// February 21, 1978 11:22 AM *** overlay B *** //Edited by Lyle Ramshaw September 8, 1980 9:01 PM: // On to version 5.0, with a new file format to get text positioning // done reasonably (and consistent with ReDRaw). // Compile with STATS/M to get STATISTICS code [command Y] // Compile with BITMAP/M to get BITMAP code [command B] get "zpDefs.bcpl" // outgoing procedures: external [ readPicture writePicture writeStatistics writeBitmap changeTextMode readHelp readFont ] // outgoing static: external [ @help ] static [ @help=0 ] // incoming procedures: external [ Gets // SYSTEM Puts Endofs Resets Closes OpenFile OpenFileFromFp FindFdEntry FileLength ReadBlock WriteBlock Zero MoveBlock giveUp // ZPUTIL confirm sTypeForm typeForm getLine openRead openWrite abortMessage capitalize equal makeSpline // ZPMAKE makeText // ZPTEXT writeText eraseText showText obtainBlock // ZPBLOCK putBlock flushDTTstack MakeFontEntry // ZPFONTIO adjustText // ZPADJUST ] // incoming statics: external [ fpSysDir // SYSTEM keys @splineTable // ZPINIT @textTable @maxSplineID @maxTextID @fontDefTable @fontFile @font @dspFont @bitmap @height @width @scanlineWidth @bitmapSize FLDI; FST // FLOAT @posTextMode // ZPEDIT @colorOn ] // local definitions: manifest [ getStatistics= not newname STATS getBitmap= not newname BITMAP ] // local statics: static [ @BMheight=0 @BMwordWidth=0 ] // local definitions structure CHAIN [ run^1, 1000 byte ] structure RUN [ blank byte octant bit 3 count bit 5 ] // old file format structure OFfirstWord [ fp bit M bit 15 ] structure OFheader [ dashed bit cyclic bit blank bit 2 shape bit 2 thickness bit 2 nKnots byte ] // new file formats (after version 3.0, first two words are 0; // after version 5.0, first two words are -1) structure NFheader1 [ blank bit 3 [ dashed bit shape bit 2 thickness bit 2 ] = [ brush bit 5 ] blank bit 5 color bit 3 ] structure NFheader2 [ cyclic bit nKnots bit 15 ] //**************************************************************** // Special commands: statistics & bitmap output //**************************************************************** let writeStatistics() be [writeStatistics compileif getStatistics then [ let statFile=openWrite("*NWrite statistics on text file: ", charItem) unless statFile return let histVec= vec 256 Zero(histVec, 256) typeForm(0, "Type comments terminated with 2 s:*N") [ let c=getLine() unless c break sTypeForm(statFile, 0, c, 1, $*N) putBlock(c) ] repeat let k, c=0, 0 for id=1 to maxSplineID do [ let splinePointer=splineTable!id unless splinePointer loop let nKnots=splinePointer>>SPLINE.nKnots k=k+SPLINEknotBase+4*nKnots let nBeads=splinePointer>>SPLINE.nBeads unless nBeads loop sTypeForm(statFile, 0, "*NSPLINE ", 10, id, 1, $*N, 10, nKnots, 0, " knots*N", 10, nBeads, 0, " beads*N") let chainPointer=splinePointer>>SPLINE.chain let chainCountPointer=chainPointer+nBeads*(BEADsize+2) let runCount=@(chainCountPointer-1) let countBlockSize=(runCount+1)/2 sTypeForm(statFile, 0, "chain storage: ", 10, BEADsize*nBeads, 1, $+, 10, 2*nBeads, 1, $+, 10, countBlockSize) let s=nBeads*(BEADsize+2)+countBlockSize c=c+s sTypeForm(statFile, 1, $=, 10, s, 1, $*N) let r=(chainCountPointer>>CHAIN.run^1)<>CHAIN.run^1)<>CHAIN.run^k)<>CHAIN.run^k)<>STRING.length/2+1 ] sTypeForm(statFile, 0, "*N*NTotal storage:*NKnots: ", 10, k, 0, "*NChain: ", 10, c, 0, "*NText: ", 10, t) sTypeForm(statFile, 0, "*NTotal: ", 10, k+c+t, 1, $*N) Closes(statFile) let histFile=openWrite("*NWrite histogram on binary file: ", wordItem) unless histFile return WriteBlock(histFile, histVec, 256) Closes(histFile) typeForm(0, "Done*N") ] ]writeStatistics and writeBitmap() be [writeBitmap compileif getBitmap then [ typeForm(0, "[Set statics BMheight & BMwordWidth]") let file=openWrite("*NWrite BITMAP on file: ", wordItem) unless file return let bm=bitmap+margin+(height-BMheight)*scanlineWidth Puts(file, BMheight) Puts(file, BMwordWidth) for s=1 to BMheight do [ WriteBlock(file, bm, BMwordWidth) bm=bm+scanlineWidth ] Closes(file) typeForm(0, "Done*N") ] ]writeBitmap //**************************************************************** // Standard spline input/output //**************************************************************** and readPicture(file; numargs n) be [readPicture let M,T=nil,nil let newIdTable=0 flushDTTstack() unless n then file=openRead("*NRead picture from file: ", wordItem) unless file return let word1=Gets(file) let word2=Gets(file) let convertText=true //iff text must be converted to >=5.0 format if (word1 eq -1) & (word2 eq -1) then convertText=false test (word1 eq word2) & ((word2 eq 0)%(word2 eq -1)) ifso [ // new file format M=Gets(file) for m=1 to M do [ let header1=Gets(file) let header2=Gets(file) let n=header2<>TEXT.font eq f loop if convertText then adjustText(textPointer) writeText(textPointer) ] ] putBlock(newIdTable) typeForm(0, "Done!