// TFUutils.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979 // Last modified November 22, 1980 12:40 PM by Taft get "AltoFileSys.d" get "Streams.d" external [ //TFU -- export ReadToken BackToken Disambiguate ReadFile ReadDrive StrEq ReadNumber Switch Error RunEther PrintEther InitLog CloseLog BigDisplay SmallDisplay ReportDebugStats //TFU -- import InitDisk //GP SetupReadParam ReadParam //Template PutTemplate //OS MoveBlock; SetBlock DoubleAdd Wss; Wns Ws; Gets; Puts; Resets; keys; dsp StartIO DefaultArgs MyFrame; Usc; Allocate; SysErr OpenFile; TruncateDiskStream; Closes CreateDisplayStream; ShowDisplayStream //INTERRUPT FindInterruptMask InitializeInterrupt // incoming statics defaultDrive sysDisk str sw noConfirm sysZone // outgoing static lastToken ] static [ lastToken backUpToken EtherCount sysDsp; myDsp; log; lenBigDisplay; displayLineCount; save335 parsing = false ] // ReadToken() returns value // token values: // 1 = eof on command line // 2 = command terminator (|) // 3 = number // 4 = "Erase" // 5 = ... remaining commands -- see Disambiguate, below // 1000 = ambiguous command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let ReadToken() = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let backedUp = backUpToken lastToken = valof [ let a=backUpToken if a then [ unless a eq 1 then backUpToken=0 resultis a ] let ans=ReadParam($P,0,0,0,true) if ans eq -1 then [ backUpToken=1 resultis 1 ] resultis Disambiguate(str) ] unless backedUp do switchon lastToken into [ case 1: case 2: parsing = false; Ws("*n~~~~~~~~~~*n") endcase default: unless parsing do Ws("*n~~~~~~~~~~*n") parsing = false Ws(str) if sw!0 ne 0 then PutTemplate(dsp, "/$US", sw) Puts(dsp, $*s) parsing = true endcase ] resultis lastToken ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and BackToken() be backUpToken = lastToken //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Disambiguate(str) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given a string, disambiguate it from several commands, and return one. // returns 1000 if cannot make sense of it [ if str>>STRING.length eq 0 then resultis false let c=str>>STRING.char↑1 if c eq $| then resultis 2 //vertical bar -- like end of file if c ge $0 & c le $9 then resultis 3 //Number let len=str>>STRING.length let matchNo=nil let matchCnt=0 for i=4 to 100 do [ let s=selecton i into [ case 4: "Erase" case 5: "Copy" case 6: "Delete" case 7: "CreateFile" case 8: "Directory" case 9: "Addresses" case 10: "Certify" case 11: "Drive" case 12: "Exercise" case 13: "Convert" case 14: "BadSpots" case 15: "ResetBadSpots" case 16: "Rename" default: 1000 ] if s eq 1000 then break //Done if len gr s>>STRING.length then loop let match=true for j=1 to len do if ((str>>STRING.char↑j xor s>>STRING.char↑j)&(not #40)) ne 0 then match=false if match then [ matchCnt=matchCnt+1 matchNo=i ] ] if matchCnt eq 1 then resultis matchNo resultis 1000 ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ReadFile(nam) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read and parse a file name for the disk name first (s: t: tn:) and // return a pointer to the relevant "disk" object. // Also update the name to omit the disk tag. [ let a=ReadToken() if a le 2 then resultis 0 //End of command .... let colonfound=0 let len=str>>STRING.length for i=1 to len do if str>>STRING.char↑i eq $: then colonfound=i for i=colonfound+1 to len do nam>>STRING.char↑(i-colonfound)=str>>STRING.char↑i nam>>STRING.length=len-colonfound if colonfound le 1 then resultis InitDisk(defaultDrive) str>>STRING.length=colonfound-1 let drive = ReadDrive(str) resultis selecton drive into [ case -1: sysDisk case -2: Error("Illegal drive -- ", str) default: InitDisk(drive) ] ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ReadDrive(str) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interprets string of the form "TPn" or "DPn". // Returns drive number for TPn, -1 for DP0, and -2 for anything else. [ let number = 0 let lastNonDigit = 0 for i = 1 to str>>STRING.length do [ let char = str>>STRING.char↑i test char ge $0 & char le $7 ifso number = 8*number + (char-$0) ifnot [ lastNonDigit = i; number = 0 ] ] str>>STRING.length = lastNonDigit if StrEq(str, "TP") % StrEq(str, "T") then resultis number if (StrEq(str, "DP") % StrEq(str, "S")) & number eq 0 then resultis -1 resultis -2 ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and StrEq(a,b) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let len=a>>STRING.length if len ne b>>STRING.length then resultis false for i=1 to len do [ let c=a>>STRING.char↑i let d=b>>STRING.char↑i if c gr $a & c le $z then c=c-$a+$A if d gr $a & d le $z then d=d-$a+$A if c ne d then resultis false ] resultis true ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ReadNumber(str, radix; numargs na) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ DefaultArgs(lv na, -1, 10) let n=0 for i=1 to str>>STRING.length do [ let c=(str>>STRING.char↑i)-$0 if c ls 0 % c ge radix then break n=n*radix+c ] resultis n ] // Returns true if switch ch is in switch vector sw. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Switch(ch) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let swnum=sw!0 for i=1 to swnum do [ let c=sw!i if c ge $a & c le $z then c=c-$a+$A if c eq ch then resultis true ] resultis false ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Error(a,b; numargs n) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Ws("Error -- ") Ws(a) if n ne 1 then Ws(b) Ws("*n") finish ] //Stuff to run the EtherNet when disking. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and RunEther() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ static eBuf let EtherRead() be //Interrupt routine [ @#604=300 @#605=eBuf StartIO(2) //Restart input EtherCount=EtherCount+1 ] eBuf=@#335 @#335=eBuf+400 let mask=FindInterruptMask(1) InitializeInterrupt(eBuf+300, 100, mask, EtherRead) @#610=0 //Promiscuous reader @#601=mask //Interrupt mask ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PrintEther(s) be if @#601 ne 0 then //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if EtherCount gr 1 then [ PutTemplate(s, "[read $UD packets]", EtherCount-1) EtherCount=0 ] StartIO(3) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ReportDebugStats() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let p = @#645 let s = p!3 if p ne 0 then while s ne p!4 do [ if s!0 eq -1 break if s eq p!3 then [ BigDisplay(); Ws("*nTFS debug statistics:") ] PutTemplate(dsp, "*n status: $6UO, count: $6ED", s!0, s+1) s = s+3 ] SmallDisplay() ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and InitLog() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ lenBigDisplay = MyFrame()-@#335-5000 if Usc(lenBigDisplay, 10000) gr 0 then lenBigDisplay = 10000 sysDsp = dsp myDsp = dsp dsp = Allocate(sysZone, lST) SetBlock(dsp, SysErr, lST) dsp>>ST.puts = DisplayPuts dsp>>ST.reset = DisplayReset log = OpenFile("TFU.log", ksTypeWriteOnly, charItem) TruncateDiskStream(log) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and CloseLog() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ SmallDisplay() Closes(log) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and BigDisplay() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if myDsp eq sysDsp then [ myDsp = CreateDisplayStream(25, @#335, lenBigDisplay) save335 = @#335 @#335 = @#335 + lenBigDisplay ShowDisplayStream(myDsp) displayLineCount = 0 Wss(log, "*n*n") ] ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and SmallDisplay() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if myDsp ne sysDsp then [ unless noConfirm do [ Wss(myDsp, " (continue?...)"); Gets(keys) ] Closes(myDsp) @#335 = save335 myDsp = sysDsp Wss(log, "*n*n") ] ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DisplayPuts(nil, char) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if parsing then [ parsing = false; Ws("*n~~~~~~~~~~*n") ] if myDsp ne sysDsp & not noConfirm do if char eq $*n then [ displayLineCount = displayLineCount+1 if displayLineCount eq 25 then [ Wss(myDsp, " (continue?...)"); Gets(keys) displayLineCount = 0 ] ] Puts(myDsp, char) Puts(log, char) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DisplayReset(nil) be Resets(myDsp) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Ws(string) be Wss(dsp, string) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------