XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/801SECTION SIX: FILES AND PRINTING6.1 RETRIEVING DRAW FILES:a.To retrieve a file, type:LOOK R (for read)b.A message at the top of the screen will say:Read picture from file:c.Type in the name of the file and press RETURN, as shownbelow:Read picture from file: CIRCLE.DRAWRETURNThe program will recognize any combination of upper and lower caseletters, so you could type Pricechart.Draw, pricechart.draw, orPRICECHART.DRAW.d.To eliminate the LOOK R command, press DELete andRETURN. The message area will look like this:Read picture from file: XXX Abort6.2 NAMING DRAW FILESAs you create documents with the DRAW program, you'll need to givethem names so that you can file and retrieve them easily. You'll bestoring two different kinds of DRAW files:documents which can be retrieved and edited. documents which are in final form for printing and cannot beedited. gpqpqpq(Y>Nf2p_qr gXs tsUunQvu N7n-JwFunvu DJ@wx :$v<(u$:]v wyuyu8yu3UnAvuvuB1vzu'Q.;w# g)hs ts%uwu$+*"`wun.n|TVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/802Documents which can be retrieved and edited are called workingfiles; those which are in final form for printing, press files. To keepthem straight, add the suffix .draw to working files and .press to fileswhich are ready to be printed. (See section "Creating Press Files"and "Printing Press Files: EMPRESS") For example:PRICECHART.DRAWA working file which can beretrieved, edited, and stored.Working (or DRAW) files cannot beprinted.PRICECHART.PRESSA press file which can be retrieved,printed and stored. But it cannot beedited.Often you will want to keep two versions of the same document; oneas a working file on which you can make changes, and one as a pressfile that can be printed.Note: Never, but never, allow any spaces in any file name! Thecomputer is a very literal fellow. When it sees a space, it thinks itsreading job is over. Therefore it'll be looking for something entirelydifferent from what you intended and will tell you there's no such file!Use dots or hyphens if you need to separate words.6.3 STORING WORKING FILESa.When you wish to store a partially finished illustration, or oneyou may wish to change later, type:LOOK W (for write)b.A message will appear in the message area:Write picture on file: c.Type in the name of the file (to correct a typing error, seesection 4.3, "Correcting Errors In The Message Area"):Write picture on file: Pricechart.drawd.Press RETURNWhen the drawing has been stored, the message Done!will appear in the message area. Working files can be deleted fromyour disk only from the EXECUTIVE or other file management program. gpqpqpq(Y>Nf2p`"u !z^Wu-z u \zsusuZ'yXuyxunU(  'S  'Qwu'P#nL('J'IE*C2B>suz u<<;  39@-x 7uu/ g28s.un 0,Q)vzu &n*Q"wyuny'uQ_wvunvu-:OwQ u) 5wu$bTVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/8036.4 STORING EDITED VERSIONS OF A DRAW DOCUMENTYou may retrieve a document, edit it, and refile it. If you wish to keepthe original version, you must rename the edited document. a.Type LOOK W, as above, then type in the name of the editeddocument. One way of naming versions of the same document is to add anumeral to the name. For example:Original Document Name:Pricechart.drawEdited Document Name:Pricechart2.drawb.If you want to replace the original with the edited version,answer the Write picture on file: message with the name ofthe original document (Pricechart.draw). The followingmessage will appear:Overwrite ? [yes no]c.A y or RETURN will replace the original document with theedited version. An n will return the Write picture on file:message to the screen and allow you to rename thedocument and save the original.6.5 CREATING PRESS FILESa.When you have completed a document and want to print it, itmust be converted first into a Press File. To create a PressFile, type:LOOK P (for press)The screen will go black except for the message area; this messagewill appear:Write PRESS file:b.Type in the name of the document with the suffix .press:Write PRESS file: RETURN gpqpqpq(Y>Nf2p g`"s/\u"zZuzu.YUnvu/SPk / NK.y-wuGy-wuBn zuzuzu@yu>dyue = Q9w4unzuvu,31 zu y1fu?@#/ g*^s&un* %!z u#VQvu 2 Qwun1suQ kw%vTVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/804At this point you could get one of two messages. The first:Overwrite ? [ yes no ]This indicates that there is already a Press File by this name whichwill be replaced by the new document. Typing a y will replace thedocument; typing an n will require you to give the new document adifferent name.The second message you might get is:Warning: line or curve (caption) #(xx) lies outside the printedpage, on the top (bottom, left, right). It should be deleted beforeprinting. Type any character to continue.This means that you have positioned part of your document not onlyoutside the picture area of the screen, but also outside the boundriesof the page it is to be printed on (see section "Creating DocumentsLarger Than The Picture Area"). When you type any character, youwill get a message for each line or caption that is outside theboundries. To delete these outlying figures, first abort the (LOOK P) PRESScommand with:DELeteRETURNThe document will remain on the screen in an editable form and youcan delete or reposition the outlying figures. If you ignore thewarning, the offending figures may be omitted or partially printed onthe paper copy, depending on how far out they lie. gpqpqpq(Y>Nf2p`"u<Q\wXu.V5.szuTj su'RMb$vJw/vH 4vG !B8u$@m5 >*y<u; $%$9A 5*vu4Q0v"v+Uu))!/"'(%/TVk(XEROX DOCUMENT SYSTEMDRAWREVISION 07/01/8056.6 PRINTING PRESS FILES (EMPRESS)EMPRESS is the program that prints the Press Files you've made ofyour illustrations. To print, make sure your document is in pressformat, then:a.Quit from DRAWb.At the EXECUTIVE type:empress x/c RETURN ^ ^The arrows denote spaces; the x/c means type in the number ofcopies you want, such as 3/c or 25/c. If you omit the x/c code, justone copy will print. Either upper or lower case letters will berecognized.If you have a number of files with similar names that you want printedat the same time, such as:Pricechart1.pressPricechart2.pressPriceBarGraph.pressyou can designate all of them at once with a *:empress price*.press x/c RETURN ^ ^To print Press Files that contain merged text from the EDITOR andillustrations created in DRAW, see the section, X.4 "Merging Graphicsand Text (PRESSEDIT)." gpqpqpq(Y>Nf2p g`"sts\uwu:Z5YUn wR6unwuQNvxv QMc *HuxvuFwvuwvuxvu D()+C. ?D=:x97:4Ku-zuQ0vxv Q/x "*u0wu( wu yuy'xyTVk( Helvetica Helvetica Helvetica Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica  Helvetica   Helvetica   Helvetica D  6<j/0drawRef-sect6.bxCaywoodJuly 1, 1980 4:43 PM