// unparse.sr // Last modified October 25, 1979 6:54 PM by Taft get "BRAVO1.DF"; get "CHAR.DF"; get "MSG.DF"; get "NEWMSG.DF"; get "ST.DF"; // Incoming Procedures external [ stnum; slappend; slget; slput; move; errhlta ]; // Incoming Statics external [ vlook1; vlook2; vlook1old; vlook2old; deltacp; parstd; parsacred; ttblsacred; vchremain; vfOldtab vdxtb mpIffFfs vdxtbStd look1std look2std ] // Outgoing Procedures external [ unparse; ]; // Outgoing Statics external [ sltrailer; cchNilTrailer vnewpar; vfOldtabPrev vdxtbPrev ttblPrev ]; // Local Statics static [ sltrailer; cchNilTrailer vnewpar; vfOldtabPrev vdxtbPrev ttblPrev rgiff; mpiffchCode ]; // Local manifests manifest [ maxch= 1001 //also defined in Write.sr ] // U N P A R S E // let unparse(fparend) = valof [ let sbnum = vec 10; mpiffchCode = table [ // available codes: a h m n (formerly vanish) p r w chnil // iffTrailer chnil // iffVisibuf $u // iffUl chnil // iffVanish $b // iffBold $i // iffItalic $g // iffExt $v // iffVisible $f // iffFun $o // iffSuper $z // iffXrightmarg $l // iffXleftmarg $d // iffXleftmargf $y // iffProcYpos $x // iffLdln $e // iffLdhdr $j // iffRj $c // iffCenter chnil // iffProcClr chnil // iffProcUp chnil // iffProcDown chnil // iffProcDxtb chnil // iffProcXtb chnil // iffRjCenter chnil // iffProcSameLooks chnil // iffProcSamePar chnil // iffProcLeftmarg chnil // iffProcColumn $q // iffControl $k // iffYkeep chnil // iffProcSub $s // iffOvstrike $t // iffTc // chnil // iffUppercase // chnil // iffLowercase // chnil // iffCase // chnil // iffProcTable ] if vnewpar then [ unparsepara(); vnewpar = false; deltacp = 0; ] let tsiz1 = sltrailer>>SL.cch; unless deltacp eq 0 do [ let tchar = slget(sltrailer, tsiz1-1) if (tchar ge $0) & (tchar le $9) then slappend(sltrailer, " ", maxch); stnum(sbnum, deltacp, 10, 0, false, false, false); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); ] let tsiz2 = sltrailer>>SL.cch; unless vlook2 eq vlook2old do unparseword(vlook2, vlook2old, table [ iffFun iffSuper iffTc ], 3) unless vlook1 eq vlook1old do unparseword(vlook1, vlook1old, table [ iffUl iffBold iffItalic iffExt iffVisible iffOvstrike ], 6) test tsiz2 eq sltrailer>>SL.cch ifnot [ vlook1old = vlook1; vlook2old = vlook2; deltacp = vchremain; ] ifso [ sltrailer>>SL.cch = tsiz1; deltacp = deltacp+vchremain; ] if fparend then [ let tcp = sltrailer>>SL.cch if slget(sltrailer, tcp-1) eq chparterm then tcp = tcp - 1 slput(sltrailer, tcp, chtrailerend, maxch) sltrailer>>SL.cch = tcp + 1 vlook1old = look1std vlook2old = look2std ] resultis fparend; ] // U N P A R S E P A R A // and unparsepara() be [ let sbnum = vec 10; slput(sltrailer, 0, chtrailerstart, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = 1; cchNilTrailer = 1 unparseword(parsacred>>PAR.xrightmarg, parstd>>PAR.xrightmarg, table [ iffXrightmarg ], 1); unparseword(parsacred>>PAR.xleftmarg, parstd>>PAR.xleftmarg, table [ iffXleftmarg ], 1); unparseword(parsacred>>PAR.xleftmargf, parsacred>>PAR.xleftmarg, table [ iffXleftmargf ], 1); if parsacred>>PAR.ypos ne parstd>>PAR.ypos then [ let chCode = mpiffchCode ! iffProcYpos; slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, chCode, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; stnum(sbnum, parsacred>>PAR.ypos, 10, 0, false, false, false); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); ] unparseword(parsacred>>PAR.spec, parstd>>PAR.spec, table [ iffLdln; iffLdhdr; iffControl; iffRj; iffCenter ], 5); unparseword(parsacred>>PAR.ykeep, parstd>>PAR.ykeep, table [ iffYkeep ], 1); unless parsacred>>PAR.label eq 0 do [ errhlta(169); // slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $", maxch); // sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; // slappend(sltrailer, parsacred>>PAR.label, maxch); // slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $", maxch); // sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; ] test vfOldtab ifso unless vfOldtabPrev & (vdxtb eq vdxtbPrev) do [ let tcch = sltrailer>>SL.cch slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $(, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; stnum(sbnum, vdxtb); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $), maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; if (vdxtb eq vdxtbStd) & (tcch eq cchNilTrailer) then cchNilTrailer = sltrailer>>SL.cch vdxtbPrev = vdxtb ] ifnot [ let mpitbxtb = lv ttblsacred>>TTBL.ampitbxtb let mpitbxtbPrev = lv ttblPrev>>TTBL.ampitbxtb for itb = 0 to itbMax-1 do [ let xtb = mpitbxtb ! itb if vfOldtabPrev % xtb ne mpitbxtbPrev ! itb then [ slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $(, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; stnum(sbnum, itb); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $,, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; stnum(sbnum, xtb, 10, 0, false, false, false); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, $), maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; vfOldtabPrev = false mpitbxtbPrev ! itb = xtb ] ] ] vfOldtabPrev = vfOldtab if sltrailer>>SL.cch eq cchNilTrailer then cchNilTrailer = cchNilTrailer + 1 slput(sltrailer, sltrailer>>SL.cch, chparterm, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch + 1 ] // U N P A R S E W O R D // and unparseword(wordnew, wordstd, rgiff, ciff) be [ let sbnum = vec 10; for i = 0 to ciff-1 do [ let iff = rgiff ! i; let ffs = mpIffFfs ! iff let offbitRt = ffs<>SL.cch, chCode, maxch); sltrailer>>SL.cch = sltrailer>>SL.cch+1; if cbit gr 1 then [ stnum(sbnum, (wordnew & mask) rshift offbitRt, 10, 0, false, false, false); slappend(sltrailer, sbnum, maxch); ] ] ] ]