// formatpage.sr

// RML November 2, 1979  4:44 PM keep all y co-ordinates in points.
// Saves time and maintains better accuracy
// RML September 23, 1977  11:53 AM - update color - XPD
// PCL April 7, 1978 -  print header & page #logic to avoid excessive paper movement
// RML April 18, 1978  6:14 PM delete firstTime

// Last modified November 30, 1979  3:33 PM by Taft

get "BRAVO1.DF"
get "CHAR.DF"
get "ST.DF"
get "MSG.DF"
get "COM.DF"
get "RN1.DF"

// Outgoing Procedures

external	[

// Outgoing Statics

// external

// Incoming Procedures

external	[

// Incoming Statics

external	[

// Local Statics

// static
static	[

// Local Structures

// structure

// Local Manifests

manifest	[
	maxfun = 11	// no room for df
	dxLn = (3 * xperinch) / 20

// C P   F O R M A T   P A G E

let CpFormatPage(ww, cp, mode, ho, pi, FAbortPage, FinfoToOutput, ymul, ydiv, pcpMinusTwo; numargs carg) = valof
if carg ls 10 then pcpMinusTwo = 0
let fm = CallersFrame() + 4
let wwd = mpWwWwd ! ww
let doc = wwd>>WWD.doc
let cpMac = rgmaccp ! doc - dcpendofdoc
let fPrinting = mode eq modehc & FinfoToOutput ne 0

// if cp eq 0 then
// 	[
// 	vmapstatus = statusblind
// 	mapcp(doc, cp, parneeded)
// 	test parsacred>>PAR.control ifso
// 		[
// 		cp = CpParseDocProf(ho, doc, cp)
// 		if cp eq cpnil then resultis cpnil-1
// 		]
// 	ifnot	DefaultHo(ho)
// 	]

let pgn = ho>>HO.pgnFirst + pi
let fEvenPage = ho>>HO.fAlternate ne 0 & pgn<<odd eq 0
let xwBindmarg = ho>>HO.xwBindmarg
let dxBind = fEvenPage ? -xwBindmarg, xwBindmarg

if FAbortPage ne 0 then

//	SetRegionW(vrlwsys, 0, sbPgn)
//	let ridPgn = nil
//	ridPgn<<RID.nrl = 1
//	ridPgn<<RID.ri = 0
//	SetRegionSys(risyspast, 184, ridPgn)
//	updatedisplay()

hdrdone = false
pgnodone = false
// Print Header or Page Number if on first half of page

let xhdrypos =  parsacred>>PAR.ypos
if EnvelopeFlag then goto PrintText1
if ( fPrinting ) then	
	let sbPgn = lv ho>>HO.asbPgn
	test ho>>HO.fRoman ifso
		SbRoman(sbPgn, pgn, ho>>HO.fUppercase ne 0)
	ifnot	stnum(sbPgn, pgn)

	let cpHdr = fEvenPage ? ho>>HO.cpHdrEven, ho>>HO.cpHdrOdd
	if cpHdr ne cpnil & not (pi eq 0 & ho>>HO.fNoHdr) then
//		let yHdr = RoundRatio(11 * ptsperinch, ymul, ydiv)
		let yHdr = 11 * ptsperinch
			format(ww, cpHdr, modehc)
		let xhdrypos =  parsacred>>PAR.ypos
		if   (xhdrypos le 250)  then break
		hdrdone = true
			if cpHdr eq vcuripar>>IPAR.cpfirst then
				let ypos = parsacred>>PAR.ypos
				if ypos ne -1 then
//					yHdr = RoundRatio(ypos, ymul, ydiv)
					yHdr = ypos
//			let dyToptobl = RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.ldTop + vsgh>>SG.topmax, ymul, ydiv)
			let dyToptobl = vsgh>>SG.ldTop + vsgh>>SG.topmax
//			let dyBltobot = RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.blmax, ymul, ydiv)
			let dyBltobot = vsgh>>SG.blmax
			yHdr = yHdr - dyToptobl
			if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpHdr, vxfirst+dxBind, vxlast+dxBind, RoundRatio(yHdr, ymul, ydiv)) ne 0 then resultis cpMac
			yHdr = yHdr - dyBltobot
			if vcplast eq vcuripar>>IPAR.cplast then break
			cpHdr = vcplast + 1
			] repeat
	CurrentcpHdr = cpHdr			//**PCL
	CurrentsbPgn = sbPgn		
let xpgnypos = ho>>HO.yPgn
if EnvelopeFlag then goto PrintText

