Page Numbers: No
Title: Font 9, bold
Author1, Author2, and Author3
CSL-82-x Month 1982 [P82-xxxxx]
c Copyright Xerox Corporation 1982. All rights reserved.
c Copyright Association for Computing Machinery 1982. Printed with permission.
c Copyright John Q. Author 1982. All rights reserved.
Delete all but the applicable copyright notice; see [Maxc]<Forms> for details.
Abstract: The abstract goes here, unless it is very long. In that case, you should omit the Abstract, CR categories, and Key words and phrases from the title page, and instead put them on a page by themselves.
The second and succeeding paragraphs, if any, should have the looks of this paragraph, not those of the first one.
A version of this paper appeared/will appear in Publication, vol. xx no. xx, Month Year.
CR categories: Computing Reviews categories go here.
Key words and phrases: Key words and phrases go here.
Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Centers
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304