XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/80 PRESSEDITPREREQUISITESIt is assumed that you have a basic knowlege of theXEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEM EDITOR and DRAW. If youdo not, refer to the XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMReference Manual and the DRAW Reference Manualbefore attempting to proceed.DESCRIPTIONPRESSEDIT is a program that is used to merge two ormore press files to create a single file for printing.For example, if you are writing a manual and youhave created each chapter as a separate document,you may use PRESSEDIT to merge all the chapters tobe printed as one long document. The DocumentProfile may be used to adjust the pagination of thechapters.PRESSEDIT may also be used to merge text filescreated with the EDITOR and graphic files createdwith DRAW. PRESSEDIT can only manage press files. A press fileis a print-only file: It can be printed only, it cannotbe edited in any way, shape or form. Before youcan merge press files with PRESSEDIT you mustconvert the file to a press file. MAKING A PRESS FILEIn the EDITOR:1.Get the document.2.Mark Print in the System Menu.3.Expand the Print Menu by marking Detail.4.Between the brackets following Store: on filetype the name of the file with the extensionpq5pqpq(Ypqpq= `W4_4;^4stst]<4\i4Vup "su!"sTpupupupupu"sQ@ Apupup"sOupu"sMGp "supupu'"sE"sCx !"sAg "s?V pupu"s=E"s;4"s9#"s5pupu "s2 pu"s0pu"s*upupuvu"s(v u "s& $"s$w pupu"s"f2pupup"sup"su&O"s&Owu"s&O!wu"s =&Oxy&O ,u(TVk(0XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/ For example, if the document iscalled Report, type in thebrackets. You must include the periodbetween the name of the file and the wordpress. The extension ".press" will alwaysindicate that the file is a press file, and not aworking file.5.PRESS the DO key or MARK Apply. Thescreen will go black while the press file isbeing written. When the document reappearsthere will be a message in the status windowthat reads: Last page printed was... This doesnot mean that your printer has printed thedocument, it means that the document hasbeen formatted in the system memory as apress file.6.Return to the EXECUTIVE.In DRAW:1.Create or retrieve the DRAW file.2.PRESS the LOOK key while typing the letter p.3.Type the name of the file with the For example, if the document iscalled Organization, type inthe brackets. You must include the periodbetween the name of the file and the wordpress.4.Return to the EXECUTIVE.MERGING TEXT FILESAt the EXECUTIVE:1.Choose a name for the final, mergeddocument. It should have the suffix .press.2.TYPE: presseditpq5pqpq(Ypqpq= Nf2p&O`Etu&O^4vuv u&O\#]^&OZ&OXtu$&OU$&OS"sO&Opu wu&OM &OKw&OIf"&OG1yu &OE #&OC &O@ &O>"s:&Op"s6up"s2u&Opu"s.>&O puyu"s*&O &O( tu&O%v uvu&O# &O!&Otu"s&Opoupupup"sup"sLu&O&O;t"s u&OTVk("XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/8033.PRESS the SPACE bar.4.TYPE the new file name.5.PRESS the SPACE bar.6.TYPE a left arrow (_).7.PRESS the SPACE bar.8.TYPE the names of the press files to bemerged. Each file will be separated bypressing the SPACE bar.9.PRESS the RETURN key.A message will appear at the top of your screenindicating that the files are being merged. Amessage will appear giving you the number of pagesthat are finally merged.An example:>pressedit _ Chapter1.pressHere, the two files are being merged into the finaldocument and will ultimately beprinted as one document called files ending with the extension ".press" maybe merged at one time using an asterisk (*). Forexample, if you have five chapter files ending with".press" that are to be merged you may type:>pressedit _ Chapter*.pressMERGING DRAW FILESThe steps to merge DRAW files are the same asthose above for merging text files.pq5pqpq(Ypqpq= Nf2p"s`Eu&Opu"s\"&O"sW&O pu"sS&O"sO&O pu"sK&O &OI<=&OGtpu"sCQ&O pu"s?."s= ()"s; %"s8"s4 %0y p,"s,ujv u"s*v u+ ,"s(ptv uu"s&_%"s"<"s + %"s&"s $-y p upupup"supu "s ~TVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/804PRINTING MERGED FILESSee the section on EMPRESS for instructions onprinting merged files.MERGING EDITOR AND DRAW FILESIn DRAW:1.Create or retrieve the drawing that is to beinserted into the text file created previouslywith the EDITOR.2.In the caption area, TYPE: <==<&O< "s8u&O&O6"s2&O*&O0ppyu"s,M&O&O*<p"s&up"s!u&O"s&O.