if ( fPrinting & xpgnypos gr 140 ) then		
	pgnodone = true
	let  cpHdr = CurrentcpHdr	//**PCL
	let  sbPgn = CurrentsbPgn	
	if not hdrdone then 
	sbPgn = lv ho>>HO.asbPgn
	test ho>>HO.fRoman ifso
		SbRoman(sbPgn, pgn, ho>>HO.fUppercase ne 0)
	ifnot	stnum(sbPgn, pgn)
	cpHdr = fEvenPage ? ho>>HO.cpHdrEven, ho>>HO.cpHdrOdd
	if ho>>HO.fPgn & not (pi eq 0 & ho>>HO.fNoPgn) then
		test cpHdr eq cpnil ifso
			FormatSb(sbPgn, mode, 0)
			vmapstatus = statusblind
			mapcp(doc, cpHdr);
			FormatSb(sbPgn, mode, 0, vlook1, vlook2);
		let xPgn = ho>>HO.xPgn
		xPgn = fEvenPage ? xwPage-xPgn, xPgn-(vxlast+1)
//		let tyPgn = RoundRatio(ho>>HO.yPgn, ymul, ydiv) -RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.ldTop+vsgh>>SG.topmax, ymul, ydiv)
		let tyPgn = ho>>HO.yPgn -(vsgh>>SG.ldTop+vsgh>>SG.topmax)
		FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xPgn+dxBind, xPgn+vxlast+dxBind, RoundRatio(tyPgn, ymul, ydiv))

if fPrinting then 
	[		// Private Data 
	if ho>>HO.fXpd & not vfDiablomode then
		if pi eq 0 then
			unless FGetPassword("XPD") do resultis cpnil - 1
		let xXpd = ho>>HO.xXpd + dxBind
		let tyXpd = RoundRatio(ho>>HO.yXpd, ymul, ydiv)

	test ho>>HO.fEars eq 0 ifso
		[	// The following futz is so that the
			// X,Y in the User Profile correspond
			// to the lower, left hand corner of
			// the bounding box.
			// Pressfinfo works from the
			// coordinates of the keyhole.
			// C'est la vie !
		xXpd = xXpd + 270
		tyXpd = tyXpd - 80

		move(table [ #100000+$X;	// newmsg and X
			$e; $r; $o; $x; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 7)
		vmaccr = 6
		move(table [ -1; -1; 8; (cRedx lshift 4+maxfun) lshift 8; ],
			 msgtbl, 4)
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+1500, 0,
			tyXpd+1200) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$P;	// newmsg and P
			$r; $i; $v; $a; $t; $e; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 9)
		vmaccr = 8
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+1500, 0,
			tyXpd+850) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$D;	// newmsg and D
			$a; $t; $a; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 6)
		vmaccr = 5
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+1500, 0,
			tyXpd+500) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$A; // newmsg (keyhole)
			chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 3)
		vmaccr = 2
		move(table [ -1; -1; 0;
			// again, Red
			(cRedx lshift 4+maxfun+2) lshift 8; ], msgtbl, 4)
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd,0,
			tyXpd-50) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

	ifnot	[

		move(table [ #100000+$X;	// newmsg and X
			$E; $R; $O; $X; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 7)
		vmaccr = 6
		move(table [ -1; -1; 0; maxfun*256; ], msgtbl, 4)
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+(2540*4)/5, 0, tyXpd) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$P;	// newmsg and P
			$R; $I; $V; $A; $T; $E; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 9)
		vmaccr = 8
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+(2540*4)/5, 0, tyXpd-85) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$D;	// newmsg and D
			$A; $T; $A; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 6)
		vmaccr = 5
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd+(2540*4)/5, 0, tyXpd-85*2) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

