// A L T O E X E C U T I V E // Dump/Load module - DumpLoad.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979 // This module implements the DUMP, COPY, and LOAD functions // of the Executive. // E. McCreight // last edited by R. Johnsson May 23, 1980 10:04 AM get "sysdefs.d" get "altofilesys.d" get "streams.d" get "COMSTRUCT.bcpl" external [ Dump Load Copy ] static [ BreakBetweenPages ] structure BYTES: [ char^1,1 byte ] manifest [ NameBlock = #377 DataBlock = #376 EndBlock = #374 ErrorBlock = #375 DateBlock = #373 ] let Dump(ISTREAM, DSTREAM) be [ DumpCopy(ISTREAM, DSTREAM, true) ] and Copy(IStream, DStream) be [ DumpCopy(IStream, DStream, false) ] and DumpCopy(ISTREAM, DSTREAM, ReallyDump) be [ static [ IsReallyDump DIFile DOFile DIBlock DIBlockSize DOBlock DOBlockSize DOStream ] let DOPutOverflow(S, item) = valof [ WriteBlock(DOFile, DOBlock, DOBlockSize) SetupFstream(S, DOBlock, 0, 2*DOBlockSize) resultis RetryCall(S, item) ] let PutBytes(NBytes, Block) be [ for i=1 to NBytes do Puts(DOStream, Block>>BYTES.char^i) ] let PutDataBlock(NBytes, Block) be [ Puts(DOStream, DataBlock) PutBytes(2, lv NBytes) let Checksum = NBytes for i=0 to (NBytes/2)-1 do Checksum = Checksum+(Block!i) PutBytes(2, lv Checksum) PutBytes(NBytes, Block) ] let FN = vec 200 let Sw = vec 100 let IFN = vec 200 let T = nil IsReallyDump = ReallyDump SetupReadParam(FN, Sw, ISTREAM, Sw) let Clobber = AmongSwitches(Sw, $C) BreakBetweenPages = AmongSwitches(Sw, $P) if ReadParam($P, -1, FN) eq -1 then [ WRITE(FORMATN("No ee file!*N", (IsReallyDump? "dump", "copy"))) return ] let IFNFull = false unless IsReallyDump do if (ReadParam($P, -1, IFN) eq -1) % (IFN!0 ne "_"!0) then [ WRITE(FORMATN( "*"_*" missing; OK to write into ? ", FN)) switchon Gets(keys) into [ case $Y: case $y: case $*N: case $*L: case $*S: WRITE("Yes*N") IFNFull = true endcase default: WRITE("No*N") return ] ] DOFile = MyOpenFile(FN, (Clobber? ksTypeReadWrite, ksTypeWriteOnly), charItem) INITDIRBLK(MADEBLK) // So no more allocations // will happen due to directory // block construction DOStream = Allocate(CZ, lFS) InitializeFstream(DOStream, charItem, DOPutOverflow, 0) let TotalBlockSize = BiggestFreeBlock() DIBlockSize = ((TotalBlockSize/256)*128)+1 if DIBlockSize ls 129 then DIBlockSize = 129 DIBlock = Allocate(CZ, DIBlockSize) DOBlockSize = BiggestFreeBlock() if DOBlockSize ls 100 then DOBlockSize = 100 DOBlock = Allocate(CZ, DOBlockSize) SetupFstream(DOStream, DOBlock, 0, 2*DOBlockSize) let fileCount = 0 let oldCreationDate = vec lTIME-1 while IFNFull % (ReadParam($P, -1, IFN) ne -1) do [ MAKETIMELINE() let DIFile = MyOpenFile(IFN, ksTypeReadOnly, charItem) IFNFull = false test DIFile eq 0 ifso [ if WRITE(FORMATN( "File doesn't exist.*N", IFN), BreakBetweenPages) ne 0 then break loop ] ifnot if WRITE(FORMATN("...