// Alloc.bcpl -- Boundary Tag Storage Allocator
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1981
// Last modified October 29, 1981  6:13 PM by Boggs
// Ed McCreight (and friends)
// Computer Sciences Laboratory
// Xerox PARC
// 3333 Coyote Hill Road,
// Palo Alto, Calif.  94304
//	415-494-4000

// Note: this module uses the builtin relational operators ugr, etc.
//  so it must be compiled with BCPL/O.

// zone = InitializeZone(start, length [,outOfSpaceRtn [,malFormedRtn]])
// AddToZone(zone, start, length)
// ptr = Allocate(zone, size [,returnOnNoSpace [,even]])
//    ... or ptr = (zn>>ZN.Allocate)(zn, size [,returnOnNoSpace [,even]])
// Free(zone, ptr)
//    ... or (zn>>ZN.Free)(zn, ptr)
// CheckZone(zone)

// WARNING: a zone must not be bigger than 32k-1 words

//Debugging facilities:
// The manifest constant DEBUG may be set to a variety of things which
// cause conditional compilation to include ever more stringent checking.
// There are two kinds of checking:
//	a. Individual checking of each request (Allocate & Free)
//	   Just checks the request itself.
//	b. Check entire data structure fairly stringently (slow).
//	   This procedure may be called from SWAT, and is called
//	   CheckZone.
// The setting of DEBUG governs which kinds of checking are done:
//	DEBUG = 0	No checking.
//	DEBUG = 1	Type (a) on each request.
//	DEBUG = 2	Type (a) on each request, but code for
//			CheckZone is compiled & can be called from Swat
//	DEBUG = 3	Type (a) and (b) on each request (VERY slow).

compileif newname DEBUG then [ manifest [ DEBUG = 2 ]]
// outgoing procedures
InitializeZone; AddToZone

// incoming procedures
SysErr; Umax; DefaultArgs
Allocate; Free

// error codes
ecOutOfSpace = 1801
ecZoneAdditionError = 1802
ecBlockNotAllocated = 1803
ecIllFormed = 1804
ecBadRequest = 1805

structure SB:  // storage block
length word	// + for free blocks, - for allocated ones
data word =	// allocated block: start of data space
   [		// free block only
   pSbNext word
   pSbPrevious word
lSbOverhead = offset SB.data/16
minLSbFree = size SB/16
offsetSbData = offset SB.data/16

structure ZN:  //Zone object
Allocate word
Free word
OutOfSpaceRtn word	// Non-zero to report insufficient space
MalFormedRtn word	// Non-zero to do consistency checks
anchor @SB
rover word 
minAdr word
maxAdr word
lZn = size ZN/16
lZnOverhead = lZn + lSbOverhead

// Actually a zone is a zone header, followed by a consecutive sequence of
// blocks followed by a dummy used block, which is a word containing -1.
// The sb in the header acts as an anchor for the free chain.
// Peculiar ordering of procedures is due to compiler restrictions
// on the use of "compileif" to conditionally compile entire procedures.

compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   let CheckFreeNode(zn, sb) be
      CheckBounds(zn, sb)
      CheckBounds(zn, sb>>SB.pSbNext)
      CheckBounds(zn, sb>>SB.pSbPrevious)
      if (sb ne lv zn>>ZN.anchor & sb>>SB.length ls minLSbFree) %
         sb>>SB.pSbNext>>SB.pSbPrevious ne sb then AllocBomb(zn)
   and CheckBounds(zn, sb) be
      if sb ne lv zn>>ZN.anchor &
       (sb+sb>>SB.length ugr zn>>ZN.maxAdr % sb uls zn>>ZN.minAdr) then
   and AllocBomb(zn, ec; numargs na) be 
      let MalFormedRtn = zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn ? zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn, SysErr
      MalFormedRtn(zn, (na gr 1? ec, ecIllFormed))
   ] // end compileif DEBUG gr 0

compileif DEBUG gr 1 then
   let CheckZone(zn) be
      if (rv zn>>ZN.maxAdr) ne -1 then AllocBomb(zn)
      //Go through core by believing boundary tags, counting free blocks
      let freeCount = 0
      let sb = zn>>ZN.minAdr  //First block
      while sb uls zn>>ZN.maxAdr do
         let addit = sb>>SB.length
         test addit ge 0
               [  //Free node
               CheckFreeNode(zn, sb)
               freeCount = freeCount+1
            ifnot addit = -addit  //Allocated one
         if sb+addit ule sb then AllocBomb(zn)
         sb = sb+addit
      if sb ne zn>>ZN.maxAdr then AllocBomb(zn)
      //Go through free list, checking, decrementing free count
      let cnt = -22000		// 64000/minLSbFree iterations
      let sbAnchor = lv zn>>ZN.anchor
      sb = sbAnchor>>SB.pSbNext
      while sb ne sbAnchor do
         CheckFreeNode(zn, sb)
         freeCount = freeCount -1
         cnt = cnt-1; if cnt eq 0 then AllocBomb(zn)
         sb = sb>>SB.pSbNext
      if freeCount ne 0 then AllocBomb(zn)
   ] // end compileif DEBUG gr 1
let InitializeZone(zn, length, OutOfSpaceRtn, MalFormedRtn;
     numargs na) = valof
compileif (offset ZN.Allocate) ne 0 % (offset ZN.Free) ne 16 then [ foo = 0 ]
DefaultArgs(lv na, 2, SysErr, SysErr)  // default only missing args, not zero

zn>>ZN.Allocate = rAllocate
zn>>ZN.Free = rFree
zn>>ZN.OutOfSpaceRtn = OutOfSpaceRtn

let sbAnchor = lv zn>>ZN.anchor
sbAnchor>>SB.length = 0
sbAnchor>>SB.pSbNext = sbAnchor
sbAnchor>>SB.pSbPrevious = sbAnchor

let firstFree = zn + lZn
zn>>ZN.rover = firstFree

compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn = MalFormedRtn
   zn>>ZN.minAdr = firstFree
   zn>>ZN.maxAdr = firstFree

