% BasicGraphics.Style
% Beach, July 3, 1982 3:49 pm
% Rick Beach,November 26, 1982 4:10 pm


% Griffin color definitions:
%   Feel free to add more named colors.
%   They simply provide a shorthand for the three numbers
%   which define the color.
%   These values are stored in Tioga's style record as REALs.

%(name) {hue saturation brightness} .cvx .def

(black) {0.0 0.0 0.0} .cvx .def
(darkBrown) {0.02734375 1.0 0.2304688} .cvx .def
(brown) {0.02734375 1.0 0.4609375} .cvx .def
(tan) {0.0 0.5117188 0.8476562} .cvx .def
(maroon) {0.9140625 1.0 0.3085938} .cvx .def
(darkRed) {0.0 1.0 0.625} .cvx .def
(red) {0.0 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(orange) {0.0390625 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkYellow) {0.09765625 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(yellow) {0.15625 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(lightYellow) {0.15625 0.7421875 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkGreen) {0.2773438 1.0 0.2304688} .cvx .def
(green) {0.296875 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(lightGreen) {0.2773438 0.7539062 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkBlue) {0.5859375 1.0 0.6640625} .cvx .def
(blue) {0.578125 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(lightBlue) {0.5507812 0.5859375 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkAqua) {0.4179688 1.0 0.3828125} .cvx .def
(aqua) {0.4179688 0.875 1.0} .cvx .def
(cyan) {0.46875 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkPurple) {0.6953125 1.0 0.6953125} .cvx .def
(purple) {0.6640625 0.875 1.0} .cvx .def
(violet) {0.6640625 0.5117188 1.0} .cvx .def
(magenta) {0.78125 1.0 1.0} .cvx .def
(pink) {0.8046875 0.6640625 1.0} .cvx .def
(darkGrey) {0.0 0.0 0.15625} .cvx .def
(darkGray) {0.0 0.0 0.15625} .cvx .def
(grey) {0.0 0.0 0.46875} .cvx .def
(gray) {0.0 0.0 0.46875} .cvx .def
(lightGrey) {0.0 0.0 0.78125} .cvx .def
(lightGray) {0.0 0.0 0.78125} .cvx .def
(paleGrey) {0.0 0.0 0.8984375} .cvx .def
(paleGray) {0.0 0.0 0.8984375} .cvx .def
(white) {0.0 0.0 1.0} .cvx .def

% Set the color map entries
%   First set are for saturated Griffin colors
%   Second set are for 50% saturated Griffin colors
%   Third set are for 50% brightness Griffin colors
%   Any other color which is to be displayed on the color
%   monitor in the default 8-bit per pixel mode will need
%   to have a color map entry defined. Available color
%   map entries are even numbers about 12.

% Fully saturated color map entries
16 0.02734375 1.0 0.2304688 .sethsvmap
18 0.02734375 1.0 0.4609375 .sethsvmap
20 0.0 0.5117188 0.8476562 .sethsvmap
 22 0.9140625 1.0 0.3085938 .sethsvmap
 24 0.0 1.0 0.625 .sethsvmap
26 0.0390625 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
28 0.09765625 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
30 0.15625 0.7421875 1.0 .sethsvmap
32 0.2773438 1.0 0.2304688 .sethsvmap
34 0.2773438 0.7539062 1.0 .sethsvmap
36 0.5859375 1.0 0.6640625 .sethsvmap
38 0.5507812 0.5859375 1.0 .sethsvmap
 40 0.4179688 1.0 0.3828125 .sethsvmap
 42 0.4179688 0.875 1.0 .sethsvmap
44 0.6953125 1.0 0.6953125 .sethsvmap
 46 0.6640625 0.875 1.0 .sethsvmap
 48 0.6640625 0.5117188 1.0 .sethsvmap
 50 0.8046875 0.6640625 1.0 .sethsvmap

% 50% saturated color map entries
% light colors are lighter

52 2.734375e-2 0.5 2.304688e-1 .sethsvmap
54 2.734375e-2 0.5 4.609375e-1 .sethsvmap
56 0 2.558594e-1 8.476562e-1 .sethsvmap
58 9.140625e-1 0.5 3.085938e-1 .sethsvmap
60 0 0.5 0.625 .sethsvmap
62 3.90625e-2 0.5 1 .sethsvmap
64 9.765625e-2 0.5 1 .sethsvmap
66 0.15625 3.710938e-1 1 .sethsvmap
68 2.773438e-1 0.5 2.304688e-1 .sethsvmap
70 2.773438e-1 3.769531e-1 1 .sethsvmap
72 5.859375e-1 0.5 6.640625e-1 .sethsvmap
74 5.507812e-1 2.929688e-1 1 .sethsvmap
76 4.179688e-1 0.5 3.828125e-1 .sethsvmap
78 4.179688e-1 0.4375 1 .sethsvmap
80 6.953125e-1 0.5 6.953125e-1 .sethsvmap
82 6.640625e-1 0.4375 1 .sethsvmap
84 6.640625e-1 2.558594e-1 1 .sethsvmap
86 8.046875e-1 3.320312e-1 1 .sethsvmap

