B. Beta-splines by Barsky
1. An approximating spline that is a generalization of the more common B-spline
2. Beta-splines have two additional parameters that control the shape of the spline. Intuitive overview:
a. Bias
1. Pulls the spline to one side or the other
#2 ← b1 = 2.0, b2 = 0.0
Reciprocal of bias pulls spline to the other side by an equal amount
#3 ← b1 = 0.5, b2 = 0.0
2. Two more examples
#4 ← b1 = 5.0, b2 = 0.0
#5 ← b1 = 0.2, b2 = 0.0
b. Tension
1. Pulls spline close to control points for positive values of tension
#6 ← b1 = 1.0, b2 = 0.0
#7 ← b1 = 1.0, b2 = 10.0
#8 ← b1 = 1.0, b2 = 50.0
c. Combining the two shape parameters
#9 ← b1 = 3.0, b2 = 150.0
d. Uniformly vs continuously shaped Beta-splines
Previous transparencies illustrated the effects of bias and tension when applied to the entire spline curve. It is possible to apply these shape parameters to only parts of the spline curve.
#10 ← 3rd vertex => vvb1 = 5.0, b2 = 0.0
4th vertex => vvb1 = 10.0, b2 = 0.0
rest => vvb1 = 1.0, b2 = 0.0
#11 ← 3rd vertex => vvb1 = 1.0, b2 = 25.0
4th vertex => vvb1 = 1.0, b2 = -5.0
rest => vvb1 = 1.0, b2 = 0.0