// OeditCom.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979,1980 get "streams.d" get "oedit.d" external [ //import from the OS Gets; Puts; dsp; keys; Wss Resets; Closes; Endofs DoubleAdd; Usc; Ws //import from Template PutTemplate //import from UtilDP AssignDP NegateDP DoubleLShift DoubleUsc zeroDP oneDP minusOneDP //import from OEdit Display; DisplayValue WriteFile PositionFile GetKeys PutbackKeys AsciiToEbcdic; EbcdicToAscii modes; files; addr; data; lastVal writeFlag; dataFlag; outstream; standard ] external [ //export to OEdit ReadAndDoCommand ] let ReadAndDoCommand(fullPageOnDisplay) = valof [ let numToShow = nil AssignDP(data, zeroDP) dataFlag = false Wss(outstream, "#") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??") Display(standard) resultis false ] let c=GetKeys() switchon c into [ //First, the control characters for display case #17: //control-O, diplay in octal case #10: //control-H, diplay in halfOctal case #30: //control-X, diplay in halfHex case #1: case #3: case #23: //control-(A or C or S), diplay in halfAscii case #5: //control-E, diplay in halfEbcdic case #4: //control-D, diplay in decimal case #16: //control-N, diplay in halfDecimal if dataFlag then AssignDP(addr, data) Puts(outstream, $^) Puts(outstream, c+#100) Display(modes ! c) resultis false //Now, for the store and then display standard mode case #26: case $V: case $v: case $=: //display value Puts(outstream, $=) DisplayValue() Display(standard) resultis false case #12: if dataFlag then WriteFile() DoubleAdd(addr, oneDP) Display(standard) resultis false case $>: if dataFlag then WriteFile() Resets(outstream) Display(standard) for i=1 to #40 do [ DoubleAdd(addr, oneDP) Display(standard) ] resultis true case $^: case #27: Puts(outstream, $^) if dataFlag then WriteFile() DoubleAdd(addr, minusOneDP) Display(standard) resultis false case $<: if dataFlag then WriteFile() if fullPageOnDisplay then for i=1 to #40 do DoubleAdd(addr, minusOneDP) for i=1 to #40 do DoubleAdd(addr, minusOneDP) Resets(outstream) Display(standard) for i=1 to #40 do [ DoubleAdd(addr, oneDP) Display(standard) ] resultis true //And the cr, tab, slash, and bang commands case $*N: if dataFlag then WriteFile() Display(standard) resultis false case #11: Wss(outstream, "^I") if dataFlag then WriteFile() addr!0=0; addr!1=lastVal Display(standard) resultis false case $/: Wss(outstream, "/") if dataFlag then AssignDP(addr, data) Display(standard) resultis false case $!: Wss(outstream, "!") if dataFlag then AssignDP(addr, data) Resets(outstream) Display(standard) for i=1 to #40 do [ DoubleAdd(addr, oneDP) Display(standard) ] resultis true //finally, the funny guys all by themselves case $F: case $f: case #6: Puts(outstream, $F) test dataFlag ifso [ Wss(outstream, "*NSearching [hit any key to interrupt]...") FindAddr() Display(standard) resultis false ] ifnot [ DoWizardCommand() resultis false ] case $Q: case $q: case #21: Wss(outstream,"*NQuit [confirm with CR]") if GetKeys() eq $*N then [ Closes(outstream) if writeFlag do Closes(files!1) finish ] Wss(outstream, "*NCancelling the Quit!") Display(standard) resultis false default: PutTemplate(outstream,"$C ??",c) Display(standard) resultis false ] ] and GetData() = valof [ let c=GetKeys() let d = nil switchon c into [ case $0 to $7: case $-: PutbackKeys(c) if GetDatum(octal) eq errRet then resultis errRet dataFlag = true loop case $H: case $A: case $S: case $C: case $X: case $O: case $E: case $D: case $N: Puts(outstream, c) d=GetKeys() if d ne $: then [ Puts(outstream, d) resultis errRet ] Puts(outstream, $:) if GetDatum(modes!(c-#100)) eq errRet then resultis errRet dataFlag = true loop case $h: case $a: case $s: case $c: case $x: case $o: case $e: case $d: case $n: Puts(outstream, c) d=GetKeys() if d ne $: then [ Puts(outstream, d) resultis errRet ] Puts(outstream, $:) if GetDatum(modes!