// WW.SR Windows get "BRAVO1.DF" get "DISPLAY.DF" // Incoming procedures external [ errhlt move ] // Incoming statics external [ dcb; cdcb; ] // Outgoing procedures external [ enww; mpDlDld ] // Outgoing statics external [ macww rgyfirst vdlhint; pbmfirstfree; fcp; macdl; mpWwWwd; SDld SDldNew ] // Local statics static [ macww rgyfirst vdlhint; pbmfirstfree; fcp; macdl; mpWwWwd; SDld SDldNew ] // E N W W let enww(proc,doc) be for ww = 0 to macww-1 do if (mpWwWwd ! ww)>>WWD.doc eq doc then proc(ww); // M P D L D L D // and mpDlDld(dl) = SDld+dl*lDld