You Wanted Pictures?
How about pictures with STYLE?
by Richard J. Beach
First Demo of Tioga Artwork
This is the first substantial output of the Tioga Artwork prototype. There have been a couple of previous tests, but they were really nothing very exciting. This page has typeset text, composed headings, and incorporates synthetic line drawings.
The prototype software combines Tioga styles with Griffin pictures and renders them with the Tioga typesetter. Griffin pictures are converted into both a Tioga document which contains only the geometery instructions and an associated Tioga graphical style sheet. Tioga editting functions can be applied to both the picture file and the style sheet. The following simple image was converted directly from [Ivy]<Beach>Griffin>Simple.Griffin and is reproduced here below.
The style sheet for this simple picture contains the following definitions:
(PathStyle1) ". . ." {
grey areaColor
black outlineColor
filled+outlined pathType
2 pt lineWeight
} StyleRule
(PathStyle2) ". . ." {
black outlineColor
outlined pathType
2 pt lineWeight
} StyleRule
where the meaning of the graphical style parameters are intended to be obvious.
Graphical style allows us to modify the rendering of the picture without resorting to an illustrator. In particular we can copy (by using Tioga to copy the node structure), scale, translate and/or rotate the object (by inserting JaMGraphics commands). The prototype Tioga Artwork software provides several graphical style features, such as drop and offset shadowing, a selection of pen types (square, round, italic, elliptical), and color selections.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so let me produce two simple pictures side by side with significantly different renderings.
The style definitions of these pictures have the following styles:
(LightOne) ". . ." {
yellow areaColor
darkBlue outlineColor
filled+outlined pathType
4 pt lineWeight
} StyleRule
(DarkOne) ". . ." {
red areaColor
50 percent areaSaturation
darkRed outlineColor
filled+outlined pathType
10 pt lineWeight
elliptical penType
1 penWidth
3 penHeight
drop shadowType
downRight shadowDirection
lightBlue shadowAreaColor
30 pt shadowWeight
} StyleRule
(LineStyle) ". . ." {
black outlineColor
outlined pathType
square penType
8 pt lineWeight
} StyleRule
In order to ensure that there was some space left above each figure, the enclosing node has a style which provides extra leading above and below the picture. It is not part of the picture.