% 50% brightness color map entries
% dark colors are darker

88 2.734375e-2 1 1.152344e-1 .sethsvmap
90 2.734375e-2 1 2.304688e-1 .sethsvmap
92 0 5.117188e-1 4.238281e-1 .sethsvmap
94 9.140625e-1 1 1.542969e-1 .sethsvmap
96 0 1 0.3125 .sethsvmap
98 3.90625e-2 1 0.5 .sethsvmap
100 9.765625e-2 1 0.5 .sethsvmap
102 0.15625 7.421875e-1 0.5 .sethsvmap
104 2.773438e-1 1 1.152344e-1 .sethsvmap
106 2.773438e-1 7.539062e-1 0.5 .sethsvmap
108 5.859375e-1 1 3.320312e-1 .sethsvmap
110 5.507812e-1 5.859375e-1 0.5 .sethsvmap
112 4.179688e-1 1 1.914062e-1 .sethsvmap
114 4.179688e-1 0.875 0.5 .sethsvmap
116 6.953125e-1 1 3.476562e-1 .sethsvmap
118 6.640625e-1 0.875 0.5 .sethsvmap
120 6.640625e-1 5.117188e-1 0.5 .sethsvmap
122 8.046875e-1 6.640625e-1 0.5 .sethsvmap

% Some left over primary colors
% You are welcome to reorder the map entries
% although its immaterial what the order is.
% This order was created in a rush to make the
% Graphical Style video tape.

% red
 124 0.0 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% yellow
 126 0.15625 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% green
 128 0.296875 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% blue
 130 0.578125 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% cyan
 132 0.46875 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% magenta
 134 0.78125 1.0 1.0 .sethsvmap
% red
 136 0.0 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% yellow
 138 0.15625 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% green
 140 0.296875 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% blue
 142 0.578125 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% cyan
 144 0.46875 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% magenta
 146 0.78125 0.5 1.0 .sethsvmap
% red
 148 0.0 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap
% yellow
 150 0.15625 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap
% green
 152 0.296875 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap
% blue
 154 0.578125 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap
% cyan
 156 0.46875 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap
% magenta
 160 0.78125 1.0 0.5 .sethsvmap

% Tioga Style Parameters for Graphical Style

%(areaColor) black StyleParam -- already built into Tioga
%(outlineColor) black StyleParam -- already built into Tioga
%(textColor) black StyleParam -- already built into Tioga
%(lineWeight) 0.0 StyleParam -- already built into Tioga
%   (filled) (filled) .def -- already built into Tioga
%   (outlined) (outlined) .def -- already built into Tioga
%   (filledAndOutlined) (filledAndOutlined) .def -- already built into Tioga
%(pathType) filled StyleParam -- already built into Tioga

(filledAndOutlined) (filled+outlined) .def 

	(round) (round) .def
	(square) (square) .def
	(rectangular) (rectangular) .def
	% (italic) (italic) .def  -- already defined for face parameter
	(elliptical) (elliptical) .def
(penStyle) round StyleParam
(penSlant) 0 StyleParam
(penWidth) 1 StyleParam
(penHeight) 1 StyleParam
	(drop) (drop) .def
	(offset) (offset) .def
	(none) (none) .def
(shadowType) none StyleParam
	(upLeft) (upLeft) .def
	(upRight) (upRight) .def
	(downLeft) (downLeft) .def
	(downRight) (downRight) .def
(shadowDirection) downRight StyleParam
(shadowAngle) 45 StyleParam
(shadowWeight) 1 StyleParam
(shadowOffsetAmount) 12 StyleParam
(shadowPathType) filled StyleParam
(shadowAreaHue) 0 StyleParam
(shadowAreaSaturation) 0 StyleParam
(shadowAreaBrightness) 127 StyleParam
(shadowOutlineHue) 0 StyleParam
(shadowOutlineSaturation) 0 StyleParam
(shadowOutlineBrightness) 127 StyleParam

(shadowAreaColor) {shadowAreaBrightness shadowAreaSaturation shadowAreaHue}.cvx .def
(shadowOutlineColor) {shadowOutlineBrightness shadowOutlineSaturation shadowOutlineHue}.cvx .def

	(flushLeft) (flushLeft) .def
	(flushRight) (flushRight) .def
	(centered) (centered) .def
(captionFormatting) flushLeft StyleParam
	(flushTop) (flushTop) .def
	(flushBottom) (flushBottom) .def
	(baseline) (baseline) .def
	% (centered) (centered) .def
(captionAlignment) baseline StyleParam