(c-#140)) eq errRet then resultis errRet dataFlag = true loop case $W: case $w: Puts(outstream, c) d=GetKeys() if d ne $: then [ Puts(outstream, d) resultis errRet ] Puts(outstream, $:) if GetDatum(oneWordOctal) eq errRet then resultis errRet dataFlag = true loop case $*S: Puts(outstream, c) loop default: PutbackKeys(c) resultis okRet ] ] repeat and GetDatum(mode) = valof [ let res= vec 1 AssignDP(res, zeroDP) switchon mode into [ case octal: GetOctal(res, true) AssignDP(data, res) resultis okRet case oneWordOctal: GetOctal(res, true) data!0=data!1; data!1=res!1 resultis okRet case halfOctal: DoubleLShift(data, data, 8) GetOctal(res, true) data!1<>DP.High=0; temp>>DP.Low=c-$0 DoubleAdd(res,temp) Puts(outstream, c) GetOctal(res, false) ] and GetHexadecimal(res, firstTime) be [ let c=GetKeys() if c eq $- & firstTime then [ Puts(outstream, c) GetHexadecimal(res, false) NegateDP(res, res) return ] switchon c into [ case $0 to $9: case $A to $F: case $a to $f: endcase default: PutbackKeys(c) return ] DoubleLShift(res, res, 4) let temp=vec 1 temp>>DP.High=0 temp>>DP.Low=selecton c into [ case $0 to $9: c-$0 case $A to $F: c-$A+10 case $a to $f: c-$a+10 ] DoubleAdd(res,temp) Puts(outstream, c) GetHexadecimal(res, false) ] and GetDecimal(res, firstTime) be [ let c=GetKeys() if c eq $- & firstTime then [ Puts(outstream, c) GetDecimal(res, false) NegateDP(res, res) return ] if c gr $9 % c ls $0 then [ PutbackKeys(c) return ] let temp=vec 1 AssignDP(temp, zeroDP) for i=1 to 10 do DoubleAdd(temp, res) AssignDP(res,temp) temp>>DP.High=0; temp>>DP.Low=c-$0 DoubleAdd(res,temp) Puts(outstream, c) GetDecimal(res, false) ] and FindAddr() be [ DoubleAdd(addr, oneDP) PositionFile(1, addr) let v, s = data>>DP.Low, files!1 while Endofs(keys) & not Endofs(s) do [ let fV = Gets(s) if fV eq v then return DoubleAdd(addr,oneDP) ] unless Endofs(keys) do [ Wss(outstream, "*NSearching interrupted!") Gets(keys) //To flush the "any char" ] ] and DoWizardCommand() be [ let startAddr = vec 1 let endAddr = vec 1 let diffAddr = vec 1 let mask = vec 1 let wizardData = vec 1 let replaceFlag = nil Wss(outstream, "*NFor address _ ") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] test dataFlag ifso AssignDP(startAddr, data) ifnot AssignDP(startAddr, addr) PutTemplate(outstream, " = $UEO", startAddr) AssignDP(data, zeroDP); dataFlag=false let c=GetKeys() if c ne #33 & c ne $$ & c ne $*C then [ Puts(outstream, c) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] Wss(outstream, "*N to ") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] test dataFlag ifso AssignDP(endAddr, data) ifnot AssignDP(endAddr, minusOneDP) PutTemplate(outstream, " = $UEO", endAddr) AssignDP(data, zeroDP); dataFlag=false c=GetKeys() if c ne #33 & c ne $$ & c ne $*C then [ Puts(outstream, c) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] Wss(outstream, "*N by ") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] test dataFlag ifso AssignDP(diffAddr, data) ifnot AssignDP(diffAddr, oneDP) PutTemplate(outstream, " = $UEO", diffAddr) AssignDP(data, zeroDP); dataFlag=false c=GetKeys() if c ne #33 & c ne $$ & c ne $*C then [ Puts(outstream, c) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] if diffAddr!0 ls 0 then [ Wss(outstream, "*NOnly forward-going loops allowed!*N") return ] Wss(outstream, "*N with mask ") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] test dataFlag ifso AssignDP(mask, data) ifnot AssignDP(mask, minusOneDP) mask=mask!1 PutTemplate(outstream, " = $UO", mask) AssignDP(data, zeroDP); dataFlag=false c=GetKeys() if c ne #33 & c ne $$ & c ne $*C then [ Puts(outstream, c) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] Wss(outstream, "*N S[earch for] or R[eplace by]:") c=GetKeys() switchon c into [ case $S: case $s: replaceFlag = false endcase case $R: case $r: replaceFlag = true endcase default: Puts(outstream, GetKeys()) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] Puts(outstream, c) Wss(outstream, "*N the data word ") if GetData() eq errRet then [ Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] test dataFlag ifso AssignDP(wizardData, data) ifnot AssignDP(wizardData, zeroDP) wizardData = wizardData!1 PutTemplate(outstream, " = $UO", wizardData) AssignDP(data, zeroDP); dataFlag=false c=GetKeys() if c ne #33 & c ne $$ & c ne $*C then [ Puts(outstream, GetKeys()) Wss(outstream, " ??*NTerminating F command!*N") return ] Wss(outstream, "*N Performing the command [hit any key to interrupt]") AssignDP(addr, startAddr) trynext: if PositionFile(1, addr) eq 0 then [ Wss(outstream, "*N Overflow, terminating F command!*N") return ] let fileData = Gets(files!1) test replaceFlag ifso [ data!1 = (fileData & (not mask)) % (wizardData & mask) PositionFile(1, addr) WriteFile() ] ifnot if (fileData&mask) eq (wizardData&mask) then [ Wss(outstream, "*N Found!") Display(standard) return ] DoubleAdd(addr, diffAddr) if DoubleUsc(addr, endAddr) eq 1 then test replaceFlag ifso [ Wss(outstream, "*N Done.*N") return ] ifnot [ Wss(outstream, "*N Not found.*N") return ] if not Endofs(keys) then [ GetKeys() Wss(outstream, "*NCommand interrupted from keyboard!*N") return ] goto trynext ]