*N") ]readPicture and writePicture(file; numargs n) be [writePicture let M=splineTable!0 let T=textTable!0 unless M % T return unless n then file=openWrite("*NWrite picture on file: ", wordItem) unless file return Puts(file, -1) Puts(file, -1) // splines Puts(file, M) if M then for id=1 to maxSplineID do [ let splinePointer=splineTable!id unless splinePointer loop let header1=0 header1<>SPLINE.brush header1<>SPLINE.color Puts(file, header1) let header2=splinePointer>>SPLINE.nKnots header2<>SPLINE.cyclic Puts(file, header2) WriteBlock(file, splinePointer+SPLINEknotBase, 4*splinePointer>>SPLINE.nKnots) ] // text Puts(file, T) if T then for f=0 to maxFont-1 do [ for t=1 to maxTextID do [ let textPointer=textTable!t unless textPointer loop if textPointer>>TEXT.font ne f loop Puts(file, textPointer>>TEXT.left) Puts(file, textPointer>>TEXT.top) Puts(file, textPointer>>TEXT.font) Puts(file, textPointer>>TEXT.color) let s=((textPointer+TEXTblockSize)>>STRING.length)/2 + 1 Puts(file, s) WriteBlock(file, textPointer+TEXTblockSize, s) ] ] Closes(file) typeForm(0, "Done!*N") ]writePicture //**************************************************************** // Text centering mode //**************************************************************** and changeTextMode() be [changeTextMode typeForm(0, "Text positioning mode [Center, Top, Left, Bottom, Right]: ") posTextMode=0 until posTextMode do posTextMode=selecton capitalize(Gets(keys)) into [ case $B: posTextBottom; case $C: posTextCenter; case $L: posTextLeft; case $R: posTextRight; case $T: posTextTop; default: 0 ] typeForm(0, selecton posTextMode into [ case posTextCenter: "Center*N"; case posTextTop: "Top*N"; case posTextBottom: "Bottom*N"; case posTextLeft: "Left*N"; case posTextRight: "Right*N" ]) ]changeTextMode //**************************************************************** // HELP! //**************************************************************** and readHelp() be [readHelp unless help return let fileName=vec 8 let nextFileName=vec 8 manualPage(help, fileName) help=help+1 manualPage(help, nextFileName) let systemDir=OpenFileFromFp(fpSysDir, ksTypeReadOnly) if FindFdEntry(systemDir, nextFileName) eq -1 then help=1 Closes(systemDir) let file=OpenFile(fileName, ksTypeReadOnly) test file ifso [ readPicture(file) typeForm(0, "*N*N*NTo obtain next manual page (", 10, help, 0, ") type line-feed ()*N", 0, "To disable on-line manual, type ? again.*N") ] ifnot typeForm(0, "On-line manual is not there! Disable help mode with ?*N") ]readHelp and manualPage(n, fileName) be [manualPage let moreThan10= n ge 10 MoveBlock(fileName, (moreThan10 ? "MANUAL10.DRAW", "MANUAL0.DRAW"), 8) fileName>>STRING.char^(moreThan10 ? 8, 7)=$0+(moreThan10 ? (n-10), n) ]manualPage //**************************************************************** // Font //**************************************************************** and readFont() = valof [readFont typeForm(0, "Load font ") for f=0 to maxFont-1 do if f ne dspFont then typeForm(8, f, 0, ((f eq maxFont-1) ? " ? ", ", ")) let f=nil [ f=Gets(keys)-$0 if (f ne dspFont) & (f ge 0) & (f le 3) break if (f ls 0) % (f gr 9) resultis abortMessage() ] repeat typeForm(10, f) if not readFontFile(f) & (f eq font) then font=dspFont for id=1 to maxTextID do [ let textPointer=textTable!id unless textPointer loop if textPointer>>TEXT.font eq f then [ eraseText(id) showText(id) ] ] typeForm(0, "Done!*N") ]readFont and readFontFile(f) = valof [readFontFile let numberCodeTable= table [ #400+$0; #400+$1; #400+$2; #400+$3 ] fontFile>>FONTFILE.current=-1 fontFile>>FONTFILE.length^f=0 let fontName=0 let fontFileFp=vec lFP let file=openRead("*NRead font file: ", wordItem, lv fontName, fontFileFp) if file ne 0 then [ let fontLength=FileLength(file)/2+1 Resets(file) let ALheader=vec 2 ReadBlock(file, ALheader, 2) Closes(file) fontFile>>FONTFILE.height^f=ALheader>>AL.height fontFile>>FONTFILE.baseline^f=ALheader>>AL.baseline fontFile>>FONTFILE.length^f=fontLength MoveBlock(lv(fontFile>>FONTFILE.fp^f), fontFileFp, lFP) ] // get new buffer, as appropriate let maxLength=0 let oldLength=fontFile>>FONTFILE.bufferLength for i=0 to maxFont-1 do if maxLength ls fontFile>>FONTFILE.length^i then maxLength=fontFile>>FONTFILE.length^i if maxLength ne oldLength then [ putBlock(fontFile>>FONTFILE.buffer) let newBuffer=0 if maxLength ne 0 then [ newBuffer=obtainBlock(maxLength) if newBuffer eq 0 then [ // forget it, keep old buffer giveUp("[readFont]") fontFile>>FONTFILE.length^f=0 newBuffer=obtainBlock(oldLength) maxLength=oldLength ] ] fontFile>>FONTFILE.buffer=newBuffer fontFile>>FONTFILE.bufferLength=maxLength ] let r= file eq 0 ? 0, MakeFontEntry(fontName, fontDefTable!f, f) putBlock(fontName) resultis r ]readFontFile