with respect to cad.primaryPolynomials
primaryRegion: NAT ← 0, -- which signed component wrt primarySignature
secondarySignature: Signature ← NIL, -- with respect to cad.secondaryPolynomials
secondaryRegion: NAT ← 0, -- which signed component wrt secondarySignature
samplePoint: SamplePoint ← NIL,
definingFormula: QFF.Formula ← NIL,
extensionData: ExtensionData ← NIL, -- needed by current E^3 adjacency algorithm
identicallyZeroBasisElements: POL.PolynomialSeq ← NIL, -- elements of cad.basis which are identically zero on this cell; currently used only for degenerate 0-cells in E^2.
sectionDefiningPolynomial: POL.Polynomial ← NIL, -- possibly nonNIL for sections only; r-variate integral polynomial whose variety contains it (used by display)
sectionDefiningPolynomialRoot: NAT ← 0, -- which real root of sectionDefiningPolynomial is this section (over base of this stack) (used by display)
coveringSet: CoveringSet ← NIL -- meaningful only for 0-, 1-, and 2-cells.
CellSeq: TYPE = REF CellSeqRec;
CellSeqBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: CellSeqBoundsType OF Cell];
CellIndex: TYPE = PTS.Point; -- of Ints
CellIndexSeq: TYPE = REF CellIndexSeqRec;
CellIndexSeqBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
CellIndexSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: CellIndexSeqBoundsType OF CellIndex];
SamplePoint: TYPE = REF SamplePointRec;
SamplePointRec: TYPE = RECORD [
basePoint: PTS.Point ← NIL, -- an (r-1)-tuple of elements of baseNumberField.
definingPolynomial: POL.Polynomial ← NIL, -- a univariate algebraic polynomial over baseNumberField.
isolatingInterval: RI.RatInterval ← NIL, -- for root of definingPolynomial
point: PTS.Point ← NIL -- an r-tuple of elements of primitiveNumberField.
ExtensionData: TYPE = REF ExtensionDataRec;
ExtensionDataBoundsType: TYPE = [1..4096];
ExtensionDataRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: ExtensionDataBoundsType OF ExtendedSectionData];
ExtendedSectionData: TYPE = RECORD[
algebraicBasisElement: POL.Polynomial, -- the unique univariate algebraic polynomial in the (algebraic) basis which has a root in this interval
interval: RI.RatInterval
Signature: TYPE = PTS.Point; -- of FormulaOperators.Operators
SignatureSeq: TYPE = REF SignatureSeqRec;
SignatureSeqBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
SignatureSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: SignatureSeqBoundsType OF Signature];
SignedRegion: TYPE = REF SignedRegionRec;
SignedRegionRec: TYPE = RECORD[
dimension: CARDINAL ← 0, -- dimension of largest dimensional cell in the region
signature: Signature, -- with respect to whatever set of polys whose signatures used to create this region
component: NAT ← 0, -- with respect to whatever set of polys whose signatures used to create this region
inSolutionSet: BOOLFALSE,
samplePoint: SamplePoint ← NIL,
representativeCell: Cell, -- expected to be a cell of largest possible dimension with either an extended or primitive (i.e. non-NIL) sample point
constituentCells: CellSeq -- in lexicographic order (for binary searching).
constituentCells: CellIndexSeq -- in lexicographic order (for binary searching).
SignedRegionSeq: TYPE = REF SignedRegionSeqRec;
SignedRegionBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
SignedRegionSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: SignedRegionBoundsType OF SignedRegion];
SignatureTable: TYPE = REF SignatureTableRec;
SignatureTableBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
SignatureTableRec: TYPE = RECORD [
cad: Cad, -- access to the cad to which the cells of entry regions belong
polynomials: POL.PolynomialSeq, -- irreducible (<= r)-variate rational polynomials, all of which occur in the bases of some (possibly 0th) induced cad (and hence are invariant on all cells of the r-space cad), with respect to whose signs the signatures of the entry regions are defined.
entries: SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: SignatureTableBoundsType OF SignatureTableEntry
SignatureTableEntry: TYPE = REF SignatureTableEntryRec;
SignatureTableEntryRec: TYPE = RECORD[
signature: Signature,
unambiguous: BOOL,
regions: SignedRegionSeq -- each of which has the signature of this TableEntry
Stack: TYPE = REF StackRec;
StackRec: TYPE = RECORD [
base: Cell, -- in E^(i-1)
baseTruthValue: BOOL, -- used in quantifier elimination
elements: CellSeq -- of cells in E^i
StackSeq: TYPE = REF StackSeqRec;
StackSeqBoundsType: TYPE = [1..65534];
StackSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE lengthPlus1: StackSeqBoundsType OF Stack];
CoveringSet: TYPE = REF CoveringSetRec;
CoveringSetRec: TYPE = RECORD[
stepSize: BR.BigRat ← NIL,
numDecimalPlaces: Ints.Int ← NIL,
reach: Ints.Int ← NIL,
data: SEQUENCE columnsPlusOne: [1..10000] OF Column];
Column: TYPE = REF ColumnRec;
ColumnRec: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE pointsPlusOne: [1..10000] OF PTS.Point];
TriangleSeq: TYPE = REF TriangleSeqRec;
TriangleSeqRec: TYPE = RECORD
[SEQUENCE trianglesPlusOne: [1..20000] OF Triangle];
Triangle: TYPE = RECORD[
firstVertex: [1..20000],
secondVertex: [1..20000],
thirdVertex: [1..20000]