; BcplTricks.asm
; Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
; Last modified March 1, 1980  5:19 PM by Boggs

callersFrame = 0
savedPC = 1
temp = 2
extraArguments = 3

getframe = 370
return = 366

.ent FrameSize, MyFrame
.ent CallersFrame, FramesCaller
.ent CallFrame, GotoFrame
.ent CoCall, CoReturn
.ent ReturnTo, ReturnFrom
.ent GotoLabel, RetryCall


FrameSize:	.FrameSize
MyFrame:	.MyFrame
CallersFrame:	.CallersFrame
FramesCaller:	.FramesCaller
CallFrame:	.CallFrame
GotoFrame:	.GotoFrame
CoCall:		.CoCall
CoReturn:	.CoReturn
ReturnTo:	.ReturnTo
ReturnFrom:	.ReturnFrom
GotoLabel:	.GotoLabel
RetryCall:	.RetryCall


; FrameSize(proc) returns the frame size required by proc.

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	mov 0 3
	lda 0 2,3
	jmp Done

; MyFrame() returns pointer to current fram.

	mov 2 0
	jmp 1,3

; CallersFrame([f]) returns pointer to frame that calls f.
; Default f=current frame

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	lda 1 0,3		;get number of arguments
	snz 1 1
	 mov 2 0		;use present frame
	mov 0 3
	lda 0 callersFrame,3
	jmp Done

; FramesCaller(foo) returns the address to which the caller of
; the frame foo sent control, provided that he made the call
; with a jsris or jsrii, and that there has been no monkey-business
; with the frame subsequently.
; If the call was not made with a jsris or jsrii it returns 0.
; If foo is omitted it defaults to the caller's frame.

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	lda 1 0,3
	snz 1 1			; default the argument?
	 mov 2 0
	mov 0 3			; 3 has frame in question
	lda 3 callersFrame,3	; get frame of caller
	sta 3 temp,2		; save the frame in temp

; compute the address of the jsrxx instruction, which is savedPC-1
	lda 3 savedPC,3
; find out what the opcode is
	lda 0 -1,3
	lda 1 cLmask
	and 1 0
	lda 1 opJsris
	se 0 1
	 jmp NotJsris
; calling instruction was jsris
	lda 0 -1,3
	lda 3 temp,2
	inc 3 3			; bump to make look like pc.
	jmp FcFinishUp

NotJsris: lda 1 opJsrii
	se 0 1
	 jmp NotJsrii
; calling instruction was jsrii
	lda 0 -1,3

	lda 1 cRmask
	and 1 0
; the next three instructions extend the sign of the address field, now in 0
	inczr 1 1
	andzl 0 1
	sub 1 0
; now add in the base (PC or frame) specified by the opcode
	add 0 3			; address of word +1
	lda 0, @-1,3		; go indirect through static locn
	jmp Done

NotJsrii:  mkzero 0 0	; return zero if can't recognize opcode
	jmp Done

cLmask:		177400
cRmask:		377
opJsris:	jsris 0
opJsrii:	jsrii .

; CallFrame(destframe[, arg 1[, arg 2]])
; Sends control to the specified frame and links it back to this one.

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	mov 0 3
	sta 2 callersFrame,3
Callf1:	mov 1 0
	lda 1 extraArguments,2
Callf2:	mov 3 2
	lda 3 savedPC,2
	jmp 1,3

; GotoFrame(destframe[, arg 1[, arg 2]])
; Just like CallFrame, but doesn't plant the return link.
; This is like Mesa's transfer.

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	mov 0 3
	jmp Callf1

; CoCall(a, b) = CallFrame(MyFrame()>>F.callersFrame, a, b)

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	lda 3 callersFrame,2
	sta 2 callersFrame,3
	jmp Callf2

; CoReturn(a, b)
; Just like CoCall, but doesn't plant the return link

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	lda 2 callersFrame,2
	jmp Done

; ReturnTo(label)
; Does a return to the specified label

	lda 2 callersFrame,2
	mov 0 3
	jmp 0,3

; GotoLabel(frame, label, v)
; Sends control to the specified label in the specified frame,
; and passes v in AC0

	mov 0 3
	lda 0 extraArguments,2
	mov 3 2
	mov 1 3
	jsr 0,3	;in case proc head, must find #args in @ac3

; RetryCall(p1, p2)
; Repeats the call which appears to have given control to the caller
; of RetryCall with p1 and p2 as the first two arguments, and the other
; arguments unchanged

	lda 2 callersFrame,2
	lda 3 savedPC,2
	jmp -1,3
; ReturnFrom(fnOrFrame, v)
; Looks for a frame f which is either equal to fnOrFrame,
; or has FramesCaller(f) equal to fnOrFrame.  It then cuts back
; the stack to f and simulates a return from f with v as the value.
; If it runs into trouble it returns 0

; local variables for this routine
fnOrFrame = 4
v = 5
nextFrame = 6
count = 7

	sta 3 savedPC,2
	jsr @getframe
	lda 0 cRmask
	sta 0 count,2
	mov 2 3

; the frame we just looked at is in 3
RfLoop:	lda 0 callersFrame,3

; if we've looked at too many frames, give up
	dsz count 2

; if the next frame is 0, give up
	snz 0 0
	 jmp RfFailed

; if the next frame is equal to the last one, give up
	sne 0 3
	 jmp RfFailed
	sta 0 nextFrame,2

; is the next frame equal to fnOrFrame?
	lda 1 fnOrFrame,2
	sne 0 1
	 jmp FoundFrame

; is its caller equal to fnOrFrame?
	jsr .FramesCaller
	lda 1 fnOrFrame,2
	sne 0 1
	 jmp FoundFrame

; it's not the one we want; charge on
	lda 3 nextFrame,2
	jmp RfLoop

FoundFrame: lda 0 v,2
	lda 2 nextFrame,2
	lda 2 callersFrame,2	;get his caller (return FROM him)
	jmp Done

RfFailed: mkzero 0 0
	jsr @return
