// DiExMSG.bcpl get "DiEx.defs" static [ saveMsgS=0; thisErr=0 ] let saveErr(lvDA,status,ec) be [ unless T>>P.MsgEnable do return rv DAstart = displayCB; MsgS = saveMsgS status = status & #7777 let xstatus = status & #777 test ec eq 1 ifso [ Msg("*n*nError on $S pass $UD",WritePass? "Write","Read",pass) Msg(" of Drive #$D: ",DiskSel) Msg("Track $3D, Head $D,Sector $D had ", lvDA>>DA.track, lvDA>>DA.head, lvDA>>DA.sector) ] ifnot Msg("*n again ") Msg("Status of $6UF0O.", xstatus) if (ec eq 1) % (not thisErr) then thisErr = errTable + DiskSel*maxEntries*lET status = status % #7000 if ec eq 1 then [ let block = 0 [ if rv lvDA eq thisErr>>ET.Addr & status eq thisErr>>ET.status then break if block eq maxEntries-1 then [ thisErr>>ET.Addr = thisErr>>ET.Addr + 1; break ] if thisErr>>ET.status eq 0 then [ thisErr>>ET.Addr = rv lvDA; break ] thisErr = thisErr + lET block = block + 1 ] repeat thisErr>>ET.softErr = thisErr>>ET.softErr+1 ] thisErr>>ET.status = thisErr>>ET.status % status if ec eq maxEC then [ thisErr>>ET.softErr = thisErr>>ET.softErr-1 thisErr>>ET.hardErr = thisErr>>ET.hardErr+1 ] Wait(300); RestartDiex() ] and ListET(drive) be [ let disko = false let LF(wide) be [ Msg("*n");if wide then Msg("*n") ] //let diskoTemp = disko let MsgStemp = MsgS let bitmask = 1b15 let FromDr = drive let ToDr = drive if drive eq true then return //[ //disko = OpenFile("PACKERR",ksTypeWriteOnly,charItem); MsgS=0 //FromDr = FirstDr; ToDr=LastDr //] for dr = FromDr to ToDr do [driveLoop thisErr = errTable + dr*maxEntries*lET let errors, CheckErr, noResponse = 0,0,0 let Final1, Final2, Final3 = 0,0,0 Msg(" Summary of errors found while running Drive #$D with Pack Serial Number #............",dr) LF(disko) PrintBits(dr) if not thisErr>>ET.status then [ Msg(" No errors found."); goto exit ] LF(disko) Msg("DA > Cyl, Head, Sector: Status** SoftErs HardErs *n") for block = 1 to maxEntries do [ let last1 = block eq maxEntries if not thisErr>>ET.status then break let status = thisErr>>ET.status & #777 let burst = thisErr>>ET.burstBits let burstSize = 0 while burst do [ burst = burst rshift 1; burstSize=burstSize+1 ] if last1 then Msg("*n. . . etc.*n# of remaining errors") Msg("*n $3F0D $2F0D $2F0D $6F0UO", thisErr>>ET.track% last1,thisErr>>ET.head% last1,thisErr>>ET.sector% last1,status) Msg(" $5F0UD $5F0UD ", thisErr>>ET.softErr, thisErr>>ET.hardErr ) //if thisErr>>ET.status eq 7 then Msg("$2D words", thisErr>>ET.burstBits) if thisErr>>ET.finalStatus eq 1 then Final1 = true if thisErr>>ET.finalStatus eq 2 then Final2 = true if thisErr>>ET.finalStatus eq 3 then Final3 = true errors = errors % status //if status eq 1 then CheckErr = true if not status then noResponse = true thisErr = thisErr + lET ] LF(disko) Msg("*n--------") LF(disko) Msg("** Status bits indicate the following:*n ") while bitmask ne 2 do [ if (bitmask & errors) ne 0 then [ Msg("$6F0UO = ",bitmask); TypeErrors(bitmask) ] bitmask = bitmask rshift 1 ] //if CheckErr then [ Msg("000001 = "); TypeErrors(7) ] if noResponse then [ Msg("000000 = "); TypeErrors(-1) ] if Final1 then [ Msg("000001 = "); TypeErrors(1) ] if Final2 then [ Msg("000002 = "); TypeErrors(2) ] if Final3 then [ Msg("000003 = "); TypeErrors(3) ] exit: LF(disko) ]driveLoop if drive eq true then if disko then Closes(disko) //disko = diskoTemp Msg("*n*n>>") MsgS = MsgStemp ] and PrintBits(drive; numargs nargs) be [ if nargs eq 0 then drive = 0 FLD(29,drive) FML(29,FLDI(31,2+8+256)) FML(29,FLDI(31,16)) Msg("*nTotal bits Read = "); PrintFP(29) Msg(" during $UD *"test$S*" of the disk.",totalPasses,totalPasses eq 1? "","s") ] and PrintFP(ac) be [ if FCM(ac,FLDI(31,1000)) ls 0 then [ Msg("$D",FTR(ac)); return ] let power = 3 FLDI(30,10) FLDI(31,10000) while FCM(ac,31) ge 0 do [ FDV(ac,30); power = power+1 ] let num = FTR(ac) Msg("$D.$3F0D**10^$D",num/1000,num rem 1000,power) ] and initCounters() be [ totalPasses = 0; for dr = 0 to 7 do FLDI(dr,0); Zero(errTable,ETsize) ] and PrintContents(cb, doneOK) be [ MsgS = saveMsgS if CheckInput() then return let printBlk(type, blk, com) =valof [ let str = nil; let done = nil switchon type into [ case 0: str = "*nHeader - "; done = 2; endcase case 1: str = "*nLabel - "; done = 8; endcase case 2: str = "*nData - "; done = 256; endcase ] Msg(str) test com eq diskRead ifso Msg("read:") ifnot Msg("checked against:") let cnt = 0 for L = 1 to 32 do [ Msg("*n$4O: ",cnt) for i = 0 to 7 do [ Msg(" $6F0UO",blk!cnt); cnt=cnt+1; if cnt eq done then resultis false ] if CheckInput() then resultis true ] resultis false ] let rDA = cb>>CB.diskAddress let vDA = VirtualDA(lv rDA) if doneOK then Msg("*n*nData read from virtual disk address = $UD ($3D,$D,$D); ",vDA, rDA<>CB.headerAddress, cb>>CB.command.headerAction) then return if printBlk(1, cb>>CB.labelAddress, cb>>CB.command.labelAction) then return if printBlk(2, cb>>CB.dataAddress, cb>>CB.command.dataAction) then return let Exit = 6000; Msg(" ... Continue?") [ if CheckInput() % (Exit eq true) then break; Exit = Exit-1; Wait(100) ] repeat if Exit ne true then GetChar() //read out the continue character ]