XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/801SECTION X: FOR EXPERTSX.1 USING KEYBOARD (EXPERT) COMMANDSThough you've probably already become familiar with many of theexpert commands, the following is a summary list of the commandsand their effects. Keyboard commands that make menu selections:To:Press:The cursor becomes:drawDOThe cross + to mark lines andcurvesdeleteLOOK XLarge XselectLOOK SThe boxmoveLOOK ZSingle arrowcaptionRETURNThe line of text in the caption areaKeyboard commands that correct errors:To delete, correct or undo:Press: the last mouse point(s)LOOK Aall mouse pointsDELetethe last commandLOOK U (Undo) all selected portionsLOOK Dtypos in the messageBS (backspace)or picture areadpqpqpq2jBZcp \rUs"iRt)iP%iNiK}ut `Fcvk`Cwxkt*+AI`=wxkt`:ewxkt`6wxkt `3wxkt$i.Du t`)*vk`%twkx`"iwkx`wkxt`wkx`wkxt `Hw gGhXEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/802Keyboard commands that act on the entire picture area:To:Press:turn grid on/offLOOK Grefresh the screenTABselect everything in theLOOK Epicture areadelete everything in theLOOK E + LOOK Dpicture areaKeyboard commands that talk back:To:Press:DRAW response:change textLOOK TText positioning mode:positioning[Center, Bottom, Left, Top, Right ?]modechangeLOOK FLoad font 0, 1, 3 ? andfontRead font file:read/LOOK RRead picture from file:retrieve filewriteLOOK WWrite picture on file:working filewriteLOOK PWrite PRESS file:Press Fileget helpLOOK ?Stores your picture away, brings up online manual of summary pages. A secondLOOK ? stores manual and brings pictureback.get next pageMOVEShows you next page of manualof Help ManualquitLOOK QQuit ? [yes no]dpqpqpq2jBZcpi]t"ut`Xrvk`U#wkx`Qwkx`N?wkx`Ltw `Iwkxtx`G7w iAtut`0> / 0!A0a>* 0` 0_ * * 01 1 / 0SELECT'MOVECDELETEE#'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<==<<''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''TITLETITLE#PICTUREAREAUPICTUREAREAUPlace and select . . .' . . . move and delete "handle"sssshhkdpqpqpq2jBZcpi]t 6i[#iY'iX+iT7iRut/iQ#>iOX7 gGhY p8 pH5(@':@    "P "P "P .P  @,@??:`@?(`@(`@@:? ~>+: q  q2  q1  r` $r $r r r $r dr r Dr r dr r r# r# dr# r# r# $r# dr dr# r# r# r# Dr# r# r $r'` r( r r@ d r r d r d r" ds@ Ds $s+ s) s s!` s(  2?:?rXEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/805X.3 CHANGING DEFAULT VALUESCertain characteristics of the DRAW program can be changed to suityour need to create different kinds of documents. These changes(called command line switches) must be made at the EXECUTIVE asyou enter DRAW. The following is a summary of the changes you canmake, what the default value is, and what effect the change has afteryou enter DRAW:DefaultSwitchValueExplanationx/G16The default value produces grid points about one-sixthinch apart. Changing the default value to 20 makes thegrid points about one-quarter inch apart. Conversely, avalue of 8 results in about 10 grid points to the inch.x/S200The maximum number of splines (lines and curves)allowed in an illustration is 200. To create illustrations thatrequire many lines, you can specify additional splines, suchas 300/S.x/T100DRAW will allow 100 lines of text captions. For documentswith an extraordinary amount of text, enter DRAW with a150/T switch, for example.x/K100The maximum number of knots a curve may have is 100.To make finer, tighter curved lines, increase this switch to150 or even 200.x/D16You can alter the length of the dashes in a dashed line bydecreasing or increasing this default value. To make thedashes shorter, change the default to 8, or 4, or whatever.To make them longer, increase the default to 20, 32, ormore. x/O8The open spaces between the dashes can be alteredtoo. To close them up, enter a smaller number; to widenthe spaces increase the default value.You may change one or more of these switches from the EXECUTIVE bytyping: draw 12/g 8/d 200/tRETURN ^ ^ ^The order doesn't matter--nor does upper or lower case letters. Thearrows indicate spaces.dpqpqpq2jBZcp]siZtztiXO-iVwt ztiTzt!iR!iQ#zt pMvLP p =Iwu ntzxznGZ#nEnD.1t=@wu nz:;xzn?n=0n;=8wwu nzxzn6)pzn5(=1wu nzxzn0"n.g =*wu nzxzn)N n'"n&F.n$t=!,wu nzxz n.n#ikt) zti Qx& i~t3 i gGh\XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/806X.4 MERGING GRAPHICS AND TEXT (PRESSEDIT)Sometimes you'll want to insert drawings and illustrations that havebeen created in DRAW into a text document that has been created withthe EDITOR. This manual was created in this fashion. Both the textdocument and the draw files must be prepared in a certain way, thenmerged at the EXECUTIVE using the program PRESSEDIT:In DRAW:a. Create or retrieve the drawing that is to be inserted.b.Type these characters into the caption area:< = = << (no spaces)This is a code that tells the system where to print the graphic. It willnot appear in the final, printed copy.c.Position the code at the upper left corner of the drawing.d.Create a Press File of the document (LOOK P).e. Make note of the name you give this file and quit from DRAW.In the EDITOR:a.Create or get the text document.b.At the spot you want the graphic to appear, type its exact titlewithin the code characters:<= =. Type the name of the document with .press appended toit:Store on File d. Press DO or mark Apply in the menu.You now have two press files; one from DRAW and one from theEDITOR.e.Return to the EXECUTIVE.At the EXECUTIVE:a. Devise a new name for the merged document. From the examplesabove:Graphic press file titlePricechart.pressText press file titlePriceManual.pressNew titlePRICEDOCUMENT.PRESS b.Merge the two files by typing (arrows denote spaces):pressedit/m PRICEDOCUMENT.PRESS _ ^ ^ ^ ^ c.Press RETURN.If you have several graphic press files to insert into a document, eachmust be specified:. . . Earningsgraph.pressThere is an easier way, however. If you name all your graphics fileswith the same beginning:Pricechart1.pressPricechart2.pressPricegraph.pressthen you can specify all of them with:Price*.press d.Print the new, merged document by typing (arrows denote spaces):empress PRICEDOCUMENT.PRESS 5/CRETURN ^^dpqpqpq2jBZcpi]txtu[t&stYVu xuiStxtxt iOztiMztiJcztiE&svsiAt$i? $p d q d p dq,` ?A HELVETICA HELVETICA HELVETICA HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA   HELVETICA  HELVETICA  MATH   HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICA  HELVETICAARROWS G  &* .3# , 7';   Helvetica D  6<j/7 5ADRAWREF-X.PRESSCaywood 1-Jul-80 18:00:19 PDT5