;<STROLLO>TOTELENET.BCPL;5 28-MAR-81 16:05:18 EDIT BY STROLLO // <STROLLO>TOTELENET.BCPL;4 30-SEP-77 06:21:26 EDIT BY STROLLO // TOTELENET.BCPL-- prog to send to //<x-telenet>[--telenet-mail--].xy@xnet get "sysdefs.d" get "altofilesys.d" get "streams.d" manifest [ maxnumsites = 20 // at most 20 sites - separated by , ctrlz = #32 // control Z ctrlv = #26 // control V cr = #15 // carriage return space = #40 wordmax = 72 lf = #12 // line feed ] external [ OpenFile;Closes;FilePos;dsp;Puts;AppendChar;keys;Wss sysZone;Allocate;Gets;FileLength;SetFilePos;Ws;Endofs CallSubsys;fpComCm ] static [ charcount = 0 lastcr = false ] structure [ SL byte; blank byte ] structure CH ↑ 0, maxStringIndex byte let main() be [ // open file let rawstream = OpenFile("totelenet.raw",ksTypeReadOnly,charItem) if rawstream eq 0 then [ Ws("No raw text file - fatal error - get Swinehart") return ] // scan off destination sites // position to first printing char past ":" let rawpos = nil let rawchar = nil [ rawchar = Gets(rawstream) ] repeatwhile rawchar ne $: [ rawchar = Gets(rawstream) ] repeatwhile rawchar eq space SetFilePos(rawstream,0,FilePos(rawstream)-1) // ready to get sites - 20 max, 1 min let sitechar1,sitechar2,numsites = nil,nil,0 let sitevec = vec maxnumsites let wordvec = vec wordmax // wordmax is max wordsize for i = 0 to maxnumsites-1 do [ sitechar1 = Gets(rawstream) //Puts(dsp,sitechar1) sitechar2 = Gets(rawstream) //Puts(dsp,sitechar2) sitevec!i = Allocate(sysZone,5) let sitestring = sitevec!i sitestring!0 = 0 AppendChar(sitechar1,sitestring) AppendChar(sitechar2,sitestring) numsites = i + 1 if Gets(rawstream) ne $, then break ] // say the sites Puts(dsp,$*n) for i = 0 to numsites-1 do [ let sitestr = sitevec!i Ws(sitestr) Puts(dsp,space) ] // we are now at the char after the CR terminating site line // create text file into which to put left alligned text let totelestream = OpenFile("totelenet.text",ksTypeWriteOnly,charItem) if totelestream eq 0 then [ Ws("Can't open file - get Swinehart") return ] // write text into file - skipping over trailer stuff charcount = 0 wordvec>>SL = 0 let skipchar = nil lastcr = false [ rawchar = Gets(rawstream) if rawchar eq cr then [ StringtoFile(wordvec,totelestream) PutCRLF(totelestream) lastcr = true // permit intentional spaces after cr loop ] test rawchar eq ctrlz ifso [ [ skipchar = Gets(rawstream) ] repeatwhile ((skipchar ne cr) & (not Endofs(rawstream))) SetFilePos(rawstream,0,FilePos(rawstream)-1) //to see CR again ] ifnot [ if rawchar ne space then lastcr = false // first non-space resets flag test BreakChar(rawchar) ifso [ StringtoFile(wordvec,totelestream) PutChkEOL(totelestream,rawchar) ] ifnot [ AppendChar(rawchar,wordvec) if wordvec>>SL ge wordmax then [ PutCRLF(totelestream) StringtoFile(wordvec,totelestream) PutCRLF(totelestream) ] ] ] ] repeatwhile not Endofs(rawstream) StringtoFile(wordvec,totelestream) // close files Closes(rawstream) Closes(totelestream) // create commands in temp command file let tmpstream = OpenFile("Com.cm", ksTypeWriteOnly, charItem, 0, fpComCm) if tmpstream eq 0 then [ Ws("Can't open Com.CM - get Swinehart") return ] Wss(tmpstream,"FTP.Run maxc2 ") for i = 0 to numsites-1 do [ Wss(tmpstream,"store/s ") Wss(tmpstream,"totelenet.text ") Wss(tmpstream,"<X-TELENET>[--TELENET-MAIL--].") Wss(tmpstream,sitevec!i) Puts(tmpstream,ctrlv) Puts(tmpstream,$@) Wss(tmpstream,"XNET") Puts(tmpstream,space) ] Puts(tmpstream,cr) // close files Closes(tmpstream) // call FTP let FTPstream = OpenFile("FTP.RUN",ksTypeReadOnly) if FTPstream eq 0 then [ Ws("Can't open FTP.RUN - get Swinehart") return ] CallSubsys(FTPstream) ] and PutCRLF(stream) be [ // output CRLF, initialize counts Puts(stream,cr) Puts(stream,lf) charcount=0 ] and PutChkEOL(stream,chr) be [ if charcount ge 72 then [ PutCRLF(stream) if ((chr eq space)& not lastcr) then return ] if ((charcount eq 0)&(chr eq space)&(not lastcr)) then return Puts(stream,chr) if ((chr ne $*177)&(chr ne lf)) then charcount = charcount + 1 if chr eq cr then charcount = 0 ] and StringtoFile(str,stream) be [ // test to see if it will fit on current line if (charcount + str>>SL) gr 72 then PutCRLF(stream) for i = 1 to str>>SL do Puts(stream,str>>CH↑i) charcount = charcount + str>>SL str>>SL = 0 ] and BreakChar(chr) = valof [ if chr le #43 then resultis true // all control,space,!,",# but not $ resultis selecton chr into [ case $%: true case $&: true case $': false case $**: true case $+: true case $,: false case $-: true case $.: false case $/: true case $=: true case $@: true case $\: true case $↑: true case $←: true case $*140: true // accent grave (won't print for some reason) case $|: true case $~: true case $*177: true default: false ] ]