// tsesc.sr // Incoming procedures external [ puts; stget; tsmakegood; tsflush resetts gets errhlta stput ] // Incoming statics external [ tscorrect; tsread; fnts; ] // Outgoing procedures external [ processtsesc; ] // Local structures structure STRING: [ length byte body ^ 1,255 byte ] // P R O C E S S T S E S C // let processtsesc(charesc,param,fnoFlush;numargs n) be [ if n ls 3 then fnoFlush = false let tsb = param; let cchMac = tsb >> STRING.length; test tsread eq false ifso [ puts(fnts,$@); puts(fnts,charesc); puts(fnts,$[); for ich = 0 to cchMac-1 do puts(fnts,stget(tsb,ich)); puts(fnts,$]); tsmakegood(); unless fnoFlush then tsflush(); ] ifnot [ let tchar = nil; let tblchar = table [ $@;0;$[ ]; tblchar ! 1 = charesc; for i = 0 to 2 do [ tchar = gets(fnts); unless tchar eq tblchar ! i do [ if (i eq 1) & (tchar eq $E) then [ resetts(); tsread = false; return; ] errhlta(99); ] ] let tich = 0; [ tchar = gets(fnts); if tchar eq $] then break; if (charesc ne $V) % (tich ls cchMac) then [ stput(tsb,tich,tchar); tich = tich+1; ] ] repeat tsb >> STRING.length = tich; ] ];