// A L T O E X E C U T I V E // Declarations module - ComStruct.bcpl // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 // E. McCreight // last edited by R. Johnsson, May 21, 1980 9:57 PM // Common structures and external symbols structure QS: [ FRONT word //A queue header REAR word FILLERUP word ] structure TE: [ pStatic word // A local subsystem table entry SUBSYSNAME @STRING ] structure MYDE: [ TYPE word // Same size as system DE, // only first word is different FP @FP //Directory entry of a real file = [ pStatic word //An internal subsystem UNUSED word 4 ] S @STRING ] manifest [ ISFILE=0 //MYDE types ISLOCALSUBSYS=1 ] manifest [ EMPTY = 0 //Status of directory acquisition GETTINGFILE = 1 MAKINGBLK = 2 MADEBLK = 3 SORTING = 4 SORTED = 5 PAGESCOUNTED = 6 ] manifest [ CONDSP = 2 //Conditional space: space unless followed by "/" NULL = 0 CONTROLC = $C-#100 DELETEKEY = #177 CONTROLA = $A-#100 CONTROLU = $U-#100 CONTROLR = $R-#100 CONTROLX = $X-#100 CONTROLW = $W-#100 ESCAPE = #33 BACKSPACE = $H-#100 NONAME = 1 NOFILE = 0 StackNeeds = 3000 WordsPerScanLine = 38 defaultUserLines = 16 ] external [ ActOnDiskPages //Defined by Operating System AddToZone Allocate BfsMakeFpFromLabel BootFrom CallSubsys CallSwat CharWidth CleanupDiskStream cleards Closes CreateDiskStream CreateDisplayStream CurrentPos DeleteFdEntry DeleteFile DoubleAdd dsp Endofs EraseBits EventVector FileLength FilePos FindFdEntry FixedLeft fpComCm fpRemCm fpSysBoot fpSysDir fpUserCm Free GetBitPos GetCompleteFa GetFixed GetFont GetLinePos GetLmarg GetRmarg Gets InitializeFstream InitializeZone InLd juntaTable keys lvAbortFlag lvSysErr lvUserFinishProc MakeNewFdEntry MoveBlock Noop OpenFile OpenFileFromFp OsBuffer OsFinishCode OsVersion OsVersionCompatible PositionPage PositionPtr Puts ReadBlock ReadLeaderPage RealDiskDA ResetLine Resets RetryCall SerialNumber SetBitPos SetBlock SetCalendar SetEndCode SetEof SetFilePos SetFont SetKeyboardProc SetLinePos SetupFstream ShowDisplayStream StartIO sysDisk sysZone Timer TruncateDiskStream Usc UserName UserPassword VirtualDiskDA WriteBlock WriteDiskDescriptor WriteLeaderPage Wss Zero APPENDQ //Defined in QMAINT.BCPL CHARSINQ COMPAREQ COPYQ EMPTYOUTQ GETNWQF GETQF GETQR GETWFILE INITQ ISEMPTYQ PUTNWQR PUTQF PUTQR QFTOSTREAM QFTOSTRING STREAMTOQR STRINGTOQR XFERQWHILE Capitalize //Defined in DRTNS2.BCPL EXPANDESC EXPANDSTAR FilesWithSuffix INITDIRBLK IsCommandChar ISFILECHAR ISITEMCHAR IsntCommandChar ISNTFILECHAR MAPDIR MyOpenFile SETUPCLK TIMEHASCOME WIPEDIRBLK BitWidth // Defined in DKS.BCPL CatchBlankKeys EraseChar FitsThisLine FixupCursor FlashScreen InitUserLine LASTONEINKEYS LOOKFORCTLC MAKETIMELINE MapQ OverType PreTimeDcb PRETTYWRITE PrintDiskInformation RESETPAGE RETYPE ShouldSetTime TimeOutCommand TIMESTR1 TIMESTR2 TwiddleThumbs UserLineEnds UserLines UserScroll USERSTR WRITE WriteChars WriteSys CALLBRAVO // Defined in NewCommand.bcpl CALLIFLOCAL ComCm CZ DefaultScroll DIDEXPAND DIRHDBLK DIRSTATE DISPLAYSTRUCT GETSUBSYS mesaBankMask QFToComCm RemCm SYSTEMDIR userParamsVec Cancel // Defined in ExecInput.bcpl EDITCHARS EXPAND RemoveUpArrows CallWithNArgs // Defined in LOCALTAB.asm ExecRelease GetLCChar LOCALTABLE ReleaseQualifier ReleaseString BinSearch // Defined in Sort.bcpl directoryOutOfSort SORT DIAGNOSE // Defined in TYPE.BCPL WriteSortedDirectory SetTime // Defined in SetTime.bcpl EvalParam // Defined in GP.SR ReadParam ReadString SetupReadParam CONCATENATE // Defined in FORMAT.SR FORMAT FORMATN EtherBoot // Defined in EtherBoot.BR PACKDT // Defined in Time Package UNPACKDT ReadUserCmItem // Defined in ReadUserCmItem.br SplitFileName // Defined in SplitFileName.br GenerateOverlays // Defined in Overlays.bcpl GeneratePresentOverlays LockPendingCode OverlayFirstPn OverlayNpages ReleaseOverlay ReadOverlay OverlayInit // Defined in OverlaysInit.bcpl OverlayScan DiskStatus // Defined in ExecInit.bcpl Initialize OldSysErr RememberData SetNetNumber STORAGEGONE SwappedOut UserReadOverlay ]