// PupTestIO.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1982 // Last modified February 15, 1982 5:49 PM by Boggs get "Pup.decl" get "PupStats.decl" get "PupTest.decl" external [ //outgoing procedures GetString; GetNumber; PrintPort; Confirm OpenPort; ComputeThruput; Ws; Wss OtherSpigot; OtherSpigotProcess PrintPupRT; RTTitle; RTEntry; PrintStatistics //incoming procedures Puts; Gets; Endofs; Resets MoveBlock; Zero; DefaultArgs Enqueue; Dequeue; Block PutTemplate; EraseBits; CharWidth OpenLevel1Socket; ReleasePBI; GetPartner HLookup; HEnumerate UpdateAverage; Divide32x16 //statics dsp; keys spigotQ; pupRT; pbiFreeQ ] manifest realTimeClock = 430b //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let GetString(prompt, addr, echo, cr; numargs na) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ //make a bcpl string from the keyboard //if echo is true, echo the typed characters to the display //returns false if del is typed (return to command level) //addr is the address of the string that should get the result. //prompt is a prompt string printed in the obvious places if na ls 3 then echo = true if na ls 4 then cr = true Ws(prompt) let count = 0 [ let char = Gets(keys) switchon char into [ case $*S: case $*N: case $*033: [ Puts(dsp, (cr ? $*N, $*S)) addr>>String.length = count resultis count ne 0 ] case $*177: [ Ws("XXX"); Puts(dsp, (cr ? $*N, $*S)); resultis false ] case $*001: case $*010: [ if count then [ if echo then EraseBits(dsp, -CharWidth(dsp, addr>>String.char^count)) count = count -1 ] endcase ] default: [ if count le 255 & char ge $*S & char le $*177 then [ count = count + 1 addr>>String.char^count = char if echo then Puts(dsp, char) ] endcase ] ] ] repeat ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and GetNumber(string) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Ws(string) let res = 0 [ let char = Gets(keys) switchon char into [ case $0: case $1: case $2: case $3: case $4: case $5: case $6: case $7: [ Puts(dsp, char) res = (res lshift 3) + (char & 7) endcase ] case $*001: case $*010: [ EraseBits(dsp, -CharWidth(dsp, $0+(res&7))) res = res rshift 3 endcase ] case $*N: case $*S: case $*177: resultis res ] ] repeat ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Confirm(prompt; numargs na) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if na gr 0 then Ws(prompt); Ws("[Confirm] ") switchon Gets(keys) into [ case $Y: case $y: case $*N: [ Ws("Yes.*N"); resultis true ] case $N: case $n: case $*177: [ Ws("No.*N"); resultis false ] default: [ Ws("Yes or No*N"); endcase ] ] ] repeat //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintPort(port) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PutTemplate(dsp,"[$UO#$UO#$UEO]", port>>Port.net, port>>Port.host, lv port>>Port.socket) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and OpenPort(string, soc, fs1, fs2, lclPort; numargs na) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ DefaultArgs(lv na, -2, 0, 0, 0) let frnPort = vec lenPort let name = vec 40 [ unless GetString(string, name, true, false) resultis false if GetPartner(name, dsp, frnPort, fs1, fs2) break ] repeat OpenLevel1Socket(soc, lclPort, frnPort) resultis true ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Ws(string) be Wss(dsp, string) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Wss(stream, string) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i = 1 to string>>String.length do Puts(stream, string>>String.char^i) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ComputeThruput(tp) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let num = vec 1 MoveBlock(num, (alto? table [ 19; -28468], table [ 76; 19264]), 2) Divide32x16(num, @realTimeClock-tp>>TP.timer) PutTemplate(dsp, " [ $UD0 bytes/sec ]*N", num!1) tp>>TP.thruput = num!1 tp>>TP.aveThruput = tp>>TP.aveThruput eq 0? tp>>TP.thruput, UpdateAverage(tp>>TP.thruput, tp>>TP.aveThruput, 8) ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintPupRT() be //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let PerNet(rte, lvCount) be RTEntry(rte>>RTE.net, rte>>RTE.ndb>>NDB.localNet, rte>>RTE.host, rte>>RTE.hops, lvCount) let count = 0 RTTitle("Local routing table:") HEnumerate(pupRT, PerNet, lv count) Puts(dsp, $*N) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and RTTitle(string) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Ws(string) Ws("*N Net Via Hops | Net Via Hops | Net Via Hops | Net Via Hops") Ws("*N -----------------|------------------|------------------|-----------------") ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and RTEntry(dNet, viaNet, viaHost, hops, lvCount) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if @lvCount rem 4 eq 0 then Ws("*N ") PutTemplate(dsp, "$U3O $U3O#$U3F0O# $U2O ", dNet, viaNet, viaHost, hops) unless @lvCount rem 4 eq 3 do Ws(" | ") @lvCount = @lvCount +1 ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintStatistics() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let net = GetNumber("statistics for network ") let rte = HLookup(pupRT, net) if rte ne 0 then [ let pbi = Dequeue(pbiFreeQ) if rte>>RTE.ndb>>NDB.level0Stats(pbi, rte>>RTE.ndb) then if rte>>RTE.hops eq 0 then switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 into [ case netTypeEther: [ PrintEtherStats(pbi); endcase ] case netTypeSLA: [ PrintSLAStats(pbi); endcase ] ] Enqueue(pbiFreeQ, pbi) ] ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintEtherStats(pbi) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Ws("*NEthernet Statistics:") let es = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words^2 PutTemplate(dsp, "*nRcv: good $UD, bad $UD, off $UD", es>>EtherStats.packetsRcvd, es>>EtherStats.numBadRcvStatus, es>>EtherStats.inputOff) PutTemplate(dsp, "; Xmt: good $UD, bad $UD; I|O $UD", es>>EtherStats.packetsSent, es>>EtherStats.numBadXmtStatus, es>>EtherStats.numInUnderOut) Ws("*NLds:") for i = 0 to 15 do PutTemplate(dsp, " $UD", es>>EtherStats.loadTable^i) PutTemplate(dsp, "; Ovf: $UD", es>>EtherStats.loadTable^16) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintSLAStats(pbi) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Ws("*NSLA Statistics:*N") Ws(" ----Packets--- -----Bytes----- ------Errors------*n") Ws("Line Sent Received Sent Received CRC Sync Control State*n") let maxSLAHost = pbi>>PBI.pup.words^2 let maxSLALine = pbi>>PBI.pup.words^(maxSLAHost+3) for line = 0 to maxSLALine do [ let ss = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words^(maxSLAHost+4+lenSLAStats*line) if ss>>SLAStats.state eq slaLineMissing loop PutTemplate(dsp, "$3O$9ED$9ED$10ED$10ED $6D$6D$6D $S*n", line, lv ss>>SLAStats.transmitPackets, lv ss>>SLAStats.receivePackets, lv ss>>SLAStats.transmitBytes, lv ss>>SLAStats.receiveBytes, ss>>SLAStats.badCRC, ss>>SLAStats.inputOverrun, ss>>SLAStats.lineControlError, selecton ss>>SLAStats.state into [ case slaLineDown: "Down" case slaLineUp: "Up" case slaLineLoopedBack: "Looped back" default: "?" ]) ] Ws("*nRouting table:*n") for i = 1 to 4 do Ws("Host Line Hops ") let count = 0 for i = 1 to maxSLAHost do [ let rte = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words^(2+i) if rte>>SLARTE.hopCnt ne #377 then [ PutTemplate(dsp, "$S$3O $3O $3D", (count rem 4 eq 0? "*n", " "), i, rte>>SLARTE.line, rte>>SLARTE.hopCnt) count = count +1 ] ] Puts(dsp, $*n) ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and OtherSpigot(pbi) be Enqueue(spigotQ, pbi) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and OtherSpigotProcess() be //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ while spigotQ!0 eq 0 do Block() let pbi = Dequeue(spigotQ) let startByte = 0 switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into [ case typeAbort: [ Ws("[Abort] ") startByte = 3 endcase ] case typeError: [ Ws("[Error] ") startByte = 25 endcase ] case typeInterrupt: [ Ws("[Interrupt] ") startByte = 3 endcase ] ] if startByte ne 0 then [ for i = startByte to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes do Puts(dsp,pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes^i) Puts(dsp, $*N) ] ReleasePBI(pbi) ] repeat