&O*,_t"s|u"sk"sZ "s 7 tu"s &6TVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/805characters in the DRAW document will overlayexactly on top of the code characters in the textdocument.Be sure to leave sufficient white space in the text toaccommodate the drawing (using the verticalposition options available in the EDITOR). Otherwise,the drawing will overprint onto the text.3.Display the Print Menu. Mark Detail to displayall available commands. In the bracketsfollowing Store: on file: insert the name ofthe text file with .press appended to it:Store: on file: 4.Mark Apply, or press the DO key.5.Make a note of the name you gave the file.6.Return to the EXECUTIVE.At the EXECUTIVE:1.Devise a new name for the soon-to-be mergeddocument. From the examples above:Graphic press file titleGraphic-title.pressText press file titlePriceManual.pressNew titlePriceDocument.press2.Make a note of the new title.3.Merge the two files by typing:pressedit/m _^^^^The arrows denote a space between the filenames and arrows. You may use the asteriskto specify a group of files (*.press).pq5pqpq(Ypqpq= Nf2p"s`Eu KpuL "s^4*"s\#"sX"sU  "sSpu "sQ&"sM&Owu &OKv9 :&OIz{u &OG tu,,Bz{u|u|"s>^u&Owupu"s:;&O*"s6&Opu"s1p"s-u&O&O+&O'9v&O#{u9v&OXtu7v"s5u&O"s&O}Gp,.M9w&Ou&O &O $fTVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMPRESSEDITREVISION 06/24/8064.Press the RETURN key.A message will appear at the top of your screenindicating that the files are being merged and givingyou the number of pages that are finally merged.PRINTING MERGED FILESSee the section on EMPRESS for instructions onprinting merged files.pq5pqpq(Ypqpq= Nf2p"s`Eu&Opu"s["sY  "sW-Qpupup"su pu "sO 6TVk(ZXEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMEMPRESSREVISION 06/26/80XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMEMPRESSREVISION 06/26/807 EMPRESSPREREQUISITESIt is assumed that you have a basic knowlege of theXEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEM EDITOR and DRAW. If youdo not, refer to the XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMReference Manual and the DRAW Reference Manualbefore attempting to proceed.DESCRIPTIONEMPRESS is the program used to print press files(single or combined using PRESSEDIT).PROCEDURE TO PRINT PRESS FILESAt the EXECUTIVE:1.TYPE: empress2.PRESS the SPACE bar.3.TYPE the file name with the extension .press.4.PRESS the RETURN key.The above steps will produce a single copy of yourdocument. You may use the asterisk to specifymore than one file (*.press).Example:>empress document.pressTo print multiple copies of a document:Follow steps 1-3 above. After the file name istyped...4.PRESS the SPACE bar.pq5pqpq(pq= pqpqpq(pq= Nf2p`W4_4<^4s]<4\i4Vup "su!"sTpupupupupu"sQ@ Apupup"sOupu"sMGp "supu"sEpu?Upupupupup"s;2up"s7u&O "s2&O pu"s.&O&tu"s*&O pu"s&/"s$r"s"a"s>"s"st'"su"s"s &OpuTTVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMEMPRESSREVISION 06/26/80XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMEMPRESSREVISION 06/26/8085.TYPE the number of copies.6.TYPE: /7.TYPE: c8. PRESS the RETURN key.If you want 6 copies, your entry will look like this:>empress 6/c To print on two sides of the paper:At the EXECUTIVE:1.TYPE: empress/22.Continue as above. To print more than one press file:At the EXECUTIVE:1.TYPE: empress2.TYPE the first file name with the the SPACE bar.4.TYPE the second file name with the so on. This feature is useful when youwant to print press files, but do not wish tomerge them using PRESSEDIT.Example:>empress pq5pqpq(pq= pqpqpq(pq= Nf2p"s`Eu&O"s\"&O"sW&O"sS pu"sO5"sK"sGst#"sCPup"s?-u&O"s; &O"s6t""s2up"s.u&O "s*~&O&O(mt"s$Ju&Opu"s '&O &Ot"su&O&O&O pupu"s"s )TVk( Helvetica Helvetica Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  TimesRoman  TimesRoman   TimesRoman   TimesRoman   TimesRoman   TimesRoman   Helvetica   Ej/" 0PRESSEDIT-EMPRESS.BXGarciaJune 28, 1980 12:52 PM