Page Numbers: Yes X: 527 Y: 10.5" First Page: 97 Not-on-first-page
Margins: Top: 1.3" Bottom: 1" Binding: -8
Odd Heading: Not-on-first-page
Even Heading:
Draw Manual
Table of Contents
1. Using the menu
2. Drawing a curve100
3. Text102
3.1 Text input102
3.2 Text positioning102
3.3 Menu command103
4. Redrawing and rewriting103
5. Moving, copying, transforming104
5.1 Selecting104
5.2 Translating105
5.3 Copying105
5.4 Transforming: rotation and scaling106
5.5 Transforming: stretching, slanting, symmetry, etc.107
6. Deleting109
7. Refreshing109
8. Undoing109
9. Use of the mouse buttons110
9.1 Defining a point110
9.2 Pointing112
10. Saving and retrieving pictures113
11. Printing113
12. Fonts114
13. On-line documentation114
14. How to run DRAW115
15. Summary of commands116
15.1 Menu commands116
15.2 Keyboard commands117
Appendix A: Mouse and keyboard terminology118
Appendix B: Arrow head font119
Appendix C: Examples120
Appendix D: Recent changes127
Insert old Draw manual here (pages 74-102)
- Renumber pages to be 98-126
- Cut out most of section 11, starting with "Pictures may be printed on Ears...".