AddToZone(zn, firstFree, length-lZn)
resultis zn

and AddToZone(zn, sb, length) be
let lSbFree = length-lSbOverhead	//Account for -1 at end
compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   if lSbFree ls minLSbFree % length ugr #77776 then
      AllocBomb(zn, ecZoneAdditionError)

sb!lSbFree = -1

compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   let sbLast = sb+lSbFree
   let min = zn>>ZN.minAdr
   test sb uls min
         if sbLast uge min then AllocBomb(zn, ecZoneAdditionError)
         sb!lSbFree = sbLast-min //New boundary tag
         zn>>ZN.minAdr = sb
         let max = zn>>ZN.maxAdr
         if sb uls max then AllocBomb(zn, ecZoneAdditionError)
         @max = max-sb  //Clobbers sb>>SB.length first time
         zn>>ZN.maxAdr = sbLast

sb>>SB.length = -lSbFree
Free(zn, sb+offsetSbData)
and rAllocate(zn, lSbData, returnOnNoSpace, even; numargs na) = valof
if na ls 3 then returnOnNoSpace = false
if na ls 4 then even = false

if even then lSbData = lSbData +1	//Get one more
let largest = 0				//Keep track of free blocks
let lSb = Umax(lSbData + lSbOverhead, minLSbFree)

compileif DEBUG eq 3 then [ if zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn then CheckZone(zn) ]

let sbRover = zn>>ZN.rover
let sbOriginalRover = sbRover
   [ // repeat
   compileif DEBUG eq 1 % DEBUG eq 2 then
      [ if zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn then CheckFreeNode(zn, sbRover) ]
   let sbNext = nil
      [  // loop while next neighbor is free, coalescing him with rover
      sbNext = sbRover + sbRover>>SB.length
      if sbNext>>SB.length le 0 break
      compileif DEBUG eq 1 % DEBUG eq 2 then
         [ if zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn then CheckBounds(zn, sbRover) ]
      if sbNext eq sbOriginalRover then sbOriginalRover = sbNext>>SB.pSbNext
      // remove sbNext from his chains and add him to us
      sbNext>>SB.pSbNext>>SB.pSbPrevious = sbNext>>SB.pSbPrevious
      sbNext>>SB.pSbPrevious>>SB.pSbNext = sbNext>>SB.pSbNext
      sbRover>>SB.length = sbRover>>SB.length + sbNext>>SB.length
      ] repeat

   let sb = sbNext - lSb
   let extra = sb - sbRover
   let siz = sbNext - sbRover
   largest = Umax(siz, largest)
   // loop if block not big enough, or if request too large to be legal
   // (large size may be calling us just to compute largest block)
   if extra ls 0 % lSb ls 0 then
      [ sbRover = sbRover>>SB.pSbNext; loop ]

   test extra ge minLSbFree
         [  // split block
         sbRover>>SB.length = extra
         zn>>ZN.rover = sbRover
         // set the length and mark the new block used
         sb>>SB.length = -lSb
         [  // remove rover from his chains
         sbRover>>SB.pSbNext>>SB.pSbPrevious = sbRover>>SB.pSbPrevious
         sbRover>>SB.pSbPrevious>>SB.pSbNext = sbRover>>SB.pSbNext
         zn>>ZN.rover = sbRover>>SB.pSbNext
         // and mark the new block used
         sb = sbRover
         sb>>SB.length = -sb>>SB.length
   let ans = sb + offsetSbData
   if even then [ ans!0 = 0; ans = (ans+1)&(-2) ]
   resultis ans
   ] repeatwhile sbRover ne sbOriginalRover

zn>>ZN.rover = sbRover
if (returnOnNoSpace ne 0) % (zn>>ZN.OutOfSpaceRtn eq 0) then
   if returnOnNoSpace+1 ugr 1 then @returnOnNoSpace = largest-lSbOverhead
   resultis 0
resultis zn>>ZN.OutOfSpaceRtn(zn, ecOutOfSpace, lSbData)
and rFree(zn, sb) = valof
// This can be called with the result of a call to Allocate rounded up by
// anything from 0 to 1 (if even)
if sb!-1 eq 0 then sb = sb -1	//Was even allocation
sb = sb - offsetSbData  //-> boundary tag
compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   [ if sb>>SB.length ge 0 then AllocBomb(zn, ecBlockNotAllocated) ]
let sbAnchor = lv zn>>ZN.anchor

compileif DEBUG eq 3 then [ if zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn then CheckZone(zn) ]

// mark the block free
sb>>SB.length = -sb>>SB.length

compileif DEBUG gr 0 then
   if zn>>ZN.MalFormedRtn then
      CheckBounds(zn, sb)
      CheckFreeNode(zn, sbAnchor)
//insert between anchor and anchor.next
let sbT = sbAnchor>>SB.pSbNext
sb>>SB.pSbPrevious = sbAnchor; sb>>SB.pSbNext = sbT
sbAnchor>>SB.pSbNext = sb; sbT>>SB.pSbPrevious = sb
resultis 0