// FtpKbd1.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 // Last modifed July 21, 1982 6:23 PM by Boggs get "PupParams.decl" get "FtpProt.decl" get "AltoFileSys.d" get "CmdScan.decl" external [ // outgoing procedures KbdStore; KbdRetrieve; KbdDump; KbdLoad // incoming procedures from FtpUserProtFile UserStore; UserRetrieve // incoming procedures from FtpUtil DiskToNet; NetToDisk; DumpToNet; LoadFromNet FTPM; FillPLFromLD // incoming procedures from FtpMiscB ProcessNoCode; CloseLocalFile; MakeNAMB // incoming procedures from CmdScan package GetString; GetFile; GetPhrase; ErasePhrase; InitCmd; BackupPhrase EnableCatch; EndCatch; TerminatingChar; CmdError; DefaultPhrase // incoming procedures form FtpPlist FreePList; InitPList // miscellaneous PutTemplate; Wss; ExtractSubstring OpenFile; DeleteFile; Closes; Puts; Resets; Errors ReadLeaderPage; WriteLeaderPage Zero; MoveBlock; Allocate; Free; FreePointer; CallSwat TruePredicate; FalsePredicate // incoming statics sysZone; ftpDisk; defaultPL; CtxRunning kbdCS; userDsp; userKeys ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let KbdStore() be //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Wss(kbdCS, "local file ") if EnableCatch(kbdCS) then [ CloseLocalFile(); EndCatch(kbdCS) ] CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream = GetFile(kbdCS, ksTypeReadOnly, charItem, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ftpDisk) Wss(kbdCS, " as remote file ") Resets(kbdCS) let localName = GetString(kbdCS) let remoteName = MakeNAMB(localName) DefaultPhrase(kbdCS, remoteName) FreePointer(lv localName, lv remoteName) let localPL = 0 if EnableCatch(kbdCS) then [ FreePList(localPL); EndCatch(kbdCS) ] localPL = FillPLFromLD() localPL>>PL.SFIL = GetString(kbdCS) localPL>>PL.DPRP.SFIL = true [ let mark = UserStore(localPL, KbdStoreFile) if mark<>PL.SFIL) resultis DiskToNet(remotePL, localPL) ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdRetrieve() be //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Wss(kbdCS, "remote file ") let localPL = 0 if EnableCatch(kbdCS) then [ FreePList(localPL); EndCatch(kbdCS) ] localPL = InitPList(defaultPL) localPL>>PL.SFIL = GetString(kbdCS) localPL>>PL.DPRP.SFIL = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.NAMB = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.TYPE = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.BYTE = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.CDAT = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.SIZE = true [ let mark = UserRetrieve(localPL, KbdRetrieveWantFile, KbdRetrieveCleanup) if mark<>PL.NAMB eq 0 resultis false if remotePL>>PL.SFIL eq 0 then remotePL>>PL.SFIL = ExtractSubstring(remotePL>>PL.NAMB) test KbdOpenLocalFile(remotePL) ifnot [ Wss(userDsp, " - Not retrieved"); resultis false ] ifso [ Puts(userDsp, $*N); resultis NetToDisk ] ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdRetrieveCleanup(remotePL, ok) be //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ CloseLocalFile() unless ok do DeleteFile(remotePL>>PL.NAMB, 0, 0, 0, 0, ftpDisk) ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdDump() be //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Wss(kbdCS, "to remote file ") let localPL = 0 if EnableCatch(kbdCS) then [ FreePList(localPL); EndCatch(kbdCS) ] localPL = InitPList(defaultPL) localPL>>PL.TYPE = Binary localPL>>PL.BYTE = 8 localPL>>PL.SFIL = GetString(kbdCS) localPL>>PL.DPRP.SFIL = true [ let mark = UserStore(localPL, KbdDumpFile) if mark<>PL.SFIL) let length = GetPhrase(cs, 0, 0, 0, Wss, " to end dump, or type another filename") test length eq 0 ifnot [ Resets(cs) CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream = GetFile(cs, ksTypeReadOnly, charItem, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ftpDisk) Resets(cs) FreePointer(lv localPL>>PL.NAMB) localPL>>PL.NAMB = GetString(cs) let ld = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.buffer ReadLeaderPage(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream, ld) MoveBlock(lv localPL>>PL.CDAT, lv ld>>LD.created, 2) let itWentOK = DumpToNet(remotePL, localPL) CloseLocalFile() unless itWentOK do [ Closes(cs); resultis false ] ] ifso [ DumpToNet(0); Closes(cs); resultis true ] Closes(cs) ] repeat ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdLoad() be //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Wss(kbdCS, "from remote file ") let localPL = 0 if EnableCatch(kbdCS) then [ FreePList(localPL); EndCatch(kbdCS) ] localPL = InitPList(defaultPL) localPL>>PL.TYPE = Binary localPL>>PL.BYTE = 8 localPL>>PL.SFIL = GetString(kbdCS) localPL>>PL.DPRP.SFIL = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.NAMB = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.TYPE = true localPL>>PL.DPRP.BYTE = true [ let mark = UserRetrieve(localPL, KbdLoadWantFile) if mark<>PL.TYPE eq Binary & remotePL>>PL.BYTE eq 8 do [ PutTemplate(userDsp, "*N$S skipped - not in dump format", remotePL>>PL.SFIL) resultis false ] resultis KbdLoadFile ] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdLoadFile(remotePL, localPL) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let more = LoadFromNet(remotePL, localPL) CloseLocalFile() unless more resultis true FreePointer(lv remotePL>>PL.SFIL) remotePL>>PL.SFIL = ExtractSubstring(remotePL>>PL.NAMB) KbdOpenLocalFile(remotePL) ] repeat //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and KbdOpenLocalFile(pl) = valof //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints "pl>>PL.SFIL to local file pl>>PL.NAMB", // and allows the user to edit NAMB. // Returns false if the user hit delete. // Returns true with CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream open for writing. [ let cs = InitCmd(256, 5, 0, 0, 0, userKeys, userDsp) if cs eq 0 resultis false //user typed delete PutTemplate(cs, "*N$S to local file ", pl>>PL.SFIL) DefaultPhrase(cs, pl>>PL.NAMB, $*S) let string = 0 if EnableCatch(cs) then [ FreePointer(lv string); CloseLocalFile(); EndCatch(cs) ] string = GetString(cs) let hintFP = vec lFP; Zero(hintFP, lFP) CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream = OpenFile(string, ksTypeReadOnly, charItem, verLatest, hintFP, 0, 0, 0, ftpDisk) Wss(cs,(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream eq 0? " [New file]", " [Old file]")) CloseLocalFile() GetPhrase(cs, TruePredicate, TruePredicate, FalsePredicate, Wss, " to confirm or type another filename") if TerminatingChar(cs) ne $*N then ErasePhrase(cs, 1, 0, TerminatingChar(cs)) CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream = OpenFile(string, ksTypeWriteOnly, charItem, 0, hintFP, 0, 0, 0, ftpDisk) FreePointer(lv pl>>PL.NAMB); pl>>PL.NAMB = string if CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream eq 0 then //open failed [ CmdError(cs, " Open Failed"); Errors(cs, ecBackupReplace) ] if pl>>PL.CDAT.h ne 0 then [ let ld = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.buffer ReadLeaderPage(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream, ld) MoveBlock(lv ld>>LD.created, lv pl>>PL.CDAT, 2) WriteLeaderPage(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.diskStream, ld) ] Closes(cs) resultis true ]