		move(table [ #100000+$A;	// newmsg (border font)
			$B; $C; $D; $E; $F;
			#100000+$A;	// newmsg (keyhole)
			#100000+$G;	// newmsg (border font)
			$H; chcr; -1 ], rgfinfo, 11)
		vmaccr = 10
		move(table [ -1; -1;
			0; (maxfun+1)*256;
			0; (maxfun+2)*256;
			0; (maxfun+1)*256; ], msgtbl, 8)
		if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xXpd, 0, tyXpd-85*3) ne 0 then resultis cpMac

let fLn = ho>>HO.fLn ne 0
let lnMod = ho>>HO.lnMod
if pi eq 0 then
	ho>>HO.lnLast = ho>>HO.lnFirst - 1
if ho>>HO.fPgRel then
	ho>>HO.lnLast = 0

let xwEdgemarg = ho>>HO.xwEdgemarg
let xwMiddlemarg = ho>>HO.xwMiddlemarg

let ccol = ho>>HO.ccol
let tmod = nil
let xwCol = divmod(xwPage - (xwEdgemarg lshift 1 +
	mult(ccol-1, xwMiddlemarg)), ccol, lv tmod)

//let tyStartOfTx = RoundRatio(ho>>HO.yStartOfTx, ymul, ydiv)
let tyStartOfTx = ho>>HO.yStartOfTx
//let tyEndOfTx = RoundRatio(ho>>HO.yEndOfTx, ymul, ydiv)
let tyEndOfTx = ho>>HO.yEndOfTx

let cpMinusOne = cp
let cpMinusTwo = cp

for icol = 0 to ccol-1 do
	let dxCol = mult(icol, xwCol+xwMiddlemarg) + dxBind
	let yTxline = tyStartOfTx
	let fFirstline = true
	let cchPgbrk = 0
		unless ult(cp, cpMac) do
			unless carg ls 10 do
				rv pcpMinusTwo = cpMinusTwo
//			resultis cpMac		//**PCL
			cp = cpMac
			goto chechpgnNhdr	
		if FAbortPage ne 0 then
			if FAbortPage() then
				resultis cpnil
		format(ww, cp, modehc)

		let fTestBound = true
if  EnvelopeFlag & cp gr EnvelopeCpLast then break		
		if cp eq vcuripar>>IPAR.cpfirst then
//			if parsacred>>PAR.control then
//				[
//				]
			let ypos = parsacred>>PAR.ypos
			if ypos ne -1 then
//				yTxline = RoundRatio(ypos, ymul, ydiv)
				yTxline = ypos
				fTestBound = false
			let ykeep = parsacred>>PAR.ykeep
			if ykeep ne 0 & not fFirstline then
//				if yTxline-RoundRatio(ykeep, ymul, ydiv) ls tyEndOfTx then
				if yTxline-ykeep ls tyEndOfTx then

//		let dyToptobl = RoundRatio((fFirstline ? 0, vsgh>>SG.ldTop) + vsgh>>SG.topmax, ymul, ydiv)
		let dyToptobl = (fFirstline ? 0, vsgh>>SG.ldTop) + vsgh>>SG.topmax
//		let dyBltobot = RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.blmax, ymul, ydiv)
		let dyBltobot = vsgh>>SG.blmax
		yTxline = yTxline - dyToptobl
		if (fTestBound & yTxline-dyBltobot ls tyEndOfTx) %
			cchPgbrk gr 0 then break
		test fPrinting ifso
			cchPgbrk = FinfoToOutput(fm, cp, vxfirst+dxCol,
				vxlast+dxCol, RoundRatio(yTxline, ymul, ydiv))
			if fLn then
				let ln = ho>>HO.lnLast + 1
				let tmod = nil
				divmod(ln, lnMod, lv tmod)
				if tmod eq 0 then
					let sbLn = vec 5
					stnum(sbLn, ln)
					FormatSb(sbLn, mode, 0, look1std, look2std)
					let xLn = xwEdgemarg - dxLn - (vxlast+1)
					FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xLn+dxCol,
						RoundRatio(yTxline, ymul, ydiv))
				ho>>HO.lnLast = ln
		ifnot	cchPgbrk = CchPgbrkScan()
		yTxline = yTxline - dyBltobot
		fFirstline = false
		cpMinusTwo = cpMinusOne
		cpMinusOne = cp
		cp = vcplast + 1
		] repeat
	if cchPgbrk gr 1 then break
unless pcpMinusTwo eq 0 do
	rv pcpMinusTwo = cpMinusTwo

