Computed Documents Dealer June 10, 1987 Computed Documents The goal: combine · math · Tioga documents · simple programming Possible approaches · Cedar procs · Extend the language of math expressions to incorporate programming constructs X ONLINE READERS NOTE X- To see the math in these slides, you need to have brought over [Cedar]Top>CaminoReal.DF and issued command "CaminoReal" Matrix Generation Function X Value (Hilbert Matrix) X Blocks X Value of the Block X Iteration - Continued Fraction X Value X Iteration - Multiple Integral X Value X Mortgage document - definitions Let Sale Price be $X . Let Fraction Down be X . Then Down Payment is $X . Then Amount of First Mortgage is $X . Let Term of Loan be X years (hence there will be X Payments altogether). Let the Interest Rate be X per cent. Then the Amount of each monthly payment is $ X Mortgage document - evaluation Let Sale Price be $X . Let Fraction Down be X . Then Down Payment is $X . Then Amount of First Mortgage is $X . Let Term of Loan be X years (hence there will be X Payments altogether). Let the Interest Rate be X per cent. Then the Amount of monthly payment is $ X Sequences from Iteration X Value X Matrix From Rows X X Tables X Value X