// sblooks.sr // last modified // RML September 28, 1977 9:30 AM - include Color response to Look ? // PCL December 18, 1979 11:56 AM - Make color response compatible to Sil get "BRAVO1.DF" get "ST.DF" get "CHAR.DF" get "MSG.DF" get "DISPLAY.DF" // Outgoing Procedures external [ SbLooks SbPar ] // Outgoing Statics // external // Incoming Procedures external [ stappend stnum abs SbSetSize stsize RoundRatio stput ] // Incoming Statics // external // Local Statics // static // Local Structures // structure // Local Manifests // manifest // S B L O O K S let SbLooks(sb, ch, look1, look2) = valof [ rv sb = 0 let tsb = vec 5 if look1<>SB.ch ^ tc)) SbSetSize(sb, tcp+1) stappend(sb, " ") ]; SbSetSize(sb, stsize(sb)-3) resultis sb ] // end SbLooks // S B P A R let SbPar(sb, par, ttbl) = valof [ rv sb = 0 let tsb = vec 5 let sbPt = "pt " let sbPtCr = "pt*c" stappend(sb, "Margins: ") let xleftmarg = par>>PAR.xleftmarg let xleftmargf = par>>PAR.xleftmargf stnum(tsb, RoundRatio(xleftmargf, ptsperinch, xperinch), 10, 0, false, false, false) test xleftmarg eq xleftmargf ifso [ stappend(sb, "L: ") stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) ] ifnot [ stappend(sb, "F: ") stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) stappend(sb, "P: ") stnum(tsb, RoundRatio(xleftmarg, ptsperinch, xperinch), 10, 0, false, false, false) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) ] stappend(sb, "R: ") stnum(tsb, RoundRatio(par>>PAR.xrightmarg, ptsperinch, xperinch), 10, 0, false, false, false) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPtCr) stappend(sb, "Lead: ") stappend(sb, "X: ") stnum(tsb, par>>PAR.lead) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) stappend(sb, "Y: ") stnum(tsb, par>>PAR.parspacing) stappend(sb, tsb) let ypos = par>>PAR.ypos if ypos ne -1 then [ stappend(sb, sbPt) stappend(sb, "Vertical-tab: ") stnum(tsb, ypos, 10, 0, false, false, false) stappend(sb, tsb) ] stappend(sb, sbPtCr) stappend(sb, "Tabs: ") test par>>PAR.fOldtab ifso [ stappend(sb, "Plain-tabs: ") stnum(tsb, RoundRatio(par>>PAR.dxtb, ptsperinch, xperinch)) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPtCr) ] ifnot [ let mpitbxtb = lv ttbl>>TTBL.ampitbxtb for itb = 0 to ttbl>>TTBL.cw-2 do [ let xtb = mpitbxtb ! itb if xtb eq xtbNil then loop let tc = itb + 1 let tcp = stsize(sb) stput(sb, tcp, (tc le 9 ? tc + $0, tc + $A - 10)) SbSetSize(sb, tcp+1) stappend(sb, ": ") stnum(tsb, RoundRatio(xtb, ptsperinch, xperinch), 10, 0, false, false, false) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) ] SbSetSize(sb, stsize(sb)-3) stappend(sb, "*c") ] let fClip = false let ykeep = par>>PAR.ykeep if ykeep ne 0 then [ stappend(sb, "Keep: ") stnum(tsb, par>>PAR.ykeep, 10, 0, false, false, false) stappend(sb, tsb) stappend(sb, sbPt) fClip = true ] if par>>PAR.rj then [ stappend(sb, "Justified ") fClip = true ] if par>>PAR.center then [ stappend(sb, "Centered ") fClip = true ] if par>>PAR.control then [ stappend(sb, "Profile ") fClip = true ] if fClip then SbSetSize(sb, stsize(sb)-3) resultis sb ] // end SbPar