if EnvelopeFlag then resultis cp
if ( fPrinting & not hdrdone )  then
	let sbPgn = lv ho>>HO.asbPgn
	test ho>>HO.fRoman ifso
		SbRoman(sbPgn, pgn, ho>>HO.fUppercase ne 0)
	ifnot	stnum(sbPgn, pgn)

	let cpHdr = fEvenPage ? ho>>HO.cpHdrEven, ho>>HO.cpHdrOdd
	if cpHdr ne cpnil & not (pi eq 0 & ho>>HO.fNoHdr) then
//		let yHdr = RoundRatio(11 * ptsperinch, ymul, ydiv)
		let yHdr = 11 * ptsperinch
			format(ww, cpHdr, modehc)
			if cpHdr eq vcuripar>>IPAR.cpfirst then
				let ypos = parsacred>>PAR.ypos
				if ypos ne -1 then
//					yHdr = RoundRatio(ypos, ymul, ydiv)
					yHdr = ypos
//			let dyToptobl = RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.ldTop + 				vsgh>>SG.topmax, ymul, ydiv)
			let dyToptobl = vsgh>>SG.ldTop +
//			let dyBltobot = RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.blmax, ymul, ydiv)
			let dyBltobot = vsgh>>SG.blmax
			yHdr = yHdr - dyToptobl
			if FinfoToOutput(fm, cpHdr, vxfirst+dxBind, vxlast+dxBind, RoundRatio(yHdr, ymul, ydiv)) ne 0 then resultis cpMac
			yHdr = yHdr - dyBltobot
			if vcplast eq vcuripar>>IPAR.cplast then break
			cpHdr = vcplast + 1
			] repeat
	CurrentcpHdr = cpHdr			
	CurrentsbPgn = sbPgn			
	]	//**PCL end here

if fPrinting & not pgnodone then			
	let  cpHdr = CurrentcpHdr	
	let  sbPgn = CurrentsbPgn	
	if not hdrdone then 
	sbPgn = lv ho>>HO.asbPgn
	test ho>>HO.fRoman ifso
		SbRoman(sbPgn, pgn, ho>>HO.fUppercase ne 0)
	ifnot	stnum(sbPgn, pgn)

	cpHdr = fEvenPage ? ho>>HO.cpHdrEven, ho>>HO.cpHdrOdd

	if ho>>HO.fPgn & not (pi eq 0 & ho>>HO.fNoPgn) then
		test cpHdr eq cpnil ifso
			FormatSb(sbPgn, mode, 0)
			vmapstatus = statusblind
			mapcp(doc, cpHdr);
			FormatSb(sbPgn, mode, 0, vlook1, vlook2);
		let xPgn = ho>>HO.xPgn
		xPgn = fEvenPage ? xwPage-xPgn, xPgn-(vxlast+1)
//		let tyPgn = RoundRatio(ho>>HO.yPgn, ymul, ydiv) - RoundRatio(vsgh>>SG.ldTop+vsgh>>SG.topmax, ymul, ydiv)
		let tyPgn = ho>>HO.yPgn -
		FinfoToOutput(fm, cpnil, xPgn+dxBind, xPgn+vxlast+dxBind, RoundRatio(tyPgn, ymul, ydiv))
	]	// end here **PCL

resultis cp

] // end CpFormatPage

// C C H   P G B R K   S C A N

and CchPgbrkScan() = valof
let tfmsg = msgtbl
let cchPgbrk = 0
for cr = 0 to vmaccr-1 do
	let finfo = rgfinfo ! cr
	if finfo<<FINFO.newmsg then
		tfmsg = tfmsg + 2
	unless (tfmsg>>FMSG.look1)<<LOOK1.vanish do
		if finfo<<FINFO.char eq chpgbrk then
			cchPgbrk = cchPgbrk + 1
resultis cchPgbrk
] // end CchPgbrkScan