*N", IFN), BreakBetweenPages) ne 0 then break fileCount = fileCount + 1 // remember creation date of first file on copy unless IsReallyDump % fileCount ne 1 do GetCreationDate(DIFile, oldCreationDate) if IsReallyDump then [ Puts(DOStream, NameBlock) for i=1 to 2 do Puts(DOStream, 0) // File attributes for i=1 to IFN>>STRING.length do Puts(DOStream, IFN>>STRING.char^i) // File name Puts(DOStream, 0) // terminating null let date = vec 2 GetCreationDate(DIFile, date) date!2 = 0 Puts(DOStream, DateBlock) for i = 1 to 6 do Puts(DOStream, date>>BYTES.char^i) ] let CurDIBlock = DIBlock let BytesInCurDIBlock = 0 until Endofs(DIFile) do [ CurDIBlock = DIBlock let WordsInDIBlock = BytesInCurDIBlock/2 BytesInCurDIBlock = 2*ReadBlock(DIFile, DIBlock+WordsInDIBlock, DIBlockSize-WordsInDIBlock)+ BytesInCurDIBlock if Endofs(DIFile) then if (FileLength(DIFile) & 1) ne 0 then BytesInCurDIBlock = BytesInCurDIBlock-1 test IsReallyDump ifso [ while BytesInCurDIBlock ge 258 do [ PutDataBlock(256, CurDIBlock) CurDIBlock = CurDIBlock+128 BytesInCurDIBlock = BytesInCurDIBlock-256 ] MoveBlock(DIBlock, CurDIBlock, (BytesInCurDIBlock+1)/2) ] ifnot [ for i=1 to BytesInCurDIBlock do Puts(DOStream, CurDIBlock>>BYTES.char^i) BytesInCurDIBlock = 0 ] ] if IsReallyDump then [ if BytesInCurDIBlock ge 130 then [ PutDataBlock(128, CurDIBlock) CurDIBlock = CurDIBlock+64 BytesInCurDIBlock = BytesInCurDIBlock-128 ] for i=1 to 2 do CurDIBlock>>BYTES.char^ (BytesInCurDIBlock+i) = 0 let BytesToTransfer = (BytesInCurDIBlock ls 2)? 2, BytesInCurDIBlock PutDataBlock(BytesToTransfer, CurDIBlock) ] Closes(DIFile) ] if IsReallyDump then Puts(DOStream, EndBlock) let CurPos = CurrentPos(DOStream) if CurPos ge 2 then WriteBlock(DOFile, DOBlock, CurPos/2) if (CurPos&1) ne 0 then Puts(DOFile, DOBlock>>BYTES.char^CurPos) TruncateDiskStream(DOFile) // if copying only one file then copy creation date too unless IsReallyDump % fileCount ne 1 do SetCreationDate(DOFile, oldCreationDate) Closes(DOFile) Free(CZ, DOStream) Free(CZ, DIBlock) Free(CZ, DOBlock) ] and GetCreationDate(file, date) be [ let leader = vec 255 ReadLeaderPage(file, leader) MoveBlock(date, lv leader>>LD.created, lTIME) ] and SetCreationDate(file, date) be [ let leader = vec 255 ReadLeaderPage(file, leader) MoveBlock(lv leader>>LD.created, date, lTIME) WriteLeaderPage(file, leader) ] and AmongSwitches(Switches, char) = valof [ for i=1 to Switches!0 do if ((Switches!i xor char) & ($A eqv $a)) eq 0 then resultis true resultis false ] and BiggestFreeBlock() = valof [ let Result = nil Allocate(CZ, #77777, lv Result) resultis Result ] and Load(IStream, DStream) be [ static [ loadCreationDate LDStream LIFile LOFile LIBlock LIBlockSize LIStream LOFileName LOBlock LOBlockSize LOStream IsReallyWriting LClobber LVerify ] let OPutOverflow(S, char) = valof [ if IsReallyWriting then WriteBlock(LOFile, LOBlock, LOBlockSize) SetupFstream(S, LOBlock, 0, 2*LOBlockSize) resultis RetryCall(S, char) ] let Cleanup() be [ if IsReallyWriting then [ let CurPos = CurrentPos(LOStream) if CurPos ge 2 then WriteBlock(LOFile, LOBlock, CurPos/2) if (CurPos&1) ne 0 then Puts(LOFile, LOBlock>>BYTES.char^ CurPos) TruncateDiskStream(LOFile) if (loadCreationDate!0 % loadCreationDate!1) ne 0 then SetCreationDate(LOFile, loadCreationDate) Closes(LOFile) IsReallyWriting = false ] Zero(loadCreationDate,3) ] let IGetOverflow(S) = valof [ if Endofs(LIFile) then [ SetEof(S, true) resultis RetryCall(S) ] let BytesRead = 2* ReadBlock(LIFile, LIBlock, LIBlockSize) if Endofs(LIFile) then if (FileLength(LIFile)&1) ne 0 then BytesRead = BytesRead-1 SetupFstream(S, LIBlock, 0, BytesRead) resultis RetryCall(S) ] let GetBytes(NBytes, Block) be [ for i=1 to NBytes do Block>>BYTES.char^i = Gets(LIStream) ] let GetDataBlock() be [ let NBytes = nil let Checksum = nil GetBytes(2, lv NBytes) GetBytes(2, lv Checksum) Checksum = Checksum-NBytes for i=1 to (NBytes/2) do [ let FirstByte = Gets(LIStream) let SecondByte = Gets(LIStream) Checksum = Checksum- ((FirstByte lshift 8)+ SecondByte) Puts(LOStream, FirstByte) Puts(LOStream, SecondByte) ] if (NBytes&1) ne 0 then Puts(LOStream, Gets(LIStream)) if Checksum ne 0 then [ WRITE("*300N O T E: Load checksum differs from dump checksum*301*N*T*T(press any key to continue)*N") Resets(keys) Gets(keys) ] ] let SetupOutputFile() = valof [ for i=1 to 2 do Gets(LIStream) let CharsInFileName = 0 let Char = Gets(LIStream) while Char ne 0 do [ CharsInFileName = CharsInFileName+1 LOFileName>>STRING.char^CharsInFileName = Char Char = Gets(LIStream) ] LOFileName>>STRING.length = CharsInFileName WRITE(FORMATN("...", LOFileName)) MAKETIMELINE() // make new time line if LVerify then [ WRITE(" OK? ") switchon Gets(keys) into [ case $Y: case $y: case $*N: case $*L: case $*S: WRITE("Yes") endcase case $c: case $C: WRITE("Yes, but change its name to: ") ReadString(LOBlock, "*N", keys, LDStream) EvalParam(LOBlock, $P, -1, LOFileName) endcase default: resultis (WRITE("No*N", BreakBetweenPages) eq 0) ] ] if (WRITE($*N, BreakBetweenPages) ne 0) then resultis false LOFile = MyOpenFile(LOFileName, (LClobber? ksTypeReadWrite, ksTypeWriteOnly), charItem) if LOFile eq 0 then [ let T = WRITE("*300Couldn't open the output file*301*N*T*T(press any key to continue)*N", BreakBetweenPages) Resets(keys) Gets(keys) resultis (T eq 0) ] SetupFstream(LOStream, LOBlock, 0, 2*LOBlockSize) IsReallyWriting = true resultis true ] let FN = vec 200 let Sw = vec 100 let date = vec 2; Zero(date, 3); loadCreationDate = date LDStream = DStream let T = nil SetupReadParam(FN, Sw, IStream, Sw) LClobber = AmongSwitches(Sw, $C) LVerify = AmongSwitches(Sw, $V) BreakBetweenPages = AmongSwitches(Sw, $P) if ReadParam($P, -1, FN) eq -1 then [ WRITE("No dump file!*N") return ] LIFile = MyOpenFile(FN, ksTypeReadOnly, charItem) if LIFile eq 0 then [ WRITE(FORMATN( "File *"*" doesn't exist.*N", FN)) return ] INITDIRBLK(MADEBLK) LIStream = Allocate(CZ, lFS) InitializeFstream(LIStream, charItem, 0, IGetOverflow) LOStream = Allocate(CZ, lFS) InitializeFstream(LOStream, charItem, OPutOverflow) LOFileName = Allocate(CZ, 129) let TotalBlockSize = BiggestFreeBlock() LIBlockSize = TotalBlockSize/2 if LIBlockSize ls 129 then LIBlockSize = 129 LIBlock = Allocate(CZ, LIBlockSize) SetupFstream(LIStream, LIBlock, 0, 0) LOBlockSize = BiggestFreeBlock() LOBlock = Allocate(CZ, LOBlockSize) SetupFstream(LOStream, LOBlock, 0, 2*LOBlockSize) let dataCount = 0 while true do [ let BlockType = Gets(LIStream) switchon BlockType into [ case EndBlock: Cleanup() break endcase case DataBlock: GetDataBlock() dataCount = dataCount + 1 endcase case ErrorBlock: Cleanup() WRITE("Error block encountered!*N") break endcase case DateBlock: if dataCount ne 0 then Cleanup() GetBytes(6,loadCreationDate) endcase case NameBlock: Cleanup() dataCount = 0 unless SetupOutputFile() do break endcase default: WRITE(FORMATN( "Strange block type # encountered.*N", BlockType)) Cleanup() break ] ] Closes(LIFile) Free(CZ, LIStream) Free(CZ, LOStream) Free(CZ, LIBlock) Free(CZ, LOBlock) Free(CZ, LOFileName) WIPEDIRBLK() ]