Packet format
maxOptionLength: INT ~ 40; -- Maximum length of internet options.
maxDataLength: INT ~ 556; -- In bytes, excluding headers.
maxIHL: INT ~ 15; -- Maximum internet header length.
minIHL: INT ~ 5;
neverTimeout: INT ~ -1; -- timeout value to prevent timing out.
Byte: TYPE ~ INT [0..255]; -- One byte field.
DByte: TYPE ~ INT [0..65535]; -- Two byte field.
INT [0..4)
OF Byte;
-- Internet address format.
AddressList: TYPE = LIST OF Address;
nullAddress: Address ~ ALL[0];
OptionsArray: TYPE ~ PACKED ARRAY INT [1..maxOptionLength] OF Byte;
-- Format of internet header.
version (0: 0..3): INT [0..15] ← 4,
IHL (0: 4..7): INT [0..15],
precedence (0: 8..10): INT [0..7] ← 0,
delay (0: 11..11): INT [0..1] ← 0,
throughput (0: 12..12): INT [0..1] ← 0,
reliability (0: 13..13): INT [0..1] ← 0,
filler1 (0: 14..15): INT [0..3] ← 0,
packetLength (1): DByte,
fragmentId (2): DByte ← 0,
filler2 (3: 0..0): INT [0..1] ← 0,
dontFragment (3: 1..1): BOOL ← FALSE,
moreFragments (3: 2..2): BOOL ← FALSE,
fragmentOffset (3: 3..15): INT [0..17777B],
timeToLive (4: 0..7): Byte,
protocol (4: 8..15): Byte,
checksum (5): DByte,
source (6): Address,
destination (8): Address,
options (10): OptionsArray];
Protocol field values.
ICMPProtocol: Byte = 1;
TCPProtocol: Byte = 6;
UDPProtocol: Byte = 17;
DataBuffer: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY INT [0..maxDataLength) OF Byte; -- Internet data buffer.
Datagram: TYPE = REF DatagramRec;
-- Format of internet datagram
dataLength: INT, -- data length in bytes
optionLength: INT [0..maxOptionLength) ← 0, -- number of bytes of options.
inHdr: InternetHeader, -- internet header
data: DataBuffer]; -- data buffer
DatagramQueue: TYPE ~ LIST OF Datagram; -- ???
type of argument to CreateIPHandle
-- Specify internet packets to receive/send
matchProtocol: BOOL, -- true if match internet protocol on packets
protocol: Byte, -- protocol value to match
matchAddr: BOOL, -- true if match internet address on packets
address: Address, -- internet address to match
matchLocalAddr: BOOL, -- true if specifying particular local address
localAddress: Address, -- local address to match, if matchLocalAddr is false, address in configuration file is used
printPkts: BOOL ← FALSE, -- true if print packets for this request
logPkts: BOOL ← FALSE]; -- true if log packets for this request
InternetHandle: TYPE ~ REF InternetHandleRec; -- "handle" on request, returned by IPRequest for internet process use only.
-- Specify internet packets to receive/send
matchProtocol: BOOL, -- true if match internet protocol on packets
protocol: Byte, -- protocol value to match
matchAddr: BOOL, -- true if match internet address on packets
address: Address, -- internet address to match
matchLocalAddr: BOOL, -- true if specifying a particular local address
localAddress: Address, -- local address to match
printPkts: BOOL, -- true if print packets for this request
logPkts: BOOL, -- true if log packets for this request
waitingDatagrams: DatagramQueue ← NIL, -- unread datagrams
lastWaitingElement: DatagramQueue ← NIL, -- points to last CONS cell to make appending fast
newDatagram: CONDITION, -- how to wait on new ones
handleDestroyed: BOOL ← FALSE]; -- set to tell waiters to give up
PROC [requestData: RequestData]
RETURNS [handle: InternetHandle];
Add a new request for incoming packets. Returns a handle on the Internet. If the reqest conflicts with an existing one, then CreateIPHandle returns NIL.
PROC [handle: InternetHandle];
Removes the request and flushes all waiting datagrams.
PROC [handle: InternetHandle, data: Datagram];
Fills in header of datagram from the handle and sends it.
PROC [data: Datagram];
Sends a datagram whose header has already been filled in.
PROC [handle: InternetHandle, timeout:
INT ← neverTimeout]
RETURNS [data: Datagram];
Waits for a datagram that matches the request that was used to create the handle. Returns the datagram or NIL if timeout milliseconds (?) pass with no packet arriving. A value of neverTimeout for timeout will cause Receive to wait forever.
PROC [s:
STREAM, data: Datagram];
Print a representation of the datagram on the stream.
Errorcode: TYPE ~ {handleDestroyed, unknown};
Error: ERROR [type: Errorcode];