// F O R M A T   S B

and FormatSb(sb, mode, xFirst, look1, look2; numargs carg) be
if carg ls 4 then
	look1 = look1std
	look2 = look2std
if mode ne modehc then
	errhlt("wrong mode")
// move(table [ -1; -1; look1std; look2std ], msgtbl, 4)
msgtbl ! 0 = -1; msgtbl ! 1 = -1; msgtbl ! 2 = look1; msgtbl ! 3 = look2; 
vsgh>>SG.ldTop = parstd>>PAR.lead
establishfun(look2<<LOOK2.fun, look1<<LOOK1.modchar, mode)
vofset = 0
establishofset(vsgh, vheighth, vblh, ldToSgTop, maxBlBlNew)
vxfirst = xFirst
vxlast = xFirst
vmaccr = sb>>SB.cch
for cr = 0 to vmaccr-1 do
	let ch = sb>>SB.ch ↑ cr
	rgfinfo ! cr = ch
	let xw = (vrgcc1 ! ch)<<CC.width
	rgxw ! cr = xw
	vxlast = vxlast + xw
rgfinfo ! 0 = rgfinfo ! 0 + #100000	// newmsg
rgfinfo ! vmaccr = finfoterm
vxlast = vxlast - 1
] // end FormatSb

// S B   R O M A N

and SbRoman(sb, int, fUppercase; numargs carg) = valof
if carg ls 3 then fUppercase = false

let sbSource = "iviiixlxxxcdcccm"
let rgcchcp = table
	0 lshift 8 + 2	// 0
	1 lshift 8 + 2	// 1
	2 lshift 8 + 2	// 2
	3 lshift 8 + 2	// 3
	2 lshift 8 + 0	// 4
	1 lshift 8 + 1	// 5
	2 lshift 8 + 1	// 6
	3 lshift 8 + 1	// 7
	4 lshift 8 + 1	// 8
	2 lshift 8 + 4	// 9

rv sb = 0
for dcp = 0 to 10 by 5 do
	let intRem = nil
	int = divmod(int, 10, lv intRem)
	let tsb = vec 10
	rv tsb = rgcchcp ! intRem
	let cpSource = tsb>>rh
	for tcp = 0 to stsize(tsb)-1 do
		let ch = stget(sbSource, cpSource+tcp+dcp)
		stput(tsb, tcp, (fUppercase ? ch - #40, ch))
	stappend(tsb, sb)
	stcopy(sb, tsb)
resultis int eq 0 ? sb, sbnil
] // end SbRoman

// S H O W   P G N   M O D

and ShowPgnMod(pgn) be
let cvt = vec lcvt
cvt>>CVT.nwrds = 1
let curmap = vec 16;
movec(curmap, curmap+15, 0)
cvt>>CVT.pwBase = curmap-1
cvt>>CVT.xb = 0

let font = getfont(0) + 2
cvt>>CVT.font = font

let pgnMod10 = nil;
divmod(pgn, 10, lv pgnMod10)
let chCur = $0 + pgnMod10
let trgfinfo = vec 2;
trgfinfo ! 0 = chCur;
trgfinfo ! 1 = -1
cvt>>CVT.rgfinfo = trgfinfo
cvt>>CVT.rgxw = table [ 0 ];

let pfcd = font + chCur + font ! chCur
unless (pfcd>>odd eq 0) % ((pfcd ! 1)<<lh + (pfcd ! 1)<<rh ge 16) do
	scanconvert(0, cvt)
	move(curmap, #431, 16)
cursorstate = -1

// F   G E T   P A S S W O R D

and FGetPassword(sbPassword) = valof
// "Type password term. by ESC"
SetRegionSys(risysstate, 155, 37)
let cpMac = stsize(sbPassword) + 1
if cpMac gr 9 then errhlt("gpw")
let tsb = vec 5
	let tcp = 0
		let ch = uc(getchar())
//		SetRegionSys(risyspast, rinil)
//		updatedisplay()
		switchon ch into
case bs:
			tcp = max(0, tcp-1)

case ctrlw:
			tcp = 0

case chesc:

case chdel:
//		"Command terminated"
			SetRegionSys(risyspast, 13, 50)
			resultis false

			if tcp ls cpMac then
				stput(tsb, tcp, ch)
				tcp = tcp+1
		] repeat
	tsb>>SB.cch = tcp
	if stcompare(tsb, sbPassword) eq 0 then break
// "Incorrect password"
	SetRegionSys(risyspast, 156)
	] repeat
SetRegionSys(risysstate, rinil)
resultis true
] // end FGetPassword