// FtpPListProt.bcpl - Property list protocol routines for FTP // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 // Last modified May 13, 1982 1:16 PM by Boggs get "Pup.decl" get "FtpProt.decl" external [ // outgoing procedures InitPList; FreePList; ScanPList; GeneratePList // incoming procedures GenProp; ScanProp; FreeProp; InitProp; FTPM Puts; PutTemplate; Gets; Wss; Zero; Allocate; Free EnumerateKeywordTable; LookupKeyword // incoming statics CtxRunning; pListKT; sysZone ] manifest [ maxPropItemChars = 127 maxPropItemWords = maxPropItemChars rshift 1 +1 ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- let InitPList(defPList; numargs na) = valof //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a pl, initialized to be a copy of defPList, if supplied. [ let pl = Allocate(sysZone, lenPL); Zero(pl, lenPL) if na gr 0 & defPList ne 0 then [ let v = vec 1; v!0 = pl; v!1 = defPList EnumerateKeywordTable(pListKT, InitProp, v) ] resultis pl ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and FreePList(pl) = valof //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destroys a property list. Returns zero. [ if pl ne 0 then [ EnumerateKeywordTable(pListKT, FreeProp, pl) Free(sysZone, pl) ] resultis 0 ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and GeneratePList(pl) be //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Translates pl to network format and sends it. [ Puts(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dbls, $() //PList open parenthesis EnumerateKeywordTable(pListKT, GenProp, pl) Puts(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dbls, $)) //PList close parenthesis ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ScanPList(lvEc; numargs na) = valof //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expects to find a plist as the next thing in FtpCtx.bspStream. // Scans the property list into pl, returning true if all goes well. // Returns false if the list had bad syntax, having already // generated "[No]string", but -> NO <- trailing [EOC] [ if na eq 0 then lvEc = lv na; @lvEc = 0 let char = IgnoreBlanks(true) if char eq -1 resultis false //stream failed or mark if char ne $( then [ FTPM(markNo, 10b, "Malformed property list: ( expected") @lvEc = true resultis false ] let pl = InitPList() let name = Allocate(sysZone, maxPropItemWords) let value = Allocate(sysZone, maxPropItemWords) let ok = valof [ switchon IgnoreBlanks(true) into [ case $): resultis true case $(: break default: FTPM(markNo, 10b, "Malformed property list: ) expected") //fall case -1: resultis false ] repeat unless GetPListItem(name, $*S) resultis false unless GetPListItem(value, $)) resultis false let prop = LookupKeyword(pListKT, name) if prop eq 0 then [ FTPM(markComment, 0, " Unrecognized property: $S", false, name) loop ] let v = vec 1; v!0 = pl; v!1 = value test ScanProp(prop, nil, name, v) ifso loop //on to next property ifnot resultis false //ScanProp calls FTPM on error ] repeat Free(sysZone, name) Free(sysZone, value) test ok ifso resultis pl ifnot [ @lvEc = true; resultis FreePList(pl) ] ] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and IgnoreBlanks(echo) = valof //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ignores leading spaces, returning the first non-space character read [ let char = Gets(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspStream) if echo then Puts(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dls, char) if char eq $*S loop resultis char ] repeat //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- and GetPListItem(lvDest, termChar) = valof //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads FtpCtx.bspStream assembling a string at lvDest. // Unquotes characters. Returns true if all is well. // Terminates when it reads termChar. [ lvDest>>String.length = 0 let quotePending = false let char = IgnoreBlanks(false) [ if char eq -1 then [ Wss(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dls, "Unexpected Mark or End of BSP stream") resultis false ] Puts(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dls, char) if char eq termChar & not quotePending resultis true if char ne QuoteChar % quotePending then [ if lvDest>>String.length eq maxPropItemChars then [ FTPM(markNo, 10b, "Property item exceeds $UD chars", false, maxPropItemChars) resultis false ] lvDest>>String.length = lvDest>>String.length + 1 lvDest>>String.char^(lvDest>>String.length) = char ] quotePending = char eq QuoteChar & not quotePending char = Gets(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspStream) ] repeat ]