//TFU.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984 // Last modified September 18, 1984 4:09 PM by Fiala // Last modified July 9, 1981 1:27 PM by Taft //TFU ERASE cylinders // Cylinders optional, default is entire disk //TFU COPY file/C ← file // (/C means consecutive) //TFU RENAME newFile ← oldFile //TFU DELETE file1 file2 ... //TFU DIRECTORY/V file // File is optional; /V means verbose. // If no file, uses display //TFU ADDRESS file // Prints out logical disk addresses of the file //TFU CREATEFILE file pages // Makes it contiguous //TFU CERTIFY passes // Tests the disk looking for bad spots and records any that it finds // in the bad spot table on the pack //TFU BADSPOTS // Lists out the bad spot table //TFU RESETBADSPOTS // Resets the bad spot table //TFU DRIVE TPn // Sets drive number to use for remainder of command //TFU EXERCISE <number of passes> <list of drives> //TFU CONVERT // Converts DiskDescriptor from format version 1 to version 2 // "|" with spaces on both sides terminates commands that take // an indefinite number of arguments. //File syntax: // TPn:file -- Trident disk file on drive n // DP0:file -- Diablo disk file // file -- Trident file on default drive // All display typeout is also sent to TFU.log. get "AltoFileSys.d" get "Disks.d" get "Tfs.d" get "Streams.d" get "AltoDefs.d" external [ //TFU -- export InitDisk ConfirmWipe //TFUutils ReadToken BackToken Disambiguate ReadFile ReadDrive StrEq ReadNumber Switch Error RunEther InitLog CloseLog BigDisplay; SmallDisplay ReportDebugStats //TFS TFSInit TFSClose TFSSilentBoot TFSSwatContextProc TFSDebug //TFSExercise Exercise //TFUConvert TFUConvert //TFUCertify CertifyPack ListBadSpots ResetBadSpots //TFSNEWDISK TFSNewDisk //DISKFINDHOLE DiskFindHole //GP SetupReadParam ReadParam //RenameFile RenameFile //Template PutTemplate //BcplRuntime InitBcplRuntime //OS lvUserFinishProc sysDisk InitializeZone OpenFile CreateDiskStream DeleteFile FindFdEntry GetCompleteFa FileLength DoubleAdd Resets ReadBlock WriteBlock Closes PositionPage ReadLeaderPage WriteLeaderPage MoveBlock Zero; SetBlock Wss; Wns; Wo Ws; Gets; keys; dsp; Idle; lvIdle; lvCursorLink; lvSwatContextProc CreateDisplayStream; ShowDisplayStream MyFrame AltoVersion StartIO AssignDiskPage; ReleaseDiskPage //RAM stuff LoadRam; DiskRamImage // incoming statics lastToken TFSLeaveDisplay TFSSavedDisplay // outgoing statics z str sw defaultDrive dMachine noConfirm ] static [ str //String from ReadParam sw //Switches from ReadParam z //Zone for everything defaultDrive scratchVec savedUFP; saveIdle; saveSCP mpDriveDisk //map of inited disks noConfirm = false dMachine = false ] manifest nDrives = 8 //physical drives manifest nDisks = 3*nDrives //disk structures //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let TFU() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ InitLog() Ws("TFU 1.30 18 September 1984*n") dMachine = AltoVersion<<VERS.eng ge 4 // Dolphin=4, Dorado=5 unless dMachine do [ let a=LoadRam(DiskRamImage, true) if a ls 0 then Error("The machine has no RAM and/or no Ethernet board.*n") InitBcplRuntime() ] savedUFP=@lvUserFinishProc @lvUserFinishProc=TFUFinish @#335=LoadRam saveIdle = @lvIdle Idle = TFUIdle @lvIdle = TFUIdle @lvCursorLink = false saveSCP = @lvSwatContextProc @lvSwatContextProc = TFSSwatContextProc Zero(KBLK, 6) // init drive selection information let lmp=vec nDisks Zero(lmp, nDisks) mpDriveDisk=lmp defaultDrive=0 // switch and string accumulation vectors let lstr=vec 128 let lsw=vec 26 let lscr=vec 1024 str=lstr; sw=lsw; scratchVec= lscr SetupReadParam(str,sw) if Switch($D) then TFSLeaveDisplay=true //Leave display if Switch($E) then RunEther() //Run Ether let checkIt=0 if Switch($C) then checkIt=2 //Check data if Switch($W) then checkIt=1 //Just write consistent data noConfirm = Switch($N) // No confirmations required if Switch($R) & TFSDebug then [ // buffer for RecordTFS (iff TFSBase compiled w/ debug=true) let recordBuf = @#335; @#335 = recordBuf+106B+20*3 SetBlock(recordBuf, -1, 106B+20*3) recordBuf!0 = recordBuf+6 recordBuf!1 = recordBuf+106B recordBuf!2 = recordBuf+6 recordBuf!3 = recordBuf+106B recordBuf!4 = recordBuf+106B+20*3 @#645 = recordBuf ] [CLoop let command=ReadToken() if command eq 2 then loop if command eq 1 then break let zz=vec 1024*6+800 z=InitializeZone(zz, 1024*6+800) // Remainder (simple) commands: switchon command into [ case 4: [ //Erase let locateDDatBeginning = Switch($B) let n=0 test ReadToken() eq 3 then n=ReadNumber(str) or BackToken() unless ConfirmWipe(defaultDrive) endcase unless TFSNewDisk(z, defaultDrive, n*45, (locateDDatBeginning? 1, 0)) then Ws("Cannot build a new disk structure on the drive*n") endcase ] case 5: [ //Copy let deststr=vec 20 let srcstr=vec 20 let destdisk=ReadFile(deststr) let consecutive=Switch($C) ReadToken() if str>>STRING.char↑1 ne $← then Error("COPY: Missing ← in command.") let srcdisk=ReadFile(srcstr) if srcdisk eq 0 then Error("COPY: Not enough parameters.") let is=OpenFile(srcstr,ksTypeReadOnly,1,0,0,0,z,0,srcdisk) if is eq 0 then Error("COPY: Input file not found: ", srcstr) if consecutive ne 0 then [ let lnPg=destdisk>>DSK.lnPageSize+1 // Log BYTES per page let fl=vec 1 FileLength(is, fl) // Length in BYTES let fillout=vec 1 fillout!0=0; fillout!1=-1 rshift (16-lnPg) DoubleAdd(fl, fillout) // Round up let siz=(fl!0 lshift (16-lnPg))+(fl!1 rshift lnPg) let v=DiskFindHole(destdisk, siz+2) if v eq -1 then Error("COPY: No contiguous hole big enough!") ReleaseDiskPage(destdisk, AssignDiskPage(destdisk, v-1)) ] let os=OpenFile(deststr, ksTypeWriteOnly, 1, 0, 0, 0, z, 0, destdisk) if os eq 0 then Error("COPY: Trouble opening file: ", deststr) if consecutive then [ ReadLeaderPage(os, scratchVec) scratchVec>>LD.consecutive=true WriteLeaderPage(os, scratchVec) ] Resets(is) CopyStuff(os, is) Closes(is) Closes(os) endcase ] case 6: [ //Delete let delstr=vec 20 until ReadToken() le 2 do [ BackToken() let deldisk=ReadFile(delstr) let res=DeleteFile(delstr, 0, 0, z, 0, deldisk) unless res then PutTemplate(dsp, "DELETE: File not found: $S*n", delstr) ] endcase ] case 7: [ //CreateFile let creatstr=vec 20 let creatDisk=ReadFile(creatstr) if creatDisk eq 0 then Error("CREATEFILE: Not enough parameters.") if ReadToken() ne 3 then Error("CREATEFILE: Not enough parameters.") let n=ReadNumber(str) //number of pages DeleteFile(creatstr, 0,0,z,0,creatDisk) let v=DiskFindHole(creatDisk, n+2) test v eq -1 ifso Ws("*nCREATEFILE: No contiguous hole big enough, creating non-contiguous file.") ifnot ReleaseDiskPage(creatDisk, AssignDiskPage(creatDisk, v-1)) let os=OpenFile(creatstr, ksTypeReadWrite, 1, 0, 0, 0, z, 0, creatDisk) ReadLeaderPage(os, scratchVec) scratchVec>>LD.consecutive = v ne -1 WriteLeaderPage(os, scratchVec) if (n+1) ls 0 then // bug in DiskStreams PositionPage(os, 32767) PositionPage(os, n+1) Closes(os) endcase ] case 8: [ //Directory let verbose=Switch($V) let outfile=vec 20 let outdisk=ReadFile(outfile) let outstream=nil test outdisk ifso outstream = OpenFile(outfile, ksTypeWriteOnly, 1, 0, 0, 0, z, 0, outdisk) ifnot [ outstream = dsp; BigDisplay() ] let compareFn(goodies,nam,dv) = valof [ // Wait for disk to stop, then force display back on. // Otherwise directory listing may pause at end of page with // the display off! until KBLK>>KBLK.ptr eq 0 do Idle() if TFSSavedDisplay ne -1 then [ @DAstart = TFSSavedDisplay; TFSSavedDisplay = -1 ] let s=goodies!0 PutTemplate(s, "*n$S ", nam) if goodies!1 then [ let fs=CreateDiskStream(lv dv>>DV.fp, ksTypeReadOnly, 1, 0, 0, z, 0, goodies!3) test fs eq 0 ifso Wss(s," -- cannot open file.") ifnot [ let fl=vec 1 FileLength(fs, fl) PutTemplate(s, ", length = $ED. bytes. ", fl) ReadLeaderPage(fs, scratchVec) if scratchVec>>LD.consecutive then Wss(s, "contiguous") let pages=1+(fl!0 lshift 5)+(fl!1 rshift 11)+1 PutTemplate(s, " ($UD. pages)", pages) Closes(fs) ] ] resultis true ] let defaultDisk=InitDisk(defaultDrive) let s=OpenFile("SysDir",ksTypeReadOnly,0,0,0,0,z,0,defaultDisk) let goodies=vec 4 goodies!0=outstream goodies!1=verbose goodies!3=defaultDisk goodies!4 = outdisk Zero(MyFrame()-300, 300) // Gets around OS 17 bug (don't ask!!) FindFdEntry(s, goodies, compareFn) Closes(s) let h=defaultDisk>>DSK.diskKd let dp=vec 1 dp!0=0 dp!1=h>>TFSKD.freePages PutTemplate(outstream, "*nThere are $UD. free pages.", h>>TFSKD.freePages) PutTemplate(outstream, "*nTransfers: $ED, Errors: $ED, ECC errors: $ED, ECC fixes: $ED", lv h>>TFSKD.nTransfers, lv h>>TFSKD.nErrors, lv h>>TFSKD.nECCErrors, lv h>>TFSKD.nECCFixes) PutTemplate(outstream, "*nRestores: $ED, Unrecoverable: $ED, BT discrepancies: $ED", lv h>>TFSKD.nRestores, lv h>>TFSKD.nUnRecov, lv h>>TFSKD.nBTErrors) test outstream eq dsp ifso SmallDisplay() ifnot Closes(outstream) endcase ] case 9: [ //Print disk addresses let nam=vec 20 let disk=ReadFile(nam) if disk eq 0 then Error("ADDRESSES: No file name.") let s=OpenFile(nam,ksTypeReadOnly,0,0,0,0,z,0,disk) if s eq 0 then Error("ADDRESSES: File not found: ",nam) let firstDa=-1 let firstPn=1 BigDisplay() [ // repeat let c=vec lCFA GetCompleteFa(s, c) let l=ReadBlock(s, scratchVec, 1024) let np=c>>CFA.fa.pageNumber-firstPn if l ne 1024 % np+firstDa ne c>>CFA.fa.da then [ if np+firstDa eq c>>CFA.fa.da then np = np+1 if firstDa ne -1 then PutTemplate(dsp, "*n Pages $UD to $UD have DAs $UD to $UD", firstPn, firstPn+np-1, firstDa, firstDa+np-1) firstDa=c>>CFA.fa.da firstPn=c>>CFA.fa.pageNumber ] if l ne 1024 then break ] repeat Closes(s) SmallDisplay() endcase ] case 10: [ //certify a pack let passes = 10 test ReadToken() eq 3 ifso passes = ReadNumber(str) ifnot BackToken() CertifyPack(defaultDrive, passes) endcase ] case 11: [ // set default Drive defaultDrive = ReadToken() eq 3? ReadNumber(str, 8), ReadDrive(str) if defaultDrive ls 0 then Error("Illegal argument to DRIVE command.") endcase ] case 12: [ //Exercise let nPasses=10 let driveVec = vec nDrives; SetBlock(driveVec, true, nDrives) if ReadToken() eq 3 then [ nPasses=ReadNumber(str) if ReadToken() eq 3 then [ Zero(driveVec, nDrives) [ let n = ReadNumber(str) if n ls nDrives then driveVec!n = true ] repeatwhile ReadToken() eq 3 ] ] BackToken() Exercise(nPasses, driveVec, checkIt) endcase ] case 13: [ //Convert TFUConvert(defaultDrive) endcase ] case 14: [ //list known bad spots ListBadSpots(defaultDrive) endcase ] case 15: [ //reset bad spot table ResetBadSpots(defaultDrive) endcase ] case 16: [ //rename let deststr=vec 20 let srcstr=vec 20 let destdisk=ReadFile(deststr) ReadToken() if str>>STRING.char↑1 ne $← then Error("RENAME: Missing ← in command.") let srcdisk=ReadFile(srcstr) if srcdisk eq 0 then Error("RENAME: Not enough parameters.") test srcdisk ne destdisk ifso Error("RENAME: can't rename across disks.") ifnot unless RenameFile(srcstr, deststr, 0, 0, z, 0, destdisk) do Error("RENAME: failed to rename file.") endcase ] default: Error("Unknown command: ", str) endcase ] InitDisk() // Close the disks! if lastToken eq 1 then break ]CLoop repeat if TFSDebug then ReportDebugStats() ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and TFUFinish() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ @lvIdle = saveIdle @lvUserFinishProc=savedUFP InitDisk() //Close the disks CloseLog() @lvSwatContextProc = saveSCP test dMachine ifnot TFSSilentBoot() ifso StartIO(#20) //turn off Trident microcode ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and TFUIdle() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ manifest [ cursorX = #426; cursorY = #427 ] @cursorX = 20 + KBLK>>KBLK.drive lshift 6 @cursorY = KBLK>>KBLK.track ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and CopyStuff(os, is) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let buf=@#335 let siz=(MyFrame()-3000-buf) @#335=buf+siz let l=nil [ l=ReadBlock(is, buf, siz) WriteBlock(os, buf, l) ] repeatuntil l ne siz @#335=buf ] // Disk selection stuff. // InitDisk() -- close all inited drives // InitDisk(n) -- init drive n and return "disk" structure //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and InitDisk(drive; numargs n) =valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if n eq 0 then [ for i=0 to nDisks-1 do if mpDriveDisk!i ne 0 then [ TFSClose(mpDriveDisk!i); mpDriveDisk!i=0 ] resultis 0 ] let iDisk = nDrives*(drive rshift 8) + driveŹ if mpDriveDisk!iDisk ne 0 then resultis mpDriveDisk!iDisk let tridentDisk=TFSInit(z, true, drive) if tridentDisk eq 0 then [ PutTemplate(dsp, "*nCannot operate Trident drive $O. Check it out!", drive) finish; ] mpDriveDisk!iDisk=tridentDisk resultis tridentDisk ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and IsTrident(disk) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if disk eq 0 then resultis false for i=0 to nDisks-1 do if disk eq mpDriveDisk!i then resultis true resultis false ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ConfirmWipe(drive) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ PutTemplate(dsp, "Confirm wiping the pack on drive $O:*nType OK to proceed, A to abort: ", drive) if noConfirm then [ Ws("OK*n"); resultis true ] [ // repeat let c=Gets(keys) if c eq $A % c eq $a then resultis false unless c eq $O % c eq $o then loop Ws("O") c=Gets(keys) unless c eq $K % c eq $k then loop Ws("K*n") resultis